£9.60 roller sats
No-one regging but me so they end up gettin cancelled, even though there isnt a minimum amount of runners stated before these get cancelled. Whats the minimum number of people needed cos these are just getting cancelled when theres obv ridic overlay when sky gtd 2 seats
Hi All, Please post your hands to be analysed on this thread if you would like us to view them on tonights Poker Clinic at 8pm. All comments/feedback are welcome on all the hands that are posted. VERY IMPORTANT! We can only show hands from tables or tournaments with a TV icon next to them. All the best Luisa TV TEAM
£30 a week
Hi All Been playing poker a while now with not much success decided to Set myself a target playing DYMs. I started with £10 today and want to make £30 profit a week for a month. I intend to forget about C4Ps and concentrate on making a small bit of cash. I will play £2 DYMs until i lose one then go onto £3 DYMs until a…
Cash tables not spawning new ones??
The cash tables are not making new ones!! Anyone know whats going on???
Love or Money
You're offered £20000 on one condition. You never play another hand of poker. Accept or Decline?
£1.90 frenzys all thru the afternoon pointless no 1 playing them
every single 1 getting cancelled couldnt u put sattelites for the sky roller instead a freezeout or other sattelites instead every 1 i register gets 3 people in and cancelled :/
going from hu to 3 handed on 6max so tilting
ok when u hu on a 6max table fine then other join the problem. Happens all the time u and ur oppentent post blinds then they vanish like it never happened, y should the two players starting the table be effectly punished for starting play whilst the other get to play the nxt hand.????
£15k Bounty Hunter Frenzy Satellites
Hi folks, We're trialling running a few more £15k Bh Frenzy sats today to give more opportunities for smaller bankrolls as these are just £1.90. They're running pretty much every 15 minutes. So give them a go! Lee
Bad Beats like buses
The last 2 nights have been bad beat after bad beat high pockets been outdrawn by smaller pocket pairs and dogy hole cards like 53etc , AA beaten by 99 KK beaten by 88 then J8, head hunters seem to be the one's AA against 44 all in preflop KK against 99 all in pre flop I just hope its gonna even itself out. Mind I shouldnt…
Nice to see that the chat no longer has the levels of searing and abuse going on that were endemic not so long back. Have to say I haven't been around for a while because of that but now I am backit appears SP has found a way to control the hotheads.
anybody else seeing the flop dealt twice
had it 2 or 3 times now where the flop comes down then goes then comes down again all the same cards and suits just getting delt twice
SATS GRRRRR..........
I know I'll prob get shot down for this but WTH........... as a very small BR player who very rarely has a chance to make ME's or big tourneys, it's great that Sky have so many Sats into these. however and this is where I'll get shot down, as I know it's everyone's right to play these, but the number of higher BR regs, who…
Greatest MTT comeback
Hi all After the discussion on last night's show with Sarah & Ryan, it got us thinking. What's the best comeback you've seen in an MTT? If we find a really good on that was on a TV tournament, we might even do a special show feature showing the comeback! Post away.... Thanks Sky Poker
took 24 heads in bh game but what is most taken
150 Bounty Hunter * Tournament Overview * Blinds & Prize Structure * Tables & Players Information Tournament ID: 7145576 StatusClosedStart Date/Time10:45 - 13 NovCash Prize Pool£136.50Heads Prize Pool£136.50Buyin + Fee£3 + £0.30DescriptionTotal prize contribution is split equally between the tournament prize pool and…
Tuesday night live with Sarah and Scotty77 *****official show thread*****
Evenin all! Full details on tomorrow's show to follow just wanted to share a quick tale with you first... A few weeks back I was lucky enough to be invited to host a charity poker game with some very famous faces at the table, unfortunately I’m not at liberty to divulge further until the show is aired but a few of these…
The £1,000 Guaranteed £-stretcher is on again tonight at 7.30. £1 to enter, unlimited rebuys, one add-on, no reg fees. There may even be overlay too - there was last night, £44 worth. Last night's Tourney may have been affected by the DTD Forum evening, as many players would already have been due to 3-table, but that won't…
game type
hi all. for ages ans ages i ave played everything on the site , mtts , dyms , cashh , hu cash , hu sng's , the lot. Recently i have been thinking tht i want to concentrate on one game type as i feeel it will be more profitable. when i ply cash nd have bad sesssion or evrn just lose a buy in , i will go and play dyms or…
why no b/h tonight or arnt they thowing 4 me
have some pot limit tables with blinds of 0.02/4p
not everyone can go onto the bigger tables some of us need to remain on the micro cash tables but the problem with them tables is so people are greedy or don't know enough about poker so go all in with any two cards which are suited or connected and every week i'm getting more suspitious that rubbish hands are the most…
Friday Orfordable League (November) 2 x 2K Bounty Hunter Seats to be won
Names in so Far..................................…
Forum DTD Monday 12/11/2012 - Tonights Winner was VESPAPX (THS)
SoLack - TKP
Sky Poker unavailable between 4am & 8.30am - Wednesday 14th
Hi all, Sky Poker will be unavailable from 04:00 until 08:30 tomorrow morning (Wednesday 14th), so that essential maintenance can be carried out. Tournaments that would usually run into this window may have been amended to cater for this. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Regards, Lee.
No good tourneys in the afternoon from midday till 5pm why?
I understand people go work so the traffic will be down till these hrs but cant u get any tourenys on in the afternoon apart from £2.30 bounty hunters with 3 players in pretty pointless imo I refuse to play cash this month as i have my own lil challenge on mtts and dyms i prefer mtts n dyms anyway i get bored playing cash…
Is the 2pm Omaha Freeroll not on anymore?
It is not on today and i don't think it was yesterday or the day before.
A must read
Thought I would just give a plug to 'Shuv's Punting Diary' It can be found in 'Punter's Corner', is updated daily and an enthralling read. It has now become the first thread I read whenever I am on the forum and as I suspect a lot of people reading 'General Poker Chat' may not have ventured into 'Punter's Corner' I…
NEW New-Vember this week......
Good morning. Last week, New-Vember was the "BANKBUSTER series. This week, it's all change, & New-Vember moves onto something completely different.
The Sky Poker Player's Tweaks, Changes and Improvements Discussion Thread - Current discussion point
Ok, I’ll start us off.I’ve been told that there has been a change to the MTT schedule very recently. The £2.30 BHer which ran nearly hourly in the early evening to evening have been changed to either be every two hours or £5.75 games. I have also been told they were smashing the guarantees and therefore very well…
Time for a break
Going to have a while off, this week has just been a disaster. Not even enjoying poker lately i used to think i was on my way to becoming a good player bu this week i just feel like iv gone a million miles backwards. Its the first week i hvnt made any profit from 50 nl, so i decided to play 100nl, i lost yesterday when my…
thanks sky give me hope the run me into wall lol ( dam shame )
won entry into the 12k bh and was running really really good then got hit hard by a big sky truck had qq in against 33 and aj flop came over 3h jh 10h aj had no hearts and i had q heart turn 8c river j lost big pot ok still in then had 44 in to a8 flop came k 10 4 turn j river ....... can you guess thats right Q left me…