how many hours / day do you play TinTin? And what times? I find Im easily distracted with TV, forum, making a rollie etc. Do you do anything specifically to help you focus? Your BR is similar to mine so was considering a similar idea, but i work full time. Any help from anywould be awesome. Posted by mrpoker919
im playing around 10-12 hours nearly every day and im only doing that because im out of work at the moment and i use playing to occupy myself.
i suffer the same distractions when playing as yourself plus ive got 2 kids that like to fight with each other. sometimes i can keep these distractions to a minimum but if i cant i just log off til things quieten down. theres nothing special i do to maintain focus, im one of these people if i set my mind to something then i just batter on with it. the euros being on tv at the mo isnt doing me many favours poker wise as if im not watching it im keeping tabs of the score on my phone. if i find my self getting overly distracted then i will log off for half an hour or so til things quieten down or i get my head right
not very good at forum comments either tbh. Your obv a very good player, did you learn by playing or are there books/ websites you've used? If you go up levels as your BR grows, you wont need a job. What amount would you need in your BR before you'd consider NL8? Posted by mrpoker919
i dont consider myself to be a good player, just good enough to beat the level im playing at the min. i have played higher on other sites and here and had a little success but ultimately it ended badly.
ive never read a poker book and i dont really look at any other websites, only this forum but i find watching poker on tv a big help. ive been around since sky launched the channel and watched many an hour of the shows and ive gained a lot of info from that. they do try to hammer home the basics in their programmes. i first got a glimpse into the world of poker like many others with the original series of late night poker but it was a number of years before i played my first hand. im not a big reader when it comes to books etc so i guess thats why i never went down that route
if i was to tackle nl8 then i'd be wanting around the £250-£300 mark giving me 30- 40 buyins. i know i have more than this just now but its not about tackling the nxt level when you have a certain amount of money but when you feel comfortable to do so. i have experimented with both nl8 and nl10 in the last few months and i can say it didnt go too well altho my sample size at nl8 is considerably less than nl10. i will attempt the challange of the nxt levels again i just cant say when
played about 2 hours and it didnt help feeling hungover and tired, i lost any motivation i had yesterday really quickly so i quit really quickly, spent last night watching the footy instead.
im struggling for motivation again today so ive plumped for a tourney as a change of scene. the tourney schedule is awful really. too many gimmicks attached to each of them for my liking. i did reg for a bounty hunter but it just emphasised how i hate the format, the other im in as a £1.10 freezeout. freezouts have been killed on here and i could count how many standard freezeouts they were between 2pm n 6pm on 1 hand
i think i may have hammered it too much to staqrt the month and i have felt like this before, think i just need a few days to recover. it will stop me going for 4k points so 3k will be the target which is well within reach
i managed a couple of hours of cash today but i was losing interest quickly so i plumped for a few tourneys as an alternative in the hope i can find the motivation again. i broke even during my cash session and all todays losses cover the tourneys i played.
tourneys never went well, crashed n burned ina couple, got a min cash n a couple of bounties in a £2.30bh and bubbled a £5bh no bounties. the last 2 was the same hands involved AKvQQ, once i held ak the other time i had the queens. lost both typically. i knew as soon as i looked down on ak on the bubble i was a gonner, it was against the chip leader who had been in every pot with junk and is always the way wakes up with a legitamte hand when im allin.
ive got to get back into playing cash n grinding quickly, i blame the beer on thursday for my lazy attitude over the last few days. my balance has took a bit of a hit the last couple of days but im not worried, i was prepared to lose today when i decided to open the tourney lobby. hopefully i can put in some decent volume tomorrow and get back to winning ways
i need a plan, a new plan. im splashing about at the minute with no focus on anything. ive struggled to remain at cash for any length of time these last few days so im for tomoorow off from all poker, well im saying that just now. part of the problem for me is ive too much (for me anyway) cash in my account which makes me look at other options which i know end badly.
im gonna withdraw back down to nearer the £100 in the knowledge i wont fritter it away on tourneys etc. ive reg for a couple to end tonight with and hopefully i will be fresh to tackle the cash tables again.
i have had other committments during this last week and will continue for the nxt as well which havent helped me playing wise but im happy in the knowledge im still well up
i need a plan, a new plan. im splashing about at the minute with no focus on anything. ive struggled to remain at cash for any length of time these last few days so im for tomoorow off from all poker, well im saying that just now. part of the problem for me is ive too much (for me anyway) cash in my account which makes me look at other options which i know end badly. im gonna withdraw back down to nearer the £100 in the knowledge i wont fritter it away on tourneys etc. ive reg for a couple to end tonight with and hopefully i will be fresh to tackle the cash tables again. i have had other committments during this last week and will continue for the nxt as well which havent helped me playing wise but im happy in the knowledge im still well up Posted by TINTIN
Good idea m8. As you are only playing NL4 (supposedly) no need to keep any more than a ton in there. Removing the excess should refocus you. Gl m8.
