Time to be positive Ian, Choose which level you do best at for the volume of games you play. If I was you I would be playing on the £2/£3 You know you are playing ok & its just a case of ironing out the varience. Play the volume you are, the results will come back with the confidence.You are good enough to beat this m8. Take care & run good Dev Posted by Woogie8688
hi Mike, thanks m8, yes,will play £2 & £3 tonight i think. got 2 keep on trying the higher levels though and i,m sure it,s only going 2b a matter of time & practise until i get it right. still feel i,m playing ok,if i didn,t i would be honest enough and sensible enough not to even go there. best wishes m8 DEV
Hi Dev Great posts shame its going the wrong way at the moment, best of luck. You always do what i did, move house lol. Since i moved in April after not really getting anywhere on the tables i put £100 in my account and thought i would only play £10 and £5 mtts and its seemed to work. Now in profit:) 4th April was -£1400ish now after just playing sensible poker, lol +£240. Good luck Jon Volume 550 mtts. Posted by j3ono
hi Jon, well done m8,nice turn around. yes,i do seem 2b unsure as to which level i should play atm. if i was playing my normal game/strategy i would be using the 100 buy-in rule.b4 moving up levels. as i am attempting to reach £1000 asap on this particular mission,that rule does not apply here. maybe i could/should simply use it as i,m sure i would be showing a bigger b/roll than i am atm? if things carry on as they are for much longer,1 step forward...1 step back then i will have to consider aborting my current plan & simply do it the hard way & grind it out 1 level at a time. i,m taking things very much 1 day at a time. either way,i,m confident of reaching my £1000 target, & that has always been my only aim right from day 1. don,t know just how many knock backs i can take though,not to many more i feel. i have no regrets though as the experience & knolwedge i am learning from this mission,will i,m sure be invaluable for the future. best wishes Jon, dev
play £2/£3 level if you play £5 level, lower volume of tables maybe playing lots of tables at once at £2/£3 level is not a problem, but £5 maybe a little tougher to play optimumly on the bubble acroos a lot of tables think if your jumping up to £5 level, remember a level you have not beaten you may need to adjust slightly Posted by rancid
hi rancid, good points m8. yes i,m sure the £5 level is that bit harder but the only way i,m going to beat it is by playing it. it is still quite early days though so i am not overly concerned. i,m sure i am making mistakes and those will eventually disappear with time,i hope. losing 18 buy-ins as i did y,day in total, looks bad but if i,d lost the same at £1 or £2 levels i wouldn,t even bat an eye lid,at least not with a 100 buy-in b/roll 4 each level. tbh i did have a fair ammount of bad run y,day but that said,it,s no excuse,as i know it,s all part of the game. i,m not into posting hands like many others do but i,m sure you have had losing sessions yourself when you have felt you did very little wrong. just seems i,m getting my hands in good so often atm anyway,where they have to hit & i don,t & they do. had aa v 44 & i lost to 4 clubs coming giving opponent flush...-£10 swing. just 1 example i know. getting lots of these too;i have ak v kq opponent hits q to knock me out, or kq v j 8, j or 8 comes again so often. now i,m not going to be silly and say something like "it,s fixed" am i? but it can get to the point where you do start doubting yourself and the way you are playing this game. that said,i,m feeling better already and ready for another sess this evening. lol best wishes m8 dev
dropped levels played mainly £3 with a few £2 at start. took everyones advice on board, thanks Mike & rancid. xx (don,t get the wrong idea!!! lol)
just going to have to stay at these levels i guess as £5 not agreeing with me atm. nice to get the W as it seems some time since i last reported on one. lol
gave my 4 monthly blood donation earlier today,so maybe there is someone up there looking out 4me. lol back tomorrow, dev
DAY 64 won £28.70 b/roll £146.61 (+£105.90) + £72.85 c4p to come c4p 96 total 672 = £5.38 dropped levels played mainly £3 with a few £2 at start. took everyones advice on board, thanks Mike & rancid. xx (don,t get the wrong idea!!! lol) just going to have to stay at these levels i guess as £5 not agreeing with me atm. nice to get the W as it seems some time since i last reported on one. lol gave my 4 monthly blood donation earlier today,so maybe there is someone up there looking out 4me. lol back tomorrow, dev Posted by devonfish5
Nice 1 m8 glad the smile is back, keep it going now please!!
