Hi All, Please post your hands to be analysed on this thread if you would like us to view them on the Poker Clinic at 8pm on Thursday . All comments/feedback are welcome on all the hands that are posted. VERY IMPORTANT! We can only show hands from tables or tournaments with a TV icon next to them. We also need you to tell…
Live hand limp reraise
In Response to Live hand limp reraise:£85 tournament in local bar 8 tables of 9 players. Its a limp fest so i have to adapt the way i play and start limping in with any kind of decent connecters or anything from any position on table as they all limp pre and if i hit flops they will go broke. Tournament start stack 25000…
How did i play this is the right move here to isolate n shove on this flop or just flat
delboy231Small blind 150.00150.001595.00snorkyBig blind 300.00450.006420.00 Your hole cardsAK IDONKCALLURaise 675.001125.006060.00bracewell1Fold lfcdaleFold delboy231Call 525.001650.001070.00snorkyCall 375.002025.006045.00Flop 6K5 delboy231All-in 1070.003095.000.00snorkyCall 1070.004165.004975.00
general advice needed PLEASE HELP!!!
Hey sky poker community Not been with sky for long first postJ right ive been playing poker on and off for a couple of years now, last few months started to put a few more hours in than norm. I wouldn’t consider myself a bad player(then not many would admit or even realise maybe im one who knows) I play a few live tourneys…
over pairs OOP on dry boards with loose players
i have been on a cool down after what happen to me with this hand on a dry board but i wonder if it was actually my fault for no being agressive enough and maybe too worried about a set PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecraigcu12 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £4.28 Nuttah Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £3.88 Your hole cards * Q * Q…
newbie needing some real help please
hey all Guys i am struggling here and need some help. i have tried MTT, cash and DYM. I know card strenghs and a bit about position but for some reaason i can not cash out in any MTT or always see to be losing all my cash in the cash games. All i can think of it is the way i am playing them, But as an example i used sky…
Tough spot @ 200NL
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxxSmall blind £1.00£1.00£319.65style2737Big blind £2.00£3.00£541.51 Your hole cardsA6 smarrRaise £6.00£9.00£373.30launderFold BOMBDOGFold xxxCall £5.00£14.00£314.65style2737Call £4.00£18.00£537.51Flop 67A xxxCheck style2737Check…
Why did he call this..?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceKiwini4uSmall blind 150.00150.003738.75loolololloBig blind 300.00450.0026344.98 Your hole cards* 10 * 3 bonzai52Fold WAREZRaise 600.001050.004671.24dwferCall 600.001650.003936.25Kiwini4uFold loolololloCall 300.001950.0026044.98Flop * 8 * 5 * 10 loolololloBet 975.002925.0025069.98WAREZFold…
Simple decision?
Should i call or fold the turn? hovering over the fold button but thourght I had the odds to call as i felt hed be all in on a green river.Was the rest of the hand plaed ok? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceflatfeet3Small blind 50.0050.001425.00swiperBig blind 100.00150.003155.00 Your hole cardsKQ…
so awkward...
Such an awkward hand, tempted to make a small raise on the turn?! LOL PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceswiperSmall blind 100.00100.003377.50nin777Big blind 200.00300.004530.25 Your hole cards10K sighcallRaise 400.00700.0012210.25teff6790Raise 600.001300.002815.00flatfeet3Fold swiperFold nin777Fold…
Cash for points
Despite winning this i think it was a bad call, am i right?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegeorge1954Small blind 10.0010.001900.00loolololloBig blind 20.0030.001950.00 Your hole cards* Q * Q alexnufc19Raise 100.00130.001215.00rustyy123Fold docden22Fold george1954Fold loolololloCall 80.00210.001870.00Flop * 8 * J * 6 loolololloCheck…
Should I of shoved?
It was very close to the money bubble literally 3 more people, i didn't have to shove i would of scraped past the bubble, so should i of risked this..? PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerobAA3004Small blind 500.00500.0052909.38ROBBIEROTTBig blind 1000.001500.0013282.50 Your hole cards* A * K cheesyFold…
Dangerous board
Would you of played this differently, if so why? Im curious PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehollyjoshSmall blind 10.0010.004930.00myheadBig blind 20.0030.005280.00 Your hole cards* A * A Tom281189Fold ronnie2313Raise 80.00110.004820.00loolololloRaise 140.00250.004820.00pin77729Call 140.00390.004760.00hollyjoshFold…
i'm an idiot..
