Silly little boy can't help himself. First game tonight Jac35 : hmm patwalshh : I can't wait to see you in person. This is not a threat and I wouldn't touch you. You'd just shiit yourself patwalshh : I can't wait to see your face 19:16 patwalshh : Just stare deep into your eyes Jac35 : sigh pat 19:17 patwalshh : oh I'm getting giddy thinking about it Posted by Jac35
Think Pat might be steaming a little. Even with his huge "edge" over me i've got lucky a few times tonight to sadly knock him out. He got particulary unluck when he 3bet shoved 23 and i had to weigh up whether i may be ahead with my Aces
alshh: jac patwalshh: heads up, any amount over £1k 21:12Jac35: smile emoticon patwalshh: or is losing 1k this month enough for you?
21:13Jac35: you were never very good with numbers patwalshh: you lose 600 so lock sharkscope 21:14patwalshh: and I probably earn more than you do at 22 than whatever age you are
Jac35:may be you do, it doesnt really matter,
21:16patwalshh:but hey, post all the chat on the forum
patwalshh:get a little attention
21:17patwalshh:I sleep easy, I couldn't give a flyin **
patwalshh:now I'm muting you
21:18patwalshh:if you want to play me heads up for over a grand
patwalshh:offer stands
Jac35:you're looking rather foolish
21:19patwalshh:I understand that
patwalshh:but I sleep easy
patwalshh:you think you have some type of moral high ground
Offer stands, if you want to play me for a considerable amount of money with middle men and escrow then I will happily do so. If not, I wish you the best. I believe we have nothing left to discuss.
It's not just the recent stuff that has brought me to this decision. It is obviously a factor in it though.
Poker as Pat has pointed out hasn't been wonderful this month. I've really lost my way with the game. I lost a wedge on Friday and fortunately I've managed to claw back around £250 since then. With my rakeback, a reasonable place on the punta leaderboard and money that I'll get back from Raketherake, I'll somehow be up a couple of hundred or so since the beginning of the month.
I was planning on doing the last two days of the promotion and then finishing for a while. I've decided "fxxk it, I'll stop now"
I'm going on holiday on Sunday golfing and then I plan on taking a good break from the forum and poker altogether. I'll just play the 2 priority freerolls next month.
Maybe it's true and I am over sensitive. I can't help who I am. I like to enjoy my poker and I've met a lot of good friends through the game.
It's also lovely when people like BadCawl come on here and say that they enjoy reading this thread.
I've really enjoyed doing it. I'm not enjoying it right now though. I was in hospital last week and to be honest I'm still in a bit of pain from that. I may have to go back which is not a prospect that I'm looking forward to.
Played too much this last couple of week. I've hardly spent any time with Penny and Harry.
I think someone should step in here, this is simply bullying, I have never met the other fella, Paul I have met and he is really nice guy. When I see someone I consider a friend being hounded out of playing it upsets me.
If you truly believe someone is bullying you, and you have the choice to press one button to mute them and not see one word from them, you would do so. Everything else is childish drama.
If you truly believe someone is bullying you, and you have the choice to press one button to mute them and not see one word from them, you would do so. Everything else is childish drama. Posted by patwalshh
Get your **** out for the lads, get your **** out for the lads.
@Jac35 Enjoy your holiday and quality time with the family. I really hope the diary continues after the break and you find the level of play that works best for you. #Ignorethetroll
@Pat - You will no doubt see this as win for you bullying a player off the tables who is better than you. You must have some really deep seated insecurities to act the way you do. Keep telling yourself it doesn't bother you what others think.
@Jac35 Enjoy your holiday and quality time with the family. I really hope the diary continues after the break and you find the level of play that works best for you. #Ignorethetroll @Pat - You will no doubt see this as win for you bullying a player off the tables who is better than you. You must have some really deep seated insecurities to act the way you do. Keep telling yourself it doesn't bother you what others think. Posted by Phantom66
You realise its probably better for me to have Jac in the games so they load quicker and I get more in per hour. Even if I don't percieve myself to have an edge over him in a DYM.
It's not just the recent stuff that has brought me to this decision. It is obviously a factor in it though. Poker as Pat has pointed out hasn't been wonderful this month. I've really lost my way with the game. I lost a wedge on Friday and fortunately I've managed to claw back around £250 since then. With my rakeback, a reasonable place on the punta leaderboard and money that I'll get back from Raketherake, I'll somehow be up a couple of hundred or so since the beginning of the month. I was planning on doing the last two days of the promotion and then finishing for a while. I've decided "fxxk it, I'll stop now" I'm going on holiday on Sunday golfing and then I plan on taking a good break from the forum and poker altogether. I'll just play the 2 priority freerolls next month. Maybe it's true and I am over sensitive. I can't help who I am. I like to enjoy my poker and I've met a lot of good friends through the game. It's also lovely when people like BadCawl come on here and say that they enjoy reading this thread. I've really enjoyed doing it. I'm not enjoying it right now though. I was in hospital last week and to be honest I'm still in a bit of pain from that. I may have to go back which is not a prospect that I'm looking forward to. Played too much this last couple of week. I've hardly spent any time with Penny and Harry. That's going to change starting from now. Good luck all Posted by Jac35
Hi Paul
Have a break and some quality time with the family. There are far more important things than poker, something most 22 year olds don't understand.
I hope you don't need a return visit to the hospital but, if you do, I'm sure they will sort you out.
Childish school yard threats really have no place on Sky and I would hope the suits would do something about it, but maybe not.
You're one of the good guys and a real asset to the community.
I'm not sure what is going on here? Have skimmed a few posts and think I have the gist though. You are taking a break because of pratwalshh? Why?? He is clearly an idiot.
