In Response to taxi!!!:hi guys. any chance of a lift to the g in bpool this month? ty Posted by windamon I've just radioed the driver & he says he's on his way!
im a dougnut :/
I said to myself dnt play cash dnt play cash as they was showing mastercash on tv i sat down with £40 on 10p/20p i posted hand on clinic slightly peed of :/ back to grinding dyms STAY AWAY FROM CASH a heavy hit on my bankroll :(
Llamas' Little Locomotion
Hello all! I enjoy MTTs and I'm very much a recreational low stakes poker player. As a mum of 2 young monsters/children I don't always find the time to fit MTTs into my day with maximum concentration. So I thought I'd post a little thread about my Sit & Go challenge I've set myself. My goal is to play 100 £1.05 HU hypers…
As some of you will know i was rushed to hospital at last years DTD in Nottingham, Tikay posted a Thread about it which i really appreciated at the time which Chris (scouse red) printed of & showed me in hospital & it gave me a huge lift. What i didn't know was that DOHHHHHH came up with an Idea/Gesture & started a Thread…
10 Things You Need to Know about SKY POKER
I only concur with number 5.
G Casino Luton 3pm Tourney
Does anybody know if this is dealer dealt? Used to be but buy-in has been halved so I have my doubts that it is. No one in poker room till 1400 and i need to leave at 1300hrs but i'm too lazy to go to a self dealt tourney.
Friday Orfordable (June) Week 3
Hi all The Friday Orfordable League (June Week 3) is this Friday 15th June, you only need to post 2 valid scores. You also have 5 weeks in June to achieve this. Everyone is Welcome to join in. This Friday 15th June. Post your names in this thread if you wish to be entered into the JUNE league and play at least 2…
£35 to £1,000 in one month!
Hello, nice to meet you, I hope this is the correct place in the forum to post this.I deposited today, £30, got like a £5 bonus, which brings it to £35 obviously, well I shall be playing Husng's with quite an aggressive BR. Up to around £50 playing £5 reg speeds, some £10s too.I hope to have a £1,000 by the 7th of July,…
2 more seats for forum cash game 4nl
2 more seats for forum cash game 4nl
I keep failing to spot those hidden straights!
These specs Donut work properly! http://www.flickr.com/photos/lodgee39/7376695584/in/photostream
So I'm looking forward to starting my time at Sky Poker with a FreeRoll to try things out. Alas, after waiting for the hour or so until the tournament starts, I was eager to play in the final seconds of the countdown. However, as soon as the timer goes down, the info turns to a search bar for a new tournament. So now I…
Real Life! Thread is now closed?
A polite request to enquire why this popular thread has all of a sudden been closed. Can one of the mods/someone from Sky explain please.
Starting a heads up "career".
I put "career" in quotations because I am in no way good enough to sustain a living playing poker, nor do I play the high stakes. But I've been playing heads up of late, I'm on stars too, and I have really been enjoying it (coupled with relative success over a very small sample of games). I feel it's more competative, and…
Sky Poker Friday Facebook Giveaway.
Hi folks, Friday again, remember to head over to our Facebook page and take part in our competition. The prizes are as follows: 1st - £22 Tournament Token2nd - £11 Tournament Token3rd - £5.50 Tournament Token Check back in this thread shortly after 5pm and we'll have the winners announced for you. Good Luck.
Whats the difference with Sky Poker
After only being here a couple of weeks now, its seems that bad play gets rewarded on here. People calling when there clearly behind and winning. People calling off a pot sized bet for half there stack with a gutshot and winning. Just seems different on here than any other site
hi, can anyone give me a lift to the g i bpool? thanks
Thursday Night's Live Show with Rich, Tikay and Matt Bates- + we need your suggestions for Sky Poker
this is so easy just put logdon on the pitch,she will frighten the life out of any opposing team. :) :):)
forum cash game tonight? or sng
forum cash game tonight ? or sng
Min raises into big pots
If i see you raise 4p into a pot that's bigger than 12p from now on i'm going to use my time bar up for EVERY decision in that session from there on in. If you're going to annoy me i'm just going to annoy you back. Yes i am that petty.* *Disclaimer: this is actually somewhat tongue in cheek and is meant to start discussion…
Tsp qualifier
Does anyone know if the TSP qualifier will be starting again next quarter?
Online Tells
Another interesting one to debate... Are there any online tells you've spotted based on how quickly people bet or the size of their bets? Feel free to share your theories! Thanks Sky Poker
The good 'beat' section ie positive variance.....
Bad beats mean bad luck. yes,my biggest bit of luck was when i got 5 numbers on lotto one saturday nite.they never come out on the wednesday but when i complained the nat lott spokeperson told me it was variance,lol
Ryan 'Scotty77' Vegas Blog
See here Enjoy! Thanks Sky Poker
Poker on iPad?
Hi everyone, I am just wandering when sky poker will be available on the iPad at all? Please can someone let me know ASAP. Thanks very much people!
DYM Bubble question
Scenario:4 players left with 2 short stacks with exactly the same chips.They both go all in and one of the large stacks decides to call and knocks them both out. Who comes 3rd and cashes?
dym poker school
this short programe showed how bad some of the players are on dym games just a shame they never showed more hands then they would see how bad it really is no offence intended but it would of been nice to have a dym grinder on the team to give there views on the hands shown
i believed he could fly
in case anybodies worried, the window guy was a typical bully who had it coming. he landed on a newly built outdoor smoking section and ran into a taxi. 3 days layer he moved to portsmouth. i wont tell you his real name in case it embarrasses him... oh sod it, his names gavin cresswell.
I was just wondering..........?
.......do the grinders still fist pump when they win a hand or suck out? After forgetting about the England game and only being reminded by the loud "get in there!" from next door when Lescott scored , it made me realise what I was doing during my poker. "Get in!", "about time I won one" , "that's what I'm talking about!'…
Let me know when you bring back the 30p DYM's
Then I'll start playing again...that is all<ok>
Evening. Does anyone know if there will be another SPT at Luton?
just wondering if there will be another spt in Luton