I sucked out on your earlier dev by rivering a 2 outer on the river but I cant see it affecting you in the grand scheme of things, well done. Posted by BUFC
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£617.40) : hi again stretch, ty m8 first of all £35 is £35 m8 so i know that it will hurt at least a little. how many tables you play makes a massive difference. if say i was only playing 6 do you think i would be up by as much as i am? no is the answer i'm guessing so that would be my 1st starting place i'd look at. if you play tight early doors deffo first 2 levels anyway,conserving as many chips as possible then open up a little levels 3 & 4 looking for spots to raise,button is always good. think where you could be going wrong is as you say you are shoving with marginal holdings . think that is my last resort,if u like,because as u say when you get called by better hands you then need 2 hit. you have the whole game to try & find spots to increase your chips and i'm thinking maybe 1 or 2 spots could be passing you by. where you are identifying the tight players to shove on is ok but again only works when they aren't holding much. you might be better identifying who the weaker loose players are earlier in the game(that's where note taking can help too)and play stronger against them,especially when you have good hands as they will call you down usually quite light. also bet sizing is very important,if you are strong & you feel you are well ahead of your opponent/s then you either go big risking losing them or you min bet extracting the max,which i like doing, but of course then you risk them hitting,because going all-in or big,then they are probably going all the way with every chance of hitting their miracle card's,but by betting small then there is always the chance they might fold before showdown. another thing i have started doing,is simply taking each month at a time and as long as i have made some profit then i am happy,although it is human nature i guess,to always want more. that way when i do get losing sessions,which happen to everyone btw,it doesn't hurt as much. anyway, don't know if anything there helps m8. keep at it & i'm sure if you give it some time,it will suddenly 'all click' as it did for me,i think,earlier this month. just wish i could win at the £5 level but as i've found out....it's another level. also b/roll management is vital.if you are properly rolled for £3 level,£300-£500 minimum,then you can take those £35 losses,any less then it will start hurting a little. i now won't be going to the £5 level again,well properly anyway,until i have that £1000 to play with and that would be my minimum. you know what they say 'practise makes perfect' gl buddy dev Posted by devonfish5
Dev firstly can I say what a truly awesome dude you are, thank you very much for replying with such a detailed response.
I play four tables at a time, i load two up play until roughly level 4, and then add another two. If I am having a good session and am pretty much guaranteed to cash in the first two games I have loaded ie 3000plus chips in advanced levels with shortstacks -1000 on the table I dabble with 5-6 tables. My laptop wouldn't really handle any more tables unfortunately otherwise I would dabble with a few more.
I think I have the playing tight levels 1 and 2 nailed, but I think you have hit nail on the head, really thinking about it I don't think I open up enough in the early mid levels. I skip from playing tight to being short stacked in the late levels shoving on players that I believe understand the survival nature of DYMs. Thanks for pointing that out I will see if I can adapt to this.
Regarding BR management - I am considerably less rolled then you £119 - not quite as aggressive as JCs 22 buy ins but still 36 buy ins at 3.30 level. My goal was to get to 60 buy ins at 3.30 level before taking a shot at 5.50 but i have moved from 154 - 119 in roughly a week.
Thanks very much for the tips, I will adjust game and hopefully start to improve.
