Just unlucky spots above really (although not played optimally).
Hand 1 - We barely got 12xBB and we got a PP in the CO, easy jam pre. If you really don't wanna jam, then just fold.
Hand 2 - We got 17xBB, too big to open jam imo but at this stage of a tournament we should never be 3x'ing any hand. It's minraise or fold (and we obv shouldn't be open folding AJo). Then when villian 3bet jams we can call or fold depending on how nitty he is.... tbh against most people on Sky in the late stages of an MTT AJo is probably a raise/fold here
well not been on my diary for a while, so a wee update,
about 5 months ago I was doing reasonably well building my roll up and pretty much withdrew the lot,
as some of u may have read he wife the little one and I got our 2 month notice too get the house, we had been there for 5 years and just finished decorating, then suddenly it was oh oh what we going to do now, Getting rid of my car for a cheaper option too save some money too pay a higher rent on a house we seen, but suddenly we decide too move back into my parents house.... all our money would now go for saving too get our own place. this was the reason mainly for my withdrawal on my BR and not been able too play much in between with small deposits of 5's and 10's here and there.
well as of yesterday we now have reached our target for a deposit on our mortgage and the house is picked and all ready for us come December the 1st hopefully if all other things run smoothly now. cant wait, a place of our own, too decorate how we want, security of our own home knowing a 2 month notice isn't around the corner.
Will be a huge step for my little family and cant wait too have the little one in a room of her own which we can decorate proudly and make it all hers. it has a driveway which is nice with a garage which is getting tore down and a bricked one instead which will be holding a 6 ring poker table to be designed by me and my big bro, also be set up for European football of course..
really looking forward too the next few months and too have our own space again, didn't realise how tough these 5-6 months where going to be, onwards and upwards.
so being playing back for a couple of weeks now and posting a lot more in the clinic, focusing on my game a little more serious, and playing a lot of plo8 and really enjoying that looking forward too the 100 game challenge as well.... so many more players getting involved as well which will be great in promoting the plo8 aspect on sky. so far I've learned SCOOP! and fold when tikay raises.
back to 2 cards I've been playing ok, played the main on Thursday and took 3 heads, after this put my roll on the cash tables and built my roll to £50, also one the signed copy of Chris moorman book, cant wait too read it!!
last night played the !£000 and came 2nd for £101.00 out of 258 runners which was nice but not one head,
played a few sats today and got myself a seat into the main event tonight so reg'ed for the mini now as well and the semi for 25k UKOPS game.... fingers crossed
so a good couple of days for me and hope it continues for tonight.
well, made a small deposit too plat the DTD's and a £6 quid sat for the 16k BH.
Going well in DTD 1 too begin with, out of the 3 that's the one that normally goes well, dtd2 was going not bad then hit some nasty hands, ahh well, that's poker, tilted on DTD 3 out in 4 mins out the sat reasonably quick then not long after that out of DTD 1
need a break away for a little while I think, I play too enjoy the game and only making small deposits that aren't lasting too long, little 5ers here and there, starting too lose the enjoyment though and don't want that too happen, its not just because I had some bad hands tonight and too be fair some of them my fault entirely. but I enjoy the forum and the site and still be doing my daily link and stay on the forum but games wise im giving it a rest.
moving into my house soon as I said in my last post cant wait, maybe have a little more funds too make a better deposit too work with and come back looking forward too play again.
got a couple of quid so going too use that on the plo8 challenge games some 60p dym'e=s then off for a bit after tonight
not much poker being played at the minute, on here anyway, but not long till I move in. 15 days ... but who's counting
had a break this week from sky but deposited on stars too play a home game on there and cam second, so been playing spin and go's on there going up and down just praying one of those big jackpot games spin in... no such luck though,
started the day off rather bored, got up, a little long lie this morning which was nice to find the wife getting ready too take the little one too mass with herm mum and granny. which left me too my own devices....
which ended up with lots of coffee the extended cut lord of the rings boxset dvd collection and the chris moorman book, perfect Sunday really. looking for a day too just chill after Friday at work. Friday I had my re-registration RTITB instructors ticket, as some of u know from my diary i'm in the transport training industry and I every 5 years have too site my instructors again, went well 100% theory and 82% in my practical exam. so all good there, even better that work pays for this as well...
