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------ A PAIN IN THE CASH!!! -------
good luck in the roller sir, hope you dont win cos il be playing myself but i hope you do well.
0 ·
As some of you know i had a small diary a couple of weeks ago too see how i would go on the cash tables. It didnt go great and was down too my own play. I was getting involved in far too many hands and calling rather than folding in spots where i think i really should've been.
All the best, Matt
See you in the £5.75 BHs
Lost out on first freeroll.
played a £3.30 dym this is my exit ah well.
Hand History #750460006 (17:53 28/02/2014)
Just a little heads up - you mention in your first post that you are tempted to withdraw the £110 and just add it to your bankroll. I am pretty sure that Sky won't let you do that, if you de register from a tourney you have qualified for (rather than bought in direct) they DONT refund your buy in.
By the way I qualified for one of the rollers a few weeks ago via a £3 ish all in sat (no skill involved) and was also tempted to withdraw the buy in as I was running like a dog, tired and really not that enthusiastic about playing it for those reasons, (it was before i found out that i couldn't withdraw the buy in obviously).
Anyway I decided to play it after all and final tabled for £1,100 ish which was a nice boost to my Sky bankroll. If I can do then anyone can!
Good luck again and remember the No 1 rule for successful poker - BANKROLL MANAGEMENT.
AHHH cheers for letting me know for next time. was tempting but really cant wont have many chances too play the roller so giving it a go. n1 on your FT £1,100 would love too achieve that.
played 2x freerolls
1x £3.30 sat for The 10k BH
1x £3.30 DYM hand is a couple of posts back how that went
1x £1.80 All In Sat
1x £3.30 Orfordable deep stack was going well until ........
Hand History #750595649 (21:50 28/02/2014)
and then Qc8c with a big blind call with Kc10c and he hit two pair.
enjoyed the game don't think I done too much wrong, played one or two bluffs that never paid off but got away before I one tooo much damage.
so that's all for tonight.
gl at the tables.
closing BR £48.00
last hand shoved less than 10bb
Hand History #750870704 (17:17 01/03/2014)
Good luck with your challenge.
There are players far better suited to give advice on MTT's than myself, i've only played in one £110 BI main event on sky, and that's cause i was in through a free roll.
Mostly just enjoy it and the experience.
When i played it, at my table was |James| a really high stakes cash player, as well as 1 other top notch Cash player and a top notch MTT player. At first it was a bit daunting having all these good players at the table, but i soon found my rythym. Just treat it like any other MTT, play your game and hopefully run awesome!
I would play Tight and Aggresive in the early stages, then open up a bit when blinds starting going up. In the first 2 hours even if you are not involved in many hands it won't mater in the slightest as the blinds are so low.
All the best!
hail hail
Just couldn't get going in the mega at all. felt I played ok didn't get out of line too much. just a lot of players making straights and flushes against me, I know most of the time they will miss what there chasing, and me having things like 2 pairs and tp with tk, finding myself having too slow right down on the turn, just one of those nights I think.
or I could be very wrong, my exit hand I should not have been involved in I think TBH.
as for the mini, went really well at first and was sitting in the top 2o for the first part of the tournament, got QQ was raised up, I re-raise then I get re-raised???? now I know this screams I think, KK or AA anyone folding here? he had me covered aswell. He id have AA and that was that over.
anyway, played the heads up games aswell with benc and got spanked 3-0 vgp. although I feel I done ok he was ahead when it counted. TpTk into overpair then Tp K kicker into TpTk and he had the J over my pocket 99's.
But was a tough game.
relised I was in trouble when I searched him and sen he was playing a gd few hyper Hu games at higher stakes than I would ever choose lol........
well heres a hand from the megan one of those river ones lol any advice on this would be great.
Hand History #751430868 (21:35 02/03/2014)
I have chubby digits.
Hand History #751450682 (22:04 02/03/2014)