A farewell.
Sorry guys, my bad connection has now found its way to cash games aswel as tournaments/sit and go's. This is ever since Sky's upgrade. I know i'm not the only person with this problem. So i have no choice but to leave SKY for the time being. I'll be back when this problem has been looked into, as i don't feel safe playing…
Thank You Tikay and SkyPoker
Thank you skypoker for allowing me and joe (drumahai05) to have our birthday tournament. and huge thanks to tikay for all his help in getting it running. Good luck to all those play Additional prizes 1st place - £110 roller seat 2nd place - £55 primo entry 3rd place - £33 Bh entry for details check your facebook invites,…
Thursday Night Live with Rich, Tikay and Sam1986 ***official show thread***
greetings and salutations. my lucky number is 13. all the best things in my life have occured due to that number, especially friday 13th. my first snog at secondary school, starting the best job i ever had, and having the snip!! have fun laurie
Fishy result - $8000 profit over 3 days at medium stake HU sngs
Was searching the sharkscope leaderboard, and stumbled across a new player for the Sky leaderboard. The player has come from nowhere to the top of the leaderboard, boasting $11,000 profit for the year. I searched the player, and since the 4th June, until today, 7th of June. The player has won $8,000 playing omaha heads up…
Idiot calls and ends up winning
Why when you've got AA KK even 10 10. Some idiot calls you with 34 78 and wins the hand. When the flop already came 3 7 10 or 2 6 J does my head in.
Can't open up Skypoker
Having real trouble opening up Skypoker, andyone else suffering this problem tonight.
50 minutes until the Lucky Sevens starts!
7 min blinds...1k GTD and added value in the form of free seats to the top 7 of tonights tournie into a future Lucky Sevens tournie. Get in now and let people know about it! Thank you
Few questions about Blackpool Accomodation when you are at SPT
I'm not very good at explaining things but ill give it ago. Me and a friend have just started renting a guest house which has 9 bedroom, it is currently being refurbished. I just want to know when you went Blackpool lasy year and when you go in a few weeks. Where will you be staying? How much will it be a night? What sort…
Birthday tournament and password
As some of you may know, Sky have kindly let me and Joe drumahai05 have our own birthday tournament. Myself and Joe have added additional prizes of 1st - £110 roller entry 2nd - £55 primo entry 3rd - £33 BH entry for thursday The password for tourny, starting at 8.00 is "ilikecheese" All the community are invited, but…
Has sky ever thought about bringing rabbit cam
Has sky ever thought about bringing rabbit cam i know there are other things like antes to bring in so on but i think rabbit cam is a great idea u can be in a big cash pot or mtt and some 1 makes a big bet on the flop and u make a fold but can still what the turn card would of been or the river if u fold on the turn
Happy Birthday
Team51 is a year old today, who would have thought it!! Happy Birthday to the best team on SKY* *(personal opinion, no offence intended to anyone)
Euro12 starts Friday - the Euro Freeroll starts TONIGHT
Bit of fun for a Euro 12 sweat. Freerolls (50 Poker Points) tonight, AND tomorrow. The TOP 16 in EACH of these Freerolls all get a Team in Euro 12 based on finishing position. Winner gets Spain (FIFA ranked # 1), runner-up gets Germany, (FIFA ranked # 2) etc. You then get a £5 Free Bet with SkyBet for EVERY Goal your Team…
Can we put 50% of everyone's buy-in on their head as a bounty aswell? * ;) *I'm not serious
New blog- Game of Moans!
Hi everyone, I've just posted a new entry in my long-running blog. This time I'm looking at the lessons that poker has teach us in life itself. Hope you enjoy. If you do, please do comment below the blog- 'twould be much appreciated. You can read the entry here
Lucky Seven! New Tourney.
Starting tomorrow - THURSDAY, & every Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday until further notice. 7 minute blinds, £7.77 buy-in. £1,000 Guaranteed. TOP SEVEN places all get FREE ENTRY into the next Lucky Seven Tourney. It is in the Lobby NOW.
Week 1 on sky poker - How I've lost most of my £25
Good afternoon all Some of you will recall my post last week. The jist being that I'm going to try sky poker for a period of time and see how I get on. I consider myself your average good player with a decent understanding of the game. (Live anyway I may have to reconsider my online abilities!) Since depositing my £25 last…
Omaha Hi Lo Sit & Go DYM's
Where are the omaha hi lo sit and go DYM tables now?
beginners at poker ok as fun just so much harder nowadays my advice play freerolls to begin with
I see theres been few posts lately from beginners my advice is just deposit £5 a week just have fun its so much harder nowadays to make money with people using the internet watching channel 865 etc i started playing years ago when game was easier but for me personally if i didnt know how to play the game and started now i…
Omaha fans...
...there's good cash games going right now ranging from 5p/10p up to 50p/£1.
'Early Bird' - Get 50% EXTRA poker points 24/7
Hi everyone Last week we trialled our new early bird promotion - see details & T&Cs here The great news is that for the rest of May, you can get 50% extra poker points on 6-max cash tables when there are 2 or 3 active players in a hand! We may roll this out permanently based on how this goes. Thanks Sky Poker
SkyPoker Forum Fantasy Euro 2012 ******* Get Registering*******
Cheers Splashies - Entering now MP EDIT - having problems with the password Splashies- Its not accepting it
Swog's Diary
Hi, i've been around for a few months now. Nearly coming upto a year since i started poker, with my first year of uni recently finished, im hoping to grind the cash tables through summer. I've not gone with a very creative thread title as of yet (looking for some suggestions), but i hope alot of people can get behind my…
Carlo's playing!
Never seen Carlo playing on Sky before, if anyone is interested and wants to rail, he's playing 400NL HU against "DimSumDay" :)
hooooray,-CASH 4 POINTS DAY
JUST RECEIVED MAY,S C4POINTS....£50.50 thank-you sky (* *) " ^ dev
im probably missing summat here but i cant seem to find my regular tourny 9.05 gt £200. iv had help previous from the forum but i cant seem to find it. monday no joy, tue no joy, wed no joy. help! thank you.
no tournys?????
why is there not the usual tournys tonite. the last one is at 21.30?
Connection issues!!
I was really looking forward to sitting down and playing a fair few tournaments tonight. But i have connection troubles every single time in tournaments on here, my first one has just loaded up and the same problem is occuring. I may have to go else where for my tournamnets fix which is a shame really as i enjoyed playing…
Any help interested? :)
Hello my name is robbie and the last few months i have played/watched/read more poker then i ever have because i just couldnt stand losing at somthing i was so determined to be good at. I have inproved, but not massively and i still have a lot of leaks i think, the internet is good for hellp- but they tell u what to…
Euro Freeroll
Hi Everyone Just look on tournament's for free roll it say no tournament's am i to early to register thanks Glen
What do you do if your enjoyment for poker goes??
Hi everyoneBeen playing for nine months now, not a winning player but gaining experience. The last month I started not to enjoy the game as much as I did, so I had a rest for a week, look over what I was doing, the first thing I noticed i was playing to much, every day, when I came home from work 10pm until 2am most days,…