The worst beat ever - 99.9% on flop and lose!
Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balancenarked Small blind 40.00 40.00 1952.50 FALCONXIII Big blind 80.00 120.00 4000.00 Your hole cards * K * K babes01 Fold DoubleAAA Raise 240.00 360.00 2804.00 GROW5ER Raise 640.00 1000.00 990.00 Sir-Gary Fold narked Fold FALCONXIII Fold DoubleAAA All-in 2804.00 3804.00 0.00 GROW5ER All-in…
Running well suddenly ends?!
Argh! Was just running really well in a £200 Guaranteed tournament until the first tournament break, at that point I was in a comfortable 4th place overall. But after the break I lost every hand I entered! Was still getting luck in terms of hitting my hole cards - but others kept beating me! -.- Has anyone else had their…
odds on this one?
opponent flops a flush, I get runner runner to hit full housePlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegeoffr1957 Small blind 15.00 15.00 760.00 nolegs577 Big blind 30.00 45.00 1830.00 Your hole cards * K * K otoole Call 30.00 75.00 2995.00 TWISTED290 Call 30.00 105.00 2230.00 ynot201007 Fold mac24 Call 30.00 135.00 2005.00…
anything but that full house
Barrie26 Small blind 10.00 10.00 1570.00 craigcu12 Big blind 20.00 30.00 1925.00 Your hole cards * Q * Q jas69 Fold BigDog8484 Call 20.00 50.00 2470.00 xCall 20.00 70.00 2062.50 fish2chips Fold Barrie26 Fold craigcu12 Raise 80.00 150.00 1845.00 BigDog8484 Fold xCall 80.00 230.00 1982.50 Flop * 9 * 7 * 10 craigcu12 Bet…
What can you do!!!!
Errrrmmm wp m8!!! lol PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceEL_BAYLEAF Small blind 100.00 100.00 3530.00 davelufc Big blind 200.00 300.00 2845.00 Your hole cards * K * A smoki3 Fold BOOBOO81 Fold Mal007 Fold xxxx Raise 400.00 700.00 9197.50 EL_BAYLEAF Fold davelufc Raise 1100.00 1800.00 1745.00 xxxx Call 900.00 2700.00 8297.50…
coooler of the night?????
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceFOXY2007Small blind £0.05£0.05£11.71CJ621Big blind £0.10£0.15£4.70 Your hole cards87 rivermunkyCall £0.10£0.25£21.24kev1993Raise £0.30£0.55£19.50FOXY2007Fold CJ621Call £0.20£0.75£4.50rivermunkyCall £0.20£0.95£21.04Flop 444 CJ621Check rivermunkyCheck kev1993Check Turn 6…
the importance of checking chip stack
otherwise you could loose the last few and in this one a head prize too. so if you going to call then just raise for those last few chips.craigcu12 Small blind 20.00 20.00 2195.00 cosmicray Big blind 40.00 60.00 2255.00 Your hole cards * K * K TomCel10 Fold krapnotarf Fold xRaise 80.00 140.00 1282.50 TONY509 Fold craigcu12…
just fold already it's just 1 stupid head prize
typical I do everything that would signal a very strong hand yet he just can't give up a head darkhor353 Small blind 40.00 40.00 870.00 BluBamboo Big blind 80.00 120.00 3870.00 Your hole cards * A * A xRaise 160.00 280.00 4170.00 NooGooood Fold craigcu12 Raise 320.00 600.00 4660.00 darkhor353 All-in 870.00 1470.00 0.00…
these 2 hands happened at exactly the same time, same outcome also
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewiseguy215 Small blind 600.00 600.00 1825.00 bazwin Big blind 1200.00 1800.00 6410.00 Your hole cards * 7 * 7 BURNShurtz All-in 9220.00 11020.00 0.00 poncake Fold bk331 Fold hourse Fold wiseguy215 Fold bazwin All-in 6410.00 17430.00 0.00 BURNShurtz Unmatched bet 1610.00 15820.00 1610.00…
Bad beat or sheer bad luck?
