DAY 75 sat 14/7/12 won £33.30 b/roll £308.43 (+£267.72) c4p 57 total 1836 = £18.36 to come. at last had some decent run.... been waiting for this day for a while. makes me realise it does happen occasionally, just a shame it doesn't happen as often as it should. got over the £300 barrier much quicker than i had been expecting this week, so very happy atm with the way it all seems to be going. had some dark days haven't i,so i guess it's only fair to have the odd nice 1 too. lol dev Posted by devonfish5
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£275.13)...highest yet....hooooray. : Nice one Dev keep it up mate Gary Posted by Largearce
Being playing mtts most of the week.Keep busting on or near the bubble.Same again tonight in main finished 52 paid 50.Not to worry though as I am sure I will win one at some stage.
Delighted for you pal. Upwards and onwards. Being playing mtts most of the week.Keep busting on or near the bubble.Same again tonight in main finished 52 paid 50.Not to worry though as I am sure I will win one at some stage. Run well Ps I got my profiler changed lol. Pat Posted by day4eire76
hi PAT,THAT'S BETTER. thanks m8 looks like ur just being unlucky atm with your mtt's i'm sure patience is key when playing them as you don't win many but when you score. probably the reason i don't play mtt's is i don't know how long i could go without a win but that said.... you never know i might give them a proper go 1 day? best wishes buddy dev
Outstandin m8.No sweat whatsoever.Keep it goin my man.The 4 figure target will be a breeze.Think its my turn now to go for a target.You're obviously hoggin the limelight lol.
Thanks Pal, Have just checked my dym results and they look good to me.This is where I could do with some advice.I play the dyms up to £5 but mostly at 2 and 3.I do alright, meaning I am up at the end of the week, most weeks.I only play between 4 and at most 8-12 a night.Can only do 3 tables at a time on my laptop.This is what my question is should I play dyms only as I think at the levels I play I might make a small profit or a small loss each week.Or should I try the mttts where I might get one big win but could go awhile before even cashing.I have been doing mostly mtts this week from the monday forum game onwards.Tried following sky pokers tv advice and go for wins and not min cashes.Didn't go to good, forum game Monday finished 22nd 32nd and 32nd no cashes but good fun.Same rest of the week.So what to do, play dyms and probally make small profit but good c4p or Mtts where 1 good result would make a massive difference but could really do damage to bankroll. Any taughts anyone Pat Posted by day4eire76
Hi Pat,
The 1st question to ask yourself is which do you prefer?
When I 1st started here a couple of months ago with £10 I had always been a sng player so playing dym's seemed the natural course with sng's not too popular here. I did ok but don't like the bubble play in them as much of the times it becomes purely shove central. Like you I can only 2 table unlike dev here who can take out a lot of the varience with multi tables.
The Monday night DTD got me into playing mtt's & ok I was lucky to win the Totty & the lucky 7's which means the bankroll is over £450. Mainly now I am playing the £2.20 mtt's rebuy's but only buying the "add on" these are proving to be profitable enough to have a go at the satelittes into the bigger mtt's. I also play the Timed tournies on a wed night which are good fun.
So I guess what I am trying to say is at the end of the day, play whichever gives you most pleasure, I am full of admiration for Dev & the way he can multi table & his dedication to this mission, but for me poker is fun so just enjoy it.
Sorry dev I didn't mean to hog your thread but Pat did ask lol
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£308.43)hoooooray : Hi Pat, The 1st question to ask yourself is which do you prefer? When I 1st started here a couple of months ago with £10 I had always been a sng player so playing dym's seemed the natural course with sng's not too popular here. I did ok but don't like the bubble play in them as much of the times it becomes purely shove central. Like you I can only 2 table unlike dev here who can take out a lot of the varience with multi tables. The Monday night DTD got me into playing mtt's & ok I was lucky to win the Totty & the lucky 7's which means the bankroll is over £450. Mainly now I am playing the £2.20 mtt's rebuy's but only buying the "add on" these are proving to be profitable enough to have a go at the satelittes into the bigger mtt's. I also play the Timed tournies on a wed night which are good fun. So I guess what I am trying to say is at the end of the day, play whichever gives you most pleasure, I am full of admiration for Dev & the way he can multi table & his dedication to this mission, but for me poker is fun so just enjoy it. Sorry dev I didn't mean to hog your thread but Pat did ask lol Posted by Woogie8688
Outstandin m8.No sweat whatsoever.Keep it goin my man.The 4 figure target will be a breeze.Think its my turn now to go for a target.You're obviously hoggin the limelight lol. Be good bud Paul Posted by bignoise10
