Wednesday was not a great night for me but it wasn't particulary a bad one either. Not much to report, a final table in the 200 gtd @ 21:05 finishing 4th place with a set over set exit for £22. Cut the night loss down to £6. Set over sets are such a painful exit, especially at the levels I play when 99% of the time they turn up with an overplayed top pair or pair or something.
Have one interesting river discussion here, think the hand is WP but any comments appreciated on check calling or bet folding. (This is final table in the money, v an Unknown). Spots like these are quite tricky, never putting him on the flush or straight, its when you bet out and some players at these levels are capable of jamming Kx hands on the river and I have no idea where I am in the hand. Can have some counterfeighted 2 pairs but unlikely I think. Think its the best way to get value from worse?
Personally i would be leading at that river big (3.5kish) the flop flush draw missed so its easy to get a call from a 7,8,10 or the bare king, i think too often he is gonna check behind with a middle pair and you lose value,.. obviously by check calling you allow him to bluff, but there is very little to represent the way the board ran out. I think once you turn the nuts you have to go for stacks as much as possible when you only started the hand with 30bbs, so id lead out and call off a shove even though a small percentage of the time we are behind
Cheers Jordz for the input. Did feel it was a little tight looking at it after the session, but at the time seemed the best way to get action from worse. Think against many players bet/call is good but readless here I felt more comfortable inducing.
A pretty low volume evening. Not a big fan of thursdays in general with the bounty hunter focus and a few of the regular low stake MTTs missing.
Played the 2 £200 gtd tournaments at 19:30 and 21:05 and finished 10th and last respectively. The 21:05 game was a disaster, Accidently limped pre after clicking the 3bb raise button and then it all went downhill, flopped a huge draw and turned an even bigger one, thought I may have fold equity to check/jam turn but I bricked, wanted to play the flop aggressive aswell but after limping pre it would have looked bizarre and felt the turn smashed my range nicely to jam on. (Hope you went deep with my chips Pat!)
Decided to finish with 2 £5 DYMs and managed to cash them both without really doing anything. Folded down to 900 chips in one of the games because there was a very strange dynamic at one of the tables and someone busted a 4k stack which was a guarenteed cash. Very unusual play but I came out of tonight with a £2 loss which is meh but atleast it was enjoyable. Will have a little break until Sunday with tomorrow night being Leeds v St Helens in the rugby and football on Saturday as we play Colwyn Bay at home. Run good everyone, back on the seats on Sunday. :-)
Back for poker today but my word what a bad week-end of sport for me.
The Rugby was all going well until the officials decided to make some very dubious calls. You'd think with the technology available in Rugby League that they would at least get the important/obvious calls correctly but very disappointing. United v Burnley? Only watched the first half and the last 15 minute but again, dreadful. Then to top it all off, my team Leamington lost a 'home banker' 3-0 to a team tipped for relegation. Non league day next saturday and a trip up north to Stalybridge beckons. Classic non league ground in a decent location, look forward to it.
As for poker, undecided whether to attempt to get into the roller or just stick to normal sunday MTT schedule and play some DYMs throughout the day. Probably the latter, had a late night last night for multiple reasons and don't fancy a 3am day if I happen to deep the roller (Which is unlikely anyway but you never know)
Been a while. Been really busy this week and thus had a lack of playing time. Quick update whilst i'm sat here with a cuppa soup waiting to get the bus to Leamington for our away trip to Stalybridge (Tameside Manchester).
Accomodation has been accepted and I am now fully enrolled for University so everything is sorted on that side of things now (Thank god!)
Went up the the Queen Elizabeth Hosp yesterday and got my Hearing aid upgraded which is also good news. Its new software uses head resolution in order to cut out its whistling on my implant and now has a mute button so I can press that and it will block out all sounds - Some function that is lol!
Finally got some time to myself so thought I'd update this. Last week was a bit meh. Bankroll went down a little but nothing major.
Sunday was a night of near misses and a very tough grind. Played 7 MTTs and 5 of them I was within 5 of the cash - Managed to ladder to money in 2 of those , bubbled 1, bubbled the bubble in another and finished 4 off the cash in the last one. Was just about a profitable night.
Monday DTD night was another profitable one as I made the final table of DTD1 (the hardest one) for £22 for finishing 5th. No scores in the other 2 or the megastack but my best 2 total was 45 which set me a good start for the monthly.
