was this the correct decision
from what i could read about this villian he did seem to know what he was doing with his play and did seem tighter than a lot of villians are preflop. also his betting was much more decent than most and he wouldn't just limp in preflop the start on the turn.tequila1 Sit out 5c0u53 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.50 bethebeat…
should i be laying this down
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancencafcSmall blind 10.0010.001820.00loolololloBig blind 20.0030.001860.00 Your hole cards* A * 7 mackayla12Fold bjm930Call 20.0050.002430.00All_is_oneFold Rich1461Fold…
thoughts on this
thought he was on a draw of some thought like straighh or flush draw so i shoved to make it look more bluffy then just raising again right on the money bubble :/ PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetank007Small blind 400.00400.0016655.00PepinoBig blind 800.001200.0027058.76 Your hole cards* 7 * A SummerjadeFold captape16Fold…
delete thread
sigh... should i of shoved?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelamby1712Small blind 40.0040.005945.00JS1199Big blind 80.00120.003750.00 Your hole cards* J * 7 dryiceja27Fold Keyser05All-in 217.50337.500.00loolololloCall 217.50555.002390.00tx2Fold lamby1712Fold JS1199Call 137.50692.503612.50Flop * 2 * 2 * 8 JS1199Check…
Can i do anything else here?
Hand History #619011794 (05:16 06/02/2013) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance 1n0nly Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £18.63 arthur1965 Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £71.43 Your hole cards * 10 * 10 demondave Fold bolly580 Fold ronnieg197 Fold WMaciver Call £0.20 £0.50 £23.98 1n0nly Raise £0.70 £1.20 £17.93 arthur1965 Call £0.60 £1.80…
What to do lol
What do you think about the way this hand plays out, i know i've got to call cause of the stacks, but if it was deeper stacks wat would you do?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejolliffe06 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £2.13 gthevicar Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.96 Your hole cards * A * A TOD19 Call £0.04 £0.10 £2.95 TheVisor Fold…
1010 with a board 555J call or fold?
the villian has just joined the table and i didn't know him much. when he join he had 3.20 and payed the entry right away so i would guess he is another who just plays for the fun of it was my stack big enough to risk making the call for 1.77 or should i fold MartinP Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.70 TINTIN Big blind £0.04…
have to snap this off??
Early stages of a 2.20 deepy...same old story limp limp limp limp Here I get the old limp/shove. Alarm bells ring and I think maybe he has aces, but surely I still have to snap this off??? He obv did have aces and I made a note of it and left with my tail between my legs. But always a call??? I'm 99% sure I will get…
Set wet board weird oppo line.
This is from last nights DTD, One of the deepstacks. My question is based on turn and river desisions here. This player hadn't been long at this table so im pretty much readless. I'm defo readless looking back at the hand as i can barley remember the outcome lol. I remember i called the turn for pot control, given the…
thoughts please
2k BH.......no reads on villain. I know I limped in but with one limper already I just wanted to see a cheap multiway flop.....is this bad?? How about the rest of the hand? Feel free to criticize (constructively) With the overcard on the flop there is always the worry of a better 2 pair or even a set, but with the turn…
TPGK, shove on the flop by oppo,.
Just been re seated so no reads on oppo. Could he be shoving here with mid PP ? The limp pre confused me, if he`s got a premium hand i`d have been re raised. Easy call or fold? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxx Small blind 50.00 50.00 6345.00 davelufc Big blind 100.00 150.00 8055.00 Your hole cards * Q * A WATERTAXI…
MTT, FT spot from elsewhere, line check?
No real reads on villain, he's tagged as a multi tabler, but doesn't seem that great, has called some raises, and just c/f flop a couple of times. Has been reasonably aggressive in unopened pots, nothing gone to showdown, no reads of note from post flop play. Flop size? Turn, is a bet right? Size? Planning to b/f turn,…
Opinions please
Main Primo tonight (was 3rd at the time and was still quite early).... Villain is relatively aggressive and doesnt like me stealing blinds having reraised back 3/4 times to shove me off his blinds. Two questions: 1) Is my 4 bet too aggressive? 2) Can I fold after 5 bet shove?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance GRANDAD49…
should i of folded?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceloolololloSmall blind 20.0020.002664.95Marty642Big blind 40.0060.002281.29 Your hole cards* 4 * K HALL82Fold raggy94Fold chaseboyRaise 80.00140.001955.00acer131Call 80.00220.002008.76loolololloCall 60.00280.002604.95Marty642Call 40.00320.002241.29Flop * K * 9 * K…
al873killl regging for Omaha seats
The above mentioned player is regged(as i speak for at least 5 HU Tables) I have sat at 3 of those tables, NONE of which have started so I can only assume he/she is sat out. How can they buy-in to those tables continually and NOT start the tables? OH and he/she is regged at MANY other tables that wont start.....
would it have been better to just check
knowing that a cheap BH will have players who play very simular to those who play the micro cash games, would it have been best to just check back as he has not shown any sign of holding a pair of jacks as he just checked the turn and river leaving me with the idea that he has missed his flush or is holding a set and wants…
Nl200 misclick gone right!
