If he is a good thinking player, and i have no reason to doubt it, he sould be shoving about 31% (any pair, any Ace, Any Broadway and suited connectors/1 gappers to 76s and 86s)
You have 41% equity in the hand vs his perceived range and are getting 1.5/1 on the call. Its as close as close could be.
Did the missed flush get me paid in that hand? Still profit, keep up the good work. Posted by Donttelmum
Honestly... no lol.
I was sat there telling myself over and over again it was a set, and I knew it was, it was just an awful decision to not fold by me imo. You're never clicking it back there with a FD, it's never any sort of bluff and it's never a worse 1pr hand. FWIW, The reason I just clicked it back was cos my maths was obviously dodgy lol and I'd decided to go with it and thought that would put you all in but it ended up leaving like £1 behind which obv I'm never folding for.
I guess its a situation where you have to play the player and not the cards. You would be beating alot of inexperienced players in this situation but against me the turn raise does look mega strong. Sometimes it just hard to lay them. They do get me into alot of trouble!
Well in todays games it should be pretty bad, but obviously its not gonna be bad if lambert can't make the folds!
I kinda just find it more funny with the fact so many people claim the games are boring/tight w/e and here is a high volume reg making a loose peel oop and turning his hand face up ott.
Agreed turn is easy fold I was just being a massive fish. FWIW, JJ I don't think it's that great tbh, the implied odds aren't there unless I just stack off my entire range postflop every time he hits a set which I'm not... this is obv top of my 3b range and even this I'm folding most of the time when I'm not playing poor so no way the implied odds are there, and cold calling there we can't even guarantee we're gonna see a flop with UTG still to act.
£5.50 Timed Tourney - Played about 2 hands in the whole 15 mins lol due to just getting no spots to jam but got £5.75 back.. WIIINNNNEERRR!
£3.30 BH - Did pretty well in this but ended up busting 4 off the money in some kinda flippy type situation. Got £2.53 of heads so small loss
£5.75 BH - Played with GaryQQQ in this for a while and was doing very well again, ran pretty well but managed to get to the FT (74 started) without a single bounty. Then went on the sickest mini heater ever lol, got AA to take my first bounty.... very next hand AA again and I take my 2nd bounty... about 3 hands later I get AKo and take my 3rd bounty... so now we're 3 handed and about 5 hands later I get KK and take the CL from the guy who had a MASSIVE chip lead. Massive like I went into the FT with a very good stack which was 20k, and he had 80k lol. After that it was fairly plain sailing. I had a really good HU battle with Smokey_Hud, suprising cos it's usually jam/fold on Sky FTs but this HU was like 40xBB effective so it lasted probably 40 mins.
Got it in good for the win 2-3 times like QT v JT on J89 but didn't hold in any of them, then I got repaid by luckboxing AQ /> KK aipf and it didn't last much longer with stacks being like 130k v 20k @ 1k/2k.
So my first win since I've started trying to put more volume in, total cash was £83.17 which is decent for a £5 BH.
Lambert1801480001£53.65 + £29.52 Head Prizes4£9.25
So total MTT profit today of £76.90
Cash wasn't so good, finished about -£30... didn't help getting coolered by DTM KK<AA. I even flopped the K and thought 'ooo is this some justice cos I'm always on the wrong end of these v DTM' lol nah he turned his A.
I swear every time I've hit a set with KK vs AA the AA manages to bink a set as well! Never happened the other way around though as far as I can remember! Nice win in the tourney
Mentioned my thoughts on certain mtts to you next door Paul so wont go into that.
Those mini heaters are insane in a bh. Much more powerful than a normal mini heater imo. Purely because people stop beluieveing you (standard) head prizes etc and on a FT the ladder and stack sizes make it soo much easier.