Tuesday I played main/mini/7,30pm game but got fed up with MTTs after early exits so played 2 DYMs and cashed those so my loss was £12,50
Wednesday was no play.
Thursday was not a good day had a bad night with things going on elsewhere but played some DYMs to rescue my night to a -£8
Saturday was non league day and a trip to Stalybridge beckoned but it was a very eventful day nonetheless..
Got threatened on the bus for asking a woman if she would give up her seat for the elderly woman getting on because the bus was completely full and had about 8 people standing. I had my best friend sat on my lap after we had already given up a seat cause she's nice like that. Anyway this woman was one of those - greased back ponytail , missing teeth , probably on drugs of some sort and she stunk the bus out. So she wouldnt move and she tried to grab me, so one of the standees told the driver and the driver made her get off and walk to Stratford. Luckily for her it was only another mile and a half.
So now I got to Leamington - got the minibus and we were on the way. We passed a few police cars on the M6 so assumed something had happened, so we diverted onto the M6 toll to continue up the M6. As we got on the other side of the road was closed which was odd, then suddenly there was a car travelling about 90 mph on the other side riding up being chased by police cars which was strange. Once we got to the end of the toll road the car was on the side and the police had got him.
Carrying on to Manchester, there are roadworks on the M60 junction, and we intended to go 8 miles anticlockwise. Instead we ended up going around the M60 clockwise in a big circle of about 35/40 miles. Very scenic route overlooking the Trafford Centre, seeing Old Trafford in the distance and passing Sale Sharks rugby ground. Finally we got to the football and we won 1-0 so it was all worth it. A beautiful free kick in fact.
Stalybridge is a small town on tameside really. Is famous for having both the shortest and longest pub names in the UK.
Shortest? - The 'Q' Inn
Longest? - The 'Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps' Inn
Sunday I played a mix of MTTs and DYMs. I started out with a PLO8 DYM which I failed to cash finishing 6th. Then I proceeded to start a session of DYMs mixing in the 7,30pm/8,15pm DS/Mini games which all fell short of the cash. DYMs? 11/12. Bit of a boom, busted the mini in a bit of an unlucky circumstance after grinding a less than 15bb stack for over 2 hours so had a 6 table session before I went to bed and I cashed them all. So my night ended in profit after an awesome DYM session.
Monday was the standard Monday night of DTDs and megastack. Only a min cash in the cheapest DTD for £2,03 was all I could muster, however my best 2 was 49 which again, Is ok. I also played 2 DYMs which I won 1 and bubbled the other so not a great night overall.
Tuesday was no play as Leamington entertained Gloucester which is always an entertaining affair which ended in a 4-1 home win and a Stefan Moore hat trick (Ex villa bloke brother of Luke Moore). Early days but we lie in 6th place 1 outside the playoffs which after our demanding opening fixtures is amazing. And very much looking forward to seeing how the season unfolds.
Wednesday - I expect tonight to just play the Megastack and alongside have multiple tables of DYMs going so if you see me on the tables feel free to have a chat :-)
Thursday - I plan to play the boosted main, whether satelliting in or not. Again expect to have some DYMs going again.
Weekend - On Saturday we are away to Barrow (Lake District) So Friday I am stopping over at a mates house after travelling to Keele to help my girlfriend move into her Uni. Gunna be a tough day overall but looking forward to the weekend and another away day full of beer. Have a barbeque on Sunday around my cousins to celebrate my Uni accomplishment and also my nans birthday is the following day so it is a joint thing. Hopefully will be back in the evening in time to play the mini roller and some DYMs.
Saturday was non league day and a trip to Stalybridge beckoned but it was a very eventful day nonetheless.. Got threatened on the bus for asking a woman if she would give up her seat for the elderly woman getting on because the bus was completely full and had about 8 people standing. I had my best friend sat on my lap after we had already given up a seat cause she's nice like that. Anyway this woman was one of those - greased back ponytail , missing teeth , probably on drugs of some sort and she stunk the bus out. So she wouldnt move and she tried to grab me, so one of the standees told the driver and the driver made her get off and walk to Stratford. Luckily for her it was only another mile and a half. So now I got to Leamington - got the minibus and we were on the way. We passed a few police cars on the M6 so assumed something had happened, so we diverted onto the M6 toll to continue up the M6. As we got on the other side of the road was closed which was odd, then suddenly there was a car travelling about 90 mph on the other side riding up being chased by police cars which was strange. Once we got to the end of the toll road the car was on the side and the police had got him. ( ) Carrying on to Manchester, there are roadworks on the M60 junction, and we intended to go 8 miles anticlockwise. Instead we ended up going around the M60 clockwise in a big circle of about 35/40 miles. Very scenic route overlooking the Trafford Centre, seeing Old Trafford in the distance and passing Sale Sharks rugby ground. Finally we got to the football and we won 1-0 so it was all worth it. A beautiful free kick in fact. Stalybridge is a small town on tameside really. Is famous for having both the shortest and longest pub names in the UK. Shortest? - The 'Q' Inn Longest? - The 'Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps' Inn Posted by Matt237
We have had a nice evening results wise, but other than that its not been the best.
