Well Tikay I hate to say 'I told you so' but last night when you got off to a good start I said you should stop, bank the winning month and leave it there. Now look what you've gone and done!
One of the problems with the influx of good new players is that you're edge is going to be less and variance is just going to be a tart now and again. Never mind, your mojo will return.
If it makes you feel better (it won't, I'm just kicking you when you're down) I cashed in all but one STT last night (lost a 3.30 late on) AND 3 from 5 MTTs (albeit small cashes). The only downer was going out 3 from the bubble in the £55 BH when I had AQ on a AK7 board, allin on the flop and get called by 87 (!) Oppo obviously turns the trips and off I go. Ho hum, even then I made a small profit due to bounties.
Banned from playing tonight due to the late finish last night so have a good evening, it's a new month after all!
Well Tikay I hate to say 'I told you so' but last night when you got off to a good start I said you should stop, bank the winning month and leave it there. Now look what you've gone and done! One of the problems with the influx of good new players is that you're edge is going to be less and variance is just going to be a tart now and again. Never mind, your mojo will return. If it makes you feel better (it won't, I'm just kicking you when you're down) I cashed in all but one STT last night (lost a 3.30 late on) AND 3 from 5 MTTs (albeit small cashes). The only downer was going out 3 from the bubble in the £55 BH when I had AQ on a AK7 board, allin on the flop and get called by 87 (!) Oppo obviously turns the trips and off I go. Ho hum, even then I made a small profit due to bounties. Banned from playing tonight due to the late finish last night so have a good evening, it's a new month after all! Posted by Enut
You did, too.
I thought about it, but really, winning or losing, say, £30, does not make a deal of odds in the greater scheme of things. Anyway, I enjoy playing too much to stop early!
You & Trevil were both deep in the PLO8 MTT too, as I recall?
Perhaps have a month on PLO in October with the odd PLO8 thrown in for the social side? A change is as good as a rest and all that. Posted by MAXALLY
I'll try & play a bit of PLO, yes, but having, with the rest of the Ploppers, help to build up the PLO8 liquidity, it feels like a big challenge to repeat the trick at PLO.
Deffo tempting though, I do like a challenge.
Maybe I could do "split" evenings, a few hours of each.
I certainly could not play both at the same time. Carnage awaits for all who go down rhat road.....
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : You did, too. I thought about it, but really, winning or losing, say, £30, does not make a deal of odds in the greater scheme of things. Anyway, I enjoy playing too much to stop early! You & Trevil were both deep in the PLO8 MTT too, as I recall? Posted by Tikay10
Yes we were and Trevil duly spanked my botty in heads up battle. If I recall in the last hand I flopped the mother of all draws (nut flush and nut low) and proceeded to miss both. He played v well and deserved the win.
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Yes we were and Trevil duly spanked my botty in heads up battle. If I recall in the last hand I flopped the mother of all draws (nut flush and nut low) and proceeded to miss both. He played v well and deserved the win. Posted by Enut
Well 1-2 in either order is pretty good, well done both of you.
He's a proper handful in the DYM's, too, turns up with all sorts.
I was going to post a couple of exit hands in the clinic but this is not worthy....
1. I had got short after letting the big stack bully me when I thought we were on the bubble (I hadn't realised it was a 6max) 2. I had misread stack sizes and thought if both of us exited I would still get 2nd (wrong again)
Hence the rather poor call here...
Now there was no guarantee either was as strong as they were but still...
Hand History #822416682 (12:28 30/09/2014)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Win high
Pair of Aces
Win low
This wasnt much better - in my diary I had misrembered me having suited cards which may have made the reshove more pallatable. As it was OK PLO8 play to r/r = shocking DYM play when you look at stack sizes and know that big stack seems incapable of laying a hand down.
edit:2nd H/H withdrawn as it was causing a few problems! will try again later. But basically busted out when s/stack was risking his and I had AAKJos.