Surely I didnt do anything wrong getting it in aipf with AA? I'm sure there will be a few with something to say. Congrats on ur mtt success. Ohh and my decision to peel in that hand was also influenced by the other player in the hand. I still believe it was fine. Posted by Donttelmum
Surely I didnt do anything wrong getting it in aipf with AA? I'm sure there will be a few with something to say. Congrats on ur mtt success. Ohh and my decision to peel in that hand was also influenced by the other player in the hand. I still believe it was fine. Posted by Donttelmum
And lol no I think you're safe to get it in pre with AA mate
Average ROI is a silly stat that should always be ignored. If your average is £1.05 profit from a £5.13 buy-in clearly you're not making 100%. To get the real figure click on the 'statistics' tab, its near the bottom of the left hand column, look for 'total ROI'. Good luck. Posted by GaryQQQ
So today's play (I missed the £5.50 TT this morning)...
£3.30 - Got it in with AA on the flop against middle set, bust with no heads.
£5.75 - This one sucked a bit more, was doing very good in it again, I think 6th or 7th with 25 left (from 80) and got into a big pot with one of the few people that had me covered and it didn't end well. I raise with AQss on BTN, he peels the SB with J7ss.... flop comes Ah 3s 6s so I have TP and his FD crushed, turn is a jack, river is another jack. I don't give him credit on the river for many (any) Jx or AK and now the jacks paired I have the nut 2pr with basically the nut kicker so that was gg. So bust with £1.88 of heads
£3.30 TT - bust
£11 TT - bust
£2.50 Micro UKPC - bust
£1.30 Micro UKPC - won seat and took the £11.50 cos 7:15pm isn't a good time for me to play.
So finished -£13.77 on MTTs although I did play 1 x £10 HU SnG while I was waiting for my first one to load and won it so +£9/50 there.
Tonight didn't start off too well in MTTs when I bust the first £11 BH with TT<AK and 1 head for £3.75 and then bust the 2nd £11 BH by losing back to back flips and getting no heads. Then I satellited into the £55 BH for £6 and things started to look more promising.
First of all, I absolutely love this tourney! Gives so much play and yet there are still people going nuts to chase £18 for a bounty. Got my first bounty for £18.75 winning a flip KQ v JJ and then just plodded along for a while slowly chipping up. 11 got paid and with 24 left I shipped 99 over a limp and couldn't hold against A6o
Cash I finished +£24... sigh I'll take it obv as it's a win, but used to be booking £100-£200 sessions relatively often at 20/30NL and aint had one for ages.
Tonight didn't start off too well in MTTs when I bust the first £11 BH with TT<AK and 1 head for £3.75 and then bust the 2nd £11 BH by losing back to back flips and getting no heads. Then I satellited into the £55 BH for £6 and things started to look more promising. First of all, I absolutely love this tourney! Gives so much play and yet there are still people going nuts to chase £18 for a bounty. Got my first bounty for £18.75 winning a flip KQ v JJ and then just plodded along for a while slowly chipping up. 11 got paid and with 24 left I shipped 99 over a limp and couldn't hold against A6o So ended up £5.50 down on the night for tournies Target : £1.5k profit Current : £714.60 profit Amount left to go : £785.45 ================================================================ Cash I finished +£24... sigh I'll take it obv as it's a win, but used to be booking £100-£200 sessions relatively often at 20/30NL and aint had one for ages. Posted by Lambert180
Gutted for you m8
I know your supposed to be pro now but couldn,t possibly get deflated or see any negativity with that. You,ll obv get a lot of better days but wouldn,t be disheartened with that unless you,ve been playing really badly and have luckboxed the £24 where you cudda made a lot more
I know what ya mean Paul, shouldn't moan really but aint had what I would call a good winning session for a very long time.
Loads of hassle with a Tesco home delivery means I've had to be sat waiting round by the phone all morning and not really able to get a proper grind in so just played a few £10 HU SnGs on the laptop.
Got my first decent HU session for a while, won 7, lost 2 for a £45.50 profit.
Can we have more of "Living With Lambo" please, its much more entertaining and a good laugh is always welcome...... you never know it could be the next big thing on the Discovery channel.... move over Orange County Choppers Lambos here...
Haven't posted for a while cos I've just been tilted to death and didn't wanna just come on here and sound like moany b@stard.
Needless to say the brutality has continued and it's now reaching 3 months (iirc) that the poker gods have treated me in a pretty horrific manner. Same old, lots of coolers, lots of outdraws, lots of people getting there in a hand and invariably when I have a hand that I can't/shouldn't fold.
