DYM........"Ace rag"?????
HI folks, Someone was a bit unhappy with this play by myself as i mentioned pot odds as well as it being a good enough hand in the chat box when he was upset with me calling his 4xBB raise with "ace rag". My play was a little reserved on turn as he may have had a set or flush at one stage and then i gave him chance to bet…
Flopped strong on a wet board
I am always uneasy and fearful in these situations, expecting to be out drawn, I expect this to then affect how I play the hand. My main question is regarding the flop play. Would a re re shove all in be the best play here (even though it would have cost me more in this particular hand), given that i had called the raise,…
BH hand exit
2.30 BH, i've looked back over this hand exit pretty sure i could've played it better, with hindsight i might have raised a bit more pre and checked back the river. Not sure tbh, i'd appreciate your thoughts on this one please. Hand History #539344872 (19:38 07/07/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewillieSmall…
Advice on this hand please
Early stages of a SPT semi sat. No reads on oppo, i put him on fluh draw and would like to know if i played the hand ok and just got unlucky. Should i of known i was behind from his raise on the flop as he was probably putting me on a flush draw and protecting his hand from this? Any advice appreciated…
10`s facing a 3 bet.
£5.50 THS BH tourney. Is this always 100% fold or can it be called? Chances are at least 1 player has an overpair, but AK, AQ ,AJ , A10 etc may be in the range. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSlykllist Small blind 15.00 15.00 1918.00 lisar83 Big blind 30.00 45.00 3950.00 Your hole cards * 10 * 10 sherifoo7 Raise 95.00…
Should I be making a fold here?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesara36dd08 Small blind 100.00 100.00 8190.00 JerseyPhil Big blind 200.00 300.00 4237.50 Your hole cards * 9 * 9 iwojima03 Fold spam600 Fold DavePasta Call 200.00 500.00 8270.00 Slykllist Raise 600.00 1100.00 4390.00 sara36dd08 Call 500.00 1600.00 7690.00 JerseyPhil Fold DavePasta Call…
small debate
we had our mnthly tourny this evening, 50 runners, pretty quick format. now i wasnt in the hand but on the table, im not saying which side i am leaning towards as i want a neutral answer. starting stack 17k (dont ask) level 5 blinds 400/800. utg lag has stack of 9k raises to 2.4k, station in mid with stack of 12k flats,…
filthy hand help
Shove turn in this spot if we don't bieleve we are against a set or ak? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance AJ_Rockets Small blind £0.15 £0.15 £30.00 suited27 Big blind £0.30 £0.45 £24.85 Your hole cards * A * Q xingma05 Fold banditclif Fold jams88 Raise £0.90 £1.35 £30.95 AJ_Rockets Fold suited27 Raise £2.40 £3.75 £22.45…
Missing value by not raising?
One of the spots you hit your hand soooo good but am I playing face up by raising?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceroberts100 Small blind 300.00 300.00 10243.13 stokefc Big blind 600.00 900.00 8260.00 Your hole cards * 7 * 7 bexstix1 Raise 1200.00 2100.00 19995.00 Batkin88 Call 1200.00 3300.00 24971.24 don2 Fold FLOWERPOT…
This is a call right?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSolidStan1 Small blind 5000.00 5000.00 316213.11 fleecer123 Big blind 10000.00 15000.00 64566.26 Your hole cards * A * 6 Batkin88 Raise 22500.00 37500.00 178757.14 Kiwini4u Fold kornrule12 Fold SolidStan1 Fold fleecer123 All-in 64566.26 102066.26 0.00 Batkin88 ????
We all hear it soooooooo often particularly on the channel where people limp in and it's a bad play. To be honest it also does my head in because all you see is > 2-3 people in a pot for far too long in a hand check, check and hoping for the best! I also heard that it's better now than it was before (i.e. years…
Am I always getting it all in here?
£250 guaranteed MTT. Don't really like calling shoves with draws but as soon as the flop came down I knew I was going with it. Was I forced to gamble given my stack size etc? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemoanaSmall blind 20.0020.002250.00Andyl1986Big blind 40.0060.002360.00 Your hole cards* 6 * A…
Bad Preflop?
Is this acceptable preflop or just spewy? (bearing in mind the 3better will never bluff the turn and gives up if you call his flop cbet) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceheath07296 Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £112.01 VILLAINBig blind £0.50 £0.75 £133.33 Your hole cards * Q * 2 brett08 Call £0.50 £1.25 £82.79 dub1 Fold classasa…
What to do on this river?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancearthur1965 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £27.75 donkeyplop Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £26.31 Your hole cards * K * 10 Michael_83 Fold Batkin88 Raise £0.60 £0.90 £20.31 KOOKY Call £0.60 £1.50 £8.60 arthur1965 Fold donkeyplop Fold Flop * J * 9 * J Batkin88 Bet £0.75 £2.25 £19.56 KOOKY Call £0.75 £3.00…
Should i just flat opponents reraise on flop as i dnt want to lose customer
Should i just flat opponents reraise on flop as i dnt want to lose customer ? Should i just flat opponents reraise on flop as i dnt want to lose customer ? or try n play for stacks hoping he has a q or k q ? Fatty565Small blind £0.25£0.25£69.09IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.50£0.75£49.50 Your hole cards10Q folditmateFold…
Is this a call or fold on turn?