You, however, are an absolutely awesome guy and a damn good player. Outlaws and myself love you to bits and so does the sky community. So many read this diary, and to stop posting because of one silly little man with a big keyboard mouth (I will not look at the pics, may puke. Are they as weird and creepy as his chat comments? ick ;/) is just .... well... its not happening!
Usual half asleep Tuesday so not the most eloquent speech so may as well end it with Bog off Pat we don't like you!
Hey Jac I'm not sure what is going on here? Have skimmed a few posts and think I have the gist though. You are taking a break because of pratwalshh? Why?? He is clearly an idiot. You, however, are an absolutely awesome guy and a damn good player. Outlaws and myself love you to bits and so does the sky community. So many read this diary, and to stop posting because of one silly little man with a big keyboard mouth (I will not look at the pics, may puke. Are they as weird and creepy as his chat comments? ick ;/) is just .... well... its not happening! Usual half asleep Tuesday so not the most eloquent speech so may as well end it with Bog off Pat we don't like you! Mwah xx Posted by TASHAL
I was getting angry reading this ^^^
Then I read your post Tash! Just pmsl, bring back TOTP!
Seriously tho dad, have a great hol with your lumps of iron. And remember the saying.. sticks and stones and all that
We couldn't help but think about that when reading some of the recent things on this thread. All very disappointing to see. This is a diary read and liked by a lot of players - it would be a huge shame for it to stop.
Some players clearly do not know the first thing about respect at the poker table. Maybe they should think a bit more before pressing 'Add Post' or hitting the Enter key when talking in the chat box.
If you're going to insult players/use vulgar language/make petty threats, then eventually you're going to get banned. If it happens more than once, you're likely going to stay that way permanently. The community on this site is largely very positive. We intend to keep it that way.
I regret my comments and offer a public apology to Jac. Strange things happen when ego and money gets involved. As for this being as one sided as it seems I disagree. But wish to draw a line under it.
The community is great and one of the main reasons I play here.
Jac35 you are one of the outstanding contributors to the community. Your diary is a must read. You are a sensitive person, which means you care about people and about what people think. On the whole that is good thing, try not to let the negatives get to you though. You make money playing here - cashed in a WSOP this year, plenty of positives.
Work/life/play balance is also important so enjoy your time outt, I wish you all the best and hope for our sakes you return to the community, refreshed and unhassled.
Credit also to Hendrick, Tuney, Tash and Sam for speaking up for our Jac.
+1 to the Sky Poker comment above - I have tried to post in accordance with the Thumperian principle, although if one person is being negative/down right nasty to a friend then you can't expect friends to ignore it.
I do hope that some positive action is taken by Sky Poker to back up the above comment.
You see them everywhere you go on the internet: anonymous users with nothing to say but rude, off-topic, or annoying comments designed to make you angry. The only cure is to just stop caring, and while that's easier said than done, these tips should help you overcome their spell.
Don't Feed the Trolls
They're Not Worth the Energy
Learn to Laugh at the Situation
How to Respond When You Get Locked In
Learn to Separate Constructive Criticism from Trolling
It takes a bit of practice and conditioning, but the main goal is to just stop giving a cra.p about what other people think—especially those that have nothing useful to offer.
Hi Paul, have a great holiday mate, often time away from a situation can put things in perspective and spending quality time with the family sounds a great way to do this.
What did you have done in hospital?
I dip in and out of your diary from time to time and gather its something to do with your teeth. I can sympathise if thats the case, just had an op to have all wisdom teeth and 1 more at top removed a fortnight ago, not pleasant. Also found it affected me for a lot longer than i anticipated.
Hope your healing up ok anyhow, again some time out from the daily grind prob best thing for that too.
Im sure you will return feeling a new man and a 100x better.
patwalshh: heads up, any amount over £1k
21:12Jac35: smile emoticon
patwalshh: or is losing 1k this month enough for you?
patwalshh: you lose 600 so lock sharkscope
21:14patwalshh: and I probably earn more than you do at 22 than whatever age you are
A pic of a semi naked body as a threat or a come-on
@Pat - You will no doubt see this as win for you bullying a player off the tables who is better than you. You must have some really deep seated insecurities to act the way you do. Keep telling yourself it doesn't bother you what others think.
Have a break and some quality time with the family. There are far more important things than poker, something most 22 year olds don't understand.
I hope you don't need a return visit to the hospital but, if you do, I'm sure they will sort you out.
Childish school yard threats really have no place on Sky and I would hope the suits would do something about it, but maybe not.
You're one of the good guys and a real asset to the community.
Hope to see you back in a while.
Hey Jac

I'm not sure what is going on here? Have skimmed a few posts and think I have the gist though. You are taking a break because of pratwalshh? Why?? He is clearly an idiot.
You, however, are an absolutely awesome guy and a damn good player. Outlaws and myself love you to bits and so does the sky community. So many read this diary, and to stop posting because of one silly little man with a big keyboard mouth (I will not look at the pics, may puke. Are they as weird and creepy as his chat comments? ick ;/) is just .... well... its not happening!
Usual half asleep Tuesday so not the most eloquent speech so may as well end it with Bog off Pat we don't like you!
Mwah xx
Don't Feed the Trolls
They're Not Worth the Energy
Learn to Laugh at the Situation
How to Respond When You Get Locked In
Learn to Separate Constructive Criticism from Trolling
What did you have done in hospital?
I dip in and out of your diary from time to time and gather its something to do with your teeth. I can sympathise if thats the case, just had an op to have all wisdom teeth and 1 more at top removed a fortnight ago, not pleasant. Also found it affected me for a lot longer than i anticipated.
Hope your healing up ok anyhow, again some time out from the daily grind prob best thing for that too.
Im sure you will return feeling a new man and a 100x better.
All the best,