My head is completely mashed with cash atm and am constantly wondering what new inventive way someone is gonna find to get there V me lol. Downswings suck and can last WAAAAY longer than most people think.
So with that in mind, I'm going to be putting all of my efforts into MTTs for the near future. Obviously changing games has zero impact on a downswing/variance but I find I'm so much more chilled out when playing MTTs and very rarely feel tilty. Some may think it's strange and I think it's strange as I say it cos it's pretty brutal going really deep in an MTT then taking a sick beat but for some reason I find that a lot less mentally painful than some puke hand in cash like getting 150xBB in with KK v AK and losing... it's also usually alot cheaper lol.
I know there's a lot of money to be made from MTTs on here and I know I'm good enough to win it (variance permitting lol) but I've just never put the volume in.
Will be playing on another site or two just for a few MTTs to fill up tables if there aren't enough good games on here but will be doing most of my volume on here still. No cash at all though for a while, just MTT grinding and maybe the odd HU SnG alongside if I'm waiting for games to load etc.
So last night was my first night and it was probably about as bad a start as you could ask for lol. Can't remember everything but...
Stone bubbled the £5.50 £200 GTD making a standard 10xBB ship with 66 into AA
Bust the Mini jamming 88 into 44 Bust an £11 BH not far from the cash jamming 99 into 77
Bust another £11 BH jamming JJ into KK
Was doing ok after the add-on in the £2.20 speed rebuy but stacks very shallow, jammed KQs over a limp who decided to limp/call w/ A5o. Flopped my king but he rivered the ace.
Also had set under set w/ QQ on KQ4 lol after he just flatted my minraise pre
Positives from the night... well I got 1 bounty in an £11 BH, a mincash in the £2.20 deepy for £4.25, and cashed in a £5.50 TT for £8.99. They're small positives but the big positive imo is that I had a deep runs and was looking in very good shape in like 3-4 MTTs out of about 7-8 games played if not for a few nasty hands. Another big positive is that despite that being a pretty horrible night, I finished up my last table and didn't feel tilted or in a bad mood.
This morning went better.
£5.50 TT (15 mins) - I cashed for £18.62
£5.50 TT (15 mins) - These play very fast with a starting stack of only 20xBB (and I love that), people don't seem to have a good grasp of how to play this stack size or about shoving/calling ranges so most people fall into 2 categorys, they're either WAY too tight or WAY too loose when it comes to getting it in. Anyway, doubled first hand 99 > A4s aipf, halved my stack next hand AQ<AK aipf, bust the next hand 77<KTo aipf lol. Swingaments.
£5.75 BH - Just bust this 10-15 mins ago, this is the 11:30am one that I won about a week ago. FT'd it again but bust when I got it in on the flop with TP and was outkicked. Only took 1 bounty so bust 5th for £16.41
£5.70 UKPC Semi Direct - Played this for the cash, 1in10 and I think it got 8-9 runners, and I won it so that was +£46.30
Not sure you're approaching this right with you now being a pro.
Is playing £2 comps going to pay the bills?
Downswings are horrible and can be lengthy. I think we all have our 'go to' variant of poker and I think you've said cash is definitely yours.
I know you discuss hands within a group and this can only be of benefit to you.
Just a thought but have you considered getting 'new eyes' on your game. I think it can often be the case that people within groups will often have the same ideas about the game and will play in similar ways. Hands which all agree may be standard may not actually be the case.
I was interested to read a while ago something one of the DTD pros wrote about. He played a hand against a good player and the line the guy took made no sense to him. He spoke to his circle of poker friends and they were all in agreement that it was bad. He sought the player out at the next comp and discussed it with him. What the guy saiid actually did make perfect sense. It was just a different way of playing
@Dann - Cheers, I may take you up on the offer, I'll let you know on FB.
@Jac - Tbf the only £2 comp I'll be playing is the £2 speed rebuy which cos it's a rebuy essentially plays like a £6+ MTT cos most of the weak player are piling in rebuys etc and regularly has £140+ up top (funny actually cos I came 2nd in it tonight lol but will do my update in a min). That £2.20 deepy I played just cos it was recommended by Dohhh (no idea why!!), won't be playing that again. I don't need to fill up my schedule with rubbish MTTs now cos I'm including other sites now.