Hand History #617460119 (01:42 02/02/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancearthur1994Small blind £1.00£1.00£268.68Ra1seM3Big blind £2.00£3.00£125.23 Your hole cards46 kidwiz10Raise £6.00£9.00£171.65scotty77Call £6.00£15.00£240.600mcCall £6.00£21.00£288.46arthur1994Fold…
Could this have been avoided?
I have a feeling in the long run I want calls like this, but it stings at the time, any comments please, should I have bet bigger to get rid of the third player? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHENDRIK62Small blind £0.02£0.02£0.99jaymac33Big blind £0.04£0.06£2.01 Your hole cardsKK…
Correct Play?
Never played oppo Only been sat for 10-15 mins, so havent seen X play any hands. Was this played alright? Can I ever reraise river? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceXSmall blind £0.20£0.20£30.79CCIncBig blind £0.40£0.60£29.60 Your hole cardsK10 KKripplerRaise £1.20£1.80£69.64iklejackFold XCall £1.00£2.80£29.79CCIncFold…
Orfordable tournie tonight, what do you do in this spot.
It was a 10 handed table, I'm sittin with ace jack, blinds are 400-800 theres a min raise to 1600, I call, 2 callers behind. Flop comes down 10 j ace, check, all in, original raiser folds, then its onto me with 2 pair, ace jack. I have 30K, if i call and lose i'm sittin with just over 10K. Do you think it's an automatic…
just looking for anyone's comments on this hand. How can anyone think about bettering themselves at low level when you come up against this 1281Small blind 10.0010.002030.00ken1952Big blind 20.0030.001980.00 Your hole cardsQQ RobStoneFold FilboFold benson09Fold…
20NL - QQ overpair to the board - line check
Would really appreciate some thoughts on this hand. I put him on a relatively narrow range calling my 3bet pre and I think he calls my c-bet with virtually 100% of it. I figured I was more likely to get value on the turn by going for a c/c, so he could try to take me off the hand or go for value with worse hands like AK,…
£110 Bh can i ever fold here lool?
Hand History #617330070 (21:32 01/02/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBarrie26Small blind 20.0020.007985.00chefboy79Big blind 40.0060.003975.00 Your hole cardsKK anjie1970Fold JeffterFold…
Exit hand from tonights ME
3 places from the cash bubble, is this standard or is there an arguement for folding pre flop to the 4-bet? Post flop are the chips always going in here?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceMRBURNS4 Small blind 400.00 400.00 34040.75 GuardC4t Big blind 800.00 1200.00 31754.08 Your hole cards * Q * A sammy550 Fold sadsacuk77…
help needed
ok, im at a BH torny table where my raises have NO impact? what do i do... shove pre or what? eg1 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceetheySmall blind 20.0020.001310.00loolololloBig blind 40.0060.004192.50 Your hole cards* A * K kolomishCall 40.00100.002300.00andrew1947Fold 1jaxonray1Fold MshortFold…
any way i could of got more in?
thought he had an ace so was thinking of what he would call on river but i could of got him in on the river? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemartoflushSmall blind 15.0015.001565.00BW45Big blind 30.0045.002305.00 Your hole cards* A * K macca12345Fold SiscoleFold loolololloRaise 90.00135.001855.00pikebaitFold…
should i of folded the turn/
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceandsoitis7Small blind 50.0050.005440.00rowlands00Big blind 100.00150.003500.00 Your hole cards* Q * K loolololloRaise 250.00400.006730.00heyblondeeRaise 400.00800.003040.00colburto27Fold andsoitis7Fold rowlands00Fold loolololloCall 150.00950.006580.00Flop * 2 * 10 * 3 loolololloCheck…
sets vs very tight regular nl 4
the villian i'm up against here is probablyvery well known on NL4, he himself also probably knows me well too. As he didn't reraise i would have went with him having AK AJs pocket 10 and lower. on the flop i was thinking to myself he might fold any bet i make thinking i hold a QQ or greater so wanted to make it look like i…
easy fold?
I'm not playing well atm..... This is from a £2k BH. Villain had been quite active, previously overbet shoving the flop with a massive stack, donk bet/folding on occasions too. Is this a fold? I had been getting owned pretty much and I guess my image at the table would be quite weak to be honest.....one of those games…