Going great guns.I have been trying to play 6 tables at a time but as I am playing mtts aswell.I usually play late doing ok.Just an idea have you tried loading half of the tables at £3 and half at £5.I have tried it the last couple of nights and going ok.I haven't seen much of a difference between the two levels if anything the £5 play a bit quicker.Its a small sample and might be Im just running good (but not in mtts).I find myself just playing as I would normally and not worrying which buy in level Im playing at.Just an idea pal.Run good mate see you at the tables soon.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£617.40) : Dev firstly can I say what a truly awesome dude you are, thank you very much for replying with such a detailed response. I play four tables at a time, i load two up play until roughly level 4, and then add another two. If I am having a good session and am pretty much guaranteed to cash in the first two games I have loaded ie 3000plus chips in advanced levels with shortstacks -1000 on the table I dabble with 5-6 tables. My laptop wouldn't really handle any more tables unfortunately otherwise I would dabble with a few more. I think I have the playing tight levels 1 and 2 nailed, but I think you have hit nail on the head, really thinking about it I don't think I open up enough in the early mid levels. I skip from playing tight to being short stacked in the late levels shoving on players that I believe understand the survival nature of DYMs. Thanks for pointing that out I will see if I can adapt to this. Regarding BR management - I am considerably less rolled then you £119 - not quite as aggressive as JCs 22 buy ins but still 36 buy ins at 3.30 level. My goal was to get to 60 buy ins at 3.30 level before taking a shot at 5.50 but i have moved from 154 - 119 in roughly a week. Thanks very much for the tips, I will adjust game and hopefully start to improve. Posted by stretch83
hi stretch, ty for the kind words...appreciated. good luck buddy,hope you run good & get that b/roll moving up again. (* *) ^ dev
Well done Pal, Going great guns.I have been trying to play 6 tables at a time but as I am playing mtts aswell.I usually play late doing ok.Just an idea have you tried loading half of the tables at £3 and half at £5.I have tried it the last couple of nights and going ok.I haven't seen much of a difference between the two levels if anything the £5 play a bit quicker.Its a small sample and might be Im just running good (but not in mtts).I find myself just playing as I would normally and not worrying which buy in level Im playing at.Just an idea pal.Run good mate see you at the tables soon. Pat Posted by day4eire76
hi Pat, keep persevering with the 6 tables m8,i can remember playing 6 myself & found moving up to 8/9 took some getting used to,but it does gradually get easier.i made plenty of mistakes along the way but i'm glad i went with it as i am now playing 15 fairly comfortably and trying to get to 18.(and i'm still making mistakes!!!) lol glad you are doing ok yourself too. i've given up on the £5's for the time being as it just isn't profitable for me. i've tried all sorts m8, 1 table 2, 1/2 & 1/2 as you suggest even 10 tables +....still can't win. i'm happy enough though playing the £3's so just happy there for the moment. best wishes buddy. dev
Good to see the variance tide has turned, very well played Dev. When that C4P comes in you're gonna to smash through the £700 barrier and get yourself on the home straight. Posted by GaryQQQ
hi Gary, yes,i'm hoping to 'kick on' again now that a new month has arrived. should be interesting to see if i can carry on at the same win rate this month? anyway,my c4p always guarantees a win unless a disaster happens,like i go & do something silly like blowing it all on £5's & £11's.(not aimed at you btw Jingles.) keep going yourself m8, best wishes dev
not able to spend very much time in my lounge atm, as i have had to take up carpet & underlay....long story. (i'm sat here with a protective mask on atm trying to stop the dust getting to me to much,.... have had a sore throat for the past week or so & now added to that have got a runny nose. so once i have finished this up-date,that will be it until tuesday.the lounge will be out of bounds. anyway,new carpet is being fitted on tuesday so should be ok to get back grinding then...fingers crossed.
tbh ,it's been nice having a couple of days off,(well 1 and a bit so far...lol) as i know i have been pushing myself quite hard ever since this challenge began,some 4 months ago now, got to go but see you all soon. run good dev
DAY 124 sat 1/9/12 day off DAY 125 sun 2/9/12 day off not able to spend very much time in my lounge atm, as i have had to take up carpet & underlay....long story. (i'm sat here with a protective mask on atm trying to stop the dust getting to me to much,.... have had a sore throat for the past week or so & now added to that have got a runny nose. so once i have finished this up-date,that will be it until tuesday.the lounge will be out of bounds. anyway,new carpet is being fitted on tuesday so should be ok to get back grinding then...fingers crossed. tbh ,it's been nice having a couple of days off,(well 1 and a bit so far...lol) as i know i have been pushing myself quite hard ever since this challenge began,some 4 months ago now, got to go but see you all soon. run good dev Posted by devonfish5
A well earnt rest after all the grinding you have been doing.
A short break won't do any harm at all after your successful 5K point grind in August, in fact it'll probably do you a lot of good. I hope you're back to full health soon.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£623.10) : A well earnt rest after all the grinding you have been doing. Posted by stretch83
hi m8, yes.have put in a few hours,haven't i. kept away all day,just popped in to see what's about. gl buddy dev
A short break won't do any harm at all after your successful 5K point grind in August, in fact it'll probably do you a lot of good. I hope you're back to full health soon. Posted by GaryQQQ
hi Gary, ty m8. feeling better tbh.been taking honey & lemon drink for my throat,which has helped. yes,played more than i intended towards the end of August but will be happy when c4p get added nxt week. keep going yourself m8,...finishing line is not to far away now. best wishes dev
nice 2b back playing again. just a gentle 1st session back. don't think i will be pushing as hard this month as i did in August but probably a nice steady plod,i think. anyway,nice to get a small w to start off this months campaign. gl all dev ps;played 17 tables again tonight,so getting ever closer to my target of 18. lol
ouch sorry to see youve been running bad. Atleast it dont sound like your tilting too much (unlike yours truly). Take a couple of days out and play something else for a while. cant be good for the brain playing DYMs all day!! Ive taken a break completely from online poker pretty much for the same reasons! good luck!
