Kings of Cash Freeroll
Looking forward to the freeroll, great value £25 for80th place can't be bad. Can't believe there are only 500 odd players in it ? did a lot of the grinders not enter the code ? Good luck all
Tues NIght Live Show with Fowler, Ryan Spittles and special guest Kevin Williams..he won UKOPS you k
Good day SkyPoker, How has your UKOPS week been? I have been away for most of it, and am sad to have missed the fun.. I am very glad it has been successful, and even more glad to have the delightful Kevin Williams aka MBSFNTB back on the show tonight, celebrating his huge win, taking down the UKOPS main event! He is only…
some help, or assurance or tell me im daft
hi guys, this is my first post on the forum.... i play on here alot with mixed results generaly becauase i get bored playing online becausei generally play 1 table at a time because i cant adjust to multi-tabling....and i lose patience and start playing random hands or making wrong calls. my question however relates to…
Life B4 the internet
Do you remember what you done before the internet - circa 1995 What was life like before the internet, did we go out more ? Imagine, would poker be as popular without the internet. Would people run to the casinos after 2003 when Chris Moneymaker won and just play one table ! when did you first discover the internet - for…
Quick question, why are they so poorly paid? playin in £1 buyin now which started with about 200 runners with top 20 being paid,,,, but 20-10 only get double their buyin. stugglin to see why should we bother!!! 58th left & im in 8th so fingers crossed still to double up ta
I am the greatest player in the world!!
I had pocket Aces twice at the same time on two tables... I got it in good on both... I got stacked on both... Clearly this doesn't happen on proper poker sites. Twice at the same time! That's literally impossible. Literally. Sky Poker is rigged, isn't it? This is obvious proof. How many bad beats can you get?…
I have internet!
There is a god. Didn't realise how much this would mess my life up. See you poker peeps at the tables real soon!
i love a promo (brag alert)
i think im getting greedy. after placing 1st in the low tier kings of cash promo just last week, i start november of by taking down the bankbuster tourney tonight for £206.50. rules of the promo state that should the prize pool excede a certain level all cdash payouts are doubled. happy days i look forward to the extra…
New-vember £1.10r
First of all I like the idea of a new mtt each monday, and I also like the mtt tonight - fast, cheap and a turbo - with unlimited rebuys too. Good job it is only a quid. My only problem again is the paying rake for rebuys/addons. I know tonnes of people have brought it up but I thought with you guys not charging rake in…
The MAIN Man on Ch 861 tonight!
The winner of Sunday's UKOPS8 MAIN Event, "MBSFNTB_JB" - will be on tonight's Ch 861 Show. If you have any questions for him, please either Post them on this Thread, or the Show Thread (not up yet), or send an e-Mail to SkyOpen@bskyb.com ;)
Forum DTD Monday 05/11/2012 - Open to All Individuals with Prizes for Top 3 GL ALL
HitSquad Capo reporting fa Duty!!! Operation 'November Double' Starts HERE!! All Squaddies report to Frontline if free!! GL ALL!!!!
Winter draws on......
Please note - "draws" not "drawers" before someone gets into the area of double intendres.... After the excitement of UKOPS, it's back to bread & butter this week, but there are a few Tournament Schedule & Guarantee changes which may be of interest, & these arise fom the fact that the site is now approaching the busiest…
Russian Roulletes and a my own game plan!
I posted something similar to this couple months ago about them and if ou played enough could you be in profit from the amount of cash back youd receive i was told no anyway... Ive gone for a strategy that is working or may fail miserably!! I play NL50 and as long as i make enough profit in that i register for a stupid…
Whats the record of heads in a bounty hunter mtt?
Whats the record of heads in a bounty hunter mtt ? wacko just took down the mini b/h and took 18 heads is that a record or nowhere near it
Whats a decent ROI for a tournament player and whats a really good ROI? Cheers
idcu has a melon head.
5-4-3-2-1 - MTT Debut at 3.15pm today - Comment in thread and play for bonus!
need to fix the text in the lobby he blind levels decrease each level from 5 minute to 1 minute blinds in this Turbo to Supersonic tournament. (3 places paid)
App for phone
Is there a app to get for it phone?
UKOPS - my mini review
I was looking forward to this latest UKOPS series as, amongst other things, there were some quality 'mini' tournaments put on to run along side the bigger ones. It was also the 1st time I had some sort of BR to attempt to sat into other tournaments, which I would not normally do. I have to say that I was more than…
WHen i click link on promo it takes me to a MTT that has already finished and i cant see the 500gtd rebuy for £1.10 in lobby? Any one else had any luck?
£9.60 2 in 25 sats to £110 events to run daily?
These were successful last week. They kept maxing out the cap of 25 runners, 5/6 times per night. Before UKOPS they used to run a few per night on nights when there was a £110 event (there's some tonight to the £110 BH) Now that you can chose to take either the seat, or the money, I'm wondering if these can run every day…
whats happening???
Im playing like such a donk lately and i dont even know why, im losing money on such stupid hands my game has completely collasped. Iv made a few good hero calls in the last week and i dont no if that is why, maybe i think i can do that for everyhand. But im losing buyins and never believeing my opponents when they…
*** FINAL Unofficial UKOPS League***
great work. will be keeping a close eye on this. thanks
DYM Blind Levels
DYM's are funny animals. You tend to either get a couple of vey quick bust outs or they drag on. As a straw pole what is the highest blind level you have experiencd in a DYM before anyone has been busted. Just got to 150/300
Ukops over forum cash came or sng tonight any 1
after the great success of ukops think its should be on once a month everybody likes it the numbers come out in force just a great week as its finished now any 1 up for playing a forum cash game tonight ?
UKOPS - 31, 21, 11............................
Really enjoyed the festival and it was a case of what could have been but overall a very good experience. 3 cashes overall from the events I was able to play, some of the bigger buy in were out of my league and failed to sat in to most. But from the ones played: 31st in Tuesdays Mini 21st in Saturdays Main 11th in last…
Happy Birthday Lambert
Just read your diary and seen it's your birthday today. Kept that one quiet.....so HAPPY BIRTHDAY.......hope its been a good one :)
missing funds
hi, i set up a new account a few weeks ago, put in my account details but got the wrong 3 digits. I won 700 deposited the funds but rang up told them about this an they said the funds had been deposited into account ending 0015, i never received the funds. Has this happened to anyone else? Do i need to seek legal advice?
UKOPS 8 Update Thread
Good morning. In London this morning it is absolutely throwing it down with rain, there is thunder & lightning, the Thames is high, & the roads are flooded, so if you plan to have a bonfire party tonight, you may have to think again. Still, if it is too wet to venture outdors, there's the final day of UKOPS...;) And today…
UKOPS Side BH 10k anyone playing
Evening chaps is there anyone playing this game tonight if so how are you getting on?