The morale boost for you Mr Tikay - apart from a chuckle at my ineptitude - is that I am on a streak of 9/10 at £3.30 DYMs and it took the above hand to break a run of 8 wins, which just goes to show how much variance is at play here - I have no doubt that it will be very tough for me to make a +ROI in the long run.
My 3377 all-in? That situation, it was the right thing to do I reckon. I couldn't fold and rely on you (vesp) scooping to save me could I? Cracking result!
My 3377 all-in? That situation, it was the right thing to do I reckon. I couldn't fold and rely on you (vesp) scooping to save me could I? Cracking result! Posted by Macacgirl1
I was fully expecting a call from you given your tiny stack, but i wasn't expecting the Small Blind to get involved! Epic game, i think the first time i've been to level 11.
Current total, after 31 DYMs. Team Concrete 12 Team Twiglet 24
I am prepared to call it a draw if you promise to never give myself and Amarie verbal ever again. And to admit that you are scared as you might lose this challenge to a "girlie". And, you never mention bisto, trains, concrete and bridges in the chat-box ever again. And, you have to actively participate in the "what we have had/are going to have for dinner" discussions in the chat-box. For 60 days.
So Mr. K. We played 11 games together last night. Scores On The Doors. TK - 6/11 Mac - 8/11 Current total, after 31 DYMs. Team Concrete 12 Team Twiglet 24 I am prepared to call it a draw if you promise to never give myself and Amarie verbal ever again. And to admit that you are scared as you might lose this challenge to a "girlie". And, you never mention bisto, trains, concrete and bridges in the chat-box ever again. And, you have to actively participate in the "what we have had/are going to have for dinner" discussions in the chat-box. For 60 days. That sounds perfectly reasonable! Posted by Macacgirl1
Never, never, NEVER. Do you hear me? NEVER!*
* I reserve the right to re-negotiate if you reach 99 before me. That sounds perfecty reasonable.
Well, the challenge isn't who gets to 100 first, it's who has the most wins after 100 total games. So there. Final offer, no further negotiations allowed.
Current total, after 41 DYMs. Team Concrete 18 Team Twiglet 30
Truce called to the challenge as I was fed up of trying! Had two glasses of wine, played like a baboon and promptly lost six games on the trot. Awesome stuff! Take that bank roll!
Current total, after 41 DYMs. Team Concrete 18 Team Twiglet 30 Truce called to the challenge as I was fed up of trying! Had two glasses of wine, played like a baboon and promptly lost six games on the trot. Awesome stuff! Take that bank roll! Posted by Macacgirl1
Hi Mr Tikay sir,just wanted to post my best wishes and a huge thanks for you know what. You are a true gent. good luck on your quest for pl08 domination, I may join you sometime on the virtual felt.its a fab game
Hi Mr Tikay sir,just wanted to post my best wishes and a huge thanks for you know what. You are a true gent. good luck on your quest for pl08 domination, I may join you sometime on the virtual felt.its a fab game Posted by tomgoodun
Thanks Tom.
I cannot begin to imagine the mental turmoil you must be going through right now.
For those who have not followed Tom's Diary, over in "The Rail", this is the bottom line......
"...I have an appointment next Friday when they will be explaining the radiotherapy treatment,that is a rather daunting prospect...."
Hi Tikay if it makes you feel any better Im also in my biggest downswing ever! Waited and waited yesterday against team aggro. Got aa22 and shoved ... was called as expected flop comes 366 .....aggressor goes all in , I call . They have 36 in their hand....no low came ....same old story at the moment!
Hope it turns for us both. On the plus side im crushing on another site which makes it all the stranger why things are going so bad here!
Hi Tikay if it makes you feel any better Im also in my biggest downswing ever! Waited and waited yesterday against team aggro. Got aa22 and shoved ... was called as expected flop comes 366 .....aggressor goes all in , I call . They have 36 in their hand....no low came ....same old story at the moment! Hope it turns for us both. On the plus side im crushing on another site which makes it all the stranger why things are going so bad here! Ger Posted by gerardirl
It happens Ger, but I hope it soon turns for you.