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£117,91)+£72.85 c4p to come. yeah,lost again!!! : Nice 1 m8 glad the smile is back, keep it going now please!! Posted by Woogie8688
thanks Mike, will try m8. all doom & gloom y,day back 2 me old self today. hoooooray. lol ian
hi dev, don't blame you for stepping down a level given the variance you were suffering. but at least with your recent experience on £5 tables it will be more comfortable for you to go back up once your br will allow it. rooting for you all the way Posted by GELDY
hi GELDY, thanks m8, what would you suggest my br should be b4 i try again? i,m thinking maybe i should get the 100 buy-ins ie;£500 so that i feel comfortable & also should allow me a few bad sessions which i seem 2b getting every time i try & play there. dev
Nice to see you cheery again Dev. Long may it continue. Posted by Dagnamit
thanks too Dagnamit, yes m8 it,s certainly been very up & down last few weeks & deffo tested my patience. think i,ll just try & grind @ £3 level for the nxt week or 3 & see if i can move forwards that way as £5,s are just doin my head in,atm lol also sure it will help me "up top" too, lol best wishes, dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£117,91)+£72.85 c4p to come. yeah,lost again!!! : hi Jon, well done m8,nice turn around. yes,i do seem 2b unsure as to which level i should play atm. if i was playing my normal game/strategy i would be using the 100 buy-in rule.b4 moving up levels. as i am attempting to reach £1000 asap on this particular mission,that rule does not apply here. maybe i could/should simply use it as i,m sure i would be showing a bigger b/roll than i am atm? if things carry on as they are for much longer,1 step forward...1 step back then i will have to consider aborting my current plan & simply do it the hard way & grind it out 1 level at a time. i,m taking things very much 1 day at a time. either way,i,m confident of reaching my £1000 target, & that has always been my only aim right from day 1. don,t know just how many knock backs i can take though,not to many more i feel. i have no regrets though as the experience & knolwedge i am learning from this mission,will i,m sure be invaluable for the future. best wishes Jon, dev Posted by devonfish5
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£117,91)+£72.85 c4p to come. yeah,lost again!!! : Thanks Dev YOU CAN DO IT Posted by j3ono
reach £250 and bash the £5 level, table select better at £5 maybe :S Posted by rancid
hi m8, ty 4 all advice buddy. going to stick with £3 4 a few days & see how that goes. fed up losing @ £5 atm but i,m sure i will be back there trying again at some point. you could be right though about table selection? may be something i will have to think about. although i guess you shouldn,t be frightened to play anyone at any level,if u r u shouldn,t be there,again, imo. best wishes dev
Good to see you bouncing back nicely, well played Dev. I agree with the other posters; stick to £3.30+. At your high volume that extra 5% rake at £2.25 or less makes a big dent in your profits. #MissionYour'eGonnaDoIt Posted by GaryQQQ
hi Gary cheers m8, yeah,played £3 only tonight ... won again so seems 2b working atm. keep up the good work on your challenge too. best wishes dev
b/roll £159.21 (+£118.50) +£72.85 c4p to come tomorrow hoooooray!!!
c4p 114 total 786 = £6.29
played £3 games only tonight happy with the w as always. b/roll will look even better tomorrow whan c4p arrive,so all good in the hood,atm. looks as though the new tactics of playing £3,s is working atm, so i see no need to make any changes. thank you to everyone for the great support you have all given me,it really does help me so much,especially after all the losses i have had recently!!! back tomorrow, best wishes as always, dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£146.61)+ £72.85 c4p to come......hooooray again. lol : hi GELDY, thanks m8, what would you suggest my br should be b4 i try again? i,m thinking maybe i should get the 100 buy-ins ie;£500 so that i feel comfortable & also should allow me a few bad sessions which i seem 2b getting every time i try & play there. dev Posted by devonfish5
sorry - can't help you with this one dev,
as I don't manage to a bankroll anything I say will be pure conjecture, you already know more about brm than I do, and there are many better qualified to help. My comments on level to play are just based on you having a solid game, and thus playing up a bit will make you more money in the long term. You are quite right though, to put it in the context of good brm.