so now I have the all clear for another 5 years i'm thinking of going self employed but weighing up all my options and looking too rush in as I have just secured a house. would be nice too be my own boss though and try and start my own small company and see how I go.
anyone self employed any advice???
well stuck in a tenner tonight for a game played too all in sats came 5th so close full house beat by bigger full house as well
then played a BH went out with KK 3 way all in and Q7 hits 4 too the flush. gg.
but won a sat which is just about too pop up for the 20.000 SP BH. so fingers crossed.
well that's what's been going on with me now too win this sat.
First time I have cashed in all 3 DTD;s quite happy with that, miby I am improving
Well had a good night on the DTD's only thing is I forgot too reg in time, was an honest mistake and thought it was monthly getting mixed up with the orfy, miby would have had good points
Nackered today, day 2 on hiab, hopefully rain stays away, as its all practical lifting with the guys today. Not long till 16.15 though then pick up the mrs, then plan on just finshing the lord of the rings, on the second disc of the two towers. This is the plan but then when u get home and see the desktop there and live show tonight...well..... we can only guess what happend next.
FWIW regarding our tangle...Our stacks were similar and pretty short....personally I'd just be jamming KQs on the button. I probably still call with 66, but it's a much trickier decision when I have to call off with it. When you raised the button, you left that little window for me to get my chips in first, and although I knew I was probably getting called, there was still a modest chance you might fold with the bubble fast approaching, which made it an easy jam for me.
I was winning flips left right and centre last night so don't feel bad that 66 held
Cheers Chris. FWIW regarding our tangle...Our stacks were similar and pretty short....personally I'd just be jamming KQs on the button. I probably still call with 66, but it's a much trickier decision when I have to call off with it. When you raised the button, you left that little window for me to get my chips in first, and although I knew I was probably getting called, there was still a modest chance you might fold with the bubble fast approaching, which made it an easy jam for me. I was winning flips left right and centre last night so don't feel bad that 66 held Posted by hhyftrftdr
the worst thing is i knew i shouldve shoved pre. I said in my head, then click the min raise, even though i know if there is a raise or shove im getting them in anyway,
Its small things like this that annoy me, but yet keep doing them,
That's the thing, if you're just gonna call off a shove anyway then you may as well get them in first and give others the decision. Like I said, I still probably would have called but it would've been much closer. Folding out a flip is never a bad thing!
Was a good game, i.seem to do ok on the turbo tuesdays, mabye because its the only main i play really.
Didnt fancy the min cash. Wanted to do what u done and just run deep, altgough 28quid wouldn't be bad because i won 3 sats so a profit 50 quid wouldve been ok i suppose.
Well a night off for me i think, going too watch the last LOTR extende cut return of the king.
Great films, although ive never read the books, not much of a reader just prefer a good movie.
well had a wee break on Wednesday and back on the tables last night, starting Br was around the 50 mark,
tried a couple of sats for the main... no luck and played some 20 nl, also reged for a 350 BH which I came 3rd on so not too shabby,
then lost a buy in on the 20 nl took me back down too under 50, tried a few all in sats for the 55 speed BH, no luck there,
then sat with the remainder of my br at 40nl and took a profit on that, so BR back where it was at the start of the night.
will post some hands here soon,
looks like I might me giving HU hypers and speed games a go, never something ive played too seriously...well haven't really took many games too serious, mainly fun as you all know, just trying too make the correct decisions.
now really looking forward too this, all this from a post in his diary that's ended here,
For the same reason as MrsDuck's thread, I like reading these updates because you aren't just nitting it up with the games you choose to play!
FWIW that KQ hand I can't say I'm a fan of. You've essentially turned a medium strength hand into a bluff and potentially put yourself in a position to be felted if oppo has decent hand.
That said, I suppose an A on the turn can be a good card to c/r bluff on. From an initial raiser's point of view it's a good card to barrel on (given that a good chunk of their range should include an A) - so it could follow that if they are going to bluff a lot in that spot, it opens a door for you (in this spot) to bluff back at them.
