This is something I have been working on as I always min raised connectors 67 _ 9 10 amd 3x things like QK _AJ and 4xthings like JJ_AA. I have relised recently from forum input this is not good and trying too be more cosistant. With my raising ranges.
Playing the turbo tonight. Won a seat through ricorford so thanks for that. Must try and do better than a min cash.
Will be playing tye mini aswell so that will be anither £5.50 so really need a cash or my BR will be quite lol.
anyway at work just now. So will be on tonight to update what else I wil be up too.
Why do you change you bet sizing pre flop? Keep it the same keep em guessing. A semi decent player will pick up on this in no time. Either min always, 3x or 4x .
At your table in Dtd last and you seemed to enjoy it anyway. At least you had a front row seat of tilt in action when that guy lost a big pot to a bad beat on his left then decided to ai for 40+ bbs whenever he bet . As you saw he was out within 6 more hands. Learn to take the bad beat and not tilt.
enjoyed last night, so BR up too £74 got my cfp bonus in but only £2, does me.
so ran well last night in the main, my biggest ever run and cash TBH on skypoker, apart from a gd run on two cash tables where I made £106 over 2 tables in a short period of time where I left before I lost it all.
had a bit of run good as I got it twice I can remember being behind but got the flip,
AQ v AK and I hit the Q. opposite from my mini hand except I was on the other side.
then again I got It in with A10 v AJ, and pinged the 10 on the flop. these where my main two double ups that kept me going.
have never been so nervous, as kept getting deep deeper, but a little disappointed I couldn't make it for the last hour. went out around 10:53 lol so just missed out. on the tv side of things and thought I would miby have got the last longer aswell but just missed out on that aswell.
Nearly 2 main events for free in the one week as I got my seat through ricorford on his diary.
so overall 13th out of 676 runners so I must have been doing something right and am improving slightly and that is down too all the advice from all u in the forum and reading this, so thank you.
Was a great experience and has boosted my confidence a bit as I was starting too feel I wasn't getting anywhere, as I watched my BR get lower and lower with 0 cashes. Team TPT where there all the way giving rail which was also great and a wee feel good factor, something about people cheering you on, people I have never met and now have the privilege of knowing now and playing with.
So got the TPT private game tonight so looking forward too that and hopefully another cash too add at the end of it.
Thnks for the input benc. This is something I have been working on as I always min raised connectors 67 _ 9 10 amd 3x things like QK _AJ and 4xthings like JJ_AA. I have relised recently from forum input this is not good and trying too be more cosistant. With my raising ranges. Playing the turbo tonight. Won a seat through ricorford so thanks for that. Must try and do better than a min cash. Will be playing tye mini aswell so that will be anither £5.50 so really need a cash or my BR will be quite lol. anyway at work just now. So will be on tonight to update what else I wil be up too. Posted by Chris_Mc
Eek, as has already been mentioned a half decent player will probably spot this within a few orbits of playing against you. Try to make your raises consistent no matter what the hand. The probable exception being if you're raising in late position you might want to only raise 2x and in later stages of tourneys in position against better players 2x is often enough. IMO obviously.
In Response to Re: Diary of an improving player......who hasn't yet : Eek, as has already been mentioned a half decent player will probably spot this within a few orbits of playing against you. Try to make your raises consistent no matter what the hand. The probable exception being if you're raising in late position you might want to only raise 2x and in later stages of tourneys in position against better players 2x is often enough. IMO obviously. Posted by Enut
it isn't till recently I noticed it, although I was spotting players doing it, and knew where I was most of the time it didn't click I was doing the same mistakes, last few games I have stuck mainly too the same pattern trying too avoid this.
well played the tpt game tonight, went down went up went down again, always an enjoyable game though with a great bunch of players, invited my brother too the game (craigy77) looks like he is cleaning up so gl too him.......... ...... I take that back he just whatsapped me sayin hes out. ahhhnweeeel
In Response to Re: Diary of an improving player......who hasn't yet : I lolled hard at this. Nice read mate, nice cashes too. Gl, keep it up. Posted by ShaunyT
its a problem I must live with, u should see me trying too text.