Not me but on my table earlier tonight - quads beaten by quads. What are the odds?SPARTASC Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.35 JAC07 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £4.79 Your hole cards * 5 * J moorey4 Fold TVSpice Fold shoskione Call £0.04 £0.10 £1.35 garner909 Fold SPARTASC Raise £0.08 £0.18 £2.27 JAC07 Call £0.06 £0.24 £4.73 shoskione…
Outdrawn in Style
If you're gonna outdrawn me, at least do it in style :) Only a small pot in last night's rebuy mini, just thought it was amusing, a ten would have sufficed, he didn't need to go the whole hog lolPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTHEROCK573 Small blind 30.00 30.00 6632.50 Doubleblow Big blind 60.00 90.00 3465.00 Your hole…
The Action Flop Thread: Sponsored by Steven Seagal
Thought I'd start a thread just so we can post those wonderful moments when two or more players see a flop and say 'Well I'm never folding.' I'll begin. This is from the 2.20 at 2.20. It's the final table. Not in the money yet but I don't fold these.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTommyD Small blind 150.00 150.00 18237.50…
Thank you
Player Action Cards Amount Pot BalanceGELDY Small blind 50.00 50.00 5800.00 pauljs2102 Big blind 100.00 150.00 7210.00 Your hole cards * Q * Q JPM1986 Fold wynne1938 Fold wizzpop Fold xxxRaise 300.00 450.00 10855.00 GELDY Raise 750.00 1200.00 5050.00 pauljs2102 Fold xxxRaise 1000.00 2200.00 9855.00 GELDY Raise 2250.00…
This road is a dead end.
Ever get that feeling on this site that you will lose no matter what? I was in a DYM earlier and had that feeling that "I" only get with Skypoker, the feeling no matter what I will not win. Infact I even typed in the chat box that I WILL lose. I suspect most of you have been there, the feeling your AA pre flop is not…
Mini Beat
Meant to post this the other day for a pretty mental spot on Saturday night's mini. Not often you get it in on the flop 3way and both players are drawing to running outs.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceCheifi0 Small blind 20.00 20.00 2725.00 xVILLAx Big blind 40.00 60.00 667.50 Your hole cards * 5 * 5 69steve Raise 80.00…
What would you do
2 Questions. 1) Say you are in early position and you get dealt QQ and raise 4BB, the next person calls then UTG shoves and has you covered, do you fold or go all in..? 2) The second question say you are UTG with AK and have seen a 4BB raise and and a call from early position would you shove all in, knowing that many of…
really annoying
don't ya just hate it when you are short stacked, push with something half decent and lose out to some absolute rubbish. I lost my head in a BH to 10 7 off. ho hum. edit - I had A9 off so really was a race
2 hands in a row, same table same player lol.ouch.
Triumph62 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £33.85 splashies Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £31.06 Your hole cards * 10 * 8 mrdavies Raise £0.40 £0.70 £9.42 Donttelmum Fold Hippy4 Fold bambazonke Call £0.40 £1.10 £32.10 Triumph62 Call £0.30 £1.40 £33.55 splashies Fold Flop * 3 * 7 * 9 Triumph62 Check mrdavies Bet £0.60 £2.00 £8.82 bambazonke…
0.01% to 100%
banana10 Small blind 10.00 10.00 2646.00 x Big blind 20.00 30.00 2270.00 Your hole cards * 9 * Q papi176 Raise 60.00 90.00 4310.00 evelyn1956 Fold y Call 60.00 150.00 1940.00 CrazyBen23 Fold banana10 Fold x Raise 130.00 280.00 2140.00 x Call 90.00 370.00 4220.00 y Call 90.00 460.00 1850.00 Flop * A * 8 * 9 x Bet 100.00…
Good call sir, ty!!