IDONKCALLUSmall blind £0.25£0.25£177.33kidwiz10Big blind £0.50£0.75£49.00 Your hole cardsJA 5toneFaceFold cashiusclaCall £0.50£1.25£50.41IDONKCALLURaise £2.00£3.25£175.33kidwiz10Call £1.75£5.00£47.25cashiusclaCall £1.75£6.75£48.66Flop 4J2 IDONKCALLUBet £4.00£10.75£171.33kidwiz10Fold cashiusclaCall £4.00£14.75£44.66Turn 6…
Is this a call on river tricky spot i know opponent has a set not on turn when shoves river
when opponent shoves the river i knew he had a set 100 per cent but is this still a call with pot odds and lots of outs ? BigHawk89Small blind £0.10£0.10£45.75IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.20£0.30£46.75 Your hole cardsKA olliepokr1Raise £1.00£1.30£15.12terrier922Fold play2win02Fold kcuddedooFold…
Too passive??
The table is super lag and all but rockets calling with any two pre, I was happy with the flop but not happy with the turn. Is this line too weak? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceRidings118 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £34.28 kcuddedoo Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £26.29 Your hole cards * 8 * 8 AJ_Rockets Fold qazokm Fold Batkin88…
Sat for roller what to do on this turn
I open min as in C/O and happy playing posistion with the stack and players at table as often as possible. I don't like the 2 callers but hit middle of the flop on a pretty dry board, so my thinking is a c-bet is only really getting called by a jack or 78, 89 type of hand and pairs in between i.e. 99 TT. I c-bet and get a…
Very situational spot, in a pure vacuum: Best line for value :
We are in best seat after UTG lead.. I'd see how many ppl flat the £10.. if it's like UTG and 2 other callers, then i'd make a small raise to £30 and jam turn. unless its a spade i'd check fold. If it folds round or only gets called in 1 spot (never happening) i'd just call to crai turn.
Been posting a bit this week so better put a hand up to be looked over:
Interesting live NL100 hand vs unknown. Couldnt quite figure river betsizing, thoughts? 6handed nl100 table. Flop goes HU. Oppo has me covered with £320+, I've not long reloaded to £250. No real reads, seems mostly solid however. I open 6's to £3 in unentered pot OTB, BB (£320+) 3bets to £12, I flat IP. £25 in pot Js 3h 3s…
Awkward satellite spot, 5 handed, 25bb + AQ facing 3bet.
This is from one of the £9.60 satellites into the £110 BH. 25 runners, 5 left, 2 seats into £110 BH, nothing for 3rd. No notes on villain. What should I do here once I've been 3bet? Can I possibly fold, or do I have to go broke with AQ if I'm behind? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDivsDreamsSmall…
Small stake double up SnG hand, did I play wrong or just get unlucky?
So I lost this hand quite early in a low stake double up 6 person SnG earlier. It's been bugging me as to whether I played it right or not so I thought I would ask for some input. As a relatively small time poker player (only been playing here and there for 6 months or so) any help would be greatly appreaciated as to how…
have to stack off here given previous hand?
1st hand that im getting my read from and his general limp call playPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance ThexMajor Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £22.02 Luzhniki Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £23.38 Your hole cards * Q * Q fatman844 Call £0.20 £0.50 £31.24 jams88 Raise £0.80 £1.30 £18.90 ThexMajor Fold Luzhniki Fold fatman844 Call £0.60…
£5.50 velocity top 3 pay 4 left is this a bad fold?
When guy raises so much preflop to 6 k im putting him on 10s js well middle pair and i dnt want to flip for a cashbillybob12Small blind 600.00600.006765.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 1200.001800.0013840.00 Your hole cardsQA SPEAKSRaise 6000.007800.0015445.00beerwolfFold billybob12Fold IDONKCALLUFold SPEAKSMuck…
Is there any way getting of this hand?
i was going to fold on the turn as the oponent is never raising light hes a very tight player but a good player POWNED MESmall blind 10.0010.002970.00aceMaceBig blind 20.0030.002980.00 Your hole cards56 BigDogg09Fold IDONKCALLURaise 60.0090.002910.00POWNED ME Call 50.00140.002920.00aceMaceFold Flop 8Q2 POWNED MECheck…
How would you play AA on this board
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSIONIDESmall blind 10.0010.001990.00J03LBig blind 20.0030.001980.00 Your hole cardsAA Floppy15Fold TheDartFold pokerghostRaise 60.0090.001940.00sainty1982Fold SIONIDEFold J03LCall 40.00130.001940.00Flop Q910…
10NL - Too Tight?
Is this an easy fold? I felt like it was a bit tight, but didn't wanna flat OOP, but also didn't really wanna 5bet and potentially be playing for stacks with AJsPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance EvilPingu Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £9.45 Lambert180 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £12.89 united19_p Sit out Your hole cards * A * J…
£50 Guaranteed - Set over set
This is the £3.30 £50 Guaranteed tourney, was 15 runners left of 18, so still pretty early. What do you think of how the hand played out. When he almost min 3bet my almost minraise on the flop, I had a horrible feeling he had a bigger set but thought he could also be playing JJ+ like this, or if not JJ+ certainly KK+ and I…
Time to raise?
I realise this may end up being a bit if a stupid question but I've hardly played in the last 6 months for various reasons, one of which is because I'd totally lost faith in my game (not that it was really ever that great to begin with!) & have found myself questioning some of the simpler points. So on to the hand.…