Think I'd rather be doing that with hands that don't figure to be good though (as opposed KQ), probably things like T9 or 65 that don't have odds to hit but won't be drawing dead if oppo does have a AA/AQ sort of hand that crushes us.
As for the others, just UL in the main. I guess there is a case to be wary about calling 3b with AT, and when villain donk shoves river I don't feel like we're often ahead here, but almost 3/1 odds means I think I'd always be calling.
Hi Chris, For the same reason as MrsDuck's thread, I like reading these updates because you aren't just nitting it up with the games you choose to play! FWIW that KQ hand I can't say I'm a fan of. You've essentially turned a medium strength hand into a bluff and potentially put yourself in a position to be felted if oppo has decent hand. That said, I suppose an A on the turn can be a good card to c/r bluff on. From an initial raiser's point of view it's a good card to barrel on (given that a good chunk of their range should include an A) - so it could follow that if they are going to bluff a lot in that spot, it opens a door for you (in this spot) to bluff back at them. Think I'd rather be doing that with hands that don't figure to be good though (as opposed KQ), probably things like T9 or 65 that don't have odds to hit but won't be drawing dead if oppo does have a AA/AQ sort of hand that crushes us. As for the others, just UL in the main. I guess there is a case to be wary about calling 3b with AT, and when villain donk shoves river I don't feel like we're often ahead here, but almost 3/1 odds means I think I'd always be calling. GL at the tables! Posted by shakinaces
I'm a changed duck!! (sort of!)
GL Chris! How many days do you think you can hold onto your BR? I think my record's 24 at the moment!!
Finally im all moved nito my own yes my own not rented house, not too exciting too most but is too me, and my family after a tough 6 months bk with the parents... much rather listen to tikay and concrete than go through that again.
its great to see the excitment of my little girl running around in her new room, and showing people around when they visit, asking her walls to be painted pink and playing shops brings me great joy. Also finally being able to sit on my new couch which has been geting paid off for 5 months in a storage locker....but it is comfy!!! so all good on the homefront apart from my car looking like its been hit by and angry T-REX from a scen from jusrrasic park, but it was just the good lady drinving into the driveway and catching the fence... ahh well. leats it wasn't serious.
so back too the tables, will make a small deposit and see how long that lasts me.... probally only the night not sure what ill do yet, mains are gd on a tuesday cheaper which i like, but how about the £1,000,000 gtd UKPC now thats not too be sniffed at! although my chances of achieving this are pretty slim although why should they be? well id pretty much have too sat from the bottom tier all the way up, which is rather difficult, not for some on the site but for most anyway, still... ill be trying my luck, satted one quarter allready but out with AA 2nd hand in. miby one year!
so its time too put my feet up enter my 3 digit special number for some poker chips and crack open a beer and watch the rest of rounders
Just want to wish you all the best in your new house Chris, I know you have been looking forward to moving in. Pity about the car, but these things happen.
thanks 67BHOYS, yeah its all material things, and see u around the tables.
Hi all,
so not really been online, as much just small spin and go games on coral recently since cashing in the APAT, team online qualifier, we came 7th in the endn which wasnt bad being the team was just put together that day, managed toio last the longest aswell, which i wasnt expecting, but really enjoyed the game and hope for more of these in the future. from the min cash i managed too boost my roll on coral up a bit with the spin and go style games.
apart from that ive been back playing in a local pub on a tuesday fro the NUTS poker league, not to serious but enjoyable all the same, and playing in the casino on weekday tournies for a little more of a serious game.
Having got talking to some of players in the pub they where buying in for the 25/25 series at the casino, its £220 BI which is far out my bankroll and wouldnt even think about turning up too play. then the guys where saying theres a sat' the night before for £23 with £20 add on, this is a little more affordable, told it would be miby 3 tables not many players so though i'd have go,
sure enough 58 players and 20 re-entries lol, and went on till 02;45 in the morning, but i made it too the last 12 and got my seat with £2680 in the prizepool won my seat into the biggest live game ive ever played, opted for day 1 on the saturday as working thurs and fri, didnt fancty then.
then BOOM managed to get too day 2!!!! coming in at 1000/2000 with a 300 ante, and i was coming in with........the shortest stack of 17800 lol.... not good!