ouch sorry to see youve been running bad. Atleast it dont sound like your tilting too much (unlike yours truly). Take a couple of days out and play something else for a while. cant be good for the brain playing DYMs all day!! Ive taken a break completely from online poker pretty much for the same reasons! good luck! Posted by mj8bs
hi mj yes m8 i might take some time off if it wasn't for this challenge i'm on atm. it's not the end of the world though £31 is it. if i start taking days off i'll be still here doing this nxt xmas. anyway,c4p is just around the corner.... a boost i badly need. best wishes dev
ouch sorry to see youve been running bad. Atleast it dont sound like your tilting too much (unlike yours truly). Take a couple of days out and play something else for a while. cant be good for the brain playing DYMs all day!! Ive taken a break completely from online poker pretty much for the same reasons! good luck! Posted by mj8bs
Alrite Mj8, ready4SPT?
Back on the upward curve Dev, nice1 - I've not played for a week, gonna take it easy this month after getting 20k+ points in Aug, gl.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£602.70) : Alrite Mj8, ready4SPT? Back on the upward curve Dev, nice1 - I've not played for a week, gonna take it easy this month after getting 20k+ points in Aug, gl. Posted by JingleMa
hi jingle, ty m8 not thinking of moving up again then? gl m8 dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£602.70) : Alrite Mj8, ready4SPT? Back on the upward curve Dev, nice1 - I've not played for a week, gonna take it easy this month after getting 20k+ points in Aug, gl. Posted by JingleMa
Hey dude... Ready as ill ever be! Been at the mint practicing live tournies... On an annoyingly good run of 4 consecutive FTs inc a win and a 3rd so I'm bound To run bad on Saturday!!
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£602.70) : Hey dude... Ready as ill ever be! Been at the mint practicing live tournies... On an annoyingly good run of 4 consecutive FTs inc a win and a 3rd so I'm bound To run bad on Saturday!! Posted by mj8bs
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£602.70) : hi jingle, ty m8 not thinking of moving up again then? gl m8 dev Posted by devonfish5
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£602.70) : Hey dude... Ready as ill ever be! Been at the mint practicing live tournies... On an annoyingly good run of 4 consecutive FTs inc a win and a 3rd so I'm bound To run bad on Saturday!! Posted by mj8bs
Nice, looks like you're in 'the zone' - I'm sure it'll continue on Sat, gl!
nothing very exciting,just another so so session, c4p to add on tomorrow,so b/r will look a little better. night all. gl to everone going to the SPT dev
cheers Jinglema/dev - i havent bothered booking a hotel for the saturday night lol...im either gonna be a fairly large stack at close of play or ill be out and on a train home!!!
friday 31/8/12
part 2
won £5.70
b/roll £623.10
c4p 5353 = £107.06 to come.... hooooray
nice to get my c4p total sorted out.
also feels good being back into the £600's again.
so monthly summary then....
won £312.90 from play(inc £64.58 july c4p) + £107.06 c4p to come
so very very happy with August.
just hope September will take me that bit closer to my target.
hope everyone has had a good August too
& good luck for september.
best wishes
(* *)
thanks alot
best wishes
I play four tables at a time, i load two up play until roughly level 4, and then add another two. If I am having a good session and am pretty much guaranteed to cash in the first two games I have loaded ie 3000plus chips in advanced levels with shortstacks -1000 on the table I dabble with 5-6 tables. My laptop wouldn't really handle any more tables unfortunately otherwise I would dabble with a few more.
I think I have the playing tight levels 1 and 2 nailed, but I think you have hit nail on the head, really thinking about it I don't think I open up enough in the early mid levels. I skip from playing tight to being short stacked in the late levels shoving on players that I believe understand the survival nature of DYMs. Thanks for pointing that out I will see if I can adapt to this.
Regarding BR management - I am considerably less rolled then you £119 - not quite as aggressive as JCs 22 buy ins but still 36 buy ins at 3.30 level. My goal was to get to 60 buy ins at 3.30 level before taking a shot at 5.50 but i have moved from 154 - 119 in roughly a week.
