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Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest



  • edited June 2012
    day 11 summary

    opening balance: £275.82
    closing balance: £302.26
    todays+/-: +£26.42
    c4p 1753

    yet another day of steady progress, i had a few spots today where i started to get spewy. i donked off a couple of times in really silly spots, one of which i called a shove with kings on an ace high flop v an opponent i had a little previous where i got him allin pre my kk v his a5 needless to say the ace dropped, a stoopid call i know but it was borne out a bit of frustration and he had an raggy ace again.

    funny spot in this evenings session where i had ak utg raised my usual n got the 2 blinds to shove, 1 was playing £1somethig and the other under £3, i made the call kinda expecting to be dominating 1 hand and racing v the other. both flipped AQ happy days it was the best i could see in that spot til the Q was first card on the flop. run better lol

    ive broke the £300 mark if only just but its a great feeling, now to stay above it
  • edited June 2012
    fao clubhammer

    i'll try and talk thru my working to get a rough number of my hands played.

    ive accumulated 1753 points so far but this has been boosted by 41 happy hours so far this month. ive played them all and each one has yielded 8 bonus points so 8x41=328. take this off my total gives you 1425.

    1425x20=28,500 raked hands this month so far, ive got to factor in dead hands, ie hands that ive played that either not seen a flop or ive played and not amassed the 20 required to gain the point so i would est at around another 4000, we all know theres flops galore at nl4 so i am guessing a little with that figure, so for arguements sake we will round it up to 33k hands so far.

    im up £200 so far this month v 33k hands, im not sure of the exact calculation, im sure someone could give me the formula, but a rough number im getting is just over 15bb/100 but i could be way off
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest : WP i need to get playing again. Just cant motovate myself again
    Posted by The_Don90
    I,m having exactly the same problem, not for the first time.  Had a good to start to the month as well (volume + profit wise at NL4)

     Having a few disconnection issues on here which isn,t helping (also watching a lot of the Euros)

  • edited June 2012
    i managed to hit a royal flush this morning, i cba going thru the hand history to find it as i scooped a mini pot of 11p. yep 2 limpers to my bb, im holding Js5x, turn gave me royal and got no call on river sigh. i think its my 19th royal ever and first for a few months when on that day i hit a royal n 3 staright flushes in the space of a few hours
  • edited June 2012
    looking good tintin keep it up :)
  • edited June 2012
    day 12 summary

    openeing balance: £302.26
    closing balance: £340.72
    todays +/-: +£38.56
    c4p 1852

    nearly another 10 buyin day and apart from a couple of meaty pots towards the end of the session i cant remember too much about the rest, what is playing on my mind is 2 pots i lost v a certain player, i need to anylze them a little more i think.

    i would go into a little more detail but i feel shattered tonight hence the early update so its time to log off, i havent played as much today mainly because i had to go out for a few hours early this evening. im approaching the 2k point mark now and if i put in my usual tomorrow i should pass it at the end of the day.

    im off for an early night, may the run good continue tomorrow
  • edited June 2012
    hi TINTIN,
    nice going again m8,
    i am changing what i said about you yesterday,you are not the boy....



  • edited June 2012

      Going well m8.  Got to say i admire your discipline at just sticking to NL4, are you ever tempted to play an MTT or a few DYMs just for a change?
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    hi TINTIN, nice going again m8, i am changing what i said about you yesterday,you are not the boy.... " YOU,RE THE MAN " lol dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    cheers mate
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
      Going well m8.  Got to say i admire your discipline at just sticking to NL4, are you ever tempted to play an MTT or a few DYMs just for a change?
    Posted by pomfrittes
    i played mtt when i first started and done reasonably well here on sky when the site was launched but they introduced bounty hunters and flooded the schedule with them. im not a big fan of them n i left the site because of this. that was about 3 year ago and since ive played a few mtt but to no real success, i find im quite bad at them now and the game has changed so to speak but then again ive not played many. i have managed to sat into a couple of the thursday rollers thru the league stars freeroll this year and they were a good experience but ultimately i donked off without making much of an impression.

    as for dym, personally i hate them. i can manage about a dozen before my brain fries with it all. i have huge respect for people who play them day in day out but the game is not for me not even a couple just for a change of scene.

    i enjoy cash a lot more than i ever liked playing mtt and i used to love winning mtts. i may be tempted with the odd one at some point, guess we will just wait and see
  • edited June 2012
    smashing it!

    u started with £100 - mmmm NL4 is so unbeatable

    Have crazy ATM'S helped you or this just versus random bads ?

