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Return of the Jac

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat

"....with 5 poker friends....."

You have 5 friends?



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    edited October 2016

    I'm Jac35 also known as Paul and quite possibly a few other names as well. I've been playing poker for 15+ years and from time to time made  a few quid at it.

    Some of you may know me from a previous thread that I did. I quit that thread on numerous occasions and then looked a bit silly and kept returning. My trouble is that I quite enjoy writing and so as a clever dodge, I thought I'd just start a new thread.

    What's happened since I left you?

    I'd just lost £750 at Derby in which was my 2nd worse losing night ever. Pleased to report that I got that back pretty quickly without playing a great deal. £250 up at cash at Derby followed by a good run at Dyms and a win in the megastack last Friday. I managed to give £135 back last night at mtts and Dyms but not to worry.

    Been ok in the main. 

    Happy to see arguably the nicest man in football as our new manager. After being overly dramatic, which is most unlike me, and saying I wouldn't go if Pearson took over, I now have tickets for the first game. £38! Best seats in the house but £38 for championship football seems a lot.

    On the market for a week now and we have an offer which is close. Hopefully should be sold soon.

    Had a lovely week in Can Pickafort, which is just next to Alcudia. Really nice place.

    Just had a great time there with the very nice Hendrik and the not so nice hhyftdr. Played Scarborough South with Jimi and although we were both pretty useless, we enjoyed the course.
    From here we went to meet the fat man who is legendary for his travel and accommodation knowledge. He had picked out maybe the worst hotel in England, possibly the worst in Yorkshire,  and certainly the worst in Filey. Didn't really matter as we just needed beds for the evening. Filey is really lively at night. (That might be a lie). Pubs were closing at 10pm but fortunately we found one that stayed open until midnight.
    Surprisingly given how busy it was,  it seems that Filey doesn't do taxis. Jimi had a 4 mile walk back to where he was staying. Smartly, he decided that going over the beach in the pitch black was the best way. Despite out protestations he went that way. Pleased to report he's still alive.

    Got a little trip booked for there in November with 5 poker friends. Really looking forward to that one. We'll probably just stay in each night and discuss poker strat. Probably won't even talk to each other. We'll just sit in the same room and use Skype.
    All a self ego boost this thread, obviously, but it'd be great if we could get some interaction going. I won't post off my own back too much but if anyone has any questions then I'd be happy to answer right away

    Might yet change the thread title but I thought If I mentioned poker in it then I'd have a chance of keeping it in poker chat.

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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    "....with 5 poker friends....." You have 5 friends? RAISE
    Posted by Tikay10
    Fortunately, I've never been one to bite. Sigh fold.

    Welcome to the thread Mr Kendall. It would be wonderful to have input from you on here. Just be aware that it's a poker thread and so no talk of peculiar four card games please.

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    edited July 2016

    Don't you start with knocking the 4 card boys. Proper game, PLO, but only suited to erudite grown-ups. For those less gifted, I suppose NLH, with it's complete lack of subtlety or guile, is just the job.
    How's young Harry these days? Cast your mind back to when he was really young, there were some scary moments, as I recall. I can't begin to imagine being a parent in spots like that.    
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    edited July 2016
    Welcome to the forum.

    Are you that poker pro from Birmingham? 
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Don't you start with knocking the 4 card boys. Proper game, PLO, but only suited to erudite grown-ups. For those less gifted, I suppose NLH, with it's complete lack of subtlety or guile, is just the job.   How's young Harry these days? Cast your mind back to when he was really young, there were some scary moments, as I recall. I can't begin to imagine being a parent in spots like that.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Harry is perfect 
    I'm so proud of him. I do that awful Dad thing where I show everyone pictures and little videos. They're of no interest to anyone but I can't help it.
    I don't want to cast my mind back to be honest. It's my way of dealing with things and although it works for me, it's probably not the best way to do things. I just block the horrible moments out. It's the same with my Dad. I've never properly grieved because I don't let myself. Can't bring myself to look at old photos etc.