So tip up for day 2 with the hope of rungood! and 4 hands in i was at 102,000, i hit a one outer on the river with 44, a guy gifted me a double up with second pair with flush and straight draws, so great start. with a total of £50,600 in the prizepool was hoping for some more luck.
then ahove from utg and look at AKc and call happy as i am for him too turn over A4d....4 on the flop and i was half stacked again, AJ AJ twice to put me back too 30k and shove with A8d to be called AJ....this time aj hold and gg for me. but loved every second. my lucky card protector finally lost a flip for my tournament life in 3 days of poker. my chip being the platnum chip from fallout new vegas if any of you are into your games out there.
from that my roll on sky is noow up too the £100mark with some on stars and coral at the minute.
i have no routine or discapline when it comes too what too play, mastercash on live nights, deepstacks and minis and mains, i have no BR managment at the minute and this is not good. lat time i was on spewed my last £55 in the 9pm BH because i always wanted a shot of this and 2 hands i was out, nothing wrong i dont think just not a good way too throw my br away.
so help is needed here, im looking for a routine, and too try and stick at it, either mtt's or cash. i need ideas and someone too help me come up with a plan and too stick at it.
all ideas welcome and hopefully see u at the tables.
maybe have a 'go to' grind game that you know you are profitable in. maybe it is £2.30 BH's, DYMs 4-10nl whatever. really use those formats to develop your game, and increase you bankroll. place most of your volume and study time there.
if you have had a nice month / some spare cash then give yourself a few shots at satting into a bigger comp or buy in direct occassionally. if you have an 'entertianment' budget in your life roll and dont fancy a night out, stick the money on line and treat yourelf to a deep run in a bigger buyin then you usually play
keep it fun and dont auto deny yourself shots. but the best way to grow a b'roll is to stay disciplined. even the best would go broke if they didnt look after their roll.
Also, another good thing to do if your playing about 7, is enter the UKPC freerolls, if you are close to making the money, just reg the 9:15 game, and if you cash just dereg for a nice £48.
When I had £100 in my account, I used to one table a master cash 10nl table sittin down with £20 always picking a decent table. Always found 10-12 to be the best times 2 play, or Fri/ Sat night, 11-2.
teddy im not the profitable in any game, but im all over the place all sorts of games whatever i fancy, i would love to play the mains as much as possible and higher buy in BH;s but thats not possible at the minute,
larson, i think im going to play cash on sky and play something like 2 hour sessions, im not much of a cash player...but i want to be, but i have never enjoyed 4nl, but massivley enjoy mastercash at 20nl level. but i cant afford to pick and choose if im looking to be more serious
i play for fun and my br management is poor as said, i feel as if i havent took any sound advice on it or stuck too a plan, so please dont feel im not listning to advice given guys, just been busy with other things like moving house and tend when i do play play a bigger game that cripples my roll
like last night for example, i post on my diary saying to control my ations, but just wanted a stab at a bigger game..... and regged main mini and £11 bh...... and didnt go well,
so for sky ive decided try and focus on cash on sky. i will run between 2-4 tables at a low level, between 4, 8, and 10 nl.
what advice would u give for this and what materials too watch and read also.
i havw money on stars too and think i will play cash on that also and stick to one type of game and really try and focus. and make right decisons, buut mainly try and stick too the plan, i need something like an electric shock of my mouse when clicking on things i shouldnt play, like £33 bh or a £55 lol,
1. Avoid the regs and the multi-tablers, look for tables where people aren't playing with the full buy-in as these are probably recreational and possibly blowing the last few quid in their account.
2. If your playing well, on a good table and only losing due to variance then keep going. If your playing badly, playing tired, tilting then leave.
3. If you are going to play 6 max on Sky I would stick to 6 max elsewhere. They are very different games.
4. Yes.
5. When starting out on your cash journey I would play a pretty tight range and just play ABC poker and remember POSITION IS EVERYTHING.
Hand 1 - We barely got 12xBB and we got a PP in the CO, easy jam pre. If you really don't wanna jam, then just fold.
