Was this a bad call???
this was a cash hand.My opponent was fairly aggro and had a wide opening range. Both our starting stackes are 100 bb's deep Preflop everyone has folded to the button. The button raises to £3, im in the small blind with A J and raise to £8.00 The Big blind folds & the button calls my raise. The flop comes down K 3 A…
Check Turn? Bad in your opinion?
If oppo has King which i cant be sure of, he could pretty much have any2. Check the turn for deception, lookin for king to bet. Value bet river, would you just shove? LARSON7 Small blind 500.00 500.00 44830.00 3barrels Big blind 1000.00 1500.00 51602.50 Your hole cards * J * 2 mlcJKA Fold IAMBLUFFIN Fold PipeBender Fold…
4k BH - flop top set but not happy
I took one shot at the flop, and then after that closed down on the basis that I would only be called by hands that were beating me. Should I have bet the flop harder to charge potential draws and 2pr hands or is this line OK. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelarryladSmall blind 125.00125.0012642.50rossybee16Big…
20nl now we call turn do we have to call river
couple of questions is there any point raising the flop ? now we call the turn do we call river i dnt have enuff reads but is opponent just barreling on any turn card when he bets flop so is my hand still good enuff to call here ? dogcharlieSmall blind £0.10£0.10£44.10TiltfishBig blind £0.20£0.30£34.23 Your hole cards1010…
JJ what should i do now
with JJ the last thing I was wanting is 4 caller especially with me being the BB so I did a massive bet. the problem now is because the flop is 10 high and I still have 3 I am guessing right away that they are probably loose. what is the best option I should do nowchrist1963 Small blind 10.00 10.00 1990.00 craigcu12 Big…
should i have folded the river or would that have been too nitty
I must admit I was stupid to have even did the jam because when I saw such a big raise I was thinking right away that a full house was calling and when it was a brick bluff is not what I would expect. should I have folded or was a call stillok and I just shouldn't have raisedcraigcu12 Small blind 30.00 30.00 2460.00…
Get in these spots alot have a really bad feeling but is it a call?
What am i beating busted flush draw only hand i can think of aces would just check behind im pretty sure ? IDONKCALLUSmall blind£0.20£0.20£47.26ukpengBig blind £0.40£0.60£173.27 Your hole cardsQK ToshiroFold shawsokFold zinfanRaise £1.20£1.80£144.72IDONKCALLUCall £1.00£2.80£46.26ukpengCall £0.80£3.60£172.47Flop KK7…
20nl what do we do here
Only read i have mmmmmnm likes to play every hand and bluffs alot angel is tight doesnt play many hands walks2311Small blind £0.10£0.10£24.84mnmnmnBig blind £0.20£0.30£26.31 Your hole cardsAQ IDONKCALLURaise £0.60£0.90£18.12AngelDivaACall £0.60£1.50£13.34VannerFold walks2311Fold mnmnmnCall £0.40£1.90£25.91Flop A68…
Forum help
Hi everyone I have attempted to get on the forum, using the download client, never had a problem before, but for the last few days i cannot connect to it or help and advice. i have had to go to the internet and get to this page using that version, can anyone help. (i have tried removing sky and reinstalling it put no joy)…
Sick spot
If i call it'll make me tournie chip leader, no real reads quite new to the table. At first i was thinking flush draw, then i talke myself into the fact i was beat. I prob am in hindsight, i folded. Any shout for calling here? IAMBLUFFIN Small blind 400.00 400.00 24330.00 PipeBender Big blind 800.00 1200.00 17870.00 Your…
Slight brag, but was I right to get it all in here?
I was multi tabling, so no reads, but I think reads would be irrelevant in this spot anyway. Was I right to just stick it in and hope to hit 1 of my many outs? I can't see why not..PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceRodThePlodSmall blind £0.05£0.05£10.66mmmchipsBig blind £0.10£0.15£8.29 Your hole cards* K * 10…
Mini BH Exit Hand
Hi All I'm trying to post a hand the poker clinic but having problems.Anyway in the Mini BH last night I has 66 thousand chips and the blinds were 1.5k 3k. I has AQ suited and raised it to 6k. everyone folded except the big blind who shoved all in for 54K. I had them covered and called. Is this always an automatic call or…
QQ with an A high flop - still struggling
OK, so this time I tried checking the flop which he checked back. I led out on the turn (can I get away with just checking again?) which he called. should I b/f the river or give up here, or even call his river bet. it's the 4k BH by the way. my rationale for gining up was that he called a big 3bet pre, so he must have a…
Fold or call all in first level of a deepstack MTT with queens?
Hey! Had pocket queens early doors in an MTT i 3 bet, and then a reraise Jam, would you call or fold? I called, i'm quite happy with the call. Jack's i'm folding here. Just wondered what others thoughts were on this?DrFoster Small blind 15.00 15.00 5960.00 TheAxe Big blind 30.00 45.00 4900.00 Your hole cards * Q * Q hutchb…
if not OTB should i just toss hand such as this
i am not complaining about the caller at all it was ok what i am mainly wondering is with these KQo KJo A10s K10s it is very hard to really know what to do if i miss especially when i know their is a big chance of any A calling early in MTT.lufc333 Small blind 10.00 10.00 2000.00 thewing Big blind 20.00 30.00 1980.00 Your…
Is this a snap call in this spot?