hi Paul, ty m8, yeah i am here each day ,aren't i. really i should go on 'Big Brother' that would be a doddle compared to this!!! lol yes,why not get something going yourself,no reason why you shouldn't? been a few day's when i've thought "what the hell am i doing?"but not many. looks like now i've settled on playing almost entirely £3 games & seems 2b going forwards nicely atm, (hope i've not spoken to anyway, best wishes Paul, dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£308.43)hoooooray : Hi Pat, The 1st question to ask yourself is which do you prefer? When I 1st started here a couple of months ago with £10 I had always been a sng player so playing dym's seemed the natural course with sng's not too popular here. I did ok but don't like the bubble play in them as much of the times it becomes purely shove central. Like you I can only 2 table unlike dev here who can take out a lot of the varience with multi tables. The Monday night DTD got me into playing mtt's & ok I was lucky to win the Totty & the lucky 7's which means the bankroll is over £450. Mainly now I am playing the £2.20 mtt's rebuy's but only buying the "add on" these are proving to be profitable enough to have a go at the satelittes into the bigger mtt's. I also play the Timed tournies on a wed night which are good fun. So I guess what I am trying to say is at the end of the day, play whichever gives you most pleasure, I am full of admiration for Dev & the way he can multi table & his dedication to this mission, but for me poker is fun so just enjoy it. Sorry dev I didn't mean to hog your thread but Pat did ask lol Posted by Woogie8688
no worries Mike,you know i won't mind. hi Pat, Mike's right which do you prefer? the most important thing is to enjoy playing,obviously winning makes a diference,becuse if you can win &see your b/roll increase,what is there not to like. i am as you know into dym atm but that doesn't mean i will or have to play them forever. why not play a mixture of both as you are atm & see where it takes you. if u can grind out a small profit playing dym's & use some or all of that money to pay for some mtt fun,why not? then when you get that nice cash you can think again. anyway m8, it's you that 's playing, it's you that's's your choice. good luck buddy. dev
Boom! The £300 barrier is breached, very well played! Posted by GaryQQQ
nice one dev on breaking another barrier; don't know about you but I only feel I'm really through the barrier when I'm through the next one (if that makes sense!) Have spent so many times bouncing back and forth a barrier - must be psychological
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£308.43)hoooooray : Good idea dev, You deserve a day off m8 & back nice & fresh tomorrow also means you stay over the magical £300 mark. Doing great bud & doing the "Devon Mafia" proud. Keep smiling Posted by Woogie8688
hi mike, ty m8. playing 7pm freeroll atm. couldn't resist. best wishes dev
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee keep it up small steps, plus wouldn't put too much emphasis on these barriers they start to become a bit of a mind block if you drop below £300 it can start to mess u up in the head and mess with your play get em in good and it will fall into place run good Posted by rancid
hi rancid, yes m8,they come when they come. nearly 1/3 there,so looking good. best wishes dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£308.43)hoooooray : nice one dev on breaking another barrier; don't know about you but I only feel I'm really through the barrier when I'm through the next one (if that makes sense!) Have spent so many times bouncing back and forth a barrier - must be psychological Posted by uncle0nion
hi un onion, yeah no what u mean m8,had same problem @ £200 just hoping £300 goes without too many problems. best wishes dev
another w so all good played good ran ok. just about 1/3 of the way there i make it,so barring any major slip-ups got 2b happy with the way it is all going atm. at last got some momentum & feel really good about my game for the 1st time in along while. just need the bad run to stay away,something that has been holding me back for the past 3 weeks or so, and i'm confident that i might even be able to reach the £500 barrier when this months c4p kick in. of course, could all go 'pips up' but i'm on a roll so who knows? either way... doesn't really matter,as "it's a never endin game" lol
hi devon i read your thread pretty much every day but hardly ever post but thought id say im happy your bankroll goin in the right direction gl and keep it up m8
hi devon i read your thread pretty much every day but hardly ever post but thought id say im happy your bankroll goin in the right direction gl and keep it up m8 Posted by liamboi11
thanks m8, yeah,finally seem 2b getting somewhere,i think. seem to be playing at a nice level atm (£3) & winning so i see no reason to make any changes. would be nice to move up to £5 especially with number of tables i play,as c4p would be even better but will probably wait now untill i get b/roll up to £500,then add 1 or 2 tables gradually. thanks for posting buddy, best wishes, dev
Hi Dev, glad to see the challenge going well. Noticed you're a third of the way there now... out of interest, when you get to the £1000 target (which I'm assuming you will) what do you intend to do? Will you withdraw some of it? If so how much? Or continue building up the roll with other forms of poker?
Anyway, good going so far mate and keep up the good work!
