What is the outcome?
This is a hand I played earlier today in a bounty hunter... I raised UTG a min raise with KQ... my questions are.. a) was it a bad move or should the raise have been bigger and b) what was the outcome of the hand.. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceASmall blind 40.0040.004591.25""Big blind 80.00120.002545.00 Your hole…
Is this the right play?
I figure I'm ahead of most of their ranges, except better flush draws, and maybe take it down as it is. Is this better than possibly calling to see if I hit? Also how does rake figure in decision making as that accounts for 7.5% of the pot what equity should I be looking for in this (any…
how should this hand be played?
hey guys a hand from earlier today don`t know if I played it correct. reads on this player i`ve only been at table 20mins or so he`s been very loosey goosey in a lot of pots showing some junk hands but hitting like the nut hands/hes only on the 1 table also. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelooseygooseySmall…
should i have did a continue bet fold on the turn
knowing how much these guys value any A or duo of picture cards was i best to have did con/FySmall blind £0.02 £0.02 £8.77 colzyBJJ Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.91 Your hole cards * K * K BIGMICK1 Fold craigcu12 Raise £0.20 £0.26 £8.09 xCall £0.20 £0.46 £2.80 yCall £0.18 £0.64 £8.59 colzyBJJ Fold Flop * 4 * 10 * J yCheck…
was it ok calling this
the guy who went all in was doing it with most hands. In the hand prior to this he did it with j5o. so i just didn't have a clue what his hand could be craigcu12 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £6.46 xBig blind £0.04 £0.06 £3.95 Your hole cards * K * A xFold xFold vAll-in £3.37 £3.43 £0.00 would most people have went with the…
what now?
obviously this is a raise pre, but what do people like post flop? put him in, check fold. check call his shove? Got into this spot a few times n consider it a pretty big leak. Villan pretty fishy limps majorirty of range PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedavplaySmall blind £0.25£0.25£34.01bolly580Big…
50 nl is my bet sizing ok here suprised to see what opponents had :/
sighhhhhhh river :( did i bet enuff i didnt want to bet to much as i no the danger cards on the river and wanted to extract max value player 1 Small blind £0.25£0.25£95.00player 2 Big blind £0.50£0.75£47.61 Your hole cardsA8 fubar26Fold IDONKCALLURaise £1.50£2.25£60.71player 1 Call £1.25£3.50£93.75player 2…
Sky dishing the coolers out to me as normal..
So tired of this , been going on for months now... Should be losing stack here, but becoming accustomed to it day after day PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceigor1966Small blind £0.10£0.10£39.23simonnaturBig blind £0.20£0.30£38.32 Your hole cardsKK j0hns0nsFold KKripplerFold KevwinsomeRaise £0.60£0.90£46.09igor1966Fold…
never recieving calls
when ever i am raising i get lots folding as if they getting scared of me even when i do 2x min raise is this a time slow play is best
Is the play correct
5 handed final table - I am on the button with AQ on about 20BB . . .the cut off (on 40BB) min raises . . . .I put in a 3 bet ( putting in approx 5BB) He shoves . . .and I call off the rest of my stack . . . Am I playing this correctly? Thanks in advance Jules (Seadragon)
should i have folded this
i am starting to understand how to play on these tables but wonder if i may be still over aggressive at timesHand History #600613565 (14:38 22/12/2012) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceaSmall blind £0.02 £0.02 £3.88 aBig blind £0.04 £0.06 £1.67 Your hole cards * Q * K bCall £0.04 £0.10 £6.57 craigcu12 Raise £0.20 £0.30…
Deep in MTT
7 players left in this one around 1/2 way into the money but obviously we are looking for a top finnish sitting around 4th atm. Limper is pretty transparent amazed has got this far never raises but will limp any ace and any pair and then call behind all streets. Can't help but feel i ballsed this up what do we think. Im…
Where did I go wrong?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLezlieSmall blind £0.10£0.10£6.22quincy0009Big blind £0.20£0.30£9.27 Your hole cardshttps://www.skypoker.com/img/site/spade.gif'); background-color: #ffffff; display: block; border: 1px solid #9bc3e5; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; background-position: 1px 100%;…
Quick Question!
Hello everyone, I'm new to the site and was just wondering, how do you paste your hand into a new discussion as I often see people providing them as example. Thanks everyone.
was their any mistakes in this
1. I 1ike the raise pre.2. I probab1y just ca11 the f1op bet. Your raise wont get anyone to fo1d and I dont want to inf1ate the pot with a semi decent hand. 3. Fine to bet when checke to, a1though your sizing needs some work. I dont rea11y 1ike sticking to ru1es when we p1ay poker, but try to keep your bets above 1/2…
Turn decision? Oppo unknown
ohnnyhSmall blind £0.15£0.15£25.50cliftonateBig blind £0.30£0.45£13.06 Your hole cardsQQ KKripplerRaise £0.90£1.35£33.78XCall £0.90£2.25£32.47cannon1223Call £0.90£3.15£15.97JohnnyhFold cliftonateCall £0.60£3.75£12.46Flop 423 cliftonateCheck KKripplerBet £2.10£5.85£31.68XCall £2.10£7.95£30.37cannon1223Fold cliftonateFold…
Is this an easy call?