well another day of work completed........ not poker, miby one day ill be posting saying work completed talking about playing poker for a living. can only imagine for now...the life of a pro. would be a great experience.
so at work today noticed my brother was playing a £400 gtd for £11, his post on facebook said he was grinding last place for an hour and just wasn't hittin the cards soon enough he sends some pics through whatsapp building up and finally at FT.
down too the last 4 he was up and down from 4th too 2nd, a few hands go by and twice his opo on the right was all in and needed the river too hit twice and it did too keep him in it.
so moving along it goes too last 3 with a nice double up with AK. and its down too 2. with the guy who needed the river cards before.
So he has 40.000 to opponents 15.000 so is in a really good spot too take it down.
he looks down at 89o with a flop of 895 rainbow. a 2000 bet which he calls and down comes the turn another 9. lovely card securing the FH and that was him, or so I thought with the pics lol
next pic I seen he had doubled up lol. opo had A9 and yep he got it on the river!!! I know that's poker but this guy was low and I've never seen so many river hits with one player at one time, he was behind every time lol.
anyway next hand my brother hits top pair with a Q and calls his opo all in he has JJ. he needs a J or an unlikely runner runner hearts. and BOOM yep 2 hearts come and he secures the tournament.
my bro cashed for £120 so all good but some of his beats over the last 2 days have been unreal.
now that is poker but he had some monsters last night in the TPT game as well and was up and down like a yoyo from chip leader too last too chip leader too bust.
not much about me but a little story from what I heard today, he doesn't get involved with the forum but would love too post those hand histories
Next step for me
so having got my BR to £74, im thinking of trying a bit of cash for my next session. any advice on cash play will be much appreciated. im going too sit at 2x4nl and allow for 2 BI's so a total of £16. not sure when im going too do this session as my good lady would like me too spend some time with her and crack on with the sons of anarchy. seaon 6. no spoilers please. or i will be like liam neeson in taken.
so miby start Saturday or Sunday and post how it goes. as most know I range on all games on sky, when I play cash I normally sit at master cash at 20nl, mainly because i know some of the players and would like my hands analysed on the tv, which hasn't happened lol... miby they would need and extra hour if they where too analyse my playing and avoid it.
I seem too have had more4 success at 20nl than 4nl and I do not know why. I know I have too start at this level even in my head I prefer higher its just not possible too do, and I must try and prove too myself that I can beat the lower levels before I move up.
so any input at all will be much appreciated thanks.
2) As with all forms of poker get info on your opponents and note it down.
3) Most players will be loose/passive which (obviously) means they play too many hands and play them too weakly, so gameplan will often be to iso-late limpers relentlessly.
4) Bet/fold, bet/fold, bet/fold for value. As above, most players are calling too much/too light and playing passively so we can value bet wider (hence the bet, bet, bet bit) but they're also very passive and when a passive player decides to raise it usually means they have (what they consider to be) a BIG hand. Knowing you have to fold to a raise is NOT an excuse to not value bet as long as you know they will call with loads of worse hands.
Generally speaking, you will make your money at this level by betting and being called, not by calling bet/raises
4NL.... 1) Tight and aggressive 2) As with all forms of poker get info on your opponents and note it down. 3) Most players will be loose/passive which (obviously) means they play too many hands and play them too weakly, so gameplan will often be to iso-late limpers relentlessly. 4) Bet/fold, bet/fold, bet/fold for value. As above, most players are calling too much/too light and playing passively so we can value bet wider (hence the bet, bet, bet bit) but they're also very passive and when a passive player decides to raise it usually means they have (what they consider to be) a BIG hand. Knowing you have to fold to a raise is NOT an excuse to not value bet as long as you know they will call with loads of worse hands. Generally speaking, you will make your money at this level by betting and being called, not b
y calling bet/raises Posted by Lambert180
thanks for the advice mate.
