£50 into £1030 - playing pokers for the kids Xmas - ALL WITHDRAWN - *****THE END***** happ
gl buddy dev
vegas advice
evening all, going to vegas in december. first anybody know what the weather is like that time of year. second is it right if your playing cash, at a dealer dealt table, its usual to tip the dealer. if so is it after every hand you win, (not likely in my case) or when you stand many thanks
A 'run it twice' button?!! thoughts...
I have played on a couple of sites that off you a run it twice button, if both players are all in like you see on the HSP series. Thought it was really good and reduced the variance a little. Anyone think that it would be a good idea on sky ?
Hi everyone, i was just wondering what kind of notes you need to be making about players and how to find out those things. I was also wondering if anyone had made any notes on me and my play that would maybe like to share so i can improve?
SUPER ROLLER is back - Guarantee £30,000!
The Sky Poker SUPER ROLLER returns on Sunday 25th November, at 8pm, with a £30,000 Guarantee. 10,000 chips, 15 minute clock, & all the Blind Levels. Entry? £110. Satellites? Yup. Daily, starting TODAY. Satelite cost? £5.30 for the Feeders, & £24 for the nightly Semi-Final at 8.30pm. Covered on 861? Yup. Are we ready?
Always check aces full on the river for pot control
On poker anyway
Sunday's live show with James & Carlo (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)
We've got a nice mix of cash and tournament action for you tonight. We'll start on the Master Cash tables at 7pm, before spending an hour reviewing some of Carlo's on-line triumphs and travesties in a special edition of Analyse My Play. From 9pm, we'll focus on today's Bank Buster event. And at 10pm, expect 60 minutes…
Forum cash game any 1?
£10k primo direct sat,won seat but wasn't entered...
I'm guessing it was too late but why start sats if the winners aren't going to be entered and just have their sat entry refunded? surely we should have the equivalent in tournament tokens or entry to the following weeks primo at least. Disappointed and underwhelmed, Nicky.rio76424551£10,000 PrimoTsaaaar85452£10,000 Primo
Regs killing cash games?
They play across all levels, never really play hands unless there premuim hands, and there playing literally all day. I find these players really boring and i honestly do feel that they ruin the site. I dont understad why they play all day yet dont play a hand.....until another well known player on here told me that they…
Week 9 Forum £2.20 @ 2:20 Afternoon League Win £11 Seat into next Sunday's Superstack
A cracking last day for ryback45 saw him finish with a fantastic 2nd place & in doing so prevented IDCU from winning again. Very well played & deserved sir.Thanks again to all those who played last week & hopefully we will have just as an exciting competition this week in the Afternoon League £2.20 @ £2:20
The official FUNday Night Show Thread (FUNdry Prizes on offer)
Good morning! Tonight's Show on Ch 861 will be a UKOPS Special. Hosting it will be one of Sky Poker's finest ever players, & now he is a Ch 861 Presenter - Redmond Lee, aka "lolufold".
Sunday Evening BANKBUSTER
Tonight's BANKBUSTER is a repeat of last night's Tourney, a £1,200 Bounty Hunter - £2.20 Entry - with a BANKBUSTER Target of £1,500. So it needs 600 runners to avoid overlay, & 750 runners to trigger the DOUBLE PAYOUT BANKBUSTER. Runners registered at 5.30pm? 111
Difference between micro.low, medium and high stakes???
I mainly play play up to NL10 cash and £5 or less DYM,s , STT, s or MTT,s or satelites I very rarely pay above £5 for a game. Its normally because i,ve satelited in if it cost more or ive had a little win I believe this makes me a micro stakes player but where does the difference come to call yourself a low stakes player ?…
scouse red. top man!
hi. bit late this post but i would like to give this man a big up for helping me with a computor prob i had recently. thanks red man.
Feedback please - Mini Mains
Hi everyone First of all thank you all for your support during UKOPS, what a great series! Just something to get your thoughts on quickly please... One of the great successes of the series was the Mini Mains, which generated some really good prize pools alone. For example the event last Sunday reached a fantastic prizepool…
12k bh
AAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH Get down to final 30 players I am about 5th in chips and my SKY broadband goes down. Came back on about 80 mins later and i am out in 9th. It Maybe further than I might have got anyway but **** that is so frustrating. Only about the 3rd time in 3 years it has gone down and thanks to a law…
can you deregister if you win a satalite game
if you win a satalite place can you deregister and get the cash rather than play in the next stage?
why does the board run out 4 flush all the time
can any body tell me who plays live does the board run out 4 of the same suit 75 percent of the time flop 2 pair on a 3 club board guarnateed the fourth club will come or is it just me??????
November a new month a new diary a new target
Hi all thanks for your best wishes in my last diary wishing me luck and hope to make priority which i have done i am well chuffed about that so what now in november Target in november Im going to leave the cash games as i dnt feel i have much edge in them unless playing the drunks on a saturday night donking of chips lol…
sky poker download
anyone having problems with the download I can`t get on throught it and I have uninstalled and downloaded again still can`t get on been trying for and hour or so. any suggestions to fix the problem?
Testing..... Testing.... 123
Nothing to see here ...move along please
Pop ups killing the forum experience
any danger we can set up the pop ups properly so that when they are forced on us they a) don't stop all usage of that window b) when we then force the window to refresh losing all data entered it doesn't just open the page and repop up the stupid popup that we've just seen and had to force get rid of c) have this problem…
Las Vegas
Ok this might be along shot as its a poker forum, but has anyone been there for other reasons than poker??? i.e going to watch tom jones, penn & teller or just a holiday etc..... In 2007 before i got the poker bug i was a massive ricky hatton fan, used to watch him at the M.E.N all the time. Then he decided to go stateside…
Saturday BANKBUSTER - Overlay, or DOUBLE Prize Money?
Today's BANKBUSTER is a £2.20, Bounty Hunter. There is quite a narrow range today between Overlay & the "DOUBLE" Threashold - the Guarantee is £1,200, with the BANKBUSTER target (upon which Prize Money gets DOUBLED) is £1,500. Last night's BANKBUSTER resulted in a small overlay. What will today bring?
whats going on??
Just loaded up sky and I seem to be in a £10bh, I havnt regged for this not sure why im in it???
forum cash game any 1
Today's BANKBUSTER. £2,000 Bonus? Possible.....
The BANKBUSTER today is a £2.20 Rebuy, starting at 7.30pm tonight. The Guarantee is £1,000. If it makes a £2,000 Prizepool, Sky Poker will DOUBLE your winnings. (The BANKBUSTER Bonus will be credited within 48 hours). It is unlimited rebuys (2,000 chips) and an optional Add-On (3,000 chips) after 40 minutes. Don't forget -…
NOTICE - Changes to the Friday Orfordable League
Nice one Terv. Totally agree with everything you have said (checks if I am still drunk)
FAO Sky Dave/Adam re. afternoon league.
Hi. Can you please add a 500/1k level in to the afternoon deepstack today @ 2.20. I got munk on the other day and said I refuse to play it again until that level is introduced. But I really wanna play it today. lolol WEAK! Can you just add it in, so I can play? plz? everyone wants it. ty!