the mini recovery i was on for the day blew up. finished back where i was after lunchtime today. i was doing ok but 1 hand seemed to turn it all bad. i ran set of 8s into a set of jacks then i strruggled to have a hand hold, the last straw was bluffing a hand i could have gave up long before it cost me too much. time to call it a night. c4p: 12 235 Posted by TINTIN
no recovery for me either - down a couple of buyins people not quitting - AQ rasied 5bb flopped flush chk called to keep him interested and he hits runner runner full house with 86. then KK v AA v 64 and the 64 wins. could have possibly folded the KK pre given the reraise but he'd done it before with worse hands than AA so called. then AA into 89 who called 6bb pre and flopped a straight think I'll have my month end beer early!! )) run good
In Response to Re: 31 days- diary of the grind : no recovery for me either - down a couple of buyins people not quitting - AQ rasied 5bb flopped flush chk called to keep him interested and he hits runner runner full house with 86. then KK v AA v 64 and the 64 wins. could have possibly folded the KK pre given the reraise but he'd done it before with worse hands than AA so called. then AA into 89 who called 6bb pre and flopped a straight think I'll have my month end beer early!! )) run good Posted by walesboy
unlucky, im sure things will change soon enough. enjoy the beer:)))
another couple of hours and posted another couple of buyins win. its been an ok day so far.
for the most of the session it was win small pots lose small pots, looking back over my hand history i had 5 hands where the loss was bigger than £2 with the largest being £4.05.
i had a bit of binkage to account for the win from the session. i ended up in pre with AK v KK v QQ and flopped an A for a £31 pot. i hold my hands up to a bit of luck and show that it isnt all going against me.
another couple of hours and posted another couple of buyins win. its been an ok day so far. for the most of the session it was win small pots lose small pots, looking back over my hand history i had 5 hands where the loss was bigger than £2 with the largest being £4.05. i had a bit of binkage to account for the win from the session. i ended up in pre with AK v KK v QQ and flopped an A for a £31 pot. i hold my hands up to a bit of luck and show that it isnt all going against me. c4p: 12 631 Posted by TINTIN
Sounds like it was long overdue. GL for the rest of the run in - awesome performance. it'll be interesting to see if you feel the c4p and winnings from the kings promo were worth more than you feel you would have made from playing your optimal number of tables & stake levels with reduced volume.
played a little longer than normal just because i wasnt tired tonight.
had 3 mini sessions from 7:30 and all were quite poor. dribble a little away each session culminating in losing around half of what i was up on the day.
still a profitable day but nowhere near what it could have been.
In Response to Re: 31 days- diary of the grind : Sounds like it was long overdue. GL for the rest of the run in - awesome performance. it'll be interesting to see if you feel the c4p and winnings from the kings promo were worth more than you feel you would have made from playing your optimal number of tables & stake levels with reduced volume. Posted by clubhammer
cheers mate.
if im honest its probably gonna work out roughly the same. playing a couple of extra tables has certainly hindered any win rate and i wont be repeating this kind of volume again nxt month. i will resort back to a more balanced schedule and try to get the win rate back up to an optimal number
felt card dead all morning. got involved when i flopped a flush when on bb and given a free look. walked into the flopped nut flush, thanks for that and just lost with KK when 55 flopped a set, could have binned them but it was the best i'd seen for so long. dropped around 1.5 buyin no disaster but not what i would like. that could be considered a result considering i couldnt get anything going.
another small session and just about broke even, a few big blinds down.
i made a few dodgy plays that i wasnt happy about after the event and im still struggling to get paid in some spots. it seems if theres big on big im on the smaller big at the moment, ive ran AK into AA a couple of times and QQ into KK a couple of times. i could do with the reverse.
another small session and just about broke even, a few big blinds down. i made a few dodgy plays that i wasnt happy about after the event and im still struggling to get paid in some spots. it seems if theres big on big im on the smaller big at the moment, ive ran AK into AA a couple of times and QQ into KK a couple of times. i could do with the reverse. c4p: 13 351 Posted by TINTIN
This reminded me of hand we played on Sunday...