I've been having the odd +10BI days but nothing as steady as you. Profit wise i'd have to say you're probably the man on this site at NL4. Although i did represent a flush and bluff you off once, you're so hard to play against because i know if i miss i'm gonna be facing at least a 3/4 pot bet which is usually at least 40p. Excellent progress and this diary has given me something to hopefully try and work towards myself.
In Response to Re: Beating the Unbeatable - A Quest : Good idea m8. As you are only playing NL4 (supposedly) no need to keep any more than a ton in there. Removing the excess should refocus you. Gl m8. Posted by pomfrittes
i havent looked at any other cash level, its only been tourneys and it only been from saturday onwards. i will work things out how much ive actually lost on the short cash sessiions ive played since then. i get a bit of a mental block when i reach a certain amount and most of my best results come when i have less in my account
I've been having the odd +10BI days but nothing as steady as you. Profit wise i'd have to say you're probably the man on this site at NL4. Although i did represent a flush and bluff you off once, you're so hard to play against because i know if i miss i'm gonna be facing at least a 3/4 pot bet which is usually at least 40p. Excellent progress and this diary has given me something to hopefully try and work towards myself. Posted by Pipunch
cheers mate, as regards to bluffing me, it happens. sometimes you got lay down a hand.
i withdrew £200 becuase i was getting careless with it splashing it about elsewhere, cash wasnt doing it for me and i was turned by tourney and a a couple of bets on the footie. up to friday the results were all cash but i will list the other totals here
this gives me a loss of £14.96 from other sources other than cash. so from saturday where i had £382.08 im down £8.08 on the cash tables. 382.08-14.96-200-159.04=£8.08
im still showing £274 profit from nl4 for the month so far against 2255 c4p.
i hope these figures make sense and i will get back to grinding nl4
TT, assuming you complete your nl4 c4p total this month, get exactly what you aimed for (not sure if it was 3k or 4k....).............
If you put the identical volume in @ nl8/10 or a combo of the 2, in terms of time & tasbles, how big a difference would that make to your points? What would your total be?
Not sure if you can work that out but it'd be interesting to know.
TT, assuming you complete your nl4 c4p total this month, get exactly what you aimed for (not sure if it was 3k or 4k....)............. If you put the identical volume in @ nl8/10 or a combo of the 2, in terms of time & tasbles, how big a difference would that make to your points? What would your total be? Not sure if you can work that out but it'd be interesting to know. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
i was going for 4k but i will easily pass 3k now probably end up around 3.5k mark at present rate.
if i put same volume in at nl8 i'd be around the 7k mark=£154. nl10 i could get priority so 10k= £260 for 1 month basis upto £280 if done in consecutive months. mixture of the 2 would be around the 8k mark for about £200
Ah it doesn't make as big a difference as I thought it might. Sky are so tight lol.
Was gonna suggest maybe looking for someone to part stake you, like go 50/50 on nl10, so effectively you're staking the same money, but your C4P would be miles bigger. Thought it might help you get over whatever mental barriers you have when you move up.
managed to stick to nl4 all day, not tempted by other sources. i got a fair few hours in but not quite to my usual levels but not far off. i had a good day all round. i felt motivation and focus return and i felt like i was playing well and my radar was returning. there was no unusual hands of note. i did suffer from river syndrome towards the end there. one or two go my way and i would have broke thru the £200 mark again but not to be.
im happy with a return to some proper grinding and a 9 buyin day isnt to be sniffed at. im stuck at the point where the c4p widget doesnt seem to be moving or if it is its very slowly lol. its all in the head.
ive 10 days to get 550 points for 3k which leave me about 4 hours a day playing to acheive, i wanted 4k which is just about possible but ive got plans fri and maybe sat so im not gonna push anything, if i can get the same kinda volume tomorrow i will be happy and hopefully the same kinda results
Do the c4p only apply when you're playing the flop?
Cause there are plenty of hands where people go all in and i've folded pre but the widget seems to go up fastest when i'm actually involved in them hands on the flop.
Do the c4p only apply when you're playing the flop? Cause there are plenty of hands where people go all in and i've folded pre but the widget seems to go up fastest when i'm actually involved in them hands on the flop. Posted by Pipunch
It's any hand that gets raked, and I'm 99% sure that if the hand doesn't go to a flop Sky don't take any rake.
