Is the answer.....You should really get out more???? :) )
Thursday Night LIVE! on Sky Sports 4 with Rich, Tikay and Ian 'The Raiser' Fraser
TFI Thursday! Yes we've lined up another beauty tonight- full coverage of the £15k Bounty Hunter (sign up now for TV fame) simulcast on Sky Sports 4 (yes, even more TV fame) and commentated on by one of Britain's top live players, Ian Fraser. Need more? OK, how about 3 rounds of Disastermind as two more contenders step…
Evening all, Just a brief reminder that I will be playing tonight from 7pm - likely to be smalll sit and go's and double your money games including some omaha. Come and join me. Trev
how nasty can it get!!
Who qualified to SPT through the WPT freeroll?
I got a ridiculous amount of monster hands in the first 30 mins. Tripsx2. A set. And AJ and AQ hit J,Q respectively. Got paid for none. Then as the blinds escalated I got kick upon kick in the teeth. You'd think I hadn't originally bought the magazine...... How did GREGHOGG and Neildown get on? They had huge chips round…
1 hr 22 minutes and counting...
Hello Hello Tonight I will be on TSP duty from 9pm where the Tsp classic will be starting we currently have 38 players registered so come on and join in for just £11! At the same time I will be dabbling in a bit of 25-50p cash. I have been spewing off today for fun so I'm definitely good value in this game, please join me…
20 points up to 50 points?
Dont tell me its the VAT increase???????
Ok been grinding the £1 DYM's for a while now and got my roll up to £67, how many buy-ins should I have to move up to £2+25 ? I was thinking in the £80 region allowing me around 35 buy ins, or would that be to soon thus me having to wait till I hit a 3 digit bank roll ? Also is their a way to block myself from sky bet and…
Interested in Horse Racing? See Forum Naps Table
Hi all, After intensive negotiations with Sky they have agreed to sponsor this free competition I am running for Forum members. For full details and to enter please go to Fancy A Bet section of the forum and look at SKY POKER FORUM NAPS TABLE Looking for loads of support and lots of entries. I know you wont let me down.…
just wanted to say a big thankyou to sky poker for giving me the chance to play in the vegas final through the points fest for a mere 3000pp i won the seat worth £1100 now im one step away from a fairy tale ending THANKS TO THE SKYPOKER TEAM cheers james
big thanks
big thanks to the railers in the vagas pts thingy last night, did get a bit twitchy near the end. was playing live in the pub last night at the same time which wasnt the greatest idea!! luckily thay keep the pub open till i finished, never played online with an audiance before! thanks again to maxally trip and dollie for…
any good poker books on tournament play
hi can anyone recamend a good book on nl holdem tournament play.Any help would be great
Was playing in the freeroll,doin ok with 2 1/2k,got moved table,4 not playing the other player on 12 1/2 k. Do these people relize that all they do is spoil the game,when they dont play,all the other guy done was r -raise all the time,with such a big chipstack.U nfortunatley i pushed with A 9,got beat against 55.. Im not…
Freeroll Festival
Nice promotion. In blurb it says to enter the bonus freeroll you have to enter bonus code. Might be a dumb question but can someone clarify where exactly do we enter the code? Thanks.
Surely Not
If you ever become a member of Team Sky Poker do you really have to wear a mid blue hoodie? surely not.
Happy Birthday yidette9
I would just like to wish my lovely wife Lorraine a very happy birthday and I am looking forward to her return to the skypoker tables and community in 24 days time Lots of loveSteve ps, This is the only thing she has in common with Mickjenn .. they share the same birthday
Site Maintenance 6am to 6.30am (18th)
Hi all, Please note that all Sky Betting & Gaming services, including Sky Poker, will be unavailable between 6am and 6.30am tomorrow morning (18th) for essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience. Regards Lee
i have played on all the major poker sites now and it is my opinion that SKYPOKER is NO.1 there is not a better easier site on the internet thank u skypoker for a great site
In Response to nobody believes me anymore :(: im finding it harder ,and near almost impossible to get a bluff through these days ,some of the hands that have called me in recent weeks have been pretty hard to digest ,..........im i telling the right story ? YES ..have i shown weakness through the streets ...NO,,,,,,have i…
BH help
Hey i have played 4 BH games so far 750 500 200 200 i have been on the final table on 3 of them won one 4th on one and 2nd on another. But when i play higher level BH's i just dont seem to play the same and make alot more mistakes than the lower levels. Am i playing above my level?
wpt freeroll
I finished 34th out of 1500 people,6 players get a seat,arghhhh.... its a horrible feeling getting so close,i suppose i will have to take the positives out of it...I was really looking forward to playing live and meeting tikay and all the gang..hopefully there will b another one soon....
wpt poker freeroll - my appoligy
Love a good game of dom's..if you need tips let me know..I ROCK at domino's ;o)) Good on ya for not letting the team down..GLGLGLGL with tonights match xx
OMG Channel5 Live Poker is Fixed!!
Quad Queens v Quad 9's Fixed I tell thee
Heads up NLHE challenge.
Hi all, I notice there is no heads up cash games going ever on this site. I challenge anyone to play me 2 tables heads up cash games:). Would be happy to play .25/.50 or .50/1.00 Come on!!!! />
Tonight's PTP & Team Sky Poker Classic!!!
Evening all.. I know I know.. Orford has turned your head with his talk of Ian Frazer and Sky Sports fame.. But don't forget the 9pm TSP classic.. Here's who's already in: crozier022000 Dollie2000 FLASHJONNY2000 greenbeany2000 kennybad2000 lJAMESl2000 michael902000 mickgil752000 minty112000 sara36dd082000 scooter552000…
A win on my second day :)
I said in an earlier post that i would make a final table within a week. Well in only my 3rd tourney not only did i make the final i took it down. may my good luck continue :) and thanks for your advice tikay and doohhhh .
My name is..........................
For those that havn.t had the opportunity to film, here is chance to do your very own "my name is............... Name : Jaegerbomb Why that name?? ever seen me on friday nights at SPTs??? :( Favourite Skypoker presenter : does Michelle Orpe still count??? :) Favourite Skypoker player?? Far tooo many to name individually,…
Back on the table!
Well guys, Have had a rotten 3months of poker...to the point where I thought to myself a couple weeks break is needed. Well I decided to top up Sky account today just with £25 and decided to enter the 15k BH Direct for £7.20 and the £2.85 Vegas... There were 3 seats up for grabs for tonights BHunter....And with my delight…
Article in Today's Racing Post
Hope so, that would make for good viewing.