Hand 2 - We got 17xBB, too big to open jam imo but at this stage of a tournament we should never be 3x'ing any hand. It's minraise or fold (and we obv shouldn't be open folding AJo). Then when villian 3bet jams we can call or fold depending on how nitty he is.... tbh against most people on Sky in the late stages of an MTT AJo is probably a raise/fold here
about 5 months ago I was doing reasonably well building my roll up and pretty much withdrew the lot,
as some of u may have read he wife the little one and I got our 2 month notice too get the house,
we had been there for 5 years and just finished decorating, then suddenly it was oh oh what we going to do now,
Getting rid of my car for a cheaper option too save some money too pay a higher rent on a house we seen, but suddenly we decide too move back into my parents house.... all our money would now go for saving too get our own place. this was the reason mainly for my withdrawal on my BR and not been able too play much in between with small deposits of 5's and 10's here and there.
well as of yesterday we now have reached our target for a deposit on our mortgage and the house is picked and all ready for us come December the 1st hopefully if all other things run smoothly now. cant wait, a place of our own, too decorate how we want, security of our own home knowing a 2 month notice isn't around the corner.
Will be a huge step for my little family and cant wait too have the little one in a room of her own which we can decorate proudly and make it all hers. it has a driveway which is nice with a garage which is getting tore down and a bricked one instead which will be holding a 6 ring poker table to be designed by me and my big bro, also be set up for European football of course..
really looking forward too the next few months and too have our own space again, didn't realise how tough these 5-6 months where going to be, onwards and upwards.
so being playing back for a couple of weeks now and posting a lot more in the clinic, focusing on my game a little more serious, and playing a lot of plo8 and really enjoying that looking forward too the 100 game challenge as well.... so many more players getting involved as well which will be great in promoting the plo8 aspect on sky. so far I've learned SCOOP! and fold when tikay raises.
back to 2 cards I've been playing ok, played the main on Thursday and took 3 heads, after this put my roll on the cash tables and built my roll to £50, also one the signed copy of Chris moorman book, cant wait too read it!!
last night played the !£000 and came 2nd for £101.00 out of 258 runners which was nice but not one head,
played a few sats today and got myself a seat into the main event tonight so reg'ed for the mini now as well and the semi for 25k UKOPS game.... fingers crossed
so a good couple of days for me and hope it continues for tonight.
gl all and see u at the tables.
Going well in DTD 1 too begin with, out of the 3 that's the one that normally goes well, dtd2 was going not bad then hit some nasty hands, ahh well, that's poker, tilted on DTD 3 out in 4 mins out the sat reasonably quick then not long after that out of DTD 1
need a break away for a little while I think, I play too enjoy the game and only making small deposits that aren't lasting too long, little 5ers here and there, starting too lose the enjoyment though and don't want that too happen, its not just because I had some bad hands tonight and too be fair some of them my fault entirely.
but I enjoy the forum and the site and still be doing my daily link and stay on the forum but games wise im giving it a rest.
moving into my house soon as I said in my last post cant wait, maybe have a little more funds too make a better deposit too work with and come back looking forward too play again.
got a couple of quid so going too use that on the plo8 challenge games some 60p dym'e=s then off for a bit after tonight
some hands from tonight,
not much poker being played at the minute, on here anyway, but not long till I move in. 15 days ... but who's counting
so close full house beat by bigger full house as well 
had a break this week from sky but deposited on stars too play a home game on there and cam second, so been playing spin and go's on there going up and down just praying one of those big jackpot games spin in... no such luck though,
started the day off rather bored, got up, a little long lie this morning which was nice to find the wife getting ready too take the little one too mass with herm mum and granny. which left me too my own devices....
which ended up with lots of coffee the extended cut lord of the rings boxset dvd collection and the chris moorman book, perfect Sunday really. looking for a day too just chill after Friday at work. Friday I had my re-registration RTITB instructors ticket, as some of u know from my diary i'm in the transport training industry and I every 5 years have too site my instructors again, went well 100% theory and 82% in my practical exam. so all good there, even better that work pays for this as well...
so now I have the all clear for another 5 years i'm thinking of going self employed but weighing up all my options and looking too rush in as I have just secured a house. would be nice too be my own boss though and try and start my own small company and see how I go.
anyone self employed any advice???
well stuck in a tenner tonight for a game played too all in sats came 5th
then played a BH went out with KK 3 way all in and Q7 hits 4 too the flush. gg.
but won a sat which is just about too pop up for the 20.000 SP BH. so fingers crossed.
well that's what's been going on with me now too win this sat.
