Did I miss out on some value here
Hi, Preflop Probably the first time (ever) I've raised behind limpers with small pocket pair pre flop. Is this a good move or should I look to call here. I didn't think it would get re-raised so used it as a chance to build the pot although it must have looked a little suspicious (with just a 3xr) Flop V nice looking flop…
Should I have gotten away from it?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancePavillion Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £13.45 jonno555 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £8.19 Your hole cards * K * K bw21387fc Raise £0.16 £0.28 £4.54 leg333 Raise £0.32 £0.60 £2.81 FatJohn1 Fold El_Mogul Raise £0.78 £1.38 £7.76 Pavillion Fold jonno555 Fold bw21387fc Call £0.62 £2.00 £3.92 leg333 Call…
Scaring turn for my set
Hit top set on flop. Purely looking for information on the turn to determine whether he has hit his flush. What do we suggest is the best way to play the turn to determine whether we are still ahead. Do I look to try and control the size of the pot by betting fairly small or bet pot to shake off any drawing hands. If I…
took some recreational money to play nl20 anything wrong here?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance panderys1 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £13.07 weedgi Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £44.16 rainman71 Big blind £0.20 £0.50 £11.80 Your hole cards * 10 * 10 rainman71 Raise £0.20 £0.70 £11.60 Frimley44 Fold jane1217 Call £0.40 £1.10 £16.59 jams88 Raise £1.20 £2.30 £17.16 panderys1 Fold weedgi Fold…
Is this a call?
Average player lol. Do i call this? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepryce6 Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £111.76 smack_head Sitout kasiayaz Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £28.45 Your hole cards * Q * Q davelufc Raise £1.50 £2.25 £38.36 sikas Raise £4.50 £6.75 £38.95 pryce6 Fold kasiayaz Fold davelufc Raise £10.00 £16.75 £28.36 sikas…
Playing against 'roulette' players?
Hi all, i'm back on Sky Poker after a long jaunt on Betfair's betting markets (where i made a killing big enough to return to Sky Poker with a bigger bankroll than i've ever had before, so it's now byebye BF hello SKY!) I just have a question about playing what i like to call 'roulette' players. Playing 02/04 and 04/08…
Nut Flush & open-ended straight draw
Hi, I'm interested to hear thoughts on the flop play here. In this type of scenario should I .... i) lead out, ii) check/raise iii) check/call iv) mix it up PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceArteta4 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £8.74 v4Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.75 v2Big blind £0.10 £0.25 £9.90 Your hole cards * 5 * A v3Raise…
Genius or just nuts
Just reached final table of3k bounty hunter. No info on opo but blind v blind i min raise with 74 off first mistake lol get call off big blind flop comes 4 7 j rainbow iv flopped v thin draw iv bet out and get snapreraisr which foolishly i call turn comes k i check opo puts comedy bet of 1 big which i call river comes…
Playing QQ as over-pair to board
Any spots in this hand where I could have played this better? As opponent led out on flop I put him on J decent kicker, so thought it might be a good spot to slow play and see what the turn came. I know it's an unlucky turn for me, but should I have raised on the flop?x1 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £21.32 WUBS Big blind £0.10…
Is this a call on the flop with implied odds
I have a good idea the villain has high pocket pair he been playing very tight so when he 3 bets preflop i only called to hit a set but with this flop is this worth a call for implied odds if i hit my 6 outs thoughts please cowboy13Small blind £0.05£0.05£7.94BAGGPUSSBig blind £0.10£0.15£18.87 Your hole cards66…
Your thoughts please?
had this too and played it week i could of been a head to a bluff here i think as the guy was generaly agressive most hands.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemurphy06 Small blind 30.00 30.00 4933.75 RyanRio115 Big blind 60.00 90.00 8501.25 Your hole cards * Q * Q yidette9 Raise 180.00 270.00 5962.50 wynne1938 Fold Dazler…
Badly played idiot straight??
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTopside Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £6.05 kenny1971 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £4.21 Your hole cards * 8 * 10 MIKE1324 Call £0.08 £0.20 £4.76 delano1975 Fold ZedsDeadBa Raise £0.32 £0.52 £10.19 alleen05 Fold Topside Call £0.28 £0.80 £5.77 kenny1971 Call £0.24 £1.04 £3.97 MIKE1324 Call £0.24 £1.28…
please explain??
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancespornybol Small blind 300.00 300.00 15185.00 PBig blind 600.00 900.00 592.50 Your hole cards * K * K brunoboy51 Fold b Raise 2400.00 3300.00 18410.00 peachey1 Fold JAMMY303 Fold spornybol Raise 7500.00 10800.00 7685.00 P All-in 592.50 11392.50 0.00 b All-in 18410.00 29802.50 0.00 spornybol…
There's not that many combinations of hands vs hands?
So why haven't I sussed poker out yet? It can't be that hard. Admittedly I have destroyed a few memory cells over the years but I'm pretty clever realy. Pretty tough too when it comes to a fight. Can't help but notice I've not made millions at poker though. I'll be honest, I'm surprised. I don't get it. Why aren't you…
can we talk about the river plz
caught between getting max value and worried about fh. thoughts from turn onwards plzPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancestienSmall blind £0.25£0.25£52.13sikasBig blind £0.50£0.75£83.51 Your hole cards* Q * J pod1Call £0.50£1.25£45.97MATTY1Fold ClungeFlikFold dntfukmofFold stienCall £0.25£1.50£51.88sikasCheck Flop * 8 * 8 * 2…
Insta call? Minced hand?