i`ll take that one cheers!! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceUGOTOWNED Small blind 20.00 20.00 2715.00 davelufc Big blind 40.00 60.00 2015.00 Your hole cards * A * A PJDrastic Call 40.00 100.00 1805.00 BenjiT93 Fold xxxx Raise 180.00 280.00 4500.00 dannyc69 Fold UGOTOWNED Call 160.00 440.00 2555.00 davelufc All-in 2015.00…
Sick bad beat on the stone cold bubble
I have the shortest stack, and only have 4 bb left I have to go here and get runner runnered!LARSON7 Small blind 8000.00 8000.00 51734.00 bill264 Big blind 16000.00 24000.00 287130.03 Your hole cards * K * A JARON Fold skimmercfc All-in 232617.33 256617.33 0.00 LARSON7 All-in 51734.00 308351.33 0.00 bill264 Call 216617.33…
Did i play this wrong? Any advice?
So i raise 4x bb with AJ and for some reason the player with Q5s re-raises! Would you do this? On the turn, i still have the best hand so i shove all-in to make any drawing hand fold. Villian calls all in anyway, with a draw, and gets there on the river. Whats going on here! Any advice?…
Exact same hole cards 3 times in 10 hands, beat that!
QThh 3 times in the first 10 hands of an MTT. There are 1326 possible combinations of 2 cards from 52, so I shouldn't think this happens too often.
Must run better!!
I know its a standard shove from oppo, but ....ONE TIME lol (80% fave) It was only a freeroll btw, everyone just waiting for a shove spot with stacks. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancePallace Small blind 400.00 400.00 3590.00 davelufc Big blind 800.00 1200.00 5090.00 Your hole cards * K * K markbutl26 Fold xxxx All-in…
Every @&£@ing time!!!
Right so I'm not good at mtt's but every single time I get anywhere close to the decent money it all ends in tears!!! Tonight's story was I hit two pair on flop and check raise all in he calls with draw and catches on the river! Nh gg! Standard stuff but really irritating lol Finished 15th or something! just can't catch a…
Do i need to say any more then sick of this happening
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance3barrels Small blind 500.00 500.00 19645.00 rawhand Big blind 1000.00 1500.00 10905.00 Your hole cards * Q * K HLLSBELLS9 Fold OXBOWLER Fold lokiii Fold 3barrels All-in 19645.00 21145.00 0.00 rawhand All-in 10905.00 32050.00 0.00 3barrels Unmatched bet 8240.00 23810.00 8240.00 3barrels Show…
And another.
Hand History #718238522 (06:41 08/12/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerichmac01Small blind 200.00200.002555.00JimRiddle7Big blind 400.00600.001670.00 Your hole cardsKA xCall 400.001000.001670.00marioplFold richmac01Call 200.001200.002355.00JimRiddle7All-in 1670.002870.000.00xAll-in 1670.004540.000.00richmac01Fold…
i can only lose to a king on this flop :)))))) oh :(((((((((((
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesubzero1Small blind 25.0025.001875.00keparsBig blind 50.0075.002350.00 Your hole cardsA9 jtmFold lewis2121Fold rivermunkyCall 50.00125.001850.00RICH66Raise 100.00225.001800.00subzero1Call 75.00300.001800.00keparsCall 50.00350.002300.00rivermunkyCall 50.00400.001800.00Flop 792 subzero1Check…
Special Beat
Hand History #717874490 (13:53 07/12/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind 30.0030.001790.00jimb0d1Big blind 60.0090.004990.00 Your hole cards4J stanlopCall 60.00150.003255.00peterplodFold JASETHEACECall 60.00210.001550.00skicowboysCall 60.00270.003015.00xCall 30.00300.001760.00jimb0d1Check Flop 789 xCheck…
should i just give up set mining
I just don't have the luck at the minute it's runner runner defeats time and time again. why else would I be saying here comes that A or Q or what ever that card is needed having hit the set on the flop Small blind 25.00 25.00 1885.00 craigcu12 Big blind 50.00 75.00 1950.00 shaneybaby Sit out Your hole cards * 5 * 5 stuAA…