Thinking about this yesterday with all the debates on promotions on sky and how they are not fair in some players eyes,well heres an idea that I will throw out there.i think all promotions would suit …
Neil has got through 935 runners in the GPS, Nottingham. There are 38 remaining....all in the cash now. Day 3/Final starts at 1pm. Table draw....he has @ 600k at blinds 8/16k. Currently 14th place. 13…
HI all just wondering if anyone else has come accross this. Two people have advised me they lost all their poker points at the start of the month for some unknown reason? Has anyone else come across t…
I was just wondering peoples opinions on this? Mainly in an mtt scenario. Just to expand on the title. If I am out of position and raise with a strong to decent hand (lets say pocket Jacks for an exam…
A long post coming In a mtt id just shove obv with 10 bigs but in dym 4 handed i find if i shove with 10 bigs blinds 150/300 have 3k on the buton etc try n steal the blinds i get called by a better ha…
if the prizepool sais 1 seat gtd,even if only 2 players register should it not still open for the one seat, i know some say 1/5 or 1/10 but this was i seat gtd and 1/5 get a seat so too me that means …
Mods I know not poker related but I hope you let me get max exposure on this please. Yesterday morning my 15 year son who has Autism went missing in Essex area please go to my facebook page jason Mrbu…
hi,could anyone tell me how i obtain the password for todays 5k freeroll ? do u have to earn the right to enter this torney or recieve an email ?or can anyone enter under a promo ? cheers.
To everyone out there who helped my son over the last 48+ hrs I will never be able to put into words the thanks and amazment of people have been. Havent sleept in over 2 days so spelling etc will be w…
HI everyone, how is 2014 going for you so far. I for one hate January, there is tax to pay, about 7 people's birthdays to buy pressies for, pounds to lose (the different kind) and the weather kind suc…
THE most rigged sire EVER. Patronising w.a.n.k.e.r.s like Orford and bid titted girl to lure folk in then the bots take over...hope they all die of cancer...ive posted this before...but the site is so…
Currently 1 nl40 and 1 nl50 table running(4 players to each). Any way sky you can add maybe an extra happy hour or something for those players who dont sleep lol. Maybe 3/4am or something maybe it wou…
Hi Everybody, Tonight we are raising the guarantee of the £4,000 Bounty Hunter at 9pm to £5,000!!! Satellites from as little as £2.60 are in the lobby now giving you the chance to grab a seat into the…
I was driving home from work last night and the licence plate in front of me was SV51 AAK, and all I could think about was the hand I had played the night before on a cash table, when I had shoved and…
Im a regular player and watcher of sky poker, so can anyone tell me why they have so called experts like Tikay and ryan spittles analyising hands when they clearly arnt good enough to say what we shou…
Hi, I was considering entering this tournament, untill I looked at the structure. 4k Stack, 12 min blinds. This tournament is a big deal, with a high buyin - Yet some sky poker tournaments with a £2.2…
im currently a student and have a lot of spare time. i play £11 DYM's i play two or 3 tables at a time and always seem to do well and boost my bankroll that way. But then i play cant help myself and e…
Until today i thought people complaining about software was down to connection only to realise that, with fibre optic broadband and a sony viao laptop i have these problems too, fair enough disconecti…
Yup, 9.45pm this evening. Same as before, £25 + £2, unlimited rebuys @ £25, & a double stack optional add-on for £25. It is in the lobby now - look under the UKPC or Satellites tabs. It disappeared ju…
I've seen one of these threads every year that I can remember on Sky and no1 has done one yet so I thought I would. I can't find last year's one to bump it but would be nice to see if anyone can find …
Right just looking for opinions on this. Does it apply on cash as it does on stt? I play hypers now and again if i feel like it and once or twice been told "i run". Ive played regs who have refused he…
So situation in below hand is it's on the bubble of a DYM and I am shortie with very small stack of 1290 (only 2BB's). UTG raises pre and I fold. Big blind then types in the chatbox "AK" before callin…
CAN SOMEONE FROM SKY ANSWER ME THIS.... I get my internet through my landline but during the recent storm the line broke. Ok no problem I thought i'll get a dongle thingy and use that till they fix it…