Show me anything other than 66 or 99 and il give you a tenner*
In Response to Re: 31 days- diary of the grind : This reminded me of hand we played on Sunday... Show me anything other than 66 or 99 and il give you a tenner* TINTIN Big blind £0.10 £0.10 £9.70 Your hole cards Q K dubzs Fold splashies Raise £0.30 £0.40 £10.83 IMikeyBoyI Fold roochie09 Fold TINTIN Call £0.20 £0.60 £9.50 Flop 6 K K TINTIN Check splashies Bet £0.40 £1.00 £10.43 TINTIN Call £0.40 £1.40 £9.10 Turn 9 TINTIN Check splashies Bet £0.80 £2.20 £9.63 TINTIN Raise £2.50 £4.70 £6.60 splashies Fold TINTIN Muck TINTIN Win £2.77 £9.37 TINTIN Return £1.70 £0.23 £11.07 * I may not actually give you the tenner Hand ID 577348419 Posted by splashies
good fold sir. youve got it correct. i'll flip you for that tenner if you can name what pair it was:)
a win is a win m8 i've had one tonight - almost a buy in up! )))) felt myself letting it slip so stood up i'll take small wins consistently everytime after recent sessions especially as there are a few allin merchants around who are hitting well done for keeping the faith, you've had an up and down month
another yuk session, down a couple of buyins. i had actually reloaded a lot more and mounted a bit of a recovery. i lost a fair bit with AK in several hands. ran it into aces and kings a rew times, then jacks then AQ. and the time i was ahead they binked 2 pair when holding KQ.
there was a lot of hands there that i know i can play better, a little bit of tilt did come across my play, i must do better.
ive just about had enough. ive pushed myself a lot this month and its really starting to take its toll. im playing shocking and with little thought, well certainly for most of today. i know theres only 4 days left and ive come this far but those 4 days actually feel like 4 weeks away.
thankfully theres an extra hour thrown into the day and that will be spent on some extra sleep. 1st november cant come quick enough.
ive just about had enough. ive pushed myself a lot this month and its really starting to take its toll. im playing shocking and with little thought, well certainly for most of today. i know theres only 4 days left and ive come this far but those 4 days actually feel like 4 weeks away. thankfully theres an extra hour thrown into the day and that will be spent on some extra sleep. 1st november cant come quick enough. c4p: 14 183 Posted by TINTIN
nice to see back on top tintin keep it going nealy there should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel now gl Posted by scrumdown
i dont know how. i played for about an hour yesterday hence no updates to this thread. im totally fed up with it i spent all day watching the football. i think the table could be wrong
i last posted properly in this thread on saturday night so i will report about sunday.
sunday was s***, i played for no more than an hour lost a few typical hands and gave up for the day. i suppose its the culmination rather than the single losing hand that just got to me. spent the rest of the day watching football online with a few bets to go with it. bet 1 sunk when bayern munich lost at home and their 100% record in the last game of the line, bet 2 sunk when roma chucked away a 2-0 lead at home, running bad everywhere lol.
today started the same, i havent played a lot but another few hands sticks me down again. the last straw was turning the nut straight n getting it in v a set of 7s, they housed up on the river.
confidence is wrecked so i took the decision to step back to nl4 , went a litle better but nothing major to report. i stated in an earlier post im totally fed up, i think im just going thru the motions for the nxt few days.
had totally written off even finishing 2nd in this promo then i check the leaderboard this morning and find im 1st. to say that i was a little bemused was an understatement. i believe the table may be wrong as it has been before but will see what tomorrow says.
im ticking over slowly, just counting down the hours. stuck to some nl4 and despite not posting any big wins i enjoyed it more than i have been doing lately.
another plod along session, was quite quiet then exploded with a series of hands that put me a few buyins in front, then disaster struck.
i was sat on a table with 300bb with a couple of very loose players who ive manged to run this stack up against. i proceedede to lose it in 2 hands.