Chip leader at final table of £10BH. Table has seemed fairly solid. I've stolen a few blinds and am painfully addicted to playing suited connectors at the best of times. Have I got to call the shove given the maths? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepapadoc Small blind 1000.00 1000.00 39712.50 adejan1 Big blind 2000.00…
Please help! Unregistered for bounty - confused with site
Hi guys I'm not a regular user of sky poker. I tend to use pokerstars. On pokerstars if you satelite into a tourne you can unregister and this money is credited to your account. I satelited into sky bounty hunter semi final starting tonight. But i think I may be out at 7 so I cancelled my registration from this tourne and…
100NL table break HU
Table has just broken, first HU hand ezryder Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £252.31 Poker_Fail Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £127.67 Your hole cards * A * 9 ezryder Raise £2.50 £4.00 £249.81 Poker_Fail Raise £8.00 £12.00 £119.67 ezryder Call £6.00 £18.00 £243.81 Flop * 7 * 9 * 2 Poker_Fail Bet £10.00 £28.00 £109.67 ezryder Raise £28.00…
QQ facing 4bet vs Higher Stakes reg, 200bb's deep
nl50 - villain just sat down, no history we've never played before ( wasnt sure if this make him more/less likely to have a 4bet bluff range) anyway.... so goes something like this.... folded to Villain in CO he makes it £2, im big blind with QQ, i make it £6.50, dude makes it ~£14.50....Hero..?? so anyway i flat flop come…
100 NL HU Table break *New question
In the other thread the general consensus was that I shouldn't be folding, should I aim to flat and call off what will likely be a big bet or shove from villain on turn, or should I shove myself now. His reraise on such a dry flop made me think he can't be that strong, is it wrong to think he could have 9x here? or a…
How to play the turn with plenty of outs
Hi, Just a quick check-up on the turn play here. I'm assuming I have 15 outs here so feel I have a high pot equity on the flop. Once the turn comes I feel I have the same 15 outs but do I check? or bet for value incase I hit once of my outs? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancev1Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £5.45 v2Big blind £0.10…
On the button with 3 limpers
My question is this... When on the button how if I would normally open with 30% of hands with at least a 3x bet against weak blinds that I know will usually fold to the raise. What % of hands should I be dropping with three limpers before me. I have found that if I raise from the button most of the limpers will call.…
Think there will be a long waiting list after people see this im not in hand but funny
What the hell is daxxx doing txxx had no fold equity i found it funny xxSmall blind £0.15£0.15£29.10xxBig blind £0.30£0.45£22.55 Your hole cards93 xxFold xxCall £0.30£0.75£73.32xxRaise £1.80£2.55£34.38IDONKCALLUFold xxCall £1.65£4.20£27.45xxFold xxRaise £7.50£11.70£65.82xxCall £6.00£17.70£28.38xxFold Flop 10102…
Were my thoughts correct or not?
layerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceelderSmall blind 200.00200.0029997.50profman15Big blind 400.00600.008337.50 Your hole cardsAJ chico1740Fold chrisg6912Fold Jimbob30Fold rizla111Raise 800.001400.002433.75elderCall 600.002000.0029397.50profman15Call 400.002400.007937.50Flop 510J…
How do you cut out the names of players
Hi folks Could someone tell me how i paste up a hd but without my opponents names but with mine on...cheers
Too rash?
Should I have have got away from this on the flop? I wanted to raise 4xr preflop but the timer was right at the last second and rushed to clicked the 3xraise lol. (Should have been more alert - although v1 still may have called) I put him on an Ace lower kicker. v1 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £6.35 v2 Sitout Arteta4 Big blind…
under repping had, now what?
very good reg (1 of the top 3 in my opinion at this level). been playing a lot against this player and have probably very good notes on each others games. what do you think to my approWengeneSmall blind £0.10£0.10£19.40debs7979Big blind £0.20£0.30£14.52 Your hole cards* 3 * 3 G00N3RFold…
Tricky spot with Jacks
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSilentChivSmall blind £0.05£0.05£9.70xBig blind £0.10£0.15£9.18 Your hole cardsJJ ShortyRaise £0.20£0.35£1.08VillianCall £0.20£0.55£4.99xFold SilentChivRaise £0.80£1.35£8.90xFold ShortyAll-in £1.08£2.43£0.00VillianAll-in £4.99£7.42£0.00SilentChivFold VillianUnmatched…
does this happen to you?
hi all, i was bored tonight ( hubby working) so thought id deposit a fiver. the first few hours went great sat on 2 tables 1 nl4 holdem and 1 omaha, felt like i was playing well and got up to £14. the tables emptied so moved to other tables however its all changed, im getting hardly any cards and when i do play a hand im…
was my bet sizing right??
not sure if i played this right or not, should i have bet less on turn??PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJANBOB Sit out hanfrey07 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.31 davent Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £3.29 Your hole cards * 9 * 9 amanda1983 Raise £0.20 £0.26 £2.74 beanie1 Call £0.20 £0.46 £6.17 hohoho662 Call £0.20 £0.66 £2.07…