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceloolololloSmall blind 10.0010.004745.00pin77729Big blind 20.0030.004490.00 Your hole cards* 6 * J hollyjoshCall 20.0050.004882.50myheadCall 20.0070.005422.50Tom281189Fold ronnie2313Fold loolololloCall 10.0080.004735.00pin77729Check Flop * K * 6 * J…
1 more from earlier, Can i get away from this 1 tho??? answers please
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceElmo69Small blind 30.0030.006867.50WyneeBig blind 60.0090.006127.50 Your hole cardsQQ POWERFULLRaise 120.00210.002315.00dappadonRaise 360.00570.002910.00hypnoticAFold evolfc78Fold Elmo69Fold WyneeCall 300.00870.005827.50POWERFULLCall 240.001110.002075.00Flop 326 WyneeCheck POWERFULLCheck…
10NL - 240xBB deep TPTK
I think my line is pretty straight forward (although feel free to tell me otherwise) but I'm posting more about my bet sizing. Not used to playing 240xBB deep so just. Villian is loose and ridic passive. Limp/calls with any junk over and over, happy to call down at least a street or two with 2nd/3rd pr. Should I make my…
I know I probably of played this more aggressively, but when and by how much?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceloolololloSmall blind 20.0020.0010890.00HAIRYPIEBig blind 40.0060.0010715.00 Your hole cards* Q * Q stevemug2Fold pomfrittesFold MCHUGH2012Fold steven1972Call 40.00100.005015.00loolololloRaise 120.00220.0010770.00HAIRYPIECall 100.00320.0010615.00steven1972Call 100.00420.004915.00Flop * J *…
a bit of advice please
Just starting to play a few more Tourneys - i am managing by playing tight to get into the cash quite frequently, but then i have trouble setting up the gears - is it just the case you start to play more marginal hands i managed to finish 2nd in this weeks 15k bounty hunter, but when i got into the cash , i played super…
should i be shoving this river for value
hoyle12Small blind 100.00100.004780.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 200.00300.003510.00 Your hole cardsJK row10Fold The_hedgeCall 200.00500.002765.00stenngunCall 200.00700.003825.00hoyle12Call 100.00800.004680.00IDONKCALLUCheck Flop JQJ hoyle12Check IDONKCALLUCheck The_hedgeBet 200.001000.002565.00stenngunFold hoyle12Fold…
10NL - Hand ranges when he shoves turn?
No brainer against an unknown IMO. You didn't do anything wrong.
what do i do in this spot?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejasonm8Small blind £0.02£0.02£3.63loolololloBig blind £0.04£0.06£4.63 Your hole cards* J * A malkybhoyCall £0.04£0.10£5.24jay2dap26Call £0.04£0.14£2.90DeimaFold jasonm8Call £0.02£0.16£3.61loolololloRaise £0.08£0.24£4.55malkybhoyCall £0.08£0.32£5.16jay2dap26Call £0.08£0.40£2.82jasonm8Fold…
Another Leg of same event...forum special QQ V AJo V AKo
Here we go..... Blinds 20/40. tables in both had been very aggro and tended to be a few looking to take chance with early double up. All players here had 30BB+ stacks. HAND UTG 3xbb raise, call from Hj w/ QQ. I see a very good player who'd doubled up first hand with AA in bb. He is aggro especially with this ss and callers…
AS SOON as flop came down is was obbvz happy but then the guy bets pot . has he priced me out to draw to hit my hand? the more i think about it the more i hate the fold cz i suppose to win mtts u have to tke these gmbles Hand History #598285806 (23:11 15/12/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceequaliserSmall…
Once again What would you guys have done
I know that i was bluffing and i didn't raise preflop where maybe i should have but he didn't raise preflop either so i put him on a reasonably poor starting hand maybe low connectors offsuit but then he was calling me all the way and when i saw his hand i was gobsmacked that he had gone all the way with his hand so i…
what a call
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejasonm8Small blind £0.02£0.02£5.17loolololloBig blind £0.04£0.06£5.14LoveChopsBig blind £0.04£0.10£3.96 Your hole cards* 8 * 4 malkybhoyRaise £0.08£0.18£3.04LoveChopsFold jay2dap26Call £0.08£0.26£2.12jasonm8Call £0.06£0.32£5.11loolololloCall £0.04£0.36£5.10Flop * 2 * 4 * 9 jasonm8Check…
10NL - Turned a set, lost the lot... thoughts?
Any thoughts on my line here? I was tempted to iso from the button, but took the route of trying to go multi-way for my set. No notes, aint seen villian before, had not long sat down and hadn't seen anything funky yet.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance poshjule29 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £1.63 XXX Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £6.64…
Am i just finding all the crazy people to play against????
please check this hand and analyzePlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemarraboy1 Small blind 30.00 30.00 4910.00 darkamster Big blind 60.00 90.00 6470.00 Your hole cards * K * 10 aub Fold labrat64 Fold steelrod Fold VINCE1957 Fold blobby1 Raise 480.00 570.00 4340.00 Joedo Fold HoldemHoty Fold Haemophile Call 480.00 1050.00…
what u all doing in this spot???
Hand History #597117024 (21:35 12/12/2012) the oppo has wierdly been opening for a 5x raise then in this hand he decides to open for a 3x raise which swayed me towards a fold. dont think im ever better than racing here but its a kick in the nutz to fold ak at times. my stack is 14k cos u cant see on…
Jacks OOP facing raise v good reg - NL4
Hand ID for my self to post later action - 597650557 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceannhellSmall blind£0.02£0.02£3.57The_Don90Big blind £0.04£0.06£3.96 Your hole cardsJJ blaggaaFold Alarthur50Fold MR REGRaise £0.20£0.26£5.94annhellFold The_Don90???? Ok this is v a well respected reg of this level. One I've played very…