Well had a good night on the DTD's only thing is I forgot too reg in time, was an honest mistake and thought it was monthly getting mixed up with the orfy, miby would have had good points
DTD 1 Chris_Mc011£6.44
DTD 2 Chris_Mc016£2.30
DTD 3 Chris_Mc03£24.15
FWIW regarding our tangle...Our stacks were similar and pretty short....personally I'd just be jamming KQs on the button. I probably still call with 66, but it's a much trickier decision when I have to call off with it. When you raised the button, you left that little window for me to get my chips in first, and although I knew I was probably getting called, there was still a modest chance you might fold with the bubble fast approaching, which made it an easy jam for me.
I was winning flips left right and centre last night so don't feel bad that 66 held
well had a wee break on Wednesday and back on the tables last night, starting Br was around the 50 mark,
tried a couple of sats for the main... no luck and played some 20 nl, also reged for a 350 BH which I came 3rd on so not too shabby,
then lost a buy in on the 20 nl took me back down too under 50, tried a few all in sats for the 55 speed BH, no luck there,
then sat with the remainder of my br at 40nl and took a profit on that, so BR back where it was at the start of the night.
will post some hands here soon,
looks like I might me giving HU hypers and speed games a go, never something ive played too seriously...well haven't really took many games too serious, mainly fun as you all know, just trying too make the correct decisions.
now really looking forward too this, all this from a post in his diary that's ended here,
hand 1.
too risky????? with the re raise.
hand 2
although I never seen the turn with the raise should I just be flatting here?
the losing hands..... not sure im getting away here no matter what.
For the same reason as MrsDuck's thread, I like reading these updates because you aren't just nitting it up with the games you choose to play!
FWIW that KQ hand I can't say I'm a fan of. You've essentially turned a medium strength hand into a bluff and potentially put yourself in a position to be felted if oppo has decent hand.
That said, I suppose an A on the turn can be a good card to c/r bluff on. From an initial raiser's point of view it's a good card to barrel on (given that a good chunk of their range should include an A) - so it could follow that if they are going to bluff a lot in that spot, it opens a door for you (in this spot) to bluff back at them.
Think I'd rather be doing that with hands that don't figure to be good though (as opposed KQ), probably things like T9 or 65 that don't have odds to hit but won't be drawing dead if oppo does have a AA/AQ sort of hand that crushes us.
As for the others, just UL in the main. I guess there is a case to be wary about calling 3b with AT, and when villain donk shoves river I don't feel like we're often ahead here, but almost 3/1 odds means I think I'd always be calling.
GL at the tables!
I'll catch up with you on the PLO8 tables.
Hi all,
if you have had a nice month / some spare cash then give yourself a few shots at satting into a bigger comp or buy in direct occassionally. if you have an 'entertianment' budget in your life roll and dont fancy a night out, stick the money on line and treat yourelf to a deep run in a bigger buyin then you usually play
keep it fun and dont auto deny yourself shots. but the best way to grow a b'roll is to stay disciplined. even the best would go broke if they didnt look after their roll.
Also, another good thing to do if your playing about 7, is enter the UKPC freerolls, if you are close to making the money, just reg the 9:15 game, and if you cash just dereg for a nice £48.
When I had £100 in my account, I used to one table a master cash 10nl table sittin down with £20 always picking a decent table. Always found 10-12 to be the best times 2 play, or Fri/ Sat night, 11-2.
In my humble opinion.
1. Avoid the regs and the multi-tablers, look for tables where people aren't playing with the full buy-in as these are probably recreational and possibly blowing the last few quid in their account.
2. If your playing well, on a good table and only losing due to variance then keep going. If your playing badly, playing tired, tilting then leave.
3. If you are going to play 6 max on Sky I would stick to 6 max elsewhere. They are very different games.
4. Yes.
5. When starting out on your cash journey I would play a pretty tight range and just play ABC poker and remember POSITION IS EVERYTHING.
Good Luck.