PS still 6-tabling cash - and feeling increasingly comfortable with it - and my results are similar to when I used to 2-table. So thanks once again for the inspiration to give multi-tabling a go.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£146.61)+ £72.85 c4p to come......hooooray again. lol : sorry - can't help you with this one dev, as I don't manage to a bankroll anything I say will be pure conjecture, you already know more about brm than I do, and there are many better qualified to help. My comments on level to play are just based on you having a solid game, and thus playing up a bit will make you more money in the long term. You are quite right though, to put it in the context of good brm. PS still 6-tabling cash - and feeling increasingly comfortable with it - and my results are similar to when I used to 2-table. So thanks once again for the inspiration to give multi-tabling a go. Posted by GELDY
no worries m8, glad that 6 tables is going well. does get easier with practise doesn,t it? just a shame that c4p has been ruined imo as it wasn,t to bad b4 they 1/2 it. i wonder if dare i say it,you might 1 day try playing any more? keep it going dev
happy with small w b/roll going up slowly....again. played 2x£5 games, w 1 L1 staying @£3 untill i reach £500 will play 2x£5 games a session,just for the practise & the hell of it. lol back tomorrow dev
hi m8, sorry i missed your post,only just seen it. yes,hope to get over £300 anyway as £270 is my max so far,i think. think now i am back @ £3 things should hopefully improve.... although you can,t take anything for granted,can you? best wishes dev
Keep up the good work bud.Best wishes. Paul Posted by bignoise10
thanks Paul, always try my best. thank you for your support m8. hope things are going well for you your wife,(sorry i don,t know her name?)& the wee man. best wishes dev
DAY 67 lost £3.50 won £0.50 freeroll b/roll £236.76 (+£196.05) c4p 53 total 969 = £7.75 played 1x £5 & won. short session no damage done + a few more c4p. back laters dev Posted by devonfish5
Now that IS a short session! ;-)
Ur doing great Dev - it's all about stickability in this game, so don't let the setbacks get u2down.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£239.76...hooooray again. lol : Now that IS a short session! ;-) Ur doing great Dev - it's all about stickability in this game, so don't let the setbacks get u2down. Posted by JingleMa
thanks m8 played some £3 too m8 lol but u knew that. how u doing with no. of tables now? up to 18 yet /> dev
Delighted your back on the up again.Fair play for keeping up your challenge.I find it hard to just play dyms.I need to try a few mtts.Haven't played much the last month but starting to hit the tables again.Running bad but feel my luck is about to change.In the last three days I got the rest of my exam results and passed with flying colours.Had my birthday Thursday and got a new job yesterday after been unemployed for over two years.
Hey Pal, Delighted your back on the up again.Fair play for keeping up your challenge.I find it hard to just play dyms.I need to try a few mtts.Haven't played much the last month but starting to hit the tables again.Running bad but feel my luck is about to change.In the last three days I got the rest of my exam results and passed with flying colours.Had my birthday Thursday and got a new job yesterday after been unemployed for over two years. Run good Pal and see you at the tables. Pat Posted by day4eire76
hi Pat, belated happy birthday m8. well done on getting your new job & also passing your exams. looks as though finally thinhgs are on the up again 4u. just need 2 win a few sessions @ poker & "life,s good" besy wishes m8 dev
thanks m8,
yes,will play £2 & £3 tonight i think.
got 2 keep on trying the higher levels though and i,m sure it,s only going 2b a matter of time & practise until i get it right.
still feel i,m playing ok,if i didn,t i would be honest enough and sensible enough not to even go there.
best wishes m8
well done m8,nice turn around.
yes,i do seem 2b unsure as to which level i should play atm.
if i was playing my normal game/strategy i would be using the 100 buy-in rule.b4 moving up levels.
as i am attempting to reach £1000 asap on this particular mission,that rule does not apply here.
maybe i could/should simply use it as i,m sure i would be showing a bigger b/roll than i am atm?
if things carry on as they are for much longer,1 step forward...1 step back then i will have to consider aborting my current plan & simply do it the hard way & grind it out 1 level at a time.
i,m taking things very much 1 day at a time.
either way,i,m confident of reaching my £1000 target, & that has always been my only aim right from day 1.
don,t know just how many knock backs i can take though,not to many more i feel.
i have no regrets though as the experience & knolwedge i am learning from this mission,will i,m sure be invaluable for the future.
best wishes Jon,
good points m8.
yes i,m sure the £5 level is that bit harder but the only way i,m going to beat it is by playing it.
it is still quite early days though so i am not overly concerned.
i,m sure i am making mistakes and those will eventually disappear with time,i hope.
losing 18 buy-ins as i did y,day in total, looks bad but if i,d lost the same at £1 or £2 levels i wouldn,t even bat an eye lid,at least not with a 100 buy-in b/roll 4 each level.
tbh i did have a fair ammount of bad run y,day but that said,it,s no excuse,as i know it,s all part of the game.
i,m not into posting hands like many others do but i,m sure you have had losing sessions yourself when you have felt you did very little wrong.
just seems i,m getting my hands in good so often atm anyway,where they have to hit & i don,t & they do.
had aa v 44 & i lost to 4 clubs coming giving opponent flush...-£10 swing.
just 1 example i know.
getting lots of these too;i have ak v kq opponent hits q to knock me out,
or kq v j 8, j or 8 comes again so often.