Funny how it messes with our heads. I'm not sure if I'm currently on a Downswong, or the first 12 months were an Upswong.......!
Anyway, I'm keeping the volume low at the mo, until the storm passes.
It would help if I stopped raising into Macac when she has the Aces, lol. Did it twice last night, & once the night before. That's bad timing rather than bad luck or bad play, & I always had a genuine hand, just that hers was genuiner.......
I was very short in one last night, 4 of us left, I'm Button to Miss Twiglet's BB. She had around 5,000 chips or something ridic, & I had 2 Bigs I think but I found Aces, really good aces, so I shoved into her monster stack.
And what did she do?
Took another swig of wine from the bottle & SPITE FOLDED.
Not really sure why you're struggling with these. Played one of your funny games last. I got it in with 2 others and I don't really know what i actually had but all the chips came my way. Played 1 Won 1Booked the win. Easy game#inspiration Posted by Jac35
This sort of thing is probably what Tikay is struggling with:-
£11 PLO8 DYM, I have 13 BB left (1370 chips blinds 50/100).
Early position raiser makes it 350 and I have AA2Q with 2 hearts, this used to be known as a 'premium hand'. Anyway I pot it to 1100 and the other guy calls.
Flop comes Jc 6c 6h, I go in for my remaining 270 chips and the other guy calls and turns over.......4c 6c 8 9.
Turn is the Qc so he improves to the flush and the river is a 10h and I am out in 5th position.
Lesson to be learned? Well obviously AA2Q is no longer a premium hand but 4,6,8,9 is the pre flop nuts and can't be folded to a reraise.
This sort of thing is what Tikay seems to be running into, PLO8 is a strange, strange game!
September has been good for me as i've i've recovered my BR to where it was at the start of July.
Swings & Swongs and all that jazz !
A good & a bad from last night.
The bad.
A chap - BIG winner in MTT's but not so @ SNG's, limped from a 5 big stack.
I had A-K-4-2 & jammed on him.
He called. He had the awesome 2-3-3-5.
The flop was 3-5-5 - ship the boat - but I was nicely wrapped to redraw to the low. Blankety blank.
And I'm thinking, why would anyone limp-call with that? Raise, fine, but limp-call for his whole stack? It's all a mystery to me.
The good.
Alexis - very solid was the villain. We both had playable stacks. I was being a bit gung-ho, & opened with A-2-7-9 hh.
He re-potted.
Now when Alexis repots me, HE HAS THEM ACE THINGS.
For some reason, I could not find the fold (bad mistake, I was not pot stuck), & we got it in.
As expected, he has Aces, but I have the better low.
Low cards please dealer.......
It came J-J-7.
Oops, I'm in trouble now. Running low cards please Dealer.
So I snap thought "he has the house, 7-7-7-A-A", but then, when the chips slid across to me, I realised I had the quads.......;)
Gelders has been a revelation, love to see how he has re-invented himself.
We were on three tables at the same time at one point last night, & he had over 5,000 chips on each of them.
Eventually, I formulated a way to try & cope with his relentless aggression, but it really makes you think.
Some exciting games in store, for sure.
Got some more September wrap-ups to do, (shortly) but I'll be back on the tables tonight.
As Mick the Scaffold notes, & Spite Call Twiglet, these are the swings & swongs.
I thought about it, but really, winning or losing, say, £30, does not make a deal of odds in the greater scheme of things. Anyway, I enjoy playing too much to stop early!
You & Trevil were both deep in the PLO8 MTT too, as I recall?
Deffo tempting though, I do like a challenge.
Maybe I could do "split" evenings, a few hours of each.
I certainly could not play both at the same time. Carnage awaits for all who go down rhat road.....
He's a proper handful in the DYM's, too, turns up with all sorts.
I was going to post a couple of exit hands in the clinic but this is not worthy....
1. I had got short after letting the big stack bully me when I thought we were on the bubble (I hadn't realised it was a 6max)
2. I had misread stack sizes and thought if both of us exited I would still get 2nd (wrong again)
Hence the rather poor call here...