No notes on oppo but see him from time to time at this level flitting across tables. Remember him firing big all 3 streets occassionally when he has it so don't think he slow plays monsters. Anyways, should I be calling here almost every time?villain Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £49.25 davplay Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £28.65 Your…
wrong move
was this the best thing to do, i put him on a low pocket pair that missed... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceemerson01Small blind 15.0015.004050.0059Big blind 30.0045.002080.00 Your hole cards* 10 * A diamondleeFold IainrangerFold kgeeFold loolololloCall 30.0075.008245.00emerson01Fold…
I have nothing to say..
i think i'm done .... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceloolololloSmall blind 20.0020.00845.00cheesyBig blind 40.0060.004450.00 Your hole cards* 2 * A MatelFold DDTKOdRaise 80.00140.002250.00donnabeluckyFold loolololloCall 60.00200.00785.00cheesyCall 40.00240.004410.00Flop * Q * 10 * 5 loolololloCheck cheesyCheck…
50 nl feel i played this hand badly was out of position so reason i didnt 3 bet preflop thoughts ple
any advice would be good please i would of 3 bet pre normally but as i was out of position thought i play small ball FORDYCESmall blind £0.25£0.25£112.55IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.50£0.75£75.55 Your hole cardsJJ mickjenn1Raise £1.50£2.25£58.21gerrard9Fold shark76Call £1.50£3.75£35.08FORDYCEFold…
5-Way Final Table All In!
In Response to Re: 5-Way Final Table All In!:So what advice would you like? This looks like a hand for BBV. Don't post things like this in the clinic. Take out the players' names, too. Posted by BorinLoner My bad, I havent said anything bad about any of the above players so why do i need to remove names? My apologies for…
50 nl is this a call when i get jammed on?
J5Small blind £0.25£0.25£66.56FORDYCEBig blind £0.50£0.75£88.87 Your hole cardsKJ IDONKCALLURaise £1.50£2.25£48.25mickjenn1Call £1.50£3.75£47.15shark76Call £1.50£5.25£18.52J5Fold FORDYCEFold Flop 96K IDONKCALLUBet £3.00£8.25£45.25mickjenn1Fold shark76All-in £18.52£26.77£0.00
NL10: Facing A Flop Overshove / Nut Flush Draw + 2 Overs
Relatively readless on both opponents in these hands. Both are pretty new to the tables and I'm new at the level. Hand 1: A massive overshove and I've flopped top pair, decent kicker. Two hands make sense to beat me (KQ and 44) so do we call? When I say they make sense, I'm not sure what does make sense here.…
NL10: QQ For 180BB
My first cash session in months and I'm break-even across three tables prior to this hand. My discipline has been lacking a bit and I've bet/folded a couple of rivers only to find my mouse pointer inexplicably finding the call button. *sigh* I haven't played a huge number of hands with any of these opponents. However based…
Flop 3 of a kind
Just had a bit of an interesting low stakes cash hand. All at least 100BB+ deep. Early 3BB raise and then call, I have 89s in cutoff and call, also called by button, blinds fold so 4 to the flop. Flop 884. Initial raiser bets about 2/3rds (which I think must be about 10BB), next player folds, I raise twice the bet (so put…
chip 'n' chair..and a splash of luck
I was playing a £400 (£5.75 buy-in) tournie today, and lying in last place with 64 runners ahead of me needed nothing short of a small miracle. Blinds were rising and was almost at the point of being blinded out,, a couple of bad beats, or being raised all in on my raises by bigger stacks left me in a dire…
Right to shove?
Is this an easy shove all in? Or should I be folding to the strong turn bet? Opponent is unknown to me but I have notes on him now. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance mikeb330 Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £20.88 bartoniron Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £2.99 Your hole cards * A * Q xx Raise £0.60 £0.90 £31.07 punxxs_13 Raise £2.20 £3.10…
NL4 AJ flop TPTK + NFD. Is this standard?
No reads on players. Pre is a little wierd because I would normally raise bigger from UTG but I almost timed out so just clicked buttons. Calling the 3-bet is just "lol pot odds" but what about on the flop? It's NL4 so I assume I have almost no fold equity vs two opponents. Is it still a…
50 nl should i barrel the turn here and what should my raise size on the river be or should i just j
I bet over a pot bet on the river hoping the guy has a random 7 when he reraises me im thinking he might have exactly what he had so knowing this should i be jamming all in or raise a size where i should get a call thoughts please ? villain Small blind £0.25£0.25£236.98hhamza162Big blind £0.50£0.75£42.92 Your hole cardsJA…
50 nl should i be calling the raise on the turn here am i getting the right odds?
hhamza162Small blind £0.25£0.25£67.25Jonno02Big blind £0.50£0.75£79.23 Your hole cardsKA NODEALCall £0.50£1.25£82.04thebil123Fold IDONKCALLURaise £2.00£3.25£56.45Mr_RageCall £2.00£5.25£86.91hhamza162Call £1.75£7.00£65.50Jonno02Call £1.50£8.50£77.73NODEALCall £1.50£10.00£80.54Flop 636 hhamza162Check Jonno02Check NODEALCheck…