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    smashing it! u started with £100 - mmmm NL4 is so unbeatable Have crazy ATM'S helped you or this just versus random bads ?
    Posted by rancid
    its mainly from randoms.

    i havent seen the crazy ATM in a long while.
  • edited June 2012
    could do with some of these 10buy in days  , i made an awfull call against u yesterday with top pair and u had the nut flush i had 1 of those *i dont beleave u moments*  i wont be havin any more of them hoefully lol .. i think it was u or it might of been clubhammer , anyway keep crushin it :)
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    could do with some of these 10buy in days  , i made an awfull call against u yesterday with top pair and u had the nut flush i had 1 of those *i dont beleave u moments*  i wont be havin any more of them hoefully lol .. i think it was u or it might of been clubhammer , anyway keep crushin it :)
    Posted by JSAVO
    yeah it was against me, i was a little suprised when you called down tbh, normally its big v big when we clash.

    you have a decent game and if you keep it up im sure the 10 buyin days wont be far away for you
  • edited June 2012
    thanks tintin ,, r u plannin on movin up stakes and if so what kind of roll r u lookin for before u make the move?
  • edited June 2012
    Great thread TINTIN. It's a sick grind that you are on. I never understood why people say NL4 is unbeatable. "oh people just call with any old rubbish and you can't bluff", pifht!!! just don't bluff then and bet big with the best hand. I've been playing NL4 since the weekend and keeping a diary on here too. I'm running at 23BBs/100hands at the moment.

    JSAVO, I've seen you on the NL4 tables too. It's hard to avoid the likes of you and TINTIN, you guys nearly always show up on my tables. I imagine you are a winning player too. Maybe shouldn't call 3-bets OOP with K7s though ;-)
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    thanks tintin ,, r u plannin on movin up stakes and if so what kind of roll r u lookin for before u make the move?
    Posted by JSAVO
    im not planning in moving up any time soon. theres a few things i described in my opening post about why im not doing it at the moment, i have attempted nl10 in the past and i wasnt successful but i will try again in the future just not sure when.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    Great thread TINTIN. It's a sick grind that you are on. I never understood why people say NL4 is unbeatable. "oh people just call with any old rubbish and you can't bluff", pifht!!! just don't bluff then and bet big with the best hand. I've been playing NL4 since the weekend and keeping a diary on here too. I'm running at 23BBs/100hands at the moment. JSAVO, I've seen you on the NL4 tables too. It's hard to avoid the likes of you and TINTIN, you guys nearly always show up on my tables. I imagine you are a winning player too. Maybe shouldn't call 3-bets OOP with K7s though ;-)
    Posted by jugglegeek
    i got fed up with the number of threads appearing about nl4 and the arguing back and fro about beating it so i thought i'd document what can be acheived. the grind im on is pretty close to what i usually do when i have the time, i really wish i didnt have the time tho its the downfall of being unemployed just now,

    by the end of the month i will have played around 90k-100k hands and thats the region people say varience levels around. ive always stated its about volume to beat the short term variance at nl4 because of the any 2 callers so the numbers should stack up come end of the month.

    23bb/100 hands so far is good going, im running around 15bb/100 for the month but i have put in rather more hands than yourself. i have read your diary and your making good progress, keep it up
  • edited June 2012
    enjoying this diary.

    I have just started playing nl4 again because I need a break from mtts for a while. I have a cash4points question, if I 6 table for 3 hrs a day how many points would I be looking to earn?? 


  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    enjoying this diary. I have just started playing nl4 again because I need a break from mtts for a while. I have a cash4points question, if I 6 table for 3 hrs a day how many points would I be looking to earn??  Cheers.  
    Posted by waller02
    thanks for reading

    work it on a 2 point per table per hour basis as it pretty much the norm so your looking at 36 maybe 40 depending if its a 3 hour straight session. if one of those hours is a happy hour then insted of 12 points for the hour it should be 20-22 which would take you nearer the 45-50 mark
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest : thanks for reading work it on a 2 point per table per hour basis as it pretty much the norm so your looking at 36 maybe 40 depending if its a 3 hour straight session. if one of those hours is a happy hour then insted of 12 points for the hour it should be 20-22 which would take you nearer the 45-50 mark
    Posted by TINTIN
    ok cheers. also, i know the likes of the_don, jsavo, clubhammer, jugglegeek and urself are the solid regs.....any others to watch out for or have I gotta work it out for myself?? hahaha

    gl on the tables
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest : ok cheers. also, i know the likes of the_don, jsavo, clubhammer, jugglegeek and urself are the solid regs.....any others to watch out for or have I gotta work it out for myself?? hahaha gl on the tables
    Posted by waller02
      Just look for me m8, i usually donate. (honest)
  • edited June 2012
    day 13 summary

    opening balance: £340.72
    closing balance:  £360.47
    todays +/-: +£19.75
    c4p 1981

    a quieter day in general, i had a decent morning to afternoon and was happily picking up pots, won a few stacks lost a couple but was showing a decent profit figure for the session. nothing out of the ordinary happened tbh.