    Well, first page, and I'm a bundle of fun aren't i!

    Sadly, you're correct regarding Omaha. I don't understand it. If I ever have a go, I need to look at the middle of the screen where it tells you what hand you have. I'm just about OK with the high but don't know if I have the low.
    Well done in Vegas by the way. Was really enjoyable reading about your exploits.

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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Welcome to the forum. Are you that poker pro from Birmingham? 
    Posted by Phantom66
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    edited July 2016
    Welcome back jac xx you've been missed. 

    Sorry to pick up on the bad stuff but hope one day you will be able to grieve for him. Look forward to your adventures in the algarve. Who are the 5 reprobates that are going with you? Dare I ask :) 
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Welcome back jac xx you've been missed.  Sorry to pick up on the bad stuff but hope one day you will be able to grieve for him. Look forward to your adventures in the algarve. Who are the 5 reprobates that are going with you? Dare I ask :) 
    Posted by Darkangel7
    Ta for comments

    I better seek approval from the 5 before i say. They may not want to admit to being my friend!
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    edited July 2016
    Played a bit tonight.

    Bunch of dyms and the mega stack and the £55 9pm

    Bust the megas stack before the money and the dyms didn't go well again. It's been coming in fairness. I've run super good at them for a good while now. Just one of those nights and happy how i played.
    One thing did tilt me though. Fortunatley i only had 2 tables left and i deregged the other ones.
    From a huge stack, the best reg on the site minned to 800 on the bubble (he was playing around 7k). I was on 1200 including 400 in the bb. The sb shoves for 1180 and the reg snap folded. Was pretty annoyed tbh. Actually cashed that and the other one i was in but it left a bitter taste. i had a few words but as he's chatbanned or possibly self banned,  it was pretty one way :)

    Lost around £50 in total at the dyms.

    The 9pm went a lot better though :)
    Came 5th for £100 and £107.81 in heads.
    Exit was a bit disappointing KJ v QJ
    I'd run pretty well to get to the final table though so happy enough.
    Something made me smile. Jordz was on the final table too. He said how nice it was to see me. Hmmm :)

    Got my head together after playing a hand unbelievably badly with about 12 left. So timid. I let the guy get there and then paid him off. Could have won the hand pre flop, on thr flop, on the turn.

    Nevermind. Only about £20 down for the last couple of nights now if i include rakeback.
    No disasters

    Btw. I've got bloody toothache again. Grrr

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    edited July 2016
    Quick fire questions and need an answer to everyone

    fish and chips or chicken tikka masala
    England win the world cup or Derby win the premier league
    Adam or Natalie
    Messi or Ronaldo
    Live or online
    Fav Yorkshire player on sky
    Fav dinosaur
    Fav place to play live
    How much money for you to never play poker again?
    Would you accept a free bar at a casino but everyone had to tell you their exit hand and you had to act interested at all times?
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    edited July 2016
    So this is where all the action is :)
    Great to see you back posting Paul, of course now I have tread on hallowed ground I have to think of a question.
    New England manager,good choice?
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    edited July 2016
    Hi Paul I was wondering how you came up with your alias and what tips you could give about starting a diary
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Quick fire questions and need an answer to everyone fish and chips or chicken tikka masala England win the world cup or Derby win the premier league Adam or Natalie Messi or Ronaldo Live or online Fav Yorkshire player on sky Fav dinosaur Fav place to play live How much money for you to never play poker again? Would you accept a free bar at a casino but everyone had to tell you their exit hand and you had to act interested at all times?
    Posted by MattBates
    Fish and Chips

    Derby win Premier League

    Don't understand the question. Can't have one without the other.




    Puff the Magic Dragon

    Tough one this. Derby Genting or Sands Room.



