In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£332.13)).+£19.29 c4p to come..1/3 of the way there...hooooray : O... M... G.. an APOSTROPHE , LOL, glad you are doing well bud. Stick to what you are good at, take a shot here and there but overall, as i said already, just stick to what you know best. Posted by WHOAMI196
hi m8, ty bud, yes,found the apostrophe button..... in the only taken just over 2 years. lol yeah,going well @ £3 atm so very happy. begining to wonder if it is going 2b worth having shots at higher levels as all atempts so far haven't exactly been very good. just wondering is it worth the risk/reward as the loss it seems to me will always be worse then the reward? anyway, that's not a major concern atm as i am more than happy with progress i am making @ £3 level. best wishes WHOAMI, wherever you are lol dev
Good going again dev, Always brightens up my day to see you heading in the right direction!! How many tables are you on at any 1 time now? and how many games do you average a day? keep up the rungood m8 Mike Posted by Woogie8688
hi Mike, ty m8 not playing as many tables atm as i am only playing £3. still can get 12 going in the evening which is my max atm. also shortened my sessiong to about 2 hours or so each day,which means i can get some tv in too. seems 2b working so that's it, getting nearly 100 pts per session so works out to playing 30 games or so at 3 pts per game best wishes m8, ian
hard grind tonight as i was down most of session due to bad run again.... but am over the moon with the sm w again. c4p building nicely so all is still looking good. dev
DAY 78 tue 17/7/12 won £7.80 b/roll £339.93 (+£299.22) c4p 162 total 2091 = £25.09 to come hard grind tonight as i was down most of session due to bad run again.... but am over the moon with the sm w again. c4p building nicely so all is still looking good. dev Posted by devonfish5
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£332.13))....1/3 of the way there...hooooray : Nice one! Slowly but surely getting there Posted by patwalshh
hi Pat, yes m8,looks like all the hard work is finally starting to pay off. just need to run ok & i'll be happy. dev
played ok i think, ran like you wouldn't believe,so not to disappointed with final result. first loss 4 a few sessions so can't complain,can i. back tomorrow dev
Great stuff Devinho! You shud be able to burn up the felt now - esp if u can keep up a winrate @ £3+ so u get double benefit of less rake and more C4P. Posted by JingleMa
hi jingles, yes,seems 2b going quite well atm so happy enough with how it's all going. best wishes, dev
played 4x£1 lost 3 won 1 joke again all-in with qq v aj aj flopped & all-in with 10 10v q9 flopped 99
played 1x£3 bubbled all-in with a2 villain had aa obviously lol
going to have to seriously question weather to bother playing during the day as i am either playing a rubbish game or strategy,or simply running like poo anyway, back later & hopefully repair the damage,if i can get even a 50/50 with my flips then i know everything will be fine.not too much to ask for really,is it? dev
played £3 games again only. played ok,ran ok, well better than earlier anyway,which isn't saying much. feeling better than earlier so that's good. back tomorrow, dev
that's more like it, ran better,'bout time lol just shows you how much difference a decent amount of run can make. didn't play any better than usual,but happy never the less. dev
DAY 81 fri 20/7/12 won £43.30 b/roll £397.03 (+£356.32) c4p 102 total 2444 = £29.33 to come that's more like it, ran better,'bout time lol just shows you how much difference a decent amount of run can make. didn't play any better than usual,but happy never the less. dev Posted by devonfish5
nice result for the day. well done
are you just on the £3 tables or are you mixing £5 tables in?
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm..£353.73)...1/3 of the way there...hooooray : nice result for the day. well done are you just on the £3 tables or are you mixing £5 tables in? Posted by TINTIN
hi m8, ty, still just playing £3 atm,seems 2b going well so no need to get involved with £5 i feel. will maybe add a few when i reach £500 but if things carry on as they are,i might not need to. lol
think it's a similar situation to yours when moving up to nl10, but you seem 2b getting to grips with it,guess it just takes time adjusting. dev
hooooray, broke the £400 barrier. doesn't seem very long ago i was at £300 does it? happy with another w,made 1 or 2 mistakes i know, so can't grumble, even though i ran pretty bad again. probably have tomorrow off as it's "bingo day" just play a few freerolls. dev
Nice, shows how good of a poker player you are when you can come back from your losses like that really bad day you had, if that was me I would have withdrew everything and probs would have come back in a few months haha, good luck
Nice, shows how good of a poker player you are when you can come back from your losses like that really bad day you had, if that was me I would have withdrew everything and probs would have come back in a few months haha, good luck Posted by JSTFLIPPIN
ty m8, yeah,did hurt a bit. lol still here though,just shows importance of br management i guess. no regrets though,gave it a shot. nxt time i go there? i'll be rolled 4 it & better prepared. dev
i had to look twice coz of the hour im posting but it was a 4 i seen at the start of the number. well done, im glad someone is running well. keep it up Posted by TINTIN
ty tintin, yeah,going ok atm. just hope i don't run into one or them downswings again, as it feels like i am finally getting somewhere at last. best wishes dev
I've played awful today and hapilly contributed £6 to your roll. Thankfully i've just had a good bink on the £400gtd timed to counteract todays awful play at the DYMs!
