Do we have a new convert to the PLO8 DYM's GP - I think you played about half a dozen last night? Think you busted me in a couple, too. From what I saw you won them all - except the only £11 one you played. Been there, done that.
Do we have a new convert to the PLO8 DYM's GP - I think you played about half a dozen last night? Think you busted me in a couple, too. From what I saw you won them all - except the only £11 one you played. Been there, done that. See you tonight, when hostilities resume. Posted by Tikay10
That was exactly what happened. Won 4 out of 5 for a £1.58 profit
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : That was exactly what happened. Won 4 out of 5 for a £1.58 profit Pm me if you want some tips on ranges Posted by Jac35
I might just have to after last night - win 10 of my first 15 games, played 31 in all & ended up losing £18. Marv.
I got well & truly jod'd last night. Have you had the pleasure of Jod67 yet? He is awesome, abso awesome. There are no 4 cards he can pass. Love him to bits, but when he's hitting, it's a sight to behold.
Very first hand of one last night we both our our full stacks in. You know my hand - they were really good ones, too, DS with 3-2. His hand - obv - was Q-J-4-2. Love that boy to bits.
Weird game Last night nothing went right until the very end. A couple of hands that happened simultaneously on different tables summed it up. KK v Liambois AK,Ace on river for a £60 pot and then QQ where I called a 4bet all in. He had KJ and flopped K K x. Turn Q River K . I was in a £240 hole and was lucky to hit a few hands at the end and get £180 of it back. Tonight played for 40 minutes and won £137. Won 5 out of 6 dyms and kept getting hands that held this time at cash Hope they don't keep doing these quadruple points things at cash. Could be very bad for my bankroll Double points Dyms again please! Got my car serviced first thing this morning and the dealership was next to a Greggs. I'm not sure I've ever had anything from there before. Food was rubbish and latte was abysmal. Won't be going again. Watched 5 minutes of the football. If Vardy is good enough for England then we're in a worse state than I thought we were. Got blown out for pub for 2nd night running. Not amused. Don't drink at home ever and I'm thirsty. Meant to be going tomorrow night now instead. I will be proper grumpy if we don't go again. Harry likes me (I think) but point blank refuses to let me pick him up and give him a bottle in the night. Just happened again. Just shouts for his Mum. Same first thing in the morning. Looks like Penny is up at 6 again tomorrow morning. I'll get over it Posted by Jac35
: )
Enjoying the style and humour of your writing. And with a 15mnth old who is exactly the same, found this very amusing.
Gl at the tables, but more importantly sincerely hope you are not stood up again and your thirst is quenched.
I sometimes take for granted one of the perks of being a chef in a very good country free house pub, my thirst is satisfied, for free, before i return home. Being part of camara and on the good beer guide im spoilt for choice with 5 guest ales to accompany the 2 permanent fixtures.
Mind you has to be some perks to what is other wise a poor career choice : )
Are there any sayings that you hate? I got talking to someone earlier. I wasn't sure about them from the off. They then said this.. "Believe, you, me" Confirmation! I immediately dismissed them as an inferior and cut the conversation short. Posted by Jac35
At the end of the day, there are worse sayings than "Believe you, me"
Are there any sayings that you hate? I got talking to someone earlier. I wasn't sure about them from the off. They then said this.. "Believe, you, me" Confirmation! I immediately dismissed them as an inferior and cut the conversation short. Posted by Jac35
I've already mentioned this in another post but I want to write a bit more on it.
I railed hhyftdr from about 20 left in the mini last night.
The final table was really strong. Regular forum posters in TimmyRaRa, Ivan, MilitantG and the fat lad. The other two I didn't know but they seemed to be playing well. I've since checked Zxghost and he has fabulous stats. From a quite small average buy in he's won over £10.000 on Sky.
There were beats galore. Chubby got in with aces against 99. Flop 9 9 x. He writes, "think I got out flopped there"
Timmy had Kings beaten on the river by 67 to knock him out. Tims comment "vnh sir, gl all"
Ivan lost with QQ to Q9. "Gl all"
Militant was also great in chatbox.
There was plenty of fun banter but it was played in a great spirit.
When it got heads up Chiggypig got disconnected. Hhyftdr started using his full timebank and did this all the way through to the river on each hand until he returned. Chiggypig thanked him in his return and then they continued to play hard against each other.
It was really good to watch.
We have some good people on here. All determined to try and win. But also all determined to try and win in the right manner.
I've already mentioned this in another post but I want to write a bit more on it. I railed hhyftdr from about 20 left in the mini last night. The final table was really strong. Regular forum posters in TimmyRaRa, Ivan, MilitantG and the fat lad. The other two I didn't know but they seemed to be playing well. I've since checked Zxghost and he has fabulous stats. From a quite small average buy in he's won over £10.000 on Sky. There were beats galore. Chubby got in with aces against 99. Flop 9 9 x. He writes, "think I got out flopped there" Timmy had Kings beaten on the river by 67 to knock him out. Tims comment "vnh sir, gl all" Ivan lost with QQ to Q9. "Gl all" Militant was also great in chatbox. There was plenty of fun banter but it was played in a great spirit. When it got heads up Chiggypig got disconnected. Hhyftdr started eating his kebab(s) and did this all the way through to the river on each hand until he returned. Chiggypig thanked him in his return and then they continued to play hard against each other. It was really good to watch. We have some good people on here. All determined to try and win. But also all determined to try and win in the right manner. Wp guys Posted by Jac35
I've already mentioned this in another post but I want to write a bit more on it. I railed hhyftdr from about 20 left in the mini last night. The final table was really strong. Regular forum posters in TimmyRaRa, Ivan, MilitantG and the fat lad. The other two I didn't know but they seemed to be playing well. I've since checked Zxghost and he has fabulous stats. From a quite small average buy in he's won over £10.000 on Sky. There were beats galore. Chubby got in with aces against 99. Flop 9 9 x. He writes, "think I got out flopped there" Timmy had Kings beaten on the river by 67 to knock him out. Tims comment "vnh sir, gl all" Ivan lost with QQ to Q9. "Gl all" Militant was also great in chatbox. There was plenty of fun banter but it was played in a great spirit. When it got heads up Chiggypig got disconnected. Hhyftdr started using his full timebank and did this all the way through to the river on each hand until he returned. Chiggypig thanked him in his return and then they continued to play hard against each other. It was really good to watch. We have some good people on here. All determined to try and win. But also all determined to try and win in the right manner. Wp guys Posted by Jac35
Ye big +1.
