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    edited February 2016

    Thank you for visiting our humble abode Tikay. You are VERY welcome here anytime for a general grumble or to engage us all in some of your wonderful stories.

    I first met Des when he was still working for Sky. It was my 1st SPT at Luton and we played a few £1 turnovers with him.....great fun. He ofc  won a couple and hit and ran ;)

    That daily walk sounds just the ticket. Just be careful of the impending big freeze coming up. Replace your morning latte with freshly squeezed OJ.

    A lot of folks at the w/end advised me not to keep getting involved with the wind up merchants/key board warriors on here anymore as they are really really not worth it. Good advise for all.

    Again, thanks for dropping in.....CHEERS.
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    edited February 2016
     You Thought I was Joking when I said he was in training.?   Think it's Midnight exercise with drunken ladies.!
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    edited February 2016
      Hi Al   Just twiddling me thumbs and catching up on forum chat .... when noticed ...... TK say, he sends things upstairs to be verified.    Those Girls must be very clever.  ?
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    edited February 2016
     The Imagination is a Wonderful thing .......  pleasurable experiences may occur.

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    edited February 2016

    My girls upstairs are very clever indeed. They make more in a week than some of the so called poker experts on here ;)  They do belong to the moan brigade though, which is why Tikay only visits once a year....he prefers team mock.
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    edited February 2016
    What time does the party start? 
    9 ?
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    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    What time does the party start?  9 ?
    Posted by VespaPX

    9 mins past 9. (....on the 9th........of September)
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    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : 9 mins past 9. (....on the 9th........of September)
    Posted by MAXALLY
     9 bob a pint?
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    edited February 2016
     Hi Al ....... here because need a  " Pint & Whinge"  these are both British Tradition.   We need to keep this long held tradition going. !  

      " WHINGE of the DAY"

    I'm very disappointed that I was not informed personally that there was a Freeroll to compensate me for the site break down last Sunday.   The ( least ) Sky could have done was send round Mr TK to my house to inform me personally.  He has nothing else to do (here) except play Plo8 with his mates.   My Coffee not good enough.?

     There will be no responce to this for another year.!
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    edited February 2016

    Totally agree Don. Apart from freerolls, promotions, giveaways, reward points, the forum and countless community competitions.......what do Sky Poker actually do for us, the players. It is a total fiasco in my book. 

    I played said freeroll and my AK soooted got turned over by A2. I didn't even smell the cash. I have emailed Sky customer services this morning with all my hand histories from the game and copied it to the 100 suits to demand my buy in back.

    I am that moaned out today that I am going to have two pints at lunchtime.
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    edited February 2016
     Another Day another Whinge.

    Blinkin freezing in here Al ... no wonder there's no Customers.?   That reminds me.!

       Memo;   To go upstairs:     "Please Change Anti-Freeze in R.N.G."   the R is sticking & the G is Frozen.

    I know the Girls would normally bend backwards to help, but they need to tighten up their act. ! Get "Spanner" on the job she'll fix it, she's good with nuts ....... & bolts.? 
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    edited February 2016

    Just putting the heating on now Don. (by that, i mean chucking a couple of logs on the open fire in the middle of the floor). We car'nt have it too warm in here or the sawdust might catch fire.

    Best have a couple of malts to warm up in the meantime. Cheers.
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    edited February 2016
    Need something to warm me up what do you suggest? Fire and heating on full max and still can't get warm. 
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    edited February 2016

    Treble malt whiskey coming up. As it is that cold, have two ;) Cheers.
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    edited February 2016
    Drinks on me to celebrate another year 
    Cheers all
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    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    Drinks on me to celebrate another year  Cheers all
    Posted by VespaPX

    Many happy returns Mick, cheers.

    Good news...tonight is 3 for 1 ;)  

    I best stoke that fire up too....
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    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : Many happy returns Mick, cheers. Good news...tonight is 3 for 1 ;)   I best stoke that fire up too....
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Used to like coming here
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    edited February 2016
     Happy Valentines Day  .......... ;) nudge nudge ... wink wink ..... say no more.?
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    edited February 2016
    Joke in the Sun News Paper today. Al   for Customers amusement only .!

     What's the difference between a "Hippo" and a  "Zippo"     

       "Hippo" is large and heavy.    "Zippo"  is a little lighter.

    Ok,  Struggling now,?

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    edited March 2016

    Just got back from Arizona, and it's effing freezing back here. My tan started fading coming down the steps of the plane.

    Throw more logs on the fire, or get two of the girls from upstairs to join me in a sleeping bag(just for body warmth you understand).

    Hot toddy please
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    edited March 2016

    Welcome back Craig. Toddy is having the w/end off, so you will have to suffice with Hot Betty ;)   Cheers mate.
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    edited March 2016
    Al,  been in the Dark Room and told ...... there are 50 shades of Grey.!   need a Guinness.!  to get my black back.

    See Sky spanked your Ladies  ..... you mustn't thank them.?   "tilt Genie" say make em pay.!
  • Options
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    Al,  been in the Dark Room and told ...... there are 50 shades of Grey.!   need a Guinness.!  to get my black back. See Sky spanked your Ladies  ..... you mustn't thank them.?   "tilt Genie" say make em pay.!
    Posted by goldon

    I thought that was my job?
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    edited March 2016
    I thought it was funny!  but told not supposed to laugh or enjoy you're own jokes.

    Lesson here ....... never rib the barman ...... never get another free drink in eeeeeer.?
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    edited March 2016
    large rum and coke please sir to finish off lovely dinner of beef ham with chips and egg just the thing to set me up for a night of poker
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    edited March 2016
    My first visit to this bar.

    How much is the Guinness? 
    What ciders do you serve ? Ty
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    edited March 2016

    Welcome weeman & his mumsie....

    Double rum and coke and a couple of pints of the dark stuff coming up. On the house, enjoy ;)

    We serve pints of ciders....thats all you need to know as it all taste the same after 5 pints anyway.

    I was drinking Guinness for free at Cheltenham this week (on Thursday) with work. Didn't make a profit, but still enjoyed the day. Got my losses back by Friday.... plus some. 

    Cheers all.
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    edited March 2016
    I need a drink. 
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    edited March 2016

    Buy ONE, get TWO FREE while UKOPS is on ;)

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    edited March 2016
    Drinks on me - 3rd in UKOPS PLO
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