I read a lot of answers to questions on here, and an awful lot contain an answer which involves relative stack sizes, at which point the response makes no sense to me! So could I have a quick lesson o…
FRANKIE247 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £1.34 X Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £19.77 Your hole cards * A * K Dudeskin8 Raise £0.20 £0.26 £4.46 Hancox Fold Y Raise £0.52 £0.78 £4.63 manfred Fold FRANKIE247 Fold X R…
Did I play this right? I knew y was pretty desperate. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejimb0d1 Small blind 50.00 50.00 1935.00 x Big blind 100.00 150.00 7013.75 Your hole cards 10 s9 s yCall 100.00 25…
is it possible to check the results of a tournament that happened say 2 days ago? I go to check a tournament that happened last night but can see how to do it?
player had just joined thegwolfSmall blind £0.25£0.25£57.73davethe101Big blind £0.50£0.75£32.82 Your hole cards55 oakley04Call £0.50£1.25£22.95TonyPNutsFold pod1Raise £2.00£3.25£45.80varneyFold gwolfC…
X is REG and plays like most do at this level. Y is unkown, no significant shwdowns seen yet but plays just 1 table so goes in recreational player catorgory. Raise could have been 24p pre but I'm tryi…
I'm looking at revamping my note taking. I'd like to know what you should be typing in the box and how you'd go about it. It's something that although I've been around a while, I've never utilised to …
the villain had been making fairly loose calls pre with raggy aces etc... was my c-bet on the flop too small here?? when i get the call i'm worried my kicker might be beat but when the turn gives me 2…
In Response to effective nuts vs donk player sat deep, how do you price re raise?: This really made my head hurt. Why dont you put him on 66? He seems to be repping strength or am I missing something …
Readless, very new to table Can I/Should I consider bet folding here and would checking be too weak ?kennydoome Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £0.69 Sortof1 Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.96 Your hole cards * Q * …
saw this table at NL10 with average pot of £10. Sat down. watched all participants throw money around like confetti. decide to have a shot. by the time im dealt in 2 have gone busto. All players are l…
Ive read this hand over a few times and Im not happy, and i cant work out why... No reads on villain as far as i can recall! I assumed he probably had a king, so i value bet river!. comments on bet si…
Final table bubble in Deep Stack. 3rd in chips and playing 1st and 2nd. I always sit here in these positions thinking "ladder up" but KJ 3 handed on this flop? Was this poor tactical play, given the s…
Well I know I'm tight, like super tight but should I be playing this hand and what is best way to do it ? bango Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £4.01 Poker__Boy Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £4.63 Your hole cards * J…
Just bombed out of a £60 gtd tourney, and i want to know - based on my thinking - if i could have / should have done it differently. Just after the 1st break, 10 players left, blinds 50, 100. i'm shor…
No hand example as i havent figured out how to post a hand yet but i have picked up a big ace in the small blind a few times in a cash game in a pot where there are 2 or 3 players already in the pot e…
..should I still call this? I normally know when I've been a donk(quite often as it happens) and I know I'm not getting the odds(even more chance I'm a donk) but is this really that bad????lol Had him…
get whole stack in as 91.95% fav 1.25% split pot and lose 75p on the deal in rake anyone out there understand better than me how this is calculated? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceEASYFIXSmall blind…
bout 8 players left been fairly agressive from bout 3 tables to go. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance DOHHHHHHH Small blind 600.00 600.00 28920.50 Fozibear Big blind 1200.00 1800.00 12914.50 Your…
Readless. Also yes I know I'm limping UTG with 99, this might be wrong but I hate being reraised if I raise so find limp calling easier. Bad turn but do I have to continue and can I bet fold against b…
Villain 24/22/3.5 with 3bet 8 over only 40 hands. Havent noticed him getting out of line, and havent really clashed with him. For those of you who dont use stats that means he seems to be a decent TAG…
This is not a brag post, serious question. Player 1 has just sat down, Player 2 is fairly solid NL4 reg(...... who always seems to appear on my table as soon as I sit down, which is worrying lol) he w…
how do you get yourself out the habit of worrying they will fold if you bet too much!pod1Small blind £0.25£0.25£85.13saints01Big blind £0.50£0.75£27.65 Your hole cards9K DACRUNCHERFold xxxxRaise £1.50…