So if preflop it goes, raise, 3bet, 4bet, 5bet, fold, the person who wins the pot doesn't have to pay rake
So yeah you it will only go up for hands that see a flop
Do the c4p only apply when you're playing the flop? Cause there are plenty of hands where people go all in and i've folded pre but the widget seems to go up fastest when i'm actually involved in them hands on the flop. Posted by Pipunch
as lambert has said. it must be a raked hand, one that sees the flop that counts towards c4p. you have to be dealt in this hand but you can fold pre and as long as 2 others pay to see a flop then it counts
i never played a lot today. it wasnt till near 6pm before i logged on, i had forgot it was my sons sports day at school today so i was out all afternoon. when i did log on things went well. i was ahead of the game quite quickly scooping pots and after an hour i was up 4 buyins peaking at £213. i made some good laydowns in this period as well which i was happy about.
after a short break i returned and my game flipped round. from playing well i started playing stupid. i made a few idiotic calls where less than 2 hours earlier i was laying these hands down with ease, i could have punched myself. this session lasted about half an hour before i stopped. i knew what i was doing but the cursor was getting drawn to the call button too often.
i got going again about 9 and had a steadier hour, never won much but never lost much either, by this time i was looking at £206 in my balance, 2 buyins down from where i was earlier but a start of a decline that was gonna get worse. another short break and i returned just before the happy hour began at 11. 2nd hand i flop a flush holding 78 and get a full stack in here only to face a bigger flush,aaaaarrrghhh
a few more loose dubious loosing calls later i was behind on the day but i managed to steady the ship and towards the end i won a 300bb pot after flopping another flush this time getting a free look on bb, the sb flopped 2 pair and the money went in on flop.
another winning day overall but i did do a lot wrong in the time i played. i need to sort myself out at times. i hoping i can get some volume in tomorrow, i know for sure i dont have much to do, and i play a lot better than i showed this evening
this morning/afternoon grind has been scuppered due to disconnection issues.
ive had a dozen disconnects in about 90 mins of play, the last one took me about 15 mins to actually get the option to close a table. this is happening to me increasingly around happy hour time. #coincidence
a funny day all round, i tried to get my usual mid morning session in but i had to abandon after a short space of time due to continued disconnection problems, this led me to sitting on the couch flicking thru the channels. bad idea, i found royal ascot on the box. boredom set in and it resulted in me placing a few bets. ive logged my total outlays to keep track on how much i make from poker for the month just to keep it accurate.
tried again this evening but broke away to watch the footie after the happy hour was done. i was hoping for more volume today but things kept on happening. i finally got settled down at 10 and managed to win some monies. i was ready for the off when someone who was prepared to stack with any 2 sat down.
now it went bonkers. i lost overall to this person and i think they walked away in profit despite only ever have the best hand a ahndful of times pre. their raises pre were like £1-£2 and when he got a stack it was more like £4-£5 so it was pre flop play only. i got stacked 4 times in about 8 hands, JJ<K7 AJ<J2 99<910 99<104 i manged to claw a little back, just over a buyin and it was a hand that actually played sensible pre with that i mean there was no raise i had q8 on a 882 flop and the nutter bet huge on the flop they had 85 and i fully expected the 5 to drop but for once i avoided. the person in question was cracking kings and aces with 102 and 94 allin pre. they left the table after getting a stack up to £40 grrrrrrrrr
im out tomorrow night so my volume is gonna be down, im just deciding wether to get drunk or not.and i need to avoid bbc if im not on the tables
hi TINTIN, the joys of the ups & downs of a poker player a. today,s another day m8.... i,m sure you will be ok. might join you with a drink myself the way things are going atm.... "and i don,t drink" lol best wishes, dev
Bump seen that you are on nl8 and nl10 tables hope it is going well mate good luck David Posted by walesboy
yeah i lost my way over the last week, i was ill for a few days and to pass the time i started skipping over to skybet where i lost a chunk. my balance took a hell of a hit to the point where ive completely lost count of whats what.