    it got to this evening and i played thru the 6pm happy hour and logged off for a short break at 7, this was when i was showing my highest balance of the day of £365. then things started to go wrong most of which was my own doing. i started to play like a muppet. i was winning pots but losing more. i was bleeding chips when i know i shouldnt have. it wasnt anything huge to damage what i'd won for the day it was just the annoyance of what i was doing myself. i ended up playing lots of short sessions but it was more like damage limitation than anything else. i finally settled down back to my normal self in time for the late happy hour and 1 table i quickly ran a stack up to £13 but on another 2 i suffered 2 beats, treading water lol. i couldnt get anything going so thought it was best to call it a night

    i wanted the 2k points mark before i logged off but gave up as the way i was playing in general it would prob have cost me happy with another winning day but a little dissapointed my own stupid play led to a losing mini session this evening. i know we cant win every session or mini session but i can definately highlight my own contribution as a big factor in it.

    heres to a better day tomorrow
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest:
    In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest : ok cheers. also, i know the likes of the_don, jsavo, clubhammer, jugglegeek and urself are the solid regs.....any others to watch out for or have I gotta work it out for myself?? hahaha gl on the tables
    Posted by waller02
    i admire your attempt but i think it would be wrong of me to name people good or bad.

    you wont go far wrong sitting at my tables if i play like i did tonight lol i was in a giving mood
  • edited June 2012
    an awful session this morning carrying on from the form of last night. not a big hit in money terms im only down £6 but i played awful, called off in a few stupid spots,my radar was well off but got lucky in a couple of spots thats limited my losses. i really should be more down. oh and i ran KK into AA there the AA flatted my raise pre. i actually said to myself when he flatted that i wouldnt be suprised if he had AA here, they have done something similar to me before. flop was q104 rainbow and he checked raised me allin. even with the gut feeling i dont think many is laying down kings there, villian only had £2 which made it even harder
  • edited June 2012
    ive some good news and some bad.

    the good news for those who read this and play against me is, im having a shocker of a day.

    the bad news, ive decided on a lenghty break this evening and im going for a pint or 2

    obviously these are the other way around for myself.

    managed half hour there where i proceded to lose £8 taking my losses so far today to £14. its not huge but im more concerned with the way im playing. its my pool teams last game of the season tonight so im welcome for the break. might have an hour when i get home, if i dont i will have to do my days summary in the morning
  • edited June 2012
    Very simliar to me atm just been through 2-3 days of +/- 12 bins, siht happens m8 )

    couple of pints sound good
  • edited June 2012
    day 14 summary

    opening balance: £360.47
    closing balance: £373.08
    todays +/-: £12.61
    c4p 2054

    from the small increase in my c4p total you will see i only earned 70ish points, that shows i was well down on my usual volume for the day. this was mainly because i was playing awful all afternnon as stated previously. i had a short session when i got home from the pub, i was half gone, and it went well money wise prob not playing wise. im amazed im posting a profit for the day, i will post a hand from this session to show that i was hitting a lot and i did get extremely lucky. hands up i got to admit it but sometimes its better to be lucky than good.

    im hoping today is a one off and i can just blame it on my head not being in the right frame of mind for whatever reason and what time i have to play tomorrow i actually play better in general
  • edited June 2012
    heres the hand in question, i may look back in the morning and think, what am i doing but i'll take the bink
    TINTIN Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £8.88
    WhoKick Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £6.03
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    MThorpe Raise  £0.16 £0.22 £5.97
    TINTIN Call  £0.14 £0.36 £8.74
    WhoKick Call  £0.12 £0.48 £5.91
    • 8
    • 4
    • Q
    TINTIN Check     
    WhoKick Check     
    MThorpe Bet  £0.24 £0.72 £5.73
    TINTIN Call  £0.24 £0.96 £8.50
    WhoKick Call  £0.24 £1.20 £5.67
    • Q
    TINTIN Check     
    WhoKick Check     
    MThorpe Bet  £0.95 £2.15 £4.78
    TINTIN Call  £0.95 £3.10 £7.55
    WhoKick Raise  £5.00 £8.10 £0.67
    MThorpe All-in  £4.78 £12.88 £0.00
    TINTIN Call  £4.78 £17.66 £2.77
    WhoKick All-in  £0.67 £18.33 £0.00
    TINTIN Show
    • Q
    • A
    WhoKick Show
    • 2
    • A
    MThorpe Show
    • 9
    • 5
    • 4
    TINTIN Win Full House, Queens and 4s £16.95  £19.72
  • edited June 2012
    day 15 summary

    opening balance: £373.08
    closing balance: £382.02
    todays +/-: £8.94
    c4p 2143

    a little late in updating yesterday due to being out most the evening and being a little drunk. i did have a good morning where i was up to about the £395 mark then had a bit of a poor afternnon where i went back down to £393.

    i logged on when i got home from the boozer and idcu had a cash game going which i joined, i ended up losing £11 on the table but it was fun and i ran horribly. i need to stay off the computer when under the influence lol

    ive started to stumble a bit in my grind for 4k points, im still on course but im finding it a little harder to stay motivated. once the hangover wears off i will hopefully get a good session in
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