now i,m not going to be silly and say something like "it,s fixed" am i?
but it can get to the point where you do start doubting yourself and the way you are playing this game.
that said,i,m feeling better already and ready for another sess this evening. lol
best wishes m8
won £28.70
b/roll £146.61 (+£105.90)
+ £72.85 c4p to come
c4p 96
total 672 = £5.38
dropped levels played mainly £3 with a few £2 at start.
took everyones advice on board,
thanks Mike & rancid. xx
(don,t get the wrong idea!!! lol)
just going to have to stay at these levels i guess as £5 not agreeing with me atm.
nice to get the W as it seems some time since i last reported on one. lol
gave my 4 monthly blood donation earlier today,so maybe there is someone up there looking out 4me. lol
back tomorrow,
will try m8.
all doom & gloom y,day
back 2 me old self today.
thanks m8,
what would you suggest my br should be b4 i try again?
i,m thinking maybe i should get the 100 buy-ins ie;£500 so that i feel comfortable & also should allow me a few bad sessions which i seem 2b getting every time i try & play there.
yes m8 it,s certainly been very up & down last few weeks & deffo tested my patience.
think i,ll just try & grind @ £3 level for the nxt week or 3 & see if i can move forwards that way as £5,s are just doin my head in,atm lol
also sure it will help me "up top" too, lol
best wishes,
ty 4 all advice buddy.
going to stick with £3 4 a few days & see how that goes.
fed up losing @ £5 atm but i,m sure i will be back there trying again at some point.
you could be right though about table selection?
may be something i will have to think about.
although i guess you shouldn,t be frightened to play anyone at any level,if u r u shouldn,t be there,again, imo.
best wishes
I agree with the other posters; stick to £3.30+. At your high volume that extra 5% rake at £2.25 or less makes a big dent in your profits.
cheers m8,
yeah,played £3 only tonight ...
won again so seems 2b working atm.
keep up the good work on your challenge too.
best wishes
won £12.60
b/roll £159.21 (+£118.50)
+£72.85 c4p to come tomorrow hoooooray!!!
c4p 114
total 786 = £6.29
played £3 games only tonight
happy with the w as always.
b/roll will look even better tomorrow whan c4p arrive,so all good in the hood,atm.
looks as though the new tactics of playing £3,s is working atm, so i see no need to make any changes.
thank you to everyone for the great support you have all given me,it really does help me so much,especially after all the losses i have had recently!!!
back tomorrow,
best wishes as always,
wd £450 its still on
glad that 6 tables is going well.
does get easier with practise doesn,t it?
just a shame that c4p has been ruined imo as it wasn,t to bad b4 they 1/2 it.
i wonder if dare i say it,you might 1 day try playing any more?
keep it going
just got c4p hooooray
b/roll now £232.06
can we stay there this time?
DAY 66
won £7.70
b/roll £239.76 (+£199.05)
c4p 130
total 916 = £7.33
happy with small w
b/roll going up slowly....again.
played 2x£5 games, w 1 L1
staying @£3 untill i reach £500
will play 2x£5 games a session,just for the practise & the hell of it. lol
back tomorrow
sorry i missed your post,only just seen it.
yes,hope to get over £300 anyway as £270 is my max so far,i think.
think now i am back @ £3 things should hopefully improve....
although you can,t take anything for granted,can you?
best wishes
always try my best.
thank you for your support m8.
hope things are going well for you your wife,(sorry i don,t know her name?)& the wee man.
best wishes
lost £3.50
won £0.50 freeroll
b/roll £236.76 (+£196.05)
c4p 53
total 969 = £7.75
played 1x £5 & won.
short session no damage done + a few more c4p.
back laters
played some £3 too m8 lol
but u knew that.
how u doing with no. of tables now?
up to 18 yet />
Delighted your back on the up again.Fair play for keeping up your challenge.I find it hard to just play dyms.I need to try a few mtts.Haven't played much the last month but starting to hit the tables again.Running bad but feel my luck is about to change.In the last three days I got the rest of my exam results and passed with flying colours.Had my birthday Thursday and got a new job yesterday after been unemployed for over two years.
Run good Pal and see you at the tables.
belated happy birthday m8.
well done on getting your new job & also passing your exams.
looks as though finally thinhgs are on the up again 4u.
just need 2 win a few sessions @ poker & "life,s good"
besy wishes m8
part 2....
won £8.50
b/roll £245.26 (+£204.55)
c4p 140
total 1109 = £11.09
played 1x£5 lost to run run.
no surprise there then
still,doing ok @ £3 so still happpy.
DAY 68
day off