Now there was no guarantee either was as strong as they were but still...
Hand History #822416682 (12:28 30/09/2014)
edit:2nd H/H withdrawn as it was causing a few problems! will try again later. But basically busted out when s/stack was risking his and I had AAKJos.
The morale boost for you Mr Tikay - apart from a chuckle at my ineptitude - is that I am on a streak of 9/10 at £3.30 DYMs and it took the above hand to break a run of 8 wins, which just goes to show how much variance is at play here - I have no doubt that it will be very tough for me to make a +ROI in the long run.
My 3377 all-in?

That situation, it was the right thing to do I reckon. I couldn't fold and rely on you (vesp) scooping to save me could I?
Cracking result!
Epic game, i think the first time i've been to level 11.
So Mr. K.
We played 11 games together last night.
Scores On The Doors.
TK - 6/11
Mac - 8/11
Current total, after 31 DYMs.
Team Concrete 12
Team Twiglet 24
I am prepared to call it a draw if you promise to never give myself and Amarie verbal ever again.
And to admit that you are scared as you might lose this challenge to a "girlie".
And, you never mention bisto, trains, concrete and bridges in the chat-box ever again.
And, you have to actively participate in the "what we have had/are going to have for dinner" discussions in the chat-box. For 60 days.
That sounds perfectly reasonable!
* I reserve the right to re-negotiate if you reach 99 before me. That sounds perfecty reasonable.
So there.
Final offer, no further negotiations allowed.
Team Concrete 18
Team Twiglet 30
Truce called to the challenge as I was fed up of trying!
Had two glasses of wine, played like a baboon and promptly lost six games on the trot.
Awesome stuff!
Take that bank roll!
Yeah, if you fancy a little PLO8, I'm the mark at the moment, I'm in the middle (well I hope near the end, lol) of my biggest downswong ever.
Fill 'yer boots!
Thanks Tom.
I cannot begin to imagine the mental turmoil you must be going through right now.
For those who have not followed Tom's Diary, over in "The Rail", this is the bottom line......
"...I have an appointment next Friday when they will be explaining the radiotherapy treatment,that is a rather daunting prospect...."
We can but imagine.
Tom's Diary is HERE
Funny how it messes with our heads. I'm not sure if I'm currently on a Downswong, or the first 12 months were an Upswong.......!
Anyway, I'm keeping the volume low at the mo, until the storm passes.
It would help if I stopped raising into Macac when she has the Aces, lol. Did it twice last night, & once the night before. That's bad timing rather than bad luck or bad play, & I always had a genuine hand, just that hers was genuiner.......
I was very short in one last night, 4 of us left, I'm Button to Miss Twiglet's BB. She had around 5,000 chips or something ridic, & I had 2 Bigs I think but I found Aces, really good aces, so I shoved into her monster stack.
And what did she do?
Took another swig of wine from the bottle & SPITE FOLDED.
That woman is a menace.
Even a hashtag.
# sick, so so sick........
Anyway, to shame TK into trying harder and not simply giving up when he plays me, the current challenge figures are as follows.
After 49 DYMs.
Team Concrete 19
Team Twiglet 37
ps. I don't swig wine from the bottle, only rum.
£11 PLO8 DYM, I have 13 BB left (1370 chips blinds 50/100).
Early position raiser makes it 350 and I have AA2Q with 2 hearts, this used to be known as a 'premium hand'. Anyway I pot it to 1100 and the other guy calls.
Flop comes Jc 6c 6h, I go in for my remaining 270 chips and the other guy calls and turns over.......4c 6c 8 9.
Turn is the Qc so he improves to the flush and the river is a 10h and I am out in 5th position.
Lesson to be learned? Well obviously AA2Q is no longer a premium hand but 4,6,8,9 is the pre flop nuts and can't be folded to a reraise.
This sort of thing is what Tikay seems to be running into, PLO8 is a strange, strange game!
Run well!
ps it wasn't Twiglet either!