Thanks very much for the tips, I will adjust game and hopefully start to improve.
Going great guns.I have been trying to play 6 tables at a time but as I am playing mtts aswell.I usually play late doing ok.Just an idea have you tried loading half of the tables at £3 and half at £5.I have tried it the last couple of nights and going ok.I haven't seen much of a difference between the two levels if anything the £5 play a bit quicker.Its a small sample and might be Im just running good (but not in mtts).I find myself just playing as I would normally and not worrying which buy in level Im playing at.Just an idea pal.Run good mate see you at the tables soon.
When that C4P comes in you're gonna to smash through the £700 barrier and get yourself on the home straight.
ty for the kind words...appreciated.
good luck buddy,hope you run good & get that b/roll moving up again.
(* *)
keep persevering with the 6 tables m8,i can remember playing 6 myself & found moving up to 8/9 took some getting used to,but it does gradually get easier.i made plenty of mistakes along the way but i'm glad i went with it as i am now playing 15 fairly comfortably and trying to get to 18.(and i'm still making mistakes!!!) lol
glad you are doing ok yourself too.
i've given up on the £5's for the time being as it just isn't profitable for me.
i've tried all sorts m8, 1 table 2, 1/2 & 1/2 as you suggest even 10 tables +....still can't win.
i'm happy enough though playing the £3's so just happy there for the moment.
best wishes buddy.
yes,i'm hoping to 'kick on' again now that a new month has arrived.
should be interesting to see if i can carry on at the same win rate this month?
anyway,my c4p always guarantees a win unless a disaster happens,like i go & do something silly like blowing it all on £5's & £11's.(not aimed at you btw Jingles.)
keep going yourself m8,
best wishes
sat 1/9/12
day off
DAY 125
sun 2/9/12
day off
not able to spend very much time in my lounge atm,
as i have had to take up carpet & underlay....long story.
(i'm sat here with a protective mask on atm trying to stop the dust getting to me to much,....
have had a sore throat for the past week or so & now added to that have got a runny nose.
so once i have finished this up-date,that will be it until tuesday.the lounge will be out of bounds.
anyway,new carpet is being fitted on tuesday so should be ok to get back grinding then...fingers crossed.
tbh ,it's been nice having a couple of days off,(well 1 and a bit so far...lol) as i know i have been pushing myself quite hard ever since this challenge began,some 4 months ago now,
got to go but see you all soon.
run good
yes.have put in a few hours,haven't i.
kept away all day,just popped in to see what's about.
gl buddy
ty m8.
feeling better tbh.been taking honey & lemon drink for my throat,which has helped.
yes,played more than i intended towards the end of August but will be happy when c4p get added nxt week.
keep going yourself m8,...finishing line is not to far away now.
best wishes
monday 3/9/12
day off. OMG...that's 3 in a row
DAY 127
tuesday 4/9/12
hooooray carpet has been fitted.
so will be back grinding later.
tuesday 4/9/12
won £11.10
b/roll £634.20
c4p 96
nice 2b back playing again.
just a gentle 1st session back.
don't think i will be pushing as hard this month as i did in August but probably a nice steady plod,i think.
anyway,nice to get a small w to start off this months campaign.
gl all
ps;played 17 tables again tonight,so getting ever closer to my target of 18. lol
wed 5/9/12
lost £31.50
b/roll £602.70
c4p 168
total 264
played average ran below average,
still just about in the £600's need c4p fast to 'get me out a hear'
yes m8 i might take some time off if it wasn't for this challenge i'm on atm.
it's not the end of the world though £31 is it.
if i start taking days off i'll be still here doing this nxt xmas.
anyway,c4p is just around the corner....
a boost i badly need.
best wishes
thurs 6/9/12
won £13.80
b/roll £616.50
c4p 39
total 303
just a quickie
nice little w
back later
Back on the upward curve Dev, nice1 - I've not played for a week, gonna take it easy this month after getting 20k+ points in Aug, gl.
ty m8
not thinking of moving up again then?
gl m8
thurs 6/9/12
part 2
lost £4.80
b/roll £611.70
c4p 111
total 414
nothing very exciting,just another so so session,
c4p to add on tomorrow,so b/r will look a little better.
night all.
gl to everone going to the SPT
ty m8
yes,going to be 1000+posts i think,which will be nice.
gl buddy