Followed action from 2 tables out and was played in great spirit.
Funny come to think of it the only one to get disgruntled was the only one who didnt have a bad beat, the chap who shove jqs for a few bb's from c/o and got called by Hhy from the sb with A8os, jqs may be pretty but obv behind and didnt improve.
I've already mentioned this in another post but I want to write a bit more on it. I railed hhyftdr from about 20 left in the mini last night. The final table was really strong. Regular forum posters in TimmyRaRa, Ivan, MilitantG and the fat lad. The other two I didn't know but they seemed to be playing well. I've since checked Zxghost and he has fabulous stats. From a quite small average buy in he's won over £10.000 on Sky. There were beats galore. Chubby got in with aces against 99. Flop 9 9 x. He writes, "think I got out flopped there" Timmy had Kings beaten on the river by 67 to knock him out. Tims comment "vnh sir, gl all" Ivan lost with QQ to Q9. "Gl all" Militant was also great in chatbox. There was plenty of fun banter but it was played in a great spirit. When it got heads up Chiggypig got disconnected. Hhyftdr started using his full timebank and did this all the way through to the river on each hand until he returned. Chiggypig thanked him in his return and then they continued to play hard against each other. It was really good to watch. We have some good people on here. All determined to try and win. But also all determined to try and win in the right manner. Wp guys Posted by Jac35
Poor Timmy, just no need for rubs like that. Obv at your age your memory is shot to pieces so you'll have forgotten Timmy FT bubbled, courtesy of that KK vs....ahem, 67, to leave us with 6.
Yeah was very enjoyable last night, some great chat and banter on the rail. Had some fortunate hands go my way but wasn't fortunate on the table draws! Was stuck with Divsdreams, Nagrom and Shanxta for ages, then Timmy joined us. That table finally broke.....and Sky put me with RSPCA12 and Chicknmelt, yeah cheers for that.
Felt sorry for the guy HU, no issues at all on the FT and then he just disappeared for 2 minutes. Ironically I got a couple of premiums whilst he was discon'ed, so it was pretty sigh for both of us as I had him on the ropes by then and I was cursing my 'luck' that he wasn't around to 3bet jam on me
Thanks for the kind words, and to old man Jackson himself for staying, somewhat begrudgingly , until the bitter end.
Do we have a new convert to the PLO8 DYM's GP - I think you played about half a dozen last night? Think you busted me in a couple, too. From what I saw you won them all - except the only £11 one you played. Been there, done that.
See you tonight, when hostilities resume.
I got well & truly jod'd last night. Have you had the pleasure of Jod67 yet? He is awesome, abso awesome. There are no 4 cards he can pass. Love him to bits, but when he's hitting, it's a sight to behold.
Very first hand of one last night we both our our full stacks in. You know my hand - they were really good ones, too, DS with 3-2. His hand - obv - was Q-J-4-2. Love that boy to bits.
Enjoying the style and humour of your writing. And with a 15mnth old who is exactly the same, found this very amusing.
Gl at the tables, but more importantly sincerely hope you are not stood up again and your thirst is quenched.
I sometimes take for granted one of the perks of being a chef in a very good country free house pub, my thirst is satisfied, for free, before i return home. Being part of camara and on the good beer guide im spoilt for choice with 5 guest ales to accompany the 2 permanent fixtures.
Mind you has to be some perks to what is other wise a poor career choice : )
Basically, what you are saying is......
Cardiff central train station, man on phone explaining how he missed his train, 'I turned around and there it was, gone'.
True story : )
Was that photo taken when you were younger?
Did you EVER hear a dafter question? Are we supposed to reply, "no, it was taken next week?"
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Here's my 1990 mobile phone. People wanted that left alone, too. It aint broke, don't fix it.
That is just GREAT. Thanks Paul.
Followed action from 2 tables out and was played in great spirit.
Funny come to think of it the only one to get disgruntled was the only one who didnt have a bad beat, the chap who shove jqs for a few bb's from c/o and got called by Hhy from the sb with A8os, jqs may be pretty but obv behind and didnt improve.
Yeah was very enjoyable last night, some great chat and banter on the rail. Had some fortunate hands go my way but wasn't fortunate on the table draws! Was stuck with Divsdreams, Nagrom and Shanxta for ages, then Timmy joined us. That table finally broke.....and Sky put me with RSPCA12 and Chicknmelt, yeah cheers for that.
Felt sorry for the guy HU, no issues at all on the FT and then he just disappeared for 2 minutes. Ironically I got a couple of premiums whilst he was discon'ed, so it was pretty sigh for both of us as I had him on the ropes by then and I was cursing my 'luck' that he wasn't around to 3bet jam on me
Thanks for the kind words, and to old man Jackson himself for staying, somewhat begrudgingly