could i have got more out of these hands?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetwotouch Small blind 15.00 15.00 1575.00 mexx69 Big blind 30.00 45.00 2040.00 Your hole cards * 3 * 3 carolinexx Fold shoskione Call 30.00 75.00 1255.00 BURNShurtz Call 30.00 105.00 1935.00 XLR8 Fold twotouch Call 15.00 120.00 1560.00 mexx69 Check Flop * 10 * 3 * 3 twotouch Check mexx69…
50nl newbie - two big pots
I thought i'd dabble at 50nl last night to see how i got on. Here are the two biggest pots i played and would be interested to see what people think i should do. Only have limited reads as this is the first time i have played at this level on sky. Hand 1. Note on villain "called 5x raise pre OOP with QJo". When they flat…
call or fold?
played the 2.30£ bounty hunter tonight for abit of fun and found myself 2nd in chips with 11/256 players left. i have 52k and the chip leader has 194k.... I am playing to win as that is the only real half decent payout........ he shuvs on the blind and i find myself with AK..... my thought trail is that most the time he…
should he have called my reraise with his holding pre??? after I went to check call mode hoping for
gaz2124 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.72 TINTIN Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £1.85 Your hole cards * Q * Q dugboy25 Raise £0.08 £0.14 £1.90 tony011 Fold clevski Raise £0.24 £0.38 £5.56 geo89 Fold gaz2124 Fold TINTIN Fold dugboy25 Call £0.16 £0.54 £1.74 Flop * K * 5 * 3 dugboy25 Bet £0.27 £0.81 £1.47 clevski Call £0.27 £1.08 £5.29…
it set on a loose table
right the tabl i am sat at is very loose and i am probable the tightest player and the average pot is over £8. I have 33 and min raise as any more could get messy pre flop with players coming over the top, this happens and 4 of us are playing 5XBB. The flop comes with one high card a mid card and my 3 with a flush draw on.…
Suited connectors - flopped two pair - let opponent get away?
Thoughts on how i should of played this hand better, maybe my raise made my opponent get away from a big pair, advice please... Should i just of called and risked a scare card coming i.e. a diamond, a J Q 7 or a 6, then let him bet again if safe then shove? Or was this play right...…
how to really mess up da nuts!!
doyle124Small blind £0.10£0.10£7.30pod1Big blind £0.20£0.30£18.24 Your hole cards10A…
Early stages of TSP Classic
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceWHOAMI196Small blind 15.0015.001820.00weezicoBig blind 30.0045.003500.00 Your hole cardsJA thekurgonFold nagromRaise 90.00135.001785.00KKripplerCall 90.00225.004070.00WHOAMI196Fold weezicoFold Flop 105A nagromBet 180.00405.001605.00KKripplerCall 180.00585.003890.00Turn 4…
Unraised pot - Whats going on?
Not much going on at the table, decided to call the button to see a flop, fold if i get RR from SB or BB. Stopped the action when out of nowhere the pot has started to grow... No read on opponent, not been at table long myself. (Think he doubled up early on AIPF with KK or something) Should i flat or RR all in? Or should i…
Way to aggro continued played the other way? but more outs
so after the previous hand i tried playing bit slower but with so many outs shud i just get in on flop and can get villain to fold here alot aswell?>bexhill Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £11.13 punxxs_13 Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £19.42 Your hole cards * 3 * 5 oakley04 Fold MrMiyagi07 Call £0.20 £0.50 £19.87 YOUNG_GUN Call £0.20…
how to really mess up da nuts!!
doyle124Small blind£0.10£0.10£7.30pod1Big blind£0.20£0.30£18.24 Your hole cards10A…
What can I do?
ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceStew1 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £6.30 izzysteer Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £13.19 Your hole cards * 10 * Q Robbo67 Fold flipgirl Call £0.20 £0.50 £22.54 jcb21 Raise £0.40 £0.90 £18.78 SHANKS474 Fold Stew1 Call £0.30 £1.20 £6.00 izzysteer Raise £0.80 £2.00 £12.39 flipgirl Fold jcb21 Call £0.60 £2.60…
30nl few hands.
Hand 1. This is very wierd, it's not often people defend, check call the flop then donk the turn strong. Without reads what are you thinking? I felt at the time he maybe had a flush draw on the flop and turned a straight draw tro go with it? So maybe something like AT of hearts? I think it's shove or fold? What do you do…
hand 4 hand
when are we going to have hand 4 hand poker when we get down to the last 2 tables.. i have recently been on the last 2 tables twice and unfortunately the one with only 3 on .... therefore playing more hands than the other table.. come on sky. sort this out.. final 2 tables should play simultanious hands..
Middle/Small pockets in late tournaments
looks fine
OK, what else could I do? Help!
the guy had a bit wide range and was a bit loose but did not put him on his hand. A few hands before someone else had the Aces and just went allin. He took the blinds but didn't lose. Thoughts? Also, after "h" went allin I was hoping to go allin pre also to isolate but it didn't let me. Why?c Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £6.30…
Cant beat a loose turbo Tourney that runs tonight. All advice gratefully received.
There's a turbo shortstack i've had a crack at on a thursday night, but my results are awful. Mainly guys that work at a local power plant. Generally the standard of play is awful, but there are three or 4 guys that are pretty good. There tends to be about 35-45 runners, starting stack of 4000, blinds run at 20mins, but go…
What would you have done?
Hi. what would you have done in this situation.... 500 bounty hunter.early in the game.. blinds 15 30... 2k in chips... get ace of hearts and 4 spades.... so i min raise+ to 65 and get 2 callers... I have the button. flop comes 10 clubs 4 hearts a clubs. 2 pairs .... :D scary flush poss.... one bets to 157.50 one folds..…
I know PF is dreadful..... 50nl
Afternoon all, I fully understand the pre flop action is poor, tell me what you would do here where i stop the action. The opponent is not know to me, played very few hands against him but have seen him around 50nl so no reads as such. Playing near 200BB's a piece What do we feel my action should be here for the best…
Hand protect in tourny
Hi I played this hand in a tourny earlier. I put the guy on a flush draw and if i was playing cash i would have under bet slight less on turn to get some more value, but i didnt here cos i wanted to protect my hand. I think though i could have used the extra chip, do you i should have under bet slightly on the turn to get…
Semi-Strong draw against TAG and donkey, sat fairly shallow.
7 handed NLHE 50p/£1. Pretty loose table, bought in for £100 had A's cracked early and I'm down to about £62. Not tilted, just waiting for a spot to get my money in and double up or rebuy. Actions folded to button who makes it £2.5, I make a pretty spewy call in the SB with Ks4s, BB calls behind me. Both sat around…
what is more skillful cash or tournament poker
Hi I Was wondering what people think is more difficult cash or tournament poker (and what is more profitable). It seems that they are often very different. I.e patience is key in cash, whereas aggression is more important in tourament (when the blinds get large anyway). And are the skills transferable. What are peoples…
My poker game
Hi I am a okish cash play at 5/10 to 15/30 level, when im playing well i can grind out an ok amount, though sometimes i get bored a donk the money away. I also play tournaments and can do especially well in a field of around 50 to a 100 (any bigger and i find it hard to hit the bubble). I think i am slightly better at…
Too aggro for cash??
Ok on this flop i have open ender + Back door flush, put villain on either top pair or overpair Is this really bad how i played it? lately i havent been raising draws as much and i would do same with set/overpair here so balances my range funnyguy Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £11.42 K007 Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £45.45 Your hole…
how would you play this??
been trapping aggro players and i get this, what would you do if you were in my sweaty shoe`s ??PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance denty765 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.00 spornybol Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £3.35 Your hole cards * Q * 10 s2pot Fold tigers180 Raise £0.08 £0.14 £6.47 JPBracelet Call £0.08 £0.22 £3.05 denty765 Fold…
I'm having an interesting night.
Thought I was donking off my stack here. Was I right to think that? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceZedsDeadBaSmall blind £0.02£0.02£3.47sub000zeroBig blind £0.04£0.06£6.27chunks219Big blind £0.04£0.10£2.45 Your hole cardsAJ DUTCHESS62Call £0.04£0.14£2.33chunks219Check…
Where did you get those bruises from?
I walked into TWO open doors!!! What do you think? Stop walking around with my eyes shut? or Not too horrid? rookery11Small blind £0.02£0.02£7.34raytei01Big blind £0.04£0.06£4.97 Your hole cardsQQ ZedsDeadBaRaise £0.12£0.18£8.26sub000zeroFold DUTCHESS62Raise £0.28£0.46£1.05chunks219Fold rookery11Fold…
How to combat a bad run
I have now being playing for what seems to be 6 months (its probally a lot less), but it came to me last night playing at Luton that i am probs going though one of my worst runs of cards in my short playing career.I spent all 3 hours of playing there with only 3 decent hands which one got me a double up. I sometimes…
Totally butchered hand- destroy me!
as it says very loose table but dont like my initial raise dont think i could have played hand any poorer personally, what notes would you pot on villains in this hand? so A) i can learn what i should be writing down straight away B) destroy me as i played it awfulYOUNG_GUN Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £56.40 BAGGPUSS Big blind…
NL20 Flat or re-raise river
Ok bit of a loose call here but only a min-raise, i have position and can easily get away from it if i dont floppa whopper had a bad feeling he has Q10 on end so just flat, i dont think my 2 pair is unbeatable here too and also weary of another 2 pair Would you flat on end?kingholdem Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £20.43 Sie23…