Should I shove in this spot?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance relaxedcom Small blind 800.00 800.00 87531.80 peter27 Big blind 1600.00 2400.00 11820.32 Your hole cards * J * 10 bbMike Raise 3200.00 5600.00 17248.66 DoubleAAA Fold relaxedcom Fold peter27 All-in 11820.32 17420.32 0.00 bbMike Call 10220.32 27640.64 7028.34 peter27 Show * J * 10 bbMike…
calling a jam with Ax
having failed to steal the blinds I decided to call as my chipstack was very big anyway but really I right away called myself a fool knowing he is certain to hold either an Ax or a pair so basically I would be either needing a flush straight or an A. my guess with this villain is he was waiting for that A or pair and…
Constant Limp Callers
During a cash session on a 10nl table i was in the company of more than one limp caller, but one in particalur. the villain would donk out 10p every single hand, when i did pick up a decent hand i reraised the villain to 60p. every single hand he would call my reraise & then donk out a bet on the flop, having missed most…
Am i really overthinking this? InstaFold?
The river is a pretty good card for us, we'd obv rather a diamond. Overthinking this, or easy/std call?? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBrunoDanteSmall blind £0.10£0.10£20.60iGoWaWaBig blind £0.20£0.30£39.33 Your hole cardsKA paythedr24Fold scotty77Fold golds95Fold Raise £0.60£0.90£39.10BrunoDanteFold…
Don't think we can fold here!
I like opponents raise, I probably like an overbet jam even more, which would be a fold, but a lot would call. One of the most deadly hands in poker, straight over higher straight.sproule03 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £8.85 LARSON7 Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £27.63 Your hole cards * 10 * A karl88402 Raise £0.30 £0.45 £28.19…
Couldnt resist!!
Hand History #716723494 (05:12 04/12/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancekrelle10Small blind £0.10£0.10£10.65Limp2LoseBig blind £0.20£0.30£32.66 Your hole cards54 kidwiz10Raise £0.80£1.10£38.52liamboi11Call £0.80£1.90£19.20BeegBarsRaise £1.40£3.30£72.95krelle10Raise £1.90£5.20£8.75Limp2LoseFold…
OTF get a donk jam AA call or fold?
not much reads on the villain it was a hand from the DTD 1 my guess is he has got the nut flush draw JJ or A5s. would it be worth calling or should I just fold and the next time do a larger bet size pre?MacMonster Small blind 30.00 30.00 1530.00 xBig blind 60.00 90.00 6882.50 Your hole cards * A * A step949 Fold bletch08…
Could I have got more?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Smilodon Small blind 50.00 50.00 4325.00 Daijip Big blind 100.00 150.00 3905.00 Your hole cards * K * K madmick078 Fold Phlerp_74 Fold peter27 Raise 300.00 450.00 5950.00 5c0u53 Call 300.00 750.00 2840.00 Smilodon Fold Daijip Call 200.00 950.00 3705.00 Flop * Q * A * 9 Daijip Check peter27…
How did I play this?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance peter27 Small blind 25.00 25.00 1935.00 mikkidee Big blind 50.00 75.00 1360.00 Your hole cards * 2 * 2 grebo_guru Fold wattieb19 Call 50.00 125.00 1180.00 brinna12 Raise 100.00 225.00 1340.00 unluckyC Fold peter27 Call 75.00 300.00 1860.00 mikkidee Fold wattieb19 Call 50.00 350.00 1130.00…
Line Check
OK... just a general line check here... Thoughts on raising the flop? Im doing it to charge club draws and possible straight draws. I bet the turn for value from these hands as well. Now I suppose the question here is do I value bet the river? At the time my thinking was if he has missed his draw then im not getting…
Shove or fold??
This spot is from tonights roller. Opening raiser had been very active, min raising a lot. I know I should prob 3 bet here but his stack was massive and I'm a weak nit. The shortstack then shoves and I'm snap calling if the bigstack folds. After he just flats too I really don't know what to do!!! Is calling bad? So it's…
Easy fold??
Only 3 hands in, 3 bet player has just doubled up the hand before with A9 o/s on a 9 high paired/flushing board. Shorty in this hand missed their flush draw in the previous hand. 3 bet & all in (+ player still to act) Insta fold here? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegrantos556 Small blind 25.00 25.00 1925.00 finchy2022…
Just checking...To semi-bluff or not semi-bluff at NL10?
I had only really just sat down, this was my first button and first hand I played. I know I could have opted to 3bet, but given I didn't recognise the name of the raiser I opted to call and see what happened. Given the flop that came down, against unknowns, should I be giving more consideration to raising, say, 2/3 pot?…
What would you do on the flop here?
No real reads, but it feels like he has an overpair here. What would you do on the flop here, if you are raising what are you making it? It's 4 handed, with the min 3 bet I feel I have to call! CarnageSmall blind £0.05£0.05£9.85fram44Big blind £0.10£0.15£5.86 Your hole cardsK9…
did i play these hand well?
for most of the super roller MTT I was never more than about 10K chips some of the hands in question are if I didn't get enough value from them I was in a lot of spots with this villain where I had the problem of a weaker chip stack on the flop I do a semi bluff. does the check on the turn give away my hand? AlfPachino…
should i be just going for it?
it's getting to the point where I am loosing chips constantly. with pocket pairs A high and KQ and sometimes Kxs Qxs I would be jamming if it was folded round to me. but knowing that it might be ages before I get these should i be doing it with most hands and just accept the loss or is the fold the correct thing craigcu12…
Did I fail to make full advantage of a river bink at NL8?