Played 16 games on the 5s and cashed in 12, so a 12/16 success rate has resulted in a profit of £32 and 80 points.
Decided to de-reg the megastack and see what I could muster just playing a few sessions of DYMs. But a lot of abuse was around on the tables tonight so I cut it short as it was getting to my head a little bit. Nice chat with spinky/tsaaaar however.
Was on the receiving end of multiple people's abusing tonight. Its not nice. If I make a play you don't agree with, tag me as a fish and get on with it, instead of following me around every table and saying Matt is an idiot etc. If you think i'm a donk, don't moan cause overtime you'll win money off me eh :-)
Achieved over 50 points last week easily so I have a free bet to use. Bit disappointed with Sky not having Conference North prices but having Conference South markets. Don't understand that whatsoever. Anyway the £5 has been placed on a 5fold acca for Saturday 3pms -
We have had a nice evening results wise, but other than that its not been the best. Played 16 games on the 5s and cashed in 12, so a 12/16 success rate has resulted in a profit of £32 and 80 points. Decided to de-reg the megastack and see what I could muster just playing a few sessions of DYMs. But a lot of abuse was around on the tables tonight so I cut it short as it was getting to my head a little bit. Nice chat with spinky/tsaaaar however. Was on the receiving end of multiple people's abusing tonight. Its not nice. If I make a play you don't agree with, tag me as a fish and get on with it, instead of following me around every table and saying Matt is an idiot etc. If you think i'm a donk, don't moan cause overtime you'll win money off me eh :-) Posted by Matt237
A solid Wednesday followed up by an even better Thursday.
Stats show 11/16 on the 5s for DYMs, and I spent a mastercash hour playing 4 tables during the show tonight in which I profited £12,73. So overall tonights work is +£35,73 and 90 points (ish). Not really aware of how many points I received from 1 hour of 4 tabling 10nl. No abuse tonight which is nice, but none of the really regulars were around to talk to (obviously its a pro anyway) ;-).
No play this weekend as I'm off to Barrow on Saturday (Trek and half) So have plans in Leamington on Friday and Saturday night. Plus Sunday i'll likely to be hungover and going to a barbeque anyway. Hope everyone has a good weekend, and see you all for the DTDs on mondays. On results so hopefully chat to a few on the rails.
Wrote a long post the other day but it disappeared .. Must've timed out.
Football Saturday was a bit meh. Went away on 460mile round trip to the clear title favourites, give them a good game and then get robbed by a dive with 10 minutes to go for a penalty. 2-1.
Played DTDs on Monday but did not go well at all, finished near bottom of the week. Not a great few days but ...
Tuesday was a fine Evening. Played the main and 20 DYMs.
DYM rate was 11/20, not great not bad but in the main event out of 491 , I finished 14th for £45(ish). Was a good run but lost a Key flip for the chip lead with 18 left, then exited with the same hand (88) a few orbits later. Nonetheless was a good run.
Wednesday was not a great night for me but it wasn't particulary a bad one either. Not much to report, a final table in the 200 gtd @ 21:05 finishing 4th place with a set over set exit for £22. Cut the night loss down to £6. Set over sets are such a painful exit, especially at the levels I play when 99% of the time they turn up with an overplayed top pair or pair or something.
Have one interesting river discussion here, think the hand is WP but any comments appreciated on check calling or bet folding. (This is final table in the money, v an Unknown). Spots like these are quite tricky, never putting him on the flush or straight, its when you bet out and some players at these levels are capable of jamming Kx hands on the river and I have no idea where I am in the hand. Can have some counterfeighted 2 pairs but unlikely I think. Think its the best way to get value from worse?
Gotta love them haters eh?