The EIGHTH UKOPS Festival begins today, hope some of you manage to play a few of the Events, there are cheapo satellites galore to the Main, so good luck. Use this thread to chirp, chunter, cheer, wha…
Did any body else experience this,by the time I got back into the game I was left with about 500 chips.(had about 2000 originally before the incident. Have reported this to sky,always seems to happen …
hi im playing the ukops freeroll yet everytime i get moved to another table my cards get folded and i have to close the table and go back in again and im loosing out on gd hands come on sky please fix…
It's that time again... Christmas soon! Yes the clock change is at 2am Sunday 27th. Due to this there will be some very slight alterations to the tournament lobby around this time. Extra hour in bed!
Welcome to the Friday Orfordable league - October - WEEK 4 12min Blinds (Late Registration Open Till End of Level 4) EVERYONE IS WELCOME - Come along and have some fun & banter in a nice relaxed & dee…
As the title says UKOPs week is comming and i know myself and others will probably play 90% of sats for them. Do you really want us all wearing soiled underwear???? Just a 5 minute break at 55 past th…
Hey! Just made a post and it didn't post lol This morning I knocked some milk over and some got on my laptop and now it's not working! It won't charge or nothing, no idea if its to do with the milk or…
See here in case you missed it! The UKOPS After Party Get on the UKOPS after party guest list and win a share of £5,000! To celebrate the biggest ever edition of UKOPS we'll be hosting two amazing aft…
I've been thinking about live poker and the things that influence our, and our opponents, play. It seems to me that there is a "Wally Factor" that we so far have no way of quantifying. I'd like the fo…
Hullo guys 'n' gals! How you doing? Hope you've been running well? I was reading a post on strengths and weaknesses in poker recently and it got me thinking.... You know how Arnold Schwarznegger is cr…
The rock asked a question about huds and a few posts in it gets closed because "sky does not support huds" .and they don't like you discussing one was arguing/ being abusive.huds are on …
The SPT Grand Final is THIS Saturday. Satellites & Direct buy-ins via Sky continue, but will likely cease on Wednesday or Thursday, so the Admin can be sorted, names sent across, etc. In so …
what happened to the tourments on wednesday : small stake poker games 35p /50p buy ins. i enjoyed playing on a wednesday small stake poker games why have they all stopped??? can we get these back as n…
As you all very well know, I am extremely hard to provoke, but to give you a chance, I will have a little drink and refrain from exercising my special secret relaxation technique. Here's some things …
this was in reply to BOLLY's thread which has now gone somewhere alrite bolly mate, obviously im thinking the same as you on this and yea it sucks massivley- i dont even grind on sky no more but was t…
Hi all, I have recently been staked on another site and I have to say its been awful, Iv had 2 or 3 decent results but im grinding crazy hours I really dont think I am playing to bad apart from 2 or 3…
I have not played on sky for a long time but is it just me but in the tournies there seem to be a alot of players betting the flop into the raiser then folding to the obvious raise which surely they m…