Will try and put this into practice tonight if possible.
played some 4nl for about an hour, lost one BI, and a double up on the other but got halfed again when I had QQ, AND CALLED A SHOVE 456 BOARD. yes he did have 78o
not sure it s ofr me at all, stood up felt it getting too me sand just concentrated on the mtt at hand
well bankroll went too 38 pence last night as i put on some cheltnam bets............. not well either lol.
Came 2nd in DTD1 last night too fellow TPT GELDY, i had a good chip lead but soon it was evens, then i walked into his flopped J's FULL, i hit the straight on the turn so i wasnt getting away from that, down too 2 BB, i s hove J10 AND GELDY has AK, i flop 2 pair but geldy gets the Q on the turn and he takes it down
so that put my BR back too £56.
thinking of playing some mastercash tonight, 1 table if its on the tv and enjoy some poker,
i played 8nl for 1 hour. 1 table, my aim was not too get involved in too many hands and hopefully leave with a profit. i made just under £2. was up too £12 a few times up and down a little, left with £9.93.
i wanted too record my stats, which i reset at the start. also i took some notes which is something i haven't done really in cash games.
had a little bit of a family issue, have a very unwell auntie at the minute so spending a lot of time with her, and an uncle who has travelled over from down under.
having a go at this skill and go, a poor attempt last night knocked me for 6 - 0 a very poor start,
having a wee go at a £5.50 just now, one of these TV ones.... when are these on??? anyone know???
having some nice cards sitting 2/4 riding it out.
BR has had a wee shock, down too £36.65 points 368
so today a little mix of games, small stakes sng mailnly try and get my 30 games, and prob play the 2.20.@2.20.
moved desktop into the bedroom lying in bed all day watching fiilms and playin poker,
DAY 1 of no smoking aswell. i want one of those huge bags of MAOAM chewy sweets too keep me from smoking, just snapped my cigs in the kitchen there before setting this up,
in the process of looking for my daily link vid aswell, which hasnt been daily, family reasons though hardly been on.
Well hardly been on, been quite busy at work, 7 day weeks at the minute, having too assess all comonwealth transport drivers for the games in july. 900+ lol. would like too tranfer my skills and abilaty of reading peoples driving habbits and road reading, and use it for poker instead...... at nights hardly had the comp on, been out playing alot of pool recently on some freee nights and trying too get involved on the local glasgow and clydebank pool league.
decorating the living room tomorrow, its kind of depressing too look at lol, been here 4 years now, and not done much, its a private let, and the plan was get a mortgage, but saving aint going great, and it really needs a lick of paint and some wallpaper, even treated my self too a new suite last night aswell, so a nice refreshing change will do some good.
turned 28 yesterday so was a nice wee birthdaytreat for myself and something too look forward too doing other than work at the minute.
so fancy playing some hands tonight and relax, couple of cold ones in the fridge aswell,
going too play some cash not usre what stakes yet.
on site today at work in a little early before i have too start painting, miby try and get some hands played...... miby, got the wife here sort of hinting a moving all the stuff out the living room, but havent been asked yet so think ill load a table up and see how many i get played.
Happy Birthday for yesterday Chris hope you had a good 1. Did you stop smoking? if not I have some advice in how I stopped after 30 yrs at it. Gl with your pokers and decorating mate.
enjoyed last night, so BR up too £74 got my cfp bonus in but only £2,
so ran well last night in the main, my biggest ever run and cash TBH on skypoker, apart from a gd run on two cash tables where I made £106 over 2 tables in a short period of time where I left before I lost it all.
had a bit of run good as I got it twice I can remember being behind but got the flip,
AQ v AK and I hit the Q. opposite from my mini hand except I was on the other side.
then again I got It in with A10 v AJ, and pinged the 10 on the flop. these where my main two double ups that kept me going.
have never been so nervous, as kept getting deep deeper, but a little disappointed I couldn't make it for the last hour.
went out around 10:53 lol so just missed out. on the tv side of things and thought I would miby have got the last longer aswell but just missed out on that aswell.
Nearly 2 main events for free in the one week as I got my seat through ricorford on his diary.
so overall 13th out of 676 runners so I must have been doing something right and am improving slightly and that is down too all the advice from all u in the forum and reading this, so thank you.