Hi Dev, glad to see the challenge going well. Noticed you're a third of the way there now... out of interest, when you get to the £1000 target (which I'm assuming you will) what do you intend to do? Will you withdraw some of it? If so how much? Or continue building up the roll with other forms of poker? Anyway, good going so far mate and keep up the good work! Posted by El_Mogul
hi el, thanks m8. good question, not sure yet what i will do,probably just carry on playing dym as i think it is my best way of making money. might have a week off & try a few diferent mtt's as i've not tried them properly b4. might as i've previously said try an mtt challenge for a change or just carry on i do like dym though as each game has a set stake in place whereas cash is a lot more unpredicdable imo. anyway, got 2 get there 1st haven't i? so plenty of time to decide what to do. cheers buddy, dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£332.13)).+£19.29 c4p to come..1/3 of the way there...hooooray : hi el, thanks m8. good question, not sure yet what i will do,probably just carry on playing dym as i think it is my best way of making money. might have a week off & try a few diferent mtt's as i've not tried them properly b4. might as i've previously said try an mtt challenge for a change or just carry on i do like dym though as each game has a set stake in place whereas cash is a lot more unpredicdable imo. anyway, got 2 get there 1st haven't i? so plenty of time to decide what to do. cheers buddy, dev Posted by devonfish5
O... M... G.. an APOSTROPHE , LOL, glad you are doing well bud. Stick to what you are good at, take a shot here and there but overall, as i said already, just stick to what you know best.
well done on breaching that £300 barrier, onwards and upwards
you too m8
just hope i don't have the same problems i had @ £200 barrier. lol
best wishes
Upwards and onwards.
Being playing mtts most of the week.Keep busting on or near the bubble.Same again tonight in main finished 52 paid 50.Not to worry though as I am sure I will win one at some stage.
Run well
Ps I got my profiler changed lol.
thanks m8
looks like ur just being unlucky atm with your mtt's
i'm sure patience is key when playing them as you don't win many but when you score.
probably the reason i don't play mtt's is i don't know how long i could go without a win but that said....
you never know i might give them a proper go 1 day?
best wishes buddy
Thanks Pal,
Will move this as don't want to hog Devs blog.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£308.43)hoooooray:
ty m8,
yeah i am here each day ,aren't i.
really i should go on 'Big Brother' that would be a doddle compared to this!!! lol
yes,why not get something going yourself,no reason why you shouldn't?
been a few day's when i've thought "what the hell am i doing?"but not many.
looks like now i've settled on playing almost entirely £3 games & seems 2b going forwards nicely atm,
(hope i've not spoken to
best wishes Paul,
good luck with your challenge too m8.
hi Pat,
Mike's right which do you prefer?
the most important thing is to enjoy playing,obviously winning makes a diference,becuse if you can win &see your b/roll increase,what is there not to like.
i am as you know into dym atm but that doesn't mean i will or have to play them forever.
why not play a mixture of both as you are atm & see where it takes you.
if u can grind out a small profit playing dym's & use some or all of that money to pay for some mtt fun,why not?
then when you get that nice cash you can think again.
anyway m8,
it's you that 's playing, it's you that's's your choice.
good luck buddy.
sun 15/7/12
"bingo day"
havin a day off.
no point in pushing it as i've had a good last 2 days.
back tomorrow.
small steps, plus wouldn't put too much emphasis on these barriers
they start to become a bit of a mind block
if you drop below £300 it can start to mess u up in the head and mess with your play
get em in good and it will fall into place
run good
ty m8.
playing 7pm freeroll atm.
couldn't resist.
best wishes
yes m8,they come when they come.
nearly 1/3 there,so looking good.
best wishes
yeah no what u mean m8,had same problem @ £200
just hoping £300 goes without too many problems.
best wishes
mon 16/7/12
won £23.70
b/roll £332.13 (+£291.42)
c4p 93
total 1929 = £19.29 to come
another w so all good
played good ran ok.
just about 1/3 of the way there i make it,so barring any major slip-ups got 2b happy with the way it is all going atm.
at last got some momentum & feel really good about my game for the 1st time in along while.
just need the bad run to stay away,something that has been holding me back for the past 3 weeks or so,
and i'm confident that i might even be able to reach the £500 barrier when this months c4p kick in.
of course,
could all go 'pips up' but i'm on a roll so who knows?
either way...
doesn't really matter,as "it's a never endin game"
yeah,finally seem 2b getting somewhere,i think.
seem to be playing at a nice level atm (£3) & winning so i see no reason to make any changes.
would be nice to move up to £5 especially with number of tables i play,as c4p would be even better
but will probably wait now untill i get b/roll up to £500,then add 1 or 2 tables gradually.
thanks for posting buddy,
best wishes,
£450 still on dev don,,,t let me down,
ps,,will i win a prize if my guess is the closest
ty m8,
think it's on....
just need 2 run ok & i've got a chance.
i don't want to put myself under any more pressure but.....
i think £500 is possible.
what have u in mind as a prize?
hope things are ok with you too m8,
1 day at a time buddy,
Anyway, good going so far mate and keep up the good work!
thanks m8.
good question,
not sure yet what i will do,probably just carry on playing dym as i think it is my best way of making money.
might have a week off & try a few diferent mtt's as i've not tried them properly b4.
might as i've previously said try an mtt challenge for a change or just carry on
i do like dym though as each game has a set stake in place whereas cash is a lot more unpredicdable imo.
got 2 get there 1st haven't i?
so plenty of time to decide what to do.
cheers buddy,