IDONKCALLUSmall blind £0.05£0.05£16.42boothy94Big blind £0.10£0.15£8.48 Your hole cardsAQ Hoopey91Raise £0.20£0.35£10.23EvilFish1Fold Lawson1987Call £0.20£0.55£12.79teila1989Call £0.20£0.75£6.28IDONKCALLURaise £0.90£1.65£15.52boothy94Fold Hoopey91Call £0.75£2.40£9.48Lawson1987Fold teila1989Call £0.75£3.15£5.53Flop 62A…
KK with an A high flop - better lines?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGELDYSmall blind 75.0075.005583.000mcBig blind 150.00225.006726.00 Your hole cardsKK joe759017Fold yoyoFold docherty01Raise 350.00575.0011487.50richlint28Fold GELDYRaise 875.001450.004708.000mcFold docherty01Call 600.002050.0010887.50Flop A910…
£10.50 Reg Speed HUSNG river sizing
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceXSmall blind 15.0015.001245.00wason06Big blind 30.0045.001710.00 Your hole cards* Q * 5 XRaise 45.0090.001200.00wason06Call 30.00120.001680.00Flop * 9 * 3 * 6 wason06Check XCheck Turn * 7 wason06Bet 90.00210.001590.00XCall 90.00300.001110.00River * K wason06Bet 120.00420.001470.00…
NL10. TPTK vs passive vs reg. Line check.
I know this is a fairly standard hand but I just want a bit of reassurance on my mindset and wether my line is optimal. I think I could have maybe got more out of the hand. Grotbags is a player I haven't come across before and I have extremely limited reads. He basically plays a lot of pots but seems to bet small as a…
200NL - Funny Spot - Too thin?
Thoughts, fellas? (and fellettes?) Pretty sexy line if I do say so myself :P Although it might be a little on the thin side. Probably don't do it w/QJ, so.... what do we reckon? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceoffshootSmall blind £1.00£1.00£360.65stacker59Big blind £2.00£3.00£198.00 Your hole cardsKQ TommyDFold…
what is best against these villians
during my sessions in the last few days I have been getting a lot more aggression put to me from villians who are just total maniacs. the problem I have with them is hand such as AK which flop Q high or if I have a hand which flops a draw. here are two hands which will help explain wiith this one it would normally be easy…
Does he always have Ace here?!
mrdavies Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £93.41 sighcall Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £45.08 Your hole cards * K * A 60nine60 Fold mrdavies Raise £1.75 £2.50 £91.66 sighcall Call £1.50 £4.00 £43.58 Flop * 2 * 9 * 5 mrdavies Bet £3.00 £7.00 £88.66 sighcall Call £3.00 £10.00 £40.58 Turn * Q mrdavies Check sighcall Check River * 7 mrdavies…
were did i go wrong?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancePEACEPAW Small blind 150.00 150.00 4895.00 screwy27 Big blind 300.00 450.00 12120.00 Your hole cards * K * 9 general63 Call 300.00 750.00 2880.00 stevied79 Fold PEACEPAW Call 150.00 900.00 4745.00 screwy27 Check Flop * Q * 6 * K PEACEPAW Bet 300.00 1200.00 4445.00 screwy27 Call 300.00…
how do i request analyise my play
i finished 4th in tv mini b/h on saturday 3rd aug,my best finish so far as im new to poker. i had some cracking hands even put down kings as there was sombody at it, ie: raising with anything.i think i played some hands superb but also a few mistakes ,i would just like your thoughts on how i played ...many thanks
Is this a bad fold? DYM
Mid to late stages of a DYM, on the bubble. Not much info on villain up to this point. The call pre looks tight but I didn't wanna get involved in a large pot with the other big stack. Obviously once I flopped the set I was looking to get some money in, but his bet on the turn made me think he could've hit the straight…
Call? Shove? Fold?
Hand from tonights Orfordable. We are the top 2 stacks, so really don't want or need this clash. I had 3 bet their raises twice in the last few orbits, but I did have KK and AA. This could have affected the oppos play here, thinking that I was weak and had been caught out. Hate the river! But can I fold? What is the…
lost a race - that's all
Player Action Cards Amount Pot BalanceGELDY Small blind 50.00 50.00 1950.00 waller03 Big blind 100.00 150.00 2661.25 Your hole cards * Q * Q FONZAI Raise 200.00 350.00 6670.00 jakally Fold chicknMelt Fold GELDY All-in 1950.00 2300.00 0.00 waller03 Fold FONZAI Call 1800.00 4100.00 4870.00 GELDY Show * Q * Q FONZAI Show * K…
call or fold?
Hi guys, Basically love the flop as this pot should be easily built with it being so wet, turn comes and short stack goes in. Here is the question, in my mind I am folding here unless the other player flats then I call is this correct?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerancid Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £25.08 eportlad91 Big…
Was this correct
This was the final table of a £250 GTD bounty hunter. With the blinds and limpers there is almost a quarter of my stack worth of chips in the middle I am happy to take down. I had been a bit card dead for the last couple of orbits and 2 of the players were happy to get it all in. My thinking was I am happy to race against…
What do we do here?
MacMonsterSmall blind 50.0050.009792.00badbaz847Big blind 100.00150.002125.00 Your hole cards* 10 * 10 hhyftrftdrRaise 300.00450.003502.50XRaise 800.001250.008035.00lozaFold macca12345Fold MacMonsterFold badbaz847Fold hhyftrftdrCall 500.001750.003002.50Flop * 9 * 9 * 5 hhyftrftdrCheck XCheck Turn * 7 hhyftrftdrCheck…