Hand History #442268589 (17:40 26/11/2011) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancefreddie2Small blind 15.0015.001735.00EvilPinguBig blind 30.0045.001120.00 Your hole cards* A * A…
Nearly pulled off a chip 'n chair job.
2-25pm, a classic KK<99 bad beat beat leaves me with 190 chips mid way through level 3.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind 20.00 20.00 1745.00 fisherking Big blind 40.00 60.00 1827.50 Your hole cards * K * K Whitewizz Raise 120.00 180.00 3505.00 CallM3 Call 120.00 300.00 1455.00 mickjack Call 120.00 420.00…
it wasnt a fluke
the first time i won a b/h,i thought that it must have been a fluke,everyone else had an off day,or they were all at the ale. but low and behold, i won another one. i dont know if im getting better,or eveybody else is getting worse. but im moving away from DYMs to more tourney play,so watch out,if im on this big "high "…
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this peed me of
J10acesSmall blind £0.10£0.10£57.88PoisenBig blind £0.20£0.30£41.82IsPossibleBig blind £0.20£0.50£19.80 Your hole cardsAA84 IDONKCALLUCall £0.20£0.70£20.23IsPossibleRaise £0.20£0.90£19.60simonnaturFold J10acesCall £0.30£1.20£57.58PoisenCall £0.20£1.40£41.62IDONKCALLUCall £0.20£1.60£20.03Flop 6KA…
no hope in anything
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSonnyBlue Small blind 40.00 40.00 2380.00 BURNShurtz Big blind 80.00 120.00 633.75 Your hole cards * A * J CHILLI884 Call 80.00 200.00 5020.00 Casanova82 Call 80.00 280.00 8153.75 goonerben Fold sikas Fold SonnyBlue Call 40.00 320.00 2340.00 BURNShurtz All-in 633.75 953.75 0.00 CHILLI884…
exit hand in the 8:15 mini
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegibala24 Small blind 1000.00 1000.00 46807.50 Mariusz80 Big blind 2000.00 3000.00 10650.00 Your hole cards 7 7 smokeEZ Fold 3barrels All-in 16557.50 19557.50 0.00 pete_d Call 16557.50 36115.00 14258.25 5530 Fold gibala24 Fold Mariusz80 Fold 3barrels Show 7 7 pete_d Show 9 3 Flop 10 5 9 Turn…
My worst beat yet.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancekingfishaSmall blind 10.0010.002050.00Bobsicool3Big blind 20.0030.00920.00 Your hole cards44 kingfishaRaise 30.0060.002020.00Bobsicool3Call 20.0080.00900.00Flop 42K Bobsicool3Check…
is this the standard play of nl40, calling raises with this
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerobyoungSmall blind £0.20£0.20£41.43JIMMYRED2Big blind £0.40£0.60£41.75xxMick68xxSit out Your hole cardsAA UNOWENFold b123nFold Helmy75Fold artofiCall £0.40£1.00£35.56robyoungRaise £1.60£2.60£39.83JIMMYRED2Call £1.40£4.00£40.35artofiCall £1.40£5.40£34.16Flop 6Q4…
Why do players keep calling with junk?
Dream flop for villain though !!! Other than this flop, what was he expecting to see?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedavelufc Small blind 30.00 30.00 4360.00 jayjools Big blind 60.00 90.00 3790.00 Your hole cards * K * K Rickyyyy Call 60.00 150.00 6102.50 Quacka7 Call 60.00 210.00 3792.50 eversure07 Fold sladee02 Call…
10s Held Up against 2allins - Any comments
Fabry was min raising every hand and had taken a little off me. I have to admit I was getting sick of it so decided to sit tight.hotpoker69Small blind £0.50£0.50£41.12pninBig blind £1.00£1.50£94.35 Your hole cards1010 EVILEDNAFold…
Guess where you think this is going.
JRH2424 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £15.42 magic-isle Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £3.31 Your hole cards * J * J BIGBADBEAT Raise £0.50 £0.65 £1.93 Pysterman Raise £1.30 £1.95 £10.99 warmick Fold Thoich Fold JRH2424 Fold magic-isle Fold BIGBADBEAT All-in £1.93 £3.88 £0.00 Pysterman Call £1.13 £5.01 £9.86 BIGBADBEAT Show * A * 4…
i was knocked out of a tourney, but someone called J HARTIGAN i will never live this down
£10/£20 Heads up Action
Oh wait...
I think the name fits.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegim p Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £6.05 NColley Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £13.30 Your hole cards * Q * Q fagin307 Call £0.10 £0.25 £5.11 journeyboy Fold karakajack Call £0.10 £0.35 £3.70 Chidders Call £0.10 £0.45 £11.12 gim p Raise £0.45 £0.90 £5.60 NColley Raise £1.60 £2.50 £11.70 fagin307 Fold…
Beauty in £11 buy in Primo Semi!
sam7453 Sit out boggo Small blind 20.00 20.00 1810.00 smoothi818 Big blind 40.00 60.00 5915.00 Your hole cards * A * A nick2412 Fold GRHM198911 Call 40.00 100.00 5235.00 SolarCarro All-in 630.00 730.00 0.00 boggo Fold smoothi818 Call 590.00 1320.00 5325.00 GRHM198911 Fold smoothi818 Show * 3 * 5 SolarCarro Show * A * A…
1 outer!!!!
11 quid dym, put the guy on the flush, bingo................oh wait a sec!!!! lolwaller02 Small blind 10.00 10.00 1830.00 willis69 Big blind 20.00 30.00 2020.00 Your hole cards * 6 * 6 ringo49 Call 20.00 50.00 2130.00 JingleMa Fold pemberto01 Call 20.00 70.00 3980.00 waller02 Call 10.00 80.00 1820.00 willis69 Check Flop *…
annoying folds :(
hey, thought id start a fun thread, post your annoying folds here, il start us off :) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceUbbi4820Small blind £0.10£0.10£16.10samy2Big blind £0.20£0.30£13.38 Your hole cardsK10 BIGD52Fold robyoungRaise £0.80£1.10£38.64locksblueyCall £0.80£1.90£64.46Ubbi4820Fold samy2Fold Flop 9410…
Get there! Get there! fist pump
Had this player on my radar as a possible station but who can fold a hand on the river. So after he calls my bet on the turn I'm just praying for a five or a spade to give him the hand he wants as I can't put him on a made hand on this board unless he had A5 and surely he would c/r me. Just a point that I spent 3 hours…
Brutal badd beat
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancethethirdpoSmall blind £0.02£0.02£3.94tillytrotBig blind £0.04£0.06£4.81 Your hole cardsQJ pLeV41Fold RandomRivFold lactofreeRaise £0.16£0.22£1.96thethirdpoCall £0.14£0.36£3.80tillytrotFold Flop 1098 thethirdpoCheck…
love this
UKOPS ME SATELLITE Hand History #438478145 (22:47 16/11/2011)Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balanceagjk Small blind 300.00 300.00 7785.00Pr0yKaEnR Big blind 600.00 900.00 13027.50 Your hole cards AA Maur1ce Fold SHAUNY Fold sammy550 Fold sikas Raise 1200.00 2100.00 11365.00agjk Fold Pr0yKaEnR Call 600.00 2700.00…
the name says it all
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancenickscot Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £9.65 BURNShurtz Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £14.66 Your hole cards * Q * Q CRAFTYJ Fold Donkalot Raise £0.30 £0.45 £8.68 pimmy Fold SOOOSICK Fold nickscot Fold BURNShurtz Raise £0.80 £1.25 £13.86 Donkalot Call £0.60 £1.85 £8.08 Flop * 4 * J * 9 BURNShurtz Bet…
standard or just bad luck??
some hands from todays £5.50 DYM'sPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance GunnerMike Small blind 150.00 150.00 1775.00 bahh Big blind 300.00 450.00 2735.00 Your hole cards * 10 * 10 macca53 Raise 600.00 1050.00 2070.00 squire666 Fold GunnerMike Fold bahh All-in 2735.00 3785.00 0.00 macca53 All-in 2070.00 5855.00 0.00 bahh…
Folding a monster...
Hand History #439051004 (18:05 18/11/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedustyjimSmall blind 10.0010.001950.00tony14757Big blind 20.0030.001970.00 Your hole cards* 2 * 7 cynontaffFold EvilPinguRaise 80.00110.001870.00bellucci88Fold goldspin07Fold dustyjimCall 70.00180.001880.00tony14757Fold Flop * J * 3 * 8 dustyjimCheck…
Survive all week and get this now, typical.
Lwcus Small blind 100.00 100.00 3145.00 Serge77 Big blind 200.00 300.00 3125.00 Your hole cards * 7 * A candyking7 Fold Dudeskin8 All-in 1640.00 1940.00 0.00 Lwcus Fold Serge77 Call 1440.00 3380.00 1685.00 Serge77 Show * 3 * A Dudeskin8 Show * 7 * A Flop * 6 * 8 * 3 Turn * K River * 4 Serge77 Win Pair of 3s 3380.00 5065.00
This guy paid for my takeaway...
the wounderful world of low stakes cash
pinch mePlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceThe_Don90 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £10.80 tommyh15er Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £11.11 Your hole cards * 7 * 7 scintillo Fold ROONALDO Fold piggy_smal Fold loki1 Raise £0.30 £0.45 £11.27 The_Don90 Call £0.25 £0.70 £10.55 tommyh15er Raise £0.40 £1.10 £10.71 loki1 Call £0.20 £1.30 £11.07…
Some people just don't like money
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBushack11Small blind £0.50£0.50£225.12jonydoedoeBig blind £1.00£1.50£98.57 Your hole cards108 CrazyBen23Fold simsimCall £1.00£2.50£42.11venalCall £1.00£3.50£106.87NODEALCall £1.00£4.50£223.61Bushack11Raise £10.00£14.50£215.12jonydoedoeFold simsimCall £9.50£24.00£32.61venalFold…
straw that broke the camel's back
To all those who think online is not fixed somehow, I would like to say you live in a dream land. I play live & we do get bad beats but not to the same % as online & this is a known fact. Ive now finally given up on this site after my final bad beat as they say My Hole cards KK Crazykazz cards 77 blinds 100 & 200 Crazy…
Thats just cruel..
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceThe-Mod Small blind 2000.00 2000.00 23465.00 chrispip Big blind 3735.00 5735.00 0.00 Your hole cards * 2 * 7 colwul05 Fold healss Fold skyekick06 Call 4000.00 9735.00 12391.25 The-Mod Call 2000.00 11735.00 21465.00 Flop * 2 * 9 * 6 The-Mod Check skyekick06 Check Turn * 2 The-Mod Bet…
This was sic sorry wil550 U did nowt wrong
layerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegap08Small blind £0.04£0.04£1.13necroman25Big blind £0.08£0.12£4.50 Your hole cards* 10 * 10 geobling28Call £0.08£0.20£5.86waynecRaise £0.40£0.60£11.29will550Raise £1.68£2.28£11.14gap08Fold necroman25Fold geobling28Fold waynecCall £1.28£3.56£10.01Flop * 4 * J * 10 waynecCheck will550Check…