i had a shot at nl8 n nl10 over he last 24 hours mainly to get past the 3k points mark. i wasnt playing with many buyins either for the levels i started with £145 and it went the same as before, yesterday i spun it up to almost £200, today i cant win a pot and im down £40. im gonna carry on for rest of today and maybe tomorrow depending how it goes but i can write the story just now, i lived it on previous occasions where day 1 is good then its constant losses. i know my stop mark
i suffer the same distractions when playing as yourself plus ive got 2 kids that like to fight with each other. sometimes i can keep these distractions to a minimum but if i cant i just log off til things quieten down. theres nothing special i do to maintain focus, im one of these people if i set my mind to something then i just batter on with it. the euros being on tv at the mo isnt doing me many favours poker wise as if im not watching it im keeping tabs of the score on my phone. if i find my self getting overly distracted then i will log off for half an hour or so til things quieten down or i get my head right
ive never read a poker book and i dont really look at any other websites, only this forum but i find watching poker on tv a big help. ive been around since sky launched the channel and watched many an hour of the shows and ive gained a lot of info from that. they do try to hammer home the basics in their programmes. i first got a glimpse into the world of poker like many others with the original series of late night poker but it was a number of years before i played my first hand. im not a big reader when it comes to books etc so i guess thats why i never went down that route
if i was to tackle nl8 then i'd be wanting around the £250-£300 mark giving me 30- 40 buyins. i know i have more than this just now but its not about tackling the nxt level when you have a certain amount of money but when you feel comfortable to do so. i have experimented with both nl8 and nl10 in the last few months and i can say it didnt go too well altho my sample size at nl8 is considerably less than nl10. i will attempt the challange of the nxt levels again i just cant say when
opening balance: £382.08
closing balance: £360.13
todays +/-: -£21.95
c4p 2185
played about 2 hours and it didnt help feeling hungover and tired, i lost any motivation i had yesterday really quickly so i quit really quickly, spent last night watching the footy instead.
i must do better today
i think i may have hammered it too much to staqrt the month and i have felt like this before, think i just need a few days to recover. it will stop me going for 4k points so 3k will be the target which is well within reach
opening balance: £360.13
closing balance: £342.90
todays+/-: -£17.23
c4p 2270
i managed a couple of hours of cash today but i was losing interest quickly so i plumped for a few tourneys as an alternative in the hope i can find the motivation again. i broke even during my cash session and all todays losses cover the tourneys i played.
tourneys never went well, crashed n burned ina couple, got a min cash n a couple of bounties in a £2.30bh and bubbled a £5bh no bounties. the last 2 was the same hands involved AKvQQ, once i held ak the other time i had the queens. lost both typically. i knew as soon as i looked down on ak on the bubble i was a gonner, it was against the chip leader who had been in every pot with junk and is always the way wakes up with a legitamte hand when im allin.
ive got to get back into playing cash n grinding quickly, i blame the beer on thursday for my lazy attitude over the last few days. my balance has took a bit of a hit the last couple of days but im not worried, i was prepared to lose today when i decided to open the tourney lobby. hopefully i can put in some decent volume tomorrow and get back to winning ways
im gonna withdraw back down to nearer the £100 in the knowledge i wont fritter it away on tourneys etc. ive reg for a couple to end tonight with and hopefully i will be fresh to tackle the cash tables again.
i have had other committments during this last week and will continue for the nxt as well which havent helped me playing wise but im happy in the knowledge im still well up
opening balance: £342.90
closing balance :£159.04
todays+/-: +£16.14
c4p 2343
i withdrew £200 becuase i was getting careless with it splashing it about elsewhere, cash wasnt doing it for me and i was turned by tourney and a a couple of bets on the footie. up to friday the results were all cash but i will list the other totals here
tourney entry money £79.90
tourney cashes £87.94
c4p from tourneys 88
footy bets £23
this gives me a loss of £14.96 from other sources other than cash. so from saturday where i had £382.08 im down £8.08 on the cash tables. 382.08-14.96-200-159.04=£8.08
im still showing £274 profit from nl4 for the month so far against 2255 c4p.
i hope these figures make sense and i will get back to grinding nl4
if i put same volume in at nl8 i'd be around the 7k mark=£154. nl10 i could get priority so 10k= £260 for 1 month basis upto £280 if done in consecutive months. mixture of the 2 would be around the 8k mark for about £200
plus the volume you play is just massive even for a break even month
4NL - 1 point
8NL - 2 points
10NL - 3 points
so 4NL is half what it used to be, 8NL is the same, and 10NL is 1 point more than it used to be.
But I'm sure if TinTin crushes 4NL this much, there's no way he couldn't make at least a decent profit at 8NL/10NL
opening balance: £159.04
closing balance: £196.43
todays+/-: +£37.39
c4p 2454
managed to stick to nl4 all day, not tempted by other sources. i got a fair few hours in but not quite to my usual levels but not far off. i had a good day all round. i felt motivation and focus return and i felt like i was playing well and my radar was returning. there was no unusual hands of note. i did suffer from river syndrome towards the end there. one or two go my way and i would have broke thru the £200 mark again but not to be.
im happy with a return to some proper grinding and a 9 buyin day isnt to be sniffed at. im stuck at the point where the c4p widget doesnt seem to be moving or if it is its very slowly lol. its all in the head.
ive 10 days to get 550 points for 3k which leave me about 4 hours a day playing to acheive, i wanted 4k which is just about possible but ive got plans fri and maybe sat so im not gonna push anything, if i can get the same kinda volume tomorrow i will be happy and hopefully the same kinda results
Cause there are plenty of hands where people go all in and i've folded pre but the widget seems to go up fastest when i'm actually involved in them hands on the flop.