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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    So this is where all the action is :) Great to see you back posting Paul, of course now I have tread on hallowed ground I have to think of a question. New England manager,good choice?
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Hi Tom

    Bit unsure 
    First reaction is that we have sunk to new depths and we really do have Mike Bassett in charge.
    Then, who else is there realistically? International football has lost its prestige and the big managers won't be interested. Also, we've tried getting the best in from abroad before. At the time Capello looked like a wonderful appointment and we all know how that worked out.
    So maybe it's not too bad. Certainly infinitely better than Bruce. I also think it will just be fun having a pub league manager in charge against our sophisticated opponents.
    As Bassett would say "Formation? 4 4 fuxxxking 2"
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Hi Paul I was wondering how you came up with your alias and what tips you could give about starting a diary
    Posted by weecheez1
    Hi Weecheez 
    I've always been imaginative. Name people call me and my age at time of starting on Sky put together.
    I think you might be asking the wrong person for tips. But I've found that my diary is normally busiest when I'm being a drama queen, which I may add is almost never.
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly) : Hi Tom Bit unsure  First reaction is that we have sunk to new depths and we really do have Mike Bassett in charge. Then, who else is there realistically? International football has lost its prestige and the big managers won't be interested. Also, we've tried getting the best in from abroad before. At the time Capello looked like a wonderful appointment and we all know how that worked out. So maybe it's not too bad. Certainly infinitely better than Bruce. I also think it will just be fun having a pub league manager in charge against our sophisticated opponents. As Bassett would say "Formation? 4 4 fuxxxking 2"
    Posted by Jac35
    Can't wait for the post match interview. "So Sam, first match in your tenure and we lose 8-1 , are you disappointed with the result?" Deadpan Sam " Are you Sh...ting me?"

    Weecheez, you need patience, a thick skin, not worry when folk just read and don't post, life stuff as well as a bit of poker, you know, similar to Paul's first one ;)
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    edited July 2016
    Brexit and 'ramblings of an old man; part 2'.

    2016 is a bad bad year.
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Brexit and 'ramblings of an old man; part 2'. 2016 is a bad bad year.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    No one could accuse you of being a 'little' Englander
  • Options
    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Quick fire questions and need an answer to everyone fish and chips or chicken tikka masala England win the world cup or Derby win the premier league Adam or Natalie Messi or Ronaldo Live or online Fav Yorkshire player on sky Fav dinosaur Fav place to play live How much money for you to never play poker again? Would you accept a free bar at a casino but everyone had to tell you their exit hand and you had to act interested at all times?
    Posted by MattBates

    Absurd question.
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    edited July 2016
    I don't think dragons count as dinosaurs

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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    I don't think dragons count as dinosaurs
    Posted by Phantom66
    Yeah good point.
    I'll give the expected answer then

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    edited July 2016
    hi jac
    ill post occasionally, mostly rubbish mind
    welcome back bro
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    hi jac ill post occasionally, mostly rubbish mind welcome back bro
    Posted by stokefc
    Always very welcome mate
    If you post anything like your Friday night stuff then that'll be great :)
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    edited July 2016
    House sold 

    Pub tonight while I can still afford it 

    All smiles
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    I don't think dragons count as dinosaurs
    Posted by Phantom66

    T-Rex is the best, as seen in this 80s advert (Steggy a close 2nd) 

    Dragons ain't done $#!+ since Listerine...

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    edited July 2016
    Another 'interesting' fact about Filey which Paul forgot to mention. The Alabama takeaway provides flat packed build your own kebabs. Meat wrapped in foil, salad in a bag, 2 sauces in tubs and an unopened pitta bread. 
    Never seen the like.
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    edited July 2016
    Thread title choices please 
    I've been informed by a Yorkshireman who says it how it is (rude in other words) that the present title is wxxk.
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Thread title choices please  I've been informed by a Yorkshireman who says it how it is (rude in other words) that the present title is wxxk.
    Posted by Jac35
    Well a wxnker would
    Carry on regardless
    Congrats on your house sale
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    edited July 2016

    I'm still getting over the five friends brag. 
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    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: Poker stuff (mostly):
    Hello I'm still getting over the five friends brag. 
    Posted by cpfc_2010
    I made mention of the same thing at the very start.

    A perfectly preposterous suggestion.
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