ty bud,
yes,found the apostrophe button.....
in the
only taken just over 2 years. lol
yeah,going well @ £3 atm so very happy.
begining to wonder if it is going 2b worth having shots at higher levels as all atempts so far haven't exactly been very good.
just wondering is it worth the risk/reward as the loss it seems to me will always be worse then the reward?
that's not a major concern atm as i am more than happy with progress i am making @ £3 level.
best wishes WHOAMI,
wherever you are lol
ty m8
not playing as many tables atm as i am only playing £3.
still can get 12 going in the evening which is my max atm.
also shortened my sessiong to about 2 hours or so each day,which means i can get some tv in too.
seems 2b working so that's it,
getting nearly 100 pts per session so works out to playing 30 games or so at 3 pts per game
best wishes m8,
tue 17/7/12
won £7.80
b/roll £339.93 (+£299.22)
c4p 162
total 2091 = £25.09 to come
hard grind tonight as i was down most of session due to bad run again....
but am over the moon with the sm w again.
c4p building nicely so all is still looking good.
yes m8,looks like all the hard work is finally starting to pay off.
just need to run ok & i'll be happy.
wed 18/7/12
lost £7.55
b/roll £332.38 (+£291.67)
c4p 144
total 2235 = £26.82 to come
played ok i think,
ran like you wouldn't believe,so not to disappointed with final result.
first loss 4 a few sessions so can't complain,can i.
back tomorrow
Great stuff Devinho!
You shud be able to burn up the felt now - esp if u can keep up a winrate @ £3+ so u get double benefit of less rake and more C4P.
yes,seems 2b going quite well atm so happy enough with how it's all going.
best wishes,
thurs 19/7/12
part 1;
lost £5.90
b/roll £326.48 (+£285.77)
c4p 11
total 2246 = £26.95 to come
played 4x£1 lost 3 won 1
joke again all-in with qq v aj aj flopped & all-in with 10 10v q9 flopped 99
played 1x£3 bubbled all-in with a2 villain had aa obviously lol
going to have to seriously question weather to bother playing during the day as i am either playing a rubbish game or strategy,or simply running like poo
back later & hopefully repair the damage,if i can get even a 50/50 with my flips then i know everything will be fine.not too much to ask for really,is it?
part 2....
won £27.25
b/roll £353.73 (+£313.02)
c4p 96
total 2342 = £28.10 to come
played £3 games again only.
played ok,ran ok,
well better than earlier anyway,which isn't saying much.
feeling better than earlier so that's good.
back tomorrow,
fri 20/7/12
won £43.30
b/roll £397.03 (+£356.32)
c4p 102
total 2444 = £29.33 to come
that's more like it,
ran better,'bout time lol
just shows you how much difference a decent amount of run can make.
didn't play any better than usual,but happy never the less.
yeah,been waiting for this run 4 a while...
so got 2 love it,haven't you?
are you just on the £3 tables or are you mixing £5 tables in?
still just playing £3 atm,seems 2b going well so no need to get involved with £5 i feel.
will maybe add a few when i reach £500 but if things carry on as they are,i might not need to. lol
think it's a similar situation to yours when moving up to nl10,
but you seem 2b getting to grips with it,guess it just takes time adjusting.
sat 21/7/12
won £10.10
b/roll £407.13 (+£366.42)
c4p 144
total 2588 = £31.06 to come
hooooray, broke the £400 barrier.
doesn't seem very long ago i was at £300 does it?
happy with another w,made 1 or 2 mistakes i know, so can't grumble,
even though i ran pretty bad again.
probably have tomorrow off as it's "bingo day"
just play a few freerolls.
patience sir - noe give £5's a shot
well done, im glad someone is running well. keep it up
will do my best
will have another go at £5 when i get to £500.....maybe?
yeah,did hurt a bit. lol
still here though,just shows importance of br management i guess.
no regrets though,gave it a shot.
nxt time i go there? i'll be rolled 4 it & better prepared.
yeah,going ok atm.
just hope i don't run into one or them downswings again,
as it feels like i am finally getting somewhere at last.
best wishes
Great stuff, keep up the good work.
ty m8,
yeah running ok atm,
day off today.
keep your challenge going m8,not to far 2go.
sun 22/7/12
day off today...
"bingo day"
back tomorrow.
mon 23/7/12
won £14.10
b/roll £421.23 (+£380.52)
c4p 129
total 2717 = £32.60 to come
played ok
ran rubbish
happy with another w
back tomorrow
£500 still looking good as my end of month target. lol