mr kendall
Idont play much now as i got into the daft world of horses & football betting, which says it all lol. On a serious note you, julian & afew others do blogs on here with ease, i just wondered what the trick was(trick being ment in the softest of ways). I made a lil new headline thing on here when you was in vegas & the few…
Flash bang what a picture.......
A bunch of SPT 6 Max photos here. Are you included? https://picasaweb.google.com/116075574842206351453/SPTSixMaxOct2012# If you want to know the names of anyone in particular, just Post the photo number on this thread, & someone will find the name. Hopefully.
For any 1 who didnt see 861 last nite cash boosts happy hours
Monday 20% booston omaha tables Tuesday 20% boost on all action tables Wednesday 20% boost on the lower tier section of cash upto 10/20 table Thursday 20 % boost on middle tier section upto 25/50 Friday 20% boost on upper tier tables Sunday 20% boost on all cash tables :)
Late reg mistakes?
Morning just a question to sky towers If we late reg into the wrong mtt, like i did on weds; ment to reg into 2030bh, but the schedule moved and before i relised had brought into the roller. If we get str on customer services and as long as we haven't played a hand can we get de-reged?? Just thought i would ask as i…
and yes, I have had a bit too much to drink
Week 5 Forum £2.20 @ 2:20 Afternoon League Win £11 Seat into next Sunday's Superstack
Hi Woogie, could you add me to the league please. I have a few days off this week so looking forward to playing a few. Cheers.
24 hour Happy Hour Boooooooooster
20% BOOSTER on Cash for Points ALL DAY TODAY on ALL Omaha Cash Tables. On Tuesday, the 20% All Day Booster will apply to ALL Action Tables, @ all limits. On Wednesday, the 20% Booster will apply to all Lower Tier Cash Tables £0.02/£0.04 to £0.10 - £0.20 inclusive, & the £0.05/£0.05 & £0.10/£0.10 Action Tables. On Thursday…
Kings of cash PROMO??
Was just curious i started off playing the 1st few days of october then just became to busy and to far now behind to make a difference Was curious is this gunna be happening next month?? Or my thought are there has been a sit n go and cash promo i suppose next with the UKOPS happening it wouldnt surprise me if there is a…
Happy Hours about to get Happier?
Someone remind me on Sunday (I'll be up at the SPT) to tell you about next weeks HAPPIER HOURS. Valooooooooooooooooooo
In the primo 2nite via sattelite wish me luck :)
Sunday night Live with Fowler, Jen Mason and special guest Chris Hall. ****official show thread*****
Hi everyone (well everyone who is not at DTD!) For those of you up in Nottingham, enjoy, have an amazing time and run good! Have to say very gutted to not be there, missing the usual fun!! But pleased to be holding down the fort in the studio tomorrow night with one of my favourite peeople, Miss Jen Mason. As always we…
Master cash music
Just wondering if the music playing during hands that are shown on the tv are actual tracks or are they produced for the show?
Who is going to win spt Nottingham???
Who do you think is going to win spt Nottingham?Just for fun pick 3 poss players and post here,I'm going for..........Evilpingu, mewillows and scotty77
poker software
just wondering if anybody uses any kind of programs along side when they play, if so which ones, are they worth using ect cheers
I joined sky poker last month and earned about £33 in C4P - however have been told by customer care that because I didnt enter the code 'POINTS' in the promotions page i get £0. I dont feel this is fair as this isnt clear when you sign up until you read the info on the C4P page. I know this isnt the place to winge but I…
Download help
Ive just had an update for the download client and now it doesnt get any further than the initilising page. anyone got any ideas ?
live stream????
my live stream wont load it says " unable to load stream or clip file, connection fail" just seems to be trying to load , can anybody help please , kind regards
Going for the double in afternoon league
:) won it on tuesday going for the double
Proper Poker is..........?
What is your definition of "Proper" Poker ? See so many people on here saying this is not proper poker, or thats not proper poker. So, whats your opinions? Is it sitting at 1 table online, 24+ tables on line, round the kitchen table with your mates, an SPT ?
There must be something wrong with my sight -- go the the Special Tab in the tourament lobby, yep went can't see the Special tab???????????
How your week
Hi everyone hope you well How's your week been, mine running as if i shot a robin lol. never mind new week starts today for me, see how it goes this week. good look everyone have a good one. Glen
5/10 action
going down now, 4 handed
Could use a little help with some simple information for the Fantasy SPT....
In Response to Could use a little help with some simple information for the Fantasy SPT....:I need real life names for the following players to help me compile results faster if anyone can help me out please: albania bearlyther Bolly580 Boulton016 breqq Claytov CrazyBen DAVEYZZ JingleMa Jonesy1066 joseman1 loukas865 nagrom…
PLO8 cash
I've just noticed in the lobby there is now only 5p 10p blind and 50p pound blind level games offered. The only game that run were 10p 20p and 2p 4p blind levels. Why are sky cutting the players choice of games. They have also got rid of 2p 4p Omaha. They will probably say to improve liquidity for the games. Surely it…
Good Luck to All DTDers at SPT (6 Max)
Just like to wish all the DTDers Good Luck at this weekends 6 Max SPT at Nottingham DTD, hope you all have a Great Weekend. Look forward to seeing it on Live Stream
what are u meant to do...if sky wants an apology cos i complained about constant disconnection....u've got it.....all of a sudden thats fixed....go figure.....nothing i done... all i done was lose my hard earned money because of a problem with ur lag site.....apparently my fault yet sorted without my doing…
Friday Orfordable League (October Week 2) 2 x £11 Re-Buy Open Seats to be Won
Hi all Everyone is Welcome to join in. The Friday Orfordable League (October Week 2) Runs again this Friday 12th October. Its runs for 4 weeks and you only need to post 2 valid scores. The league will be scored on your best 2 finishing positions This Friday 12th October. If you HAVEN'T already done so, Post your names in…
Help and advice with my mtt brm please
Moring allJust wanted thoughts on mtt brm, when i started on sky i would buyin to what i wanted and was happy being a break even player for 2400 games. I won the odd mtt but had no structure or discpline in my game.In April after taking some advice, and being told that i was a better player than i thought i was; i changed…
Hello guys, i'm new!
Just want to say hello to all the community:) Can anyone let me know when the new player freerolls are? I just signed up today and any info would be great! Cheeers
14 dym winning streak lucky or skill
Just won my 14th dym on the bounce are these types of games down to being having a bit of luck or having a small bit of skill.