1st with aces get 150bb in on flop v A10clubs, flop had no straight draws only backdoor clubs. i was shouting no club for the turn and a club hits the turn i resigned mysellf to losing the hand before the river club dropped. grrrrrr
2nd hand, loose player 1 raises, loose player 2 shoves for 300bb and im sat with QQ. loose player 2 had been shoving over loose player 1 a lot and showing K4o and more junk like that a lot. this time they have AJo. 1st card on the flop an A. thanks
i reload and within 2 hands i find AQ and get it in v loose player 1 who tables KQo. thanks to the board running out broadway we split. enough of this time to end.
i didnt lose in the session but i could have won a decent amount but was not to be.
im still number 1 so i guess yesterdays table was correct, only another 33 n a bit hours to hang on now
another plod along session, was quite quiet then exploded with a series of hands that put me a few buyins in front, then disaster struck. i was sat on a table with 300bb with a couple of very loose players who ive manged to run this stack up against. i proceedede to lose it in 2 hands. 1st with aces get 150bb in on flop v A10clubs, flop had no straight draws only backdoor clubs. i was shouting no club for the turn and a club hits the turn i resigned mysellf to losing the hand before the river club dropped. grrrrrr 2nd hand, loose player 1 raises, loose player 2 shoves for 300bb and im sat with QQ. loose player 2 had been shoving over loose player 1 a lot and showing K4o and more junk like that a lot. this time they have AJo. 1st card on the flop an A. thanks i reload and within 2 hands i find AQ and get it in v loose player 1 who tables KQo. thanks to the board running out broadway we split. enough of this time to end. i didnt lose in the session but i could have won a decent amount but was not to be. im still number 1 so i guess yesterdays table was correct, only another 33 n a bit hours to hang on now c4p: 14 600 Posted by TINTIN
GL - i,m sure you won,t be giving up top spot now and will be probably be playing most of those 33 hours
In Response to Re: 31 days- diary of the grind : GL - i,m sure you won,t be giving up top spot now and will be probably be playing most of those 33 hours Ps - How much c4p is that? Posted by MP33
i'll hopefully hang on. tbh im finding it hard to still keep going, its been a long month.
still plodding on going thru the motions and nothing to note, bit up n down all night but nothing severe.
been trying to keep an eye on my nearest challangers and have noticed 2nd place hasnt been at the tables and 3rd place has been about a bit. will be interesting to see the leaderboard in the morning which should give me a rough idea whats required tomorrow.
ive been playing most of the morning as it was my turn to get kids up for school. stuck to nl4 and had a decent day so far despite only having a few hours sleep last night. up a fair few buyins as well.
i want to get to 15k points and then see how well its gonna hold up. still not seen haidyboy sat at the tables today yet but king2600 is still about. if that continues then king2600 could be my main danger and creep up without too much notice. can we put the clocks forward by a few hours:))))
Massive well done to you TinTin. I still reckon you will finish 1st in the Kings but regardless of where you finish, this has been an absolutely amazing effort. A great display of dedication and discipline to keep soldiering on no matter how hard it got.
I'm sure you're gonna come away this month with a very nice profit and very likely the bragging rights of knowing you won the Kings of Cash without each touching 20NL.
people not quitting - AQ rasied 5bb flopped flush chk called to keep him interested and he hits runner runner full house with 86. then KK v AA v 64 and the 64 wins. could have possibly folded the KK pre given the reraise but he'd done it before with worse hands than AA so called. then AA into 89 who called 6bb pre and flopped a straight
think I'll have my month end beer early!!
run good
not much to note, i got paid in some spots by junk and held v some flush draws.
only 6.5 days to go til its over, lets have some sustained run good
c4p: 12 441
for the most of the session it was win small pots lose small pots, looking back over my hand history i had 5 hands where the loss was bigger than £2 with the largest being £4.05.
i had a bit of binkage to account for the win from the session. i ended up in pre with AK v KK v QQ and flopped an A for a £31 pot. i hold my hands up to a bit of luck and show that it isnt all going against me.
c4p: 12 631
Sounds like it was long overdue. GL for the rest of the run in - awesome performance. it'll be interesting to see if you feel the c4p and winnings from the kings promo were worth more than you feel you would have made from playing your optimal number of tables & stake levels with reduced volume.
had 3 mini sessions from 7:30 and all were quite poor. dribble a little away each session culminating in losing around half of what i was up on the day.
still a profitable day but nowhere near what it could have been.
