Again sorry for putting up a hand not from here. This is just stuck in my head and would appreciate some feedback. 10kguarentee, satd in. After the bubble has burst. My image is pretty aggro, attackin…
I've been playing on the site casually for over 2 years, steadily building a modest bankroll from nothing, playing mostly DYMs. Last summer I started to concentrate on improving and also started playi…
The hand first then the chat afterwards lol I snap called this btw 463285715 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLeerhendy1 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £4.75 GREGHOGG Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £23.57 Your hole c…
A great result but I've been on the other end of beats like this and my question is how much does Villain have to bet on turn here to price me out of drawing to my house or am I never folding once I'…
£5 BH, level 4, Only just joined the table, What to do after poor turn bet? Is oppo trapping? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancekenmillon Small blind 30.00 30.00 4245.00 Rowan6ft2 Big blind 60.00 90.00…
I know this is a rag ace suited but did i play this well PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDiteSmall blind £0.05£0.05£14.78imbluffingBig blind £0.10£0.15£9.12 Your hole cards* 5 * A rakiqCall £0.10£0.2…
i can't see if i did anything wrong here? played reasonably tight for 2 hours in main event,took no head prizes. i came 12th on thursday in the bh with a few heads but went out with a silly mistake .s…
to get him to fold bottom pair??. if not let me know.... Hand History #463229657 (18:30 13/01/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancekennybad Small blind 15.00 15.00 3105.00 DAVEYZZ Big blind 30.00 45.…
Hey produced some poker videos, all DYm at the moment but will be adding more. If you could take a look and give me some feedback that would be awesome. Regards Kocklaw…
Only just joined table so no reads. Should I lay this down?PODGEY Sit out Phil_Dee Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £11.06 JackoG9 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £7.96 Your hole cards * A * A doules Fold moynes09 Fold …
seems TAG, not much history r4x UTG - folds 2 a 3 bet fire fire fire TPGK OOP no idea what oppo is limp/calling UTG Not been limping, raised twice 4x UTG Genral opnions plz from flop onwards call/fold…
didnt know alot about villain, seemed a tight player and didnt play too many pots, what would you guys have done on river, i wasnt sure wether to bet out incase he hit the flush and reraised me Player…
Sorry I know I am asking a lot of questions today. had a bad night and need to find out mu weakness.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceidle_dream Small blind 10.00 10.00 4895.00 jase911 Big blind 20.00 …
I,m 99% sure the laydown was correct in this spot but would like your observations. With me holding the Ks the only hands I could put my opponent on was J10, AJ or AQs. I'd like to think he'd flat cal…
is this a profitable call long term villains story didnt add up betting when queen come high card on the board then betting on river put him on miss flush draw PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceyido486…
Hi guys, I'm currently in a large 6-max tournament. I was doing reasonably well, until I got moved to a table full of ultra-aggressive players. How do I deal with this? Should I play tight? Any sugges…
No reads except he is a multi-tabling. Is it better to flat raise on flop oop and shove blank turn or is it always correct to re-raise.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance mattless Small blind £0.10 £0.1…
What should I have done here. Just happened in the Mini Roller.ThanksJBuss Hand History #462797144 (19:45 12/01/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebazwinSmall blind 20.0020.005110.00JBussBig blind …
After calling a big bet on the flop then checking the final two streets OOP i didn't put him on either a King or a Flush, thought he had a smaller Ace, which he most probably would of called a small v…
A question i have is why would say for example assuming full buyins 1 tabling NL4 with £80 would be deemed acceptable, however if i was multitabling 6 games with the same stake this would not be as i'…