Should I be looking to make a chunky raise on this river? I didn't actually mean to check on the turn... although it may have been the best move anyway! Poor connection made the choice for me. I figured that the villain was the sort of player that would see c-bet/give up as weakness and bet the turn with very little, so…
Do we check back the river?
This hand was from a deepstack and I had been at the opponents table since the start. Pretty standard stuff so far and I pick up QQ on the button I go for the re raise. Opponent flats and the flop is ok for queens. Once we get to the river do we check it or ship it? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHeavy22Small…
Omaha now what on the turn do i have to go with it?
barry1935Small blind £0.05£0.05£30.91IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.10£0.15£14.50 Your hole cardsK8JK MeenyCall £0.10£0.25£6.29daggers747Raise £0.30£0.55£23.98cuzza64Fold BCOZICANFold barry1935Call £0.25£0.80£30.66IDONKCALLUCall £0.20£1.00£14.30MeenyCall £0.20£1.20£6.09Flop K2Q…
What am i representing
Quick one for you guys. Looking at this hand, with hole cards blanked out what what am i representing and what is or should the villian calling with? Cheers Paul PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceelbows7Small blind £0.05£0.05£10.94TashtomBig blind £0.10£0.15£9.06 Your hole cards…
I can be your hero baby....
XSmall blind 400.00400.0013117.50Omen69Big blind 800.001200.0012174.25 Your hole cards* 7 * 7 sharonmFold hhyftrftdrRaise 1600.002800.0012967.50NANNYBFold PeaJayFold XCall 1200.004000.0011917.50Omen69Fold Flop * 6 * J * K XCheck hhyftrftdrBet 1850.005850.0011117.50XCall 1850.007700.0010067.50Turn * J XCheck hhyftrftdrCheck…
Opponent will call for draws... and will call three bets pre with suited connectors and suited aces as well as PP. As you can see i've got quite a big stack so people have been less inclined to believe me when I bet. I have shown a triple barrell bluff vs another opponent about an hour earlier, which this villain did see,…
Right to fold?
Quite a simple question here, was I right to fold this:PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Clammynejj Small blind 25.00 25.00 615.00 peter27 Big blind 50.00 75.00 3165.00 Your hole cards * 6 * 2 GRIZZER89 Fold eezee5268 Call 50.00 125.00 1525.00 FLASHJONNY Fold Clammynejj Call 25.00 150.00 590.00 peter27 Check Flop * 4 * 5 *…
What a cracking way to go..lovely turn and river!!!
chipper88 Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £44.06 sikas Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £49.50 Your hole cards * J * J mrdavies Call £0.50 £1.25 £44.09 shawsok Raise £1.50 £2.75 £80.94 CHIVALINO Call £1.50 £4.25 £23.14 chipper88 Fold sikas Fold mrdavies Raise £4.00 £8.25 £40.09 shawsok Call £3.00 £11.25 £77.94 CHIVALINO Call £3.00 £14.25…
Bluff-shove river with missed draw
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBrunoDanteSmall blind £0.25£0.25£28.04SotMalas85Big blind £0.50£0.75£96.70 Your hole cards* https://www.skypoker.com/img/site/heart.gif'); background-color: #ffffff; display: block; border: 1px solid #9bc3e5; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%;…
Anyone fold here??
Hand History #714259422 (22:13 26/11/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehdsportsSmall blind £0.10£0.10£12.45iGoWaWaBig blind £0.20£0.30£50.45emillie11Big blind £0.20£0.50£24.00 Your hole cards103 lisa1962Fold wudibluffFold emillie11Check rancidFold hdsportsCall £0.10£0.60£12.35iGoWaWaCheck Flop KA3 hdsportsCheck…
Beginner Omaha question
Going to go through my thorugh process on the hand it worked this time i think it is correct but wouldnt mind a few more opinions. I call pre getting great odds on the minriase looking to set mine and see a dry board. It gets raised again not loving it but peel cos im a noob. On the flop i miss my set but flop 2 pair if we…
Worst call in poker ever, HU in MTT
This is one of the worst decisions I've ever made on a river. Clearly top pair was never any good here. The timebar was at almost at 0, is there ever any justification for calling this massive over bet? Literally, the time bar was going and I was thinking fold, and at the last second I called. pkdabear11Small…
Good bluff or dumb play?
This hand was from a while ago, but I suspect I may have had some sort of read on my opponent to even attempt a bluff like this. Just wanted to know if you guys would EVER attempt a bluff with cards like this - or is this play idiotic?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance OC1337 Small blind 75.00 75.00 4455.00 peter27 Big…
Bounty Hunter bubble, simple BvB spot, call or fold?
How much would his bounty be worth? I'm thinking it's probably a call. Losing this pot shouldn't impact us too much and we're getting decent pot odds vs a wide range.