So if preflop it goes, raise, 3bet, 4bet, 5bet, fold, the person who wins the pot doesn't have to pay rake
So yeah you it will only go up for hands that see a flop
opening balance: £196.43
closing balance: £204.17
todays +/-: +£7.74
c4p 2517
i never played a lot today. it wasnt till near 6pm before i logged on, i had forgot it was my sons sports day at school today so i was out all afternoon. when i did log on things went well. i was ahead of the game quite quickly scooping pots and after an hour i was up 4 buyins peaking at £213. i made some good laydowns in this period as well which i was happy about.
after a short break i returned and my game flipped round. from playing well i started playing stupid. i made a few idiotic calls where less than 2 hours earlier i was laying these hands down with ease, i could have punched myself. this session lasted about half an hour before i stopped. i knew what i was doing but the cursor was getting drawn to the call button too often.
i got going again about 9 and had a steadier hour, never won much but never lost much either, by this time i was looking at £206 in my balance, 2 buyins down from where i was earlier but a start of a decline that was gonna get worse. another short break and i returned just before the happy hour began at 11. 2nd hand i flop a flush holding 78 and get a full stack in here only to face a bigger flush,aaaaarrrghhh
a few more loose dubious loosing calls later i was behind on the day but i managed to steady the ship and towards the end i won a 300bb pot after flopping another flush this time getting a free look on bb, the sb flopped 2 pair and the money went in on flop.
another winning day overall but i did do a lot wrong in the time i played. i need to sort myself out at times. i hoping i can get some volume in tomorrow, i know for sure i dont have much to do, and i play a lot better than i showed this evening
ive had a dozen disconnects in about 90 mins of play, the last one took me about 15 mins to actually get the option to close a table. this is happening to me increasingly around happy hour time. #coincidence
opening balance: £204.17
closing balance: £198.64
todays +/-: -£5.63 ( poker +£14.37, other-£20)
c4p 2606
losses elsewhere: £35
withdrawals £200
a funny day all round, i tried to get my usual mid morning session in but i had to abandon after a short space of time due to continued disconnection problems, this led me to sitting on the couch flicking thru the channels. bad idea, i found royal ascot on the box. boredom set in and it resulted in me placing a few bets. ive logged my total outlays to keep track on how much i make from poker for the month just to keep it accurate.
tried again this evening but broke away to watch the footie after the happy hour was done. i was hoping for more volume today but things kept on happening. i finally got settled down at 10 and managed to win some monies. i was ready for the off when someone who was prepared to stack with any 2 sat down.
now it went bonkers. i lost overall to this person and i think they walked away in profit despite only ever have the best hand a ahndful of times pre. their raises pre were like £1-£2 and when he got a stack it was more like £4-£5 so it was pre flop play only. i got stacked 4 times in about 8 hands, JJ<K7 AJ<J2 99<910 99<104 i manged to claw a little back, just over a buyin and it was a hand that actually played sensible pre with that i mean there was no raise i had q8 on a 882 flop and the nutter bet huge on the flop they had 85 and i fully expected the 5 to drop but for once i avoided. the person in question was cracking kings and aces with 102 and 94 allin pre. they left the table after getting a stack up to £40 grrrrrrrrr
im out tomorrow night so my volume is gonna be down, im just deciding wether to get drunk or not.and i need to avoid bbc if im not on the tables
the joys of the ups & downs of a poker player a.
today,s another day m8....
i,m sure you will be ok.
might join you with a drink myself the way things are going atm....
"and i don,t drink" lol
best wishes,
Just found this on page4, you still playing Mr TIN ?
seen that you are on nl8 and nl10 tables
hope it is going well mate
good luck
i had a shot at nl8 n nl10 over he last 24 hours mainly to get past the 3k points mark. i wasnt playing with many buyins either for the levels i started with £145 and it went the same as before, yesterday i spun it up to almost £200, today i cant win a pot and im down £40. im gonna carry on for rest of today and maybe tomorrow depending how it goes but i can write the story just now, i lived it on previous occasions where day 1 is good then its constant losses. i know my stop mark