Just need to let it out
Soooooo anyway, I am playing the 10K BH and have this player at our table that is just calling with anything and I mean ANYTHING 32 off 27 off the works. Obviously I adjust my play accordingly, even the other guys at the table were in the chat saying things like 'what can I do to beat this person' as they seem to hit…
never mind cant post hands
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance * * Flop * * * * * * * Turn * River * Turn River
even the main events have them sometimes
craigcu12 Small blind 10.00 10.00 2380.00 yBig blind 20.00 30.00 3500.00 Your hole cards * Q * Q BAZREF Call 20.00 50.00 330.00 RedRedRed Fold jazzyj Fold xCall 20.00 70.00 1700.00 craigcu12 Raise 90.00 160.00 2290.00 yCall 80.00 240.00 3420.00 BAZREF Call 80.00 320.00 250.00 xCall 80.00 400.00 1620.00 Flop * 8 * 4 * 5…
Too much medication??
what drugs are you on? Where can i get some! I am only in as its my bb but seriously what are u hoping for????PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance bar1ron07 Small blind 15.00 15.00 1850.00 churchy18 Big blind 30.00 45.00 1940.00 Your hole cards * 2 * K * 6 * 9 XXXX Call 30.00 75.00 1912.50 skinsman Fold donk3y Fold albaking…
First time I've Seen This High in a Turbo/dym
The shorties just kept winning. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind 500.00500.00900.00 Big blind 1000.001500.00640.00 Your hole cards* 9 * 8 belsibubFold knowled722Fold All-in 900.002400.000.00 Call 400.002800.00240.00 Show* A * J Show* 7 * 5 Flop * K * 9 * 10 Turn * Q River * J WinStraight to the…
bad beat and not for me this time
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceOmen69Small blind 75.0075.001425.00march07Big blind 150.00225.003020.00 Your hole cards109 cartersFold rivermunkyCall 150.00375.006847.50wilco40Raise 450.00825.002770.00TRISTAN291Call 450.001275.005602.50Omen69All-in 1425.002700.000.00march07Fold…
Good call pre!!!
Thought he was on a draw!!!! My bad lol... GG WP sir... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedavelufc Small blind 20.00 20.00 6575.00 Mathies0n Big blind 40.00 60.00 9730.00 Your hole cards * 9 * 9 alexande11 Fold antobe Call 40.00 100.00 5485.00 kezzajones Fold xxxx Call 40.00 140.00 8880.00 davelufc Raise 140.00 280.00…
Nh ul fella!!
Dont slowplay bullets against a fish like mee!!! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxx Small blind 15.00 15.00 3605.00 jdsallstar Big blind 30.00 45.00 2190.00 Your hole cards * 4 * 6 GFKIJKLL Fold ebb69 Call 30.00 75.00 1965.00 davelufc Raise 90.00 165.00 1525.00 xxxxCall 75.00 240.00 3530.00 jdsallstar Fold ebb69 Call…
out one minute through the next
i don't get your point with the second hand.
rock bottom too top. a nice little comeback :@)
270 after a couple of hands and comeback for the win .and both v the same playerPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance tora11 Small blind 10.00 10.00 2190.00 RUMI Big blind 20.00 30.00 1980.00 Your hole cards * 8 * Q * A * 7 lokiii Call 20.00 50.00 1830.00 STUPENDOUS Fold churchy18 Call 20.00 70.00 1950.00 tora11 Call 10.00…
saved by a river
normally rivers are said to be bad beats so I thought I would post a hand with a difference a river card that got me out the difficult spot on the turn thanks to a misclick on the flop. xSmall blind 20.00 20.00 777.00 Scrivener Big blind 40.00 60.00 1960.00 Your hole cards * A * A Rumen1gge Fold yRaise 120.00 180.00…
Oooooh lovely I've flopped a flush. Oh no I've been rimmed.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehughe8810 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.51 5kyRimmer Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £5.51 Your hole cards * J * K clubhammer Raise £0.12 £0.18 £7.31 TONYFISH Call £0.12 £0.30 £3.53 hughe8810 Fold 5kyRimmer Call £0.08 £0.38 £5.43 Flop * 2 * 9 * 3 5kyRimmer Check clubhammer Check TONYFISH Bet £0.08 £0.46…
A daily record of my all-in failures
I have never played on site with so much variance when all in, on all my other poker sites my sharkscope is smooth over hundreds of games but on Sky its all over the place. After dozens of bad beats this month I decided to record all my allins situations. Today I was all-in 5 times and lost every one, as usual. My hand is…
Brag - deposit?... me?... NOT TODAY!!!