MTTs can pay the bills with a decent amount of volume, especially as my living costs are still very low. This isn't a long term fix but I've wanted to put more volume in at MTTs for a long time and at the moment if I just keep going on at cash it's gonna continue to destroy my confidence and destroy my bankroll. At the moment, confidence is at a real low with regards to cash poker and there's not much I can do about that really. Sometimes you just need that 1 big winning session or stringing a few decent wins together but it's just not happening. Granted it could happen at any time but it's less and less likely as time goes on and I start to play worse.
FWIW, I've talked to ALOT of people, talked to all the usual people I do and a few others, I've even had chats with Smitalos on Skype ffs lol. Also, there's very little to discuss when it's just going strings of hands where I've played it well, got it in and been 2/3/4 outered which account for a huge amount of the losses, I've just been running horrificly when it comes to races (although obv there's always room to improve). While I'm playing MTTs, I'm still gonna spend time on studying/improving my game.
So plan is sometime in the near future I will be coming back to cash with a rejuvenated bankroll, a refreshed head and an even better cash player than I was before the downswing
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards: [QUOTEthere's very little to discuss when it's just going strings of hands where I've played it well, got it in and been 2/3/4 outered which account for a huge amount of the losses, I've just been running horrificly when it comes to races (although obv there's always room to improve). Posted by Lambert180
Sorry to hear you're not running well, it's horrible when on a downswing, but if it is literally down to being 2-4 outered a huge amount of the time and you recognise this, then just keep on going knowing that you are playing well and eventually the tide will turn. This is why we have a bankroll to get us through the downswings, moving down levels accordingly etc.
FWIW Lambert, I think it will be good to take a break from cash. Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need + I'm pretty sure they tourneys are softer than cash @ the same sort of stakes
looking forward to meeting you on the tables
If I can help in any way, let me know - MTTs are my thing, so I might be of some use next month if you want it...
I was sat there telling myself over and over again it was a set, and I knew it was, it was just an awful decision to not fold by me imo. You're never clicking it back there with a FD, it's never any sort of bluff and it's never a worse 1pr hand. FWIW, The reason I just clicked it back was cos my maths was obviously dodgy lol and I'd decided to go with it and thought that would put you all in but it ended up leaving like £1 behind which obv I'm never folding for.
Hand if anyone is interested
Don't think his cold call is bad against A v tight 3b range 130 deep ?
Been ages since I played cash like. Maybe it is.
Easy turn fold for hero.
Got it in good for the win 2-3 times like QT v JT on J89 but didn't hold in any of them, then I got repaid by luckboxing AQ /> KK aipf and it didn't last much longer with stacks being like 130k v 20k @ 1k/2k.
100% ok to peel there imo
And lol no I think you're safe to get it in pre with AA mate
Bust an £11 BH not far from the cash jamming 99 into 77
FWIW, I've talked to ALOT of people, talked to all the usual people I do and a few others, I've even had chats with Smitalos on Skype ffs lol. Also, there's very little to discuss when it's just going strings of hands where I've played it well, got it in and been 2/3/4 outered which account for a huge amount of the losses, I've just been running horrificly when it comes to races (although obv there's always room to improve). While I'm playing MTTs, I'm still gonna spend time on studying/improving my game.
So plan is sometime in the near future I will be coming back to cash with a rejuvenated bankroll, a refreshed head and an even better cash player than I was before the downswing
Day's update to come...
[QUOTEthere's very little to discuss when it's just going strings of hands where I've played it well, got it in and been 2/3/4 outered which account for a huge amount of the losses, I've just been running horrificly when it comes to races (although obv there's always room to improve).
Posted by Lambert180
Sorry to hear you're not running well, it's horrible when on a downswing, but if it is literally down to being 2-4 outered a huge amount of the time and you recognise this, then just keep on going knowing that you are playing well and eventually the tide will turn. This is why we have a bankroll to get us through the downswings, moving down levels accordingly etc.