c4p: 13 002
if im honest its probably gonna work out roughly the same. playing a couple of extra tables has certainly hindered any win rate and i wont be repeating this kind of volume again nxt month. i will resort back to a more balanced schedule and try to get the win rate back up to an optimal number
c4p: 13 167
i made a few dodgy plays that i wasnt happy about after the event and im still struggling to get paid in some spots. it seems if theres big on big im on the smaller big at the moment, ive ran AK into AA a couple of times and QQ into KK a couple of times. i could do with the reverse.
c4p: 13 351
Show me anything other than 66 or 99 and il give you a tenner*
* I may not actually give you the tenner
Hand ID 577348419
im wide awake and the mrs is away for the weekend so i may have 1 more session before bed. its 1/2 i report bad news lol
c4p: 13 601
i've had one tonight - almost a buy in up!
felt myself letting it slip so stood up
i'll take small wins consistently everytime after recent sessions especially as there are a few allin merchants around who are hitting
well done for keeping the faith, you've had an up and down month
there was a lot of hands there that i know i can play better, a little bit of tilt did come across my play, i must do better.
c4p: 13 906
ive just about had enough. ive pushed myself a lot this month and its really starting to take its toll. im playing shocking and with little thought, well certainly for most of today. i know theres only 4 days left and ive come this far but those 4 days actually feel like 4 weeks away.
thankfully theres an extra hour thrown into the day and that will be spent on some extra sleep. 1st november cant come quick enough.
c4p: 14 183
sunday was s***, i played for no more than an hour lost a few typical hands and gave up for the day. i suppose its the culmination rather than the single losing hand that just got to me. spent the rest of the day watching football online with a few bets to go with it. bet 1 sunk when bayern munich lost at home and their 100% record in the last game of the line, bet 2 sunk when roma chucked away a 2-0 lead at home, running bad everywhere lol.
today started the same, i havent played a lot but another few hands sticks me down again. the last straw was turning the nut straight n getting it in v a set of 7s, they housed up on the river.
confidence is wrecked so i took the decision to step back to nl4 , went a litle better but nothing major to report. i stated in an earlier post im totally fed up, i think im just going thru the motions for the nxt few days.
had totally written off even finishing 2nd in this promo then i check the leaderboard this morning and find im 1st. to say that i was a little bemused was an understatement. i believe the table may be wrong as it has been before but will see what tomorrow says.
c4p: 14 387
c4p: 14 500
i was sat on a table with 300bb with a couple of very loose players who ive manged to run this stack up against. i proceedede to lose it in 2 hands.
1st with aces get 150bb in on flop v A10clubs, flop had no straight draws only backdoor clubs. i was shouting no club for the turn and a club hits the turn i resigned mysellf to losing the hand before the river club dropped. grrrrrr
2nd hand, loose player 1 raises, loose player 2 shoves for 300bb and im sat with QQ. loose player 2 had been shoving over loose player 1 a lot and showing K4o and more junk like that a lot. this time they have AJo. 1st card on the flop an A. thanks
i reload and within 2 hands i find AQ and get it in v loose player 1 who tables KQo. thanks to the board running out broadway we split. enough of this time to end.
i didnt lose in the session but i could have won a decent amount but was not to be.
im still number 1 so i guess yesterdays table was correct, only another 33 n a bit hours to hang on now
c4p: 14 600
GL - i,m sure you won,t be giving up top spot now and will be probably be playing most of those 33 hours
Ps - How much c4p is that?
as for c4p its about £450ish
still plodding on going thru the motions and nothing to note, bit up n down all night but nothing severe.
been trying to keep an eye on my nearest challangers and have noticed 2nd place hasnt been at the tables and 3rd place has been about a bit. will be interesting to see the leaderboard in the morning which should give me a rough idea whats required tomorrow.
c4p: 14 771
ive been playing most of the morning as it was my turn to get kids up for school. stuck to nl4 and had a decent day so far despite only having a few hours sleep last night. up a fair few buyins as well.
i want to get to 15k points and then see how well its gonna hold up. still not seen haidyboy sat at the tables today yet but king2600 is still about. if that continues then king2600 could be my main danger and creep up without too much notice. can we put the clocks forward by a few hours:))))
c4p: 14 915
its nearly over
I'm sure you're gonna come away this month with a very nice profit and very likely the bragging rights of knowing you won the Kings of Cash without each touching 20NL.
Very well played mate.