Was a great experience and has boosted my confidence a bit as I was starting too feel I wasn't getting anywhere, as I watched my BR get lower and lower with 0 cashes.
Team TPT where there all the way giving rail which was also great and a wee feel good factor, something about people cheering you on, people I have never met and now have the privilege of knowing now and playing with.
So got the TPT private game tonight so looking forward too that and hopefully another cash too add at the end of it.
so off for now and gl all.
I lolled hard at this.
Nice read mate, nice cashes too. Gl, keep it up.
Eek, as has already been mentioned a half decent player will probably spot this within a few orbits of playing against you. Try to make your raises consistent no matter what the hand. The probable exception being if you're raising in late position you might want to only raise 2x and in later stages of tourneys in position against better players 2x is often enough. IMO obviously.
it isn't till recently I noticed it, although I was spotting players doing it, and knew where I was most of the time it didn't click I was doing the same mistakes, last few games I have stuck mainly too the same pattern trying too avoid this.
...... I take that back he just whatsapped me sayin hes out. ahhhnweeeel
night everyone and
well another day of work completed........ not poker, miby one day ill be posting saying work completed talking about playing poker for a living. can only imagine for now...the life of a pro. would be a great experience.
so at work today noticed my brother was playing a £400 gtd for £11, his post on facebook said he was grinding last place for an hour and just wasn't hittin the cards
soon enough he sends some pics through whatsapp building up and finally at FT.
down too the last 4 he was up and down from 4th too 2nd, a few hands go by and twice his opo on the right was all in and needed the river too hit twice and it did too keep him in it.
so moving along it goes too last 3 with a nice double up with AK. and its down too 2. with the guy who needed the river cards before.
So he has 40.000 to opponents 15.000 so is in a really good spot too take it down.
he looks down at 89o with a flop of 895 rainbow. a 2000 bet which he calls and down comes the turn another 9.
lovely card securing the FH and that was him, or so I thought with the pics lol
next pic I seen he had doubled up lol. opo had A9 and yep he got it on the river!!! I know that's poker but this guy was low and I've never seen so many river hits with one player at one time, he was behind every time lol.
anyway next hand my brother hits top pair with a Q and calls his opo all in he has JJ. he needs a J or an unlikely runner runner hearts. and BOOM yep 2 hearts come and he secures the tournament.
my bro cashed for £120 so all good but some of his beats over the last 2 days have been unreal.
now that is poker but he had some monsters last night in the TPT game as well and was up and down like a yoyo from chip leader too last too chip leader too bust.
not much about me but a little story from what I heard today, he doesn't get involved with the forum but would love too post those hand histories
Next step for me
so having got my BR to £74, im thinking of trying a bit of cash for my next session.
any advice on cash play will be much appreciated.
im going too sit at 2x4nl and allow for 2 BI's so a total of £16.
not sure when im going too do this session as my good lady would like me too spend some time with her and crack on with the sons of anarchy. seaon 6. no spoilers please. or i will be like liam neeson in taken.
so miby start Saturday or Sunday and post how it goes.
as most know I range on all games on sky, when I play cash I normally sit at master cash at 20nl, mainly because i know some of the players and would like my hands analysed on the tv, which hasn't happened lol... miby they would need and extra hour if they where too analyse my playing
I seem too have had more4 success at 20nl than 4nl and I do not know why. I know I have too start at this level even in my head I prefer higher its just not possible too do, and I must
try and prove too myself that I can beat the lower levels before I move up.
so any input at all will be much appreciated thanks.
and gl.
1) Tight and aggressive
cash in the orford
played some 4nl for about an hour, lost one BI, and a double up on the other but got halfed again when I had QQ, AND CALLED A SHOVE 456 BOARD. yes he did have 78o
not sure it s ofr me at all, stood up felt it getting too me sand just concentrated on the mtt at hand
so ending tonight with £76.65 and 179 points.
gl all
In the main i won 1 hand all night:)