Hey pokerpeeps, here is my brag of determination... Over the past few months my balance has dwindled away from £70+ to under £5 playing buy ins I shouldn't. Chasing dreams of big money... I swore if I could get my balance back up, better bankroll management would be the name of the game.So yesterday I thought I'd play some…
How does 'The Hand of Doom' (aka pocket KK) hold twice here? Bounty Hunter mayhem, 5 head-prizes in
nh's. Very optimistic cold 5bet shove from the 6s. Legit range in that spot is AA, and, errrr, AA !
this site is a joke
i have never being one or two outed in my life you can go in with kings vs a5 and 55 and someone will still hit a 5 the odds on that and it happens every day absoulte joke!
THIS is how to win a Six-Max!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance welsh65 Small blind 100.00 100.00 2487.50 peter27 Big blind 200.00 300.00 4400.00 Your hole cards * 7 * Q HitOnRiver All-in 1812.50 2112.50 0.00 welsh65 Call 1712.50 3825.00 775.00 peter27 All-in 4400.00 8225.00 0.00 welsh65 All-in 775.00 9000.00 0.00 peter27 Unmatched bet 2012.50 6987.50…
First ever post in BBV - how's this for sick.
3 hours play almost for nothing in that room. After this, got donked about another 5 times and ended up reloading about another 2 time-wtf!PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance MOJID Small blind £0.20 £0.20 £24.13 dope Big blind £0.40 £0.60 £92.81 Your hole cards * A * K ASKFORDMND Call £0.40 £1.00 £23.03 JACKAVERY1 Fold…
why does AK suited or not never win on this site no matter what the other persons cards are its terrible
Almost a Jackpot winner
mini 2/560 main 6/334 only problem is they were on consecutive days and not the same night #sigh GELDY02£183.40 + £29.84 Head PrizesGELDY06£255.51 + £65.18 Head Prizes
your site a fix
i have lost on aa for the past 10 games on hi lo this is impossible the site getting a joke i am never behind when igo allin but manage tolose to runner runner like king severn ornine three
3 full houses busted in 10 minutes!
Gwatki Small blind 50.00 50.00 1650.00 darthpia Big blind 100.00 150.00 2245.00 Your hole cards * 3 * 10 * 4 * 6 onejohnb Call 100.00 250.00 3960.00 tiggertoo Fold lokiii Call 100.00 350.00 990.00 churchy18 Call 100.00 450.00 847.50 Gwatki Fold darthpia Check Flop * 3 * 3 * 4 darthpia Check onejohnb Check lokiii Check…
Good Call, Nice Flop, GG
Only a Freeroll so should of expected it really :-)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance leo230 Small blind 75.00 75.00 4575.00 x Big blind 150.00 225.00 1600.00 Your hole cards * K * K VespaPX Raise 300.00 525.00 2600.00 ET1 Fold B_ROCK Fold DEL19 Fold leo230 Fold x Call 150.00 675.00 1450.00 Flop * 3 * 6 * 5 x Check VespaPX…
Wrong time to bluff....
Ooops lolz....!! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceporkpie289 Small blind 75.00 75.00 2675.00 xxxx Big blind 150.00 225.00 2770.00 stushir Sit out Your hole cards * 2 * 10 Youplonker Fold jeantj Call 150.00 375.00 3320.00 davelufc Fold porkpie289 Fold xxxx Check Flop * Q * Q * Q xxxx All-in 2770.00 3145.00 0.00 jeantj…
Bad hands winning on too regular a basis
Been on the naughty step before so this is probably my last post Is anybody else getting fed up with your AA being stuffed by somebody holding 5 9 off suit and losing because they end up with a straight after going all in. It`s not just a one off it happens all the time. It`s been nice knowing you all but I have been…
when in MTT's not to hold AK AQ AJ
it's the last hand of the MTT timed freeroll i am holding the AQo, a hand normally is just what i would want. but to win with the AK, AQ, AJ, i want these to be the called not by an A with a bigger kicker or a pocket pair as they would beat me most times or be 50 50. so if i do loose to a poor hand i have to take it and…
post be deleted plz thanks
cancel account??
do i just stop playing or do i have to uninstall sky poker from laptop used to be one of the best poker sites but to many dam fish players now and spoils it for others
Well, that's annoying..