wot a deaded
just qualified for blackpool ,realisation on hols sick to the teeth wat a dead head
Cash for points - did other players realise...
That it was done on an exchange basis? Ie. earn 500 points, you will get £5, but lose all of your points?
Sunday's live show - with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
Hi guys have a great show, Best bit of advice I can give anyone with regard to Dym strategy, is to read "JohnConnors ABC guide" on the forum, which if I hadn't read there is no way I would still be playing them & in profit. On a personal note I am really glad that scotty77 is doing the show tonight as I almost certainly…
Original Diary of a losing recreational player - The resurrection
A while ago I started a thread 'Diary of a losing recreational player'. Since then there have been imposters and I have been on a journey trawling the depths of various sites looking for the winning formula. This has been all to no avail and hence the resurrection of this thread and my return to SkyPoker. I probably…
Howard Lederer on Business Ethics
Don't know if this has been posted on here yet, or not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS7Cv04hwjc I'm speechless.
Do you feel lucky?
Well do you? If so why not give the Lucky Sevens game a try. It starts at 8.45 every Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday, with a £7.77 buy in, £1000 Guarantee, 2000 Starting Chips and 7 minute blinds. It also has the added bonus that the top seven players get FREE entry into the next game, so tonights lucky 7 will get automatically…
HELP! Advice needed on Home Games
Hi Guys, Was at a neighbours birthday party last night and turns out a few of the folks are poker players. None play in home games ATM but a few had played live. Anyway, long story short, for some reason I've been volunteered/forced with setting up a live home game/s. GULP! Now I've never played live so I'm looking for…
Just a quick question..............Do you ever feel unconsciously that poker be it online or live / poker forums, analysing etc take up more of your time than you naturally feel comfortable with?
Synchronised Breaks.
Hi, As you know, Synchro Breaks were introduced recently, & bar a few little teething problems, seems to have worked pretty well. Gradually, the "we need" list is being whittled down! In this morning's Management Meeting, it was agreed that these Synchro Breaks would be rolled out across MORE Tourneys, as follows.... Timed…
RIP Survivor final
Just noticed that there are only 5 people in the survivor final with £320 for 1st and thats it. Does this mean its died a death i thought this was a popular game and realise a few will buy in direct but is it really worth it for £64 when you can buy in a 10k mtt for half that, but a whole week and only 5 in it!. Seems like…
What would you add to sky poker?
Good morning Hope everyone well This post is for all of us, if you could, what would you change or add to the site to help or make it better? I am sure that any constructive ideas would be listened to, as long as there no aggressive language and so on. I wouldn’t change much, but I work on an afternoon shift get home for…
Time for 10x?
Is it just me? It's just in the last few weeks i've noticed you've got to raise bigger and bigger all the time to throw people off junk preflop. The Ace rag is now impervious to the 8x raise at low limits. 10x anyone? This isn't just Sky, there's another well known site where people will play ANYTHING at 1c/2c unless you…
DYM What would you do in this spot?
Hand History #529352215 (17:16 09/06/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedaphne56Small blind 15.0015.002090.00VeronabBig blind 30.0045.001880.00 Your hole cardsJJ nelson2012Fold vander2Call 30.0075.002030.00JAM888Raise 90.00165.002085.00deelennondFold daphne56Fold VeronabAll-in 1880.002045.000.00 No Solid reads- limper…
In Need of some advice!
The last few days i have played quiete alot of mtt's and im mostly a cash player. I find myself having the same tournament and im looking for advice on how to improve, i will usually start well say if the starting chips were 3,000 id usually of been x3/x4 times up by an hour so i will usally be in the cash places, as soon…
Showing hands in a live tourney.
Was watching Pokerstars Game on TV last night and in one hand Daniel Negreanu showed his cards (77) to the player next to him AFTER he had folded to a raise by Seiver. Now I DON'T play live but thought it strange/unusual/bad form to just show his cards to ONE person at the table. I'm not saying it was against the rules…
Hobbies outside of poker?
I was wondering what we all like to do besides poker? I myself am in a band. I'm also a huge Man United fan (born and bred in Salford, now living in Essex) and love playing footy. Have a pic of me playing live from this past Jubilee Monday and i'm also putting that picture up so people will stop flaming me for being 'fat'…
Friday Orfordable League (June) Week 2 Bag Yourself a 6K Re-Buy Open Seat
Sharkscope Members - Help Please
Hi, I always keep track of my wins/losses in each session then calculate at the end what my profit/loss is A) because I wanna know and B) so I can update it in my diary. I literally just have a notepad doc with the word WIN and LOSE and update the number of each after each game, but I realised at the end of this session,…
Friday Facebook Giveaway
Hi all, It's Friday, so it's Facebook Giveaway time! Head on over to our Facebook page to enter. Just answer the questions and we will randomly draw winners shortly after 4.30pm. The winners will be posted in this thread. This week's prizes: 1st £22 Tournament token2nd £11 Tournament token3rd £5.50 Tournament token. Good…
Opinions for this dym hand please
Playing a £3.30 Dym earlier and hand below occoured. Now while i cant prove that he give him a double up, it most certainly looks that way. Pointless going to cc but i was not happy his/her play here. I will leave name out but i will certainly be keeping an eye on this persons future play…
Tips for Playing Heads-Up?...
Whether it's in the later stages of a tournament or playing heads-up cash, playing one-on-one with another player is not like your usual ring game, so... - What tips would you give? - How you should adapt your play? (range of hands you play etc) There's probably a few people out there who are novices or who have never…
Spiritual Poker?
This is a slightly strange question, but I'm just wondering if anybody believes spirit/spiritual beliefs/spiritual activities help while playing poker? And more importantly, if anybody does anything like this during poker or away from poker feel free to inbox me, I'd like to know what you do. I don't want to go into too…
What's going on?
I was looking at the nl4 tables the other day and saw Young_gun and DOHHH playing. What's the story are they having a bad run and Young _gun is now an Old Banger and DOHHH stands for donut. Any ideas?
Download > Browser?
I keep getting messages prompting me to use the download I always just use the browser, is there any benefit to using the download... will it help me win? :)
Any exciting plans for the weekend? Any poker aims?
In your opinion.
Hi folks.Over the last while since I've joined the site I've read many a thread from people offering advice on how to approach various styles of poker,ie,heads up,dym,speed,omaha,tourneys etc.Just for my own curiosity,in your opinion,who do you think is the daddy in each of the above disciplines.I've watched a few games…
poker points
I just looked at my poker points and noticed that about 500 ' were missing' The only freeroll ive entered recently was the Euro one which i thought was 50 to enter but am now not sure. Anyone help?
Sky Poker doing Vegas
Just had a text from Jim (Rosjim), he's taken down a b/h at Harrah's Casino winning £800. Apparently he wasn't given one of those yellowie/bronze wrist band jobbies some others are getting.
Shark attack!
Has anyone noted the progress of '______' in the HUSNG's (predominantly PLO)? Quite unbelievable stats, I salute you sir/madam. Lost 1 game in 100...??!!!!
Advice to a new player
Good day to everyone, hope you are all well. Advice to a new players, bearing in mind that probably they are starting from scratch, don't know the jargon that some of us say, so what would be your advice. Mine would be Watch, listen, take from it what helps you, and don't worry if you loose you need to loose to get better.…