Both raisers are known to me, and i have some respect for thier games. Anyways, opinions on profitable play here? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceThePeach Small blind 40.00 40.00 4995.00 GEO68 Big bl…
As most of the regulars know, i am fairly new to the game, this is the first time i have come across this sort of hand. I was elated at first and then the doubt crept in and i didnt really know what t…
When is the best time to play out of position with cards such as 56 67 78 89 etc. all i hear about is people saying you shouldn't limp in cheap, but of of position most players wouldn't call a high ra…
Lost too much money on a real cooler last night and ladyfriend was there too watch it and wasnt happy (despite big gains that have bought her pretty things). £1/2 cash game NLHE Im's sat with around £…
Just a quick question. I have only been playing poker for 5/6 months and have noticed that i seem to have cycles of success on the different formats of the game. When i first started, i played a lot o…
Am I playing this wrong? I'd normally flat for trips or fold such a small pair to a free bet after the raise. Certainly not go all in. Seems to be this way at the moment! PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBal…
very first hand, so no reads, ob had him on an ace, should i hav come back over him after the flop or just flatted. was a bit worried he would hit a better fh. was this played wrong and lost alot trip…
Ok imagine the scenario. You are playing PLO and hold Ac Ad 9s 4h. We see the flop and then the turn card. After the turn card has come down you are sat on the nuts and you know that no matter what c…
Simple question is slow playing big pocket pairs good play or bad playing, while playing on sky tonight in mtt's got caught twice by someone playing k's @ a's slow,On both times this put me out of tou…
This is against a regular forumite in the Open semi satellite, no notes. The reason why i flat pre is to simple control the pot with jacks and the knowledge the SB is sat out so at most this hand is g…
hand one should i have got away from ?Hand History #365665935 (20:56 26/04/2011) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance 2high75 Small blind 100.00 100.00 5530.00 spornybol Big blind 200.00 300.00 14700.00 …
Just played this hand in one of the micro-cash tables. Had the villain down as TAG and put him on a biggish pair. Though my raise repping the flush might push him off then tried again on the turn and …
Hi after an initial re-raise i often find myself call with aj/kq (in middle or late position). However, often im outkicked by ak or something similar. Im begining to think to call early raises with su…
So you're sat there and you haven't had a hand for ages. You're in the big blind and it's been called round to you with 68 offsuit. Do you: fold your rubbish? check and see a flop? raise an unraised p…
So, the other week I won a deep stack and went from £10 (my normal BR just to play a few micro SnGs and the odd MTT) to £40. I figured that now that I have 10 buy-ins for 2p/4p I can start playing cas…
#364119320 Ok so on the other table they had 3 ppl less then 8BB and saw that a couple ppl were lucky, im very comfortable but find Jacks 4 handed. My Initial thoughts are i can re-raise to 7200ish, b…
Is this a fold? If I were to continue, would I be better just calling then check folding the river if I miss? I have no fold equity, but I could save 25xbb if I just flat? Is there any point in raisin…
i know i should fold pre. (i called pre to mess about with dohhhhhh as he had been raising a lot!) but look at this turn card action. Am i technically correct to fold the temporary nuts? Also why does…
Was this play as awful as i think it was? No real reads on the villain although he hasnt done too much out of line. I assumed the turn card would scare him. And also i play sets this way too. Am i dre…
Hi when i play poker cash (5/10 to 15/30 level) or tournys i tend to grind away and earn a little and then drop back down. I have yet have to deposite any funds into my account but cannot seem to grow…
What is says on the tin really!PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Appleart Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £8.23 slinkywink Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £11.40 Your hole cards * Q * Q westslay23 Fold donkeyplop Raise…
Hand History #364560049 (12:33 23/04/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehamster880Small blind 15.0015.00880.00elcapitanoBig blind 30.0045.001075.00 Your